40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3076: Turned out

"Well, it sounds pretty smooth, but don't you think it's too ordinary, don't you have the kind of domineering power to step on the stars and dominate the universe?"

Li Yao mused, "Okay, even if the giant soldier is called'Solar Catastrophe', how should these two long-range and melee weapon systems be called?"

"Why does the weapon system even have to have a name?"

Lu Qingchen and Scarlet Heart Demon unanimously said, "There is no need for this at all!"

"Because what we are facing is very likely to be a battle related to the survival of human civilization. If we can successfully pass the'ultimate test' and preserve human civilization, every detail of this battle is destined to be recorded in the annals of history and textbooks. of."

Li Yao explained, “Don’t you think that only by naming each system separately will it be easier to impress people and make your contributions be deeply remembered by hundreds of millions of people? For example, I’m here Facing the unfathomable existence, he shouted, "Boom the sky cannon, break it for me", and then, Lu Qingchen, your name will follow the words "Boom the sky cannon" and it will spread to you. After a long, long time, even your sins can be slightly alleviated!"

"……I reject."

Lu Qingchen made a firm conclusion, "I would rather go back to the Federation to receive the most severe trial, and be stinking for thousands of years, than to carry the three words'Booming Cannon' on my back, so that I will live forever!"

"Uh, can we hurry up and stop worrying about these details?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon reminded, "The black spots are about to erode to half of the'Tongtian Pagoda', and then whether it is the'Tongtian Pagoda' being completely eroded by the black spots, cut off by the waist, or the powerful force in the depths of the'Tongtian Pagoda' It’s not something we can recover from being triggered. Before that, we must race against time to enter the'Tongtian Pagoda'. It is best to find a sane and communicative researcher from the Pangu tribe or Nuwa tribe, and figure out about the'ultimate test'. all!"

"That said, let's discuss it again!"

Li Yao muttered to himself, "First of all, let these **** beasts see the catastrophe like an explosion of the sun!"

The dark golden giant soldier took a big step and walked around the rear of the repair shop.

Perceiving the dim light from the giant soldiers, the originally seamless wall slid open to both sides, revealing a crystal clear lotus platform.

It was a large teleportation formation. Although it couldn't reach the inside of the "Tongtian Tower", it was connected to one of the several floating war castles floating around the "Tongtian Tower".

"Li Yao——"

When "The Catastrophe of the Sun" stood on the lotus platform, with colorful mysterious lights shining all around, Lu Qingchen suddenly said, "You don't worry about me so much, aren't you afraid of me being a ghost?"

"...Try it."

Li Yao smiled slightly, his eyes filled with golden glow, "Whether the unpredictable guy among the humans, the non-human monsters, or the black wall maker who seals us, threatens the entire multiverse flood tide, also Including you, if you have any means, please use it. I, Vulture Li Yao, accept the challenge!"


"The catastrophe of the sun" seemed to be wrapped in a huge rainbow bubble. The surrounding scenery suddenly became blurred and twisted into a winding rainbow light band. Then, the light band quickly rotated like a The colorful tunnel rising into the sky, a huge suction came from the end of the tunnel, and the "sun catastrophe" was sucked in at once.

When the surrounding rainbow light gradually dissipated, the "Sun Catastrophe" had already reached the midair surrounding the "Tongtian Tower" directly from the ground of the Silver City.

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

The ground was tilted, the surrounding explosions continued, and the flames licked every cabin in the floating battlefield with their teeth and claws, and even triggered a series of bombings of ammunition and spar warehouses. The anti-gravity unit was completely scrapped. This hundreds of thousands of tons. The heavy super fortress emitted strong black smoke, slowly falling towards the ground.

hiss! Hiss hiss!

The culprit responsible for all this was the wave of fierce beasts that invaded the floating castle.

Most of the beasts have ribs with double wings and hideous faces, like pterodactyls magnified several times, but with circles of translucent tumors growing around the slender neck, which can eject high-voltage arcs from deep in the throat. And super flame.

As soon as "Sun Catastrophe" emerged from the teleportation array, it was discovered by several "pterodactyls", and these beasts screamed and rushed towards it.

Li Yao grinned, his smile indescribably refreshing.

When a brand new super giant soldier is released, what better way to baptize it than blood?

"The Catastrophe of the Sun" withdrew half a step later, getting rid of the slight interference of spatial ripples, and leaving room for force, and then dazzling golden flames gushing from the arc-shaped gaps from the shoulder armor to the skirt armor, in 0.5 seconds Within a distance of less than ten meters, it accelerated to more than five times the speed of sound, and the huge shield with sharp edges and corners was like a crazy-rotating shield machine, slamming into the front "pterodactyl", just listening to "Kacha Kacha" "Kakchakacha", there was a toothache and sour sound. This "pterodactyl" was directly crushed into a mass of rotten meat, and the rotten meat was reduced to the most basic cells, and the cells turned into a burst. The scarlet mist hovered around the "Sun Catastrophe", adding a bit of unstoppable domineering and fierceness!

