40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3078: Thunder Valley!

"Tongtian Tower? Primordial Relics? The ultimate test? To obliterate... the carbon-based intelligent life of the entire Pangu universe?"

Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Bai Boss, Li Jialing... the expressions of many powerful men changed drastically.

"There is no time to explain. In short, I need your help. I alone may not be able to figure out all the directions for passing the test."

Li Yao continued to write, "Next, I will enter the'Tongtian Pagoda', but before that, I will remove obstacles and guide the direction for you. You must catch up in time!

"Remember, don't belittle yourself, don't consider yourself humble and insignificant. Although Pangu civilization is much stronger than us, in this'ultimate test', everyone is equal.

"There used to be dozens of ancient civilizations that were stronger than the Pangu civilization. They have also conducted the same test, but they all failed and the civilization has fallen. It can be seen that the strength of combat power and the depth of wisdom are not a necessary condition for passing the test.

"Perhaps, what the ultimate test will test is not the level of civilization and absolute combat effectiveness, but our trust in each other, our peace and contempt for death, our hope for the future, and our will to never change under any circumstances. ……Things like this, these are used to define a civilization and contain the infinite potential of civilization.

"Or maybe, a whole hundred ancient civilizations have completed all the logical paths under normal circumstances, so we must pass the test in a weird, crazy, and extremely wretched way.

"In short, we cannot predict what challenges we will face in the unknown darkness, but we can clearly know and firmly insist on what kind of person we are. We can cultivate our own truth and use the best The true self, to face all the unknown, even if we are also destroyed and completely obliterated, we can still leave our most distinctive mark in this vast sea of ​​stars.

"This may be the answer.

"Now, keep your eyes open and look carefully at every ripple in front of you!"

Li Yao finished the last sentence.

Everyone's eyes widened to the limit.

The golden flames flying all over the sky suddenly shrank, and whirled back the left arm of the "Sun Catastrophe", and then, like a torrent of power ready to go, blasted out fiercely, sweeping the entire world.

The vision of everyone was instantly submerged by the golden sea.

A barrage that was more ferocious than the stormy sea, swept over the heads of countless fierce beasts in a posture of devastating and swept across thousands of troops, causing the heads of these fierce beasts to burn, and it cleared between Li Yao and Ding Lingdang and others A blood-stained passage.

And after the golden flames that cover every inch of space passed by, the originally invisible and invisible "spatial discontinuous zone" was also clearly exposed, like huge vortices of substance, distributed around the "Tongtian Pagoda". Form an intricate three-dimensional maze.

With the superb computing power of Ding Lingdang, Long Yangjun, Bai Boss and Boxing King, as long as this spatial maze is completely revealed, no matter how complicated the route is, no matter how twisted it is, one can always find a winding exit.

"Li Yao..."

Bathed in the golden flames of war, Ding Lingdang could hardly open his eyes. His eyes were filled with hot torrents. He clenched his fists and murmured, "Don't worry, we will definitely catch up with you!"


Next to "Tongtian Tower".

After releasing the endless golden flames of war, the entire left arm of "Solar Catastrophe" almost melted and turned into a dazzling orange red.

"Huh, huh, huh!"

Li Yao gasped, staring at the golden ocean he created, and countless fierce beasts who were scared to death by him and exposed their fear instincts, lying on the ground not daring to move, "That's it, Ding Lingdang. They should be able to figure it out slowly, I...trust her.

"Now, let us take the lead and open up new directions for Ding Ling and the others, for human civilization!"


Although most of the fierce beasts were stunned by Li Yao’s battle flames, this way of exposing the target with fanfare attracted several high-level fierce beasts of the same level as the "Tyrannosaurus", roaring violently and flapping huge wings. , Bumped towards Li Yao.

"Good job!"

Li Yao smiled faintly, and once again clasped the ship-cutting knife hidden behind the shield.

He has tested it just now.

The ugly black spots on the lower part of the "Tongtian Tower" look like a special one-way channel. It also has its own genetic testing function. Only creatures carrying the beast genes can get in smoothly, and Li Yao shoots at the black spots. The bullets and flying swords were all blocked.

Therefore, he still needs a layer of "body" to conceal the all-metal structure of "sun catastrophe", smoothly pass through the black spots and enter the "Tongtian Pagoda".

The first fierce beast rushed up.

It is like a malformed mixture of a lion, a vulture, and a scorpion randomly blending together, with an unfathomable mouth and three scythe-like tails. Its size is not inferior to the "tyrannosaurus". When the basin is opened to its limit, even the "sun catastrophe" can be swallowed in one bite.

