40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3080: Extremely cold hell!

This seems to be the only exit.

But it is also a deadly trap with infinite murder.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, but he had no choice but to walk towards the mountain, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains.

The golden flames exploded on the dark and endless seabed, and the "sun catastrophe" turned into a fierce streamer and plunged into the vortex, while dexterously swinging four stable wings to figure out the direction and direction of each turbulence in the vortex. Strength, while sprinting upwards with the help of the power of the vortex, heading towards the brighter and brighter sea.

In the whirlpool, like the Thunder Valley just now, there are many fierce beasts and war machines scattered, but the surging fierce flames and the fighting power that burst out are a bit tougher.

It can be seen that those who are qualified to come here after being screened by Thunder Valley are the elites of both offense and defense.

Rao is the elite of these prehistoric times, and he can't stop Li Yao, who has the inheritance of the emperor and is also driving the "sun catastrophe." After moving upstream for at least 10,000 meters, it was the celestial calamity battle body that was made into steel, and he couldn't help feeling a dull pain in his lungs, as if his entire chest was about to explode.

But the pressure on the whole body has been reduced a lot, the sea water above his head has gradually changed from dark blue to light blue, and the whirlpool is spinning faster and faster, and he is almost thrown out by the whirlpool.


With a long roar, Li Yao jumped out of the sea.

But everything in front of him stunned him more and more.

He originally thought that after jumping out of the sea, he would be able to find an exit, at least a clue to the exit.

At the end of the day, seeing a vast, infinite ocean, I would never feel as stumbling as I was in the deep ocean just now.

But what appeared before his eyes was the sea, except for the sea. There was no concept of "horizon" and "sky" at all.

In his field of vision, the sea stretched all the way to the distance, and then slightly curved upwards, like a huge arc-shaped wave spreading across the entire ocean, all the way to the place where the sky should be, and then rolled back from the other direction, turning it in all directions. All blocked.

To put it more bluntly, it is like a huge water ball, the size of a whole planet, with a huge bubble floating in the center of the water ball.

Li Yao just drilled from the inside of the water ball all the way to the bubbles at the core. If he continues to fly straight up, he will only fall into the sea on the other side after passing through the center, which is meaningless.

"Have you made a mistake?"

Li Yao is completely dizzy, is there no exit at all here?

Impossible, the exit must be hidden somewhere, somewhere contrary to common sense and intuition...

Li Yao held his breath and watched the spherical sea rolling inward.

He found that in addition to the huge vortex under his feet, there were more than a dozen vortexes of the same size on the top of his head and on the left and right sides of the sea, and there were countless beasts swept by the vortex and flew to the surface dazedly. The upper part is the center of the "big water polo".

On the contrary, the war machine belonging to the defender is relatively rare, which also confirms Li Yao's judgment that the defender has already cracked the secret of this fragmented world and knows the correct exit.

"Assuming that this fragmented world is really a huge water ball, with a small bubble suspended in the center of the water ball, and I am a more insignificant microorganism living in the water ball, how can I get out of the water ball?"

Li Yaoming thought hard, suddenly his eyes lit up, "By the way, walk along the whirlpool and march towards the center of the water ball. In any case, it is impossible to leave the water ball. You can only reach another sea and another whirlpool.

"Go down, you should go down!

"Which ocean is not the point, and which vortex is not the point. The direction is the point. You should go against the vortex and reach the deepest part of the sea, the end of the vortex!"

Li Yao lowered his head and glanced at the whirlpool under his feet like a mouthful of blood.

It's easy to say, but it is not easy to make up your mind to explore the end of the vortex.

Deep in the whirlpool, tens of thousands of meters deep in the dark sea, and perhaps even more unfathomable submarine rifts, can easily crush the giant soldiers, crystal armor and even the rider into dross and mud.

Despite the long way to go and full of unknown risks, Li Yao decided to trust his own judgment as before!

Before countless fierce beasts "Ao Ao" yelled at him, Li Yao drove the "Sun Catastrophe", turned and jumped into the whirlpool, and returned the same way.

Against the direction of the whirlpool, facing the attacks of countless beasts, the difficulty was ten times higher than before.

Rao is based on the solidity and tyranny of the "sun catastrophe". When he returned to the depths of the ocean floor of 20,000 to 30,000 meters, he was still severely injured by the beasts and war machines. The armor was distorted and scarred. He could not escape "any crystal armor or The giant soldiers fell into Li Yao's hands, and they would be reimbursed in less than ten days and a half.

At this depth, you can't see your fingers, and the visibility and spiritual scanning range are all reduced to the limit. Whether Li Yao, the fierce beast, or the defense's war machine, it is difficult to search for each other.

Here, the greatest enemy has become the surrounding sea, the boundless weight, or my own soul.

The surroundings were silent, like a deserted cemetery. Li Yao could only hear his own heartbeat and the "crunching" sound of the giant soldiers.

The original indestructible steel **** and demon, at this moment, is like a loose bamboo collapse, making people fearful.

The more you dive, the greater the pressure. The "Solar Catastrophe"'s psychic shield, defensive structure, metal strength, sealing degree and other performance parameters are dangling on the verge of collapse, just like in the wind. The candle will go out in no time.

At this point, Rao Li Yao's determination is as firm as iron, and he can't control the puffy cold sweat that oozes from his forehead.

"Is my judgment correct?

"The exit is really not on the surface of the sea, but in the depths of the seabed?

"Is there any end to this sea? Could I have missed the exit and fell into a huge submarine rift that leads directly to the Jiuyou Yellow Spring?

"Could it be that the'Solar Catastrophe' was too severely traumatized in the fight just now. Even though the exit is below, the metal strength can no longer support it. I will be squeezed into a discus clip near the exit. meat pie?"

Such thoughts, like black, slimy shadows, seeped through every pore of Li Yao, wrapped around his body, and kept whispering, wailing and screaming in his ears.

Fortunately, in Li Yao's spirit, a second personality that specializes in absorbing negative emotions, such as the Scarlet Heart Demon, has also split into Li Yao's spirit, swallowing all the distracting thoughts that trouble the spirit and erode the mind.

"Don't think about these messy things."

The Scarlet Heart Demon screamed, "Now that's the matter, do you still want to go back the same way?"

Li Yao's heart was shocked, waking up like a dream.

In spite of the screams of the giant soldiers, they gritted their teeth and insisted on diving.

He is like climbing on the cliffs of Jiuyou Huangquan, a little carelessness, he will fall into the abyss that will never be restored.

But no matter how strong the magic fire in the abyss burned, it couldn't stop his determination to move forward courageously.


Suddenly a dull roar came from the feet of "Sun Catastrophe".

Li Yao's heart suddenly reached his throat, for fear that the Titan Soldier could not bear the heavy pressure at last, and the feet that supported his whole body began to collapse.

But then there was a down-to-earth perception telling him that he had reached the bottom of the sea unharmed.

But not far from him, directly below the whirlpool, was a giant teleportation array with glittering golden light.

"right here!"

Li Yao was overjoyed and stood up without hesitation. With a burst