The few remaining "pterodactyls" have not reacted yet, "Sun Catastrophe" has raised his left arm high, and the golden torrent surging from fingertips seems to have life, turning into hundreds of tentacles, directly entangled and wrapped He swallowed their heads, and then blasted the bulkheads and armor of the floating war castle, opening a path from the teleportation formation to the outside world.

Before the floating battle castle landed, Li Yao drove the "sun catastrophe" into a golden streamer, rushed out of the battle castle, soared into the sky, standing in mid-air.

At this moment, the battlefield is more chaotic and fierce. Among the beast tides belonging to the Pangu and Nuwa camps, many top fierce beasts have entered the "Tongtian Pagoda" through various channels.

Even the two leaders who initially gave Li Yao's heart palpitations disappeared. I think Li Yao was a step faster and entered the "Tongtian Pagoda" first.

The remaining fierce beasts, in order to fight for the narrow passage into the "Tongtian Tower", pushed and shoved, you vie for me, launched a chaotic fire, deformed limbs and broken arms flying around the sky, smelly internal organs The six fu-organs flowed all over the ground, turning a silver city into a **** and rotten Asura hell.

Li Yao turned out to be born, but became a target of public criticism.

Many fierce beasts noticed him, "Swishishishishishi", spreading wings of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters, turning into unpredictable streamers, flying towards him.

Li Yao grinned, showing sharp canine teeth and bloodthirsty war lights under his eyes. Even the bright golden flames could not be blocked. The "Sun Catastrophe" also released the destructive flames. The four stabilizer wings were stretched to their limits, like four Take out the sword as thin as a cicada's wings, and then—

The "Solar Catastrophe" disappeared from the void, but thousands of criss-crossing golden tracks appeared in the sky within a few miles. Each golden track happened to pass through the deadly vitality of a fierce beast. Scattered.

At this moment, the battlefield that had just been "thawed" not long ago seemed to freeze again.

It wasn't until thousands of golden trajectories were recondensed into the entity of the "sun catastrophe" that the fierce beast still in the air suddenly split into countless horrible corpses, and a **** storm began.

Suddenly, within a few miles of "Sun Catastrophe", there was no more fierce beast alive. This was the "no-fly zone" exclusively reserved for Li Yao!

Li Yaoman scanned the battlefield carelessly.

He did not pay attention to these shrimp soldiers and crabs at all.

But his gaze stretched all the way to the southwest of the battlefield, almost reaching the horizon.

Sure enough, when he swung his eyesight to the limit, he scanned a very familiar bright red, which was Ding Lingdang's giant soldier "Great Flame Dragonfinch"!


"what is that?"

Just as Li Yao was driving the "Sun Catastrophe" around the "Tongtian Tower" to kill all quarters, Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Li Linghai, Boss Bai, Boxing King... and other powerful assault teams composed of giant soldiers also stumbled. Arrived not far from the "Tongtian Tower".

The life of the fierce beasts is very short. After days and nights of fierce fighting, many fierce beasts have reached the edge of the oil well lamp. They often burn and annihilate themselves. There are also a large number of fierce beasts gathered in the "Tongtian". Fighting each other around the tower has greatly reduced the pressure on them, allowing these powerful human civilizations to sit down and take a breath, study the mysteries of the ancient ruins, and discuss the next battle strategy.

At this moment, they also discovered the golden light of "Sun Catastrophe" rising into the sky, and they were deeply shocked by the destructive aura presented by this super giant soldier.

"Here, what kind of giant soldier is this? The performance is stronger than all of our giant soldiers. In just half a second, it can continuously make so many irregular maneuvers!"

Boss Bai was shocked, "It is obviously a super heavy giant soldier with solid armor, but it is more agile than my super high mobility giant soldier, the thief, how can it be?"

"Yeah, how is it possible?"

Ding Lingdang also murmured, "Kill dozens of fierce beasts mutated from prehistoric races in one go, and walk in a leisurely court, with ease. How can its attack power be so powerful?"

"No matter who is driving this giant soldier, his computing power is so powerful that it can't be added, even...above me."

The boxing king stared at the golden sky in the distance, buzzing his airway, "A whole minute of attack, his attack trajectory and ballistic distribution are flawless, and he has achieved a perfect balance between attack power and energy consumption, just like a textbook. classic."

"This, this is, this, this, is this—"

Li Linghai was even more shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, he stammered, "Could it be that the emperor's imperial giant soldier, the'Golden Sun' in the legend?"

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