This is exactly the "skin" Li Yao needs.

"Solar Catastrophe" once again displayed the speed of lightning and the agility of meteorite fragments, turning into a fuzzy ball of light, flashing past the three tails of the gryphon beast. The fatal entanglement, and then contracted into a ball, and actively slammed into the opponent's blood basin mouth. When the upper body was completely submerged in the blood basin mouth, the high-frequency oscillating shattered shield was activated, turning the fangs and throat of the beast into a circle. The grinding teeth were all ground into powder. Just when the beast roared in agony, he did not hurriedly drew out the ship-cutting knife, and followed his throat directly to the beast’s internal organs. The golden flames of war surged out, and the beast’s The internal organs were completely burnt.

Before this griffin beast had time to struggle, his soul flew away and died.

"The Catastrophe of the Sun" took the opportunity to get into the chest and abdomen of the beast, against the corpse of the beast, and slammed into the nearest black spot.

The feeling of crossing a black spot is completely different from using a normal teleportation array or even Xinghai jump.

It is as if the "Sun Catastrophe" is sealed in a piece of brown sugar that is about to solidify, and it takes a lot of effort to move forward slowly.

Fortunately, this piece of "kraft candy" was not too thick, and the suffocating feeling lasted only three seconds. Li Yao felt that his body was relaxed, the resistance disappeared, and the world around him was magnified ten thousand times in an instant.

The corpse of the griffon beast was torn apart and burned by the golden flames of the "sun catastrophe", turning into wisps of blood and floating away.

Li Yao managed the "Sun Catastrophe" and successfully penetrated into the "Tongtian Tower".

However, the scene inside the "Tongtian Tower" presented to him was shocking and could not believe it.

Li Yao originally thought that since it is called a "tower", the internal space must be extremely limited, at most like an intricate three-dimensional maze, artificially creating visual obstacles.

Viewed from the outside of the "Tongtian Pagoda", no matter how large it is, its diameter cannot exceed ten or twenty kilometers, and the more it shrinks upwards, the smaller its diameter should be.

However, what appeared before Li Yao's eyes at this moment was an incomparably vast world. Looking around, there were towering, mirror-like rock walls everywhere, like folds chopped out by ancient gods and demons. The criss-crossing rift valleys, from the purple-red sky, also dropped hundreds of millions of dazzling thunders, making loud noises of "bang, boom", which made people panic.

That's right, the sky, Li Yao actually saw a whole new sky inside the "Tongtian Tower".

It was as if he didn't break into the "Sky Tower", but was teleported to another chaotic and extremely dangerous fragmented world, a brand new planet named "Thunder Valley".

However, the fierce beasts and guards scattered in the depths of the huge folds, fighting among the lightning and thunder, clearly told Li Yao that this was the inside of the "Tongtian Pagoda".

"I understand, the'Tongtian Pagoda' is not a real high tower, but just like the periphery of the Primordial Relics, condensing a corner of countless great worlds!"

Li Yao's thoughts turned, his mind was bright, "Yes, if it is an ordinary high tower, no matter how high the tower is, what materials it is made of, and what institutions and traps are set up, the ancient civilization and The Pangu civilization, and even the technological power of human civilization, can break it down into the most basic bricks, cement, steel bars, and screws. What kind of'test' is there to talk about?

"It is not a'tower' in the conventional sense at all, but a condensate of countless fragmented worlds, and, judging from the extremely violent high-energy response here, it is stable and peaceful with those around the archaeological site that are very suitable for human survival.' The'habitable planet' is different, and the fragmented worlds that make up the'Tongtian Tower' all come from extremely violent and dangerous planets.

"Following the'Tongtian Tower', each fragmented world will only become more and more violent, more and more unstable, and more and more dangerous. This is probably the first test left by the'Black Wall Maker'. ?

"Soon, I can't wait any longer, then-let's start!"

Li Yao released his spiritual thoughts to the limit, carefully scanning the "Thunder Valley" in front of him, trying to find the exit, or the "stairway" to "get up to the next level".

He first cast his eyes to the sky.

It was a mystery surrounded by purple clouds, ever-changing, and unfathomable. In the collision and surging of purple clouds, the thunder became denser and denser, it was like a downpour.

It seems that if you break through the thunderous sky, you can reach the upper level-this is a natural idea.

There are also many fierce beasts, stirring their huge wings, flying towards the place where the thunder and lightning is the most dense, and then they are pierced by the sharp blade formed by the thunder, riddled with holes, torn apart, and fell down and fell into the valley. In the endless darkness in the depths.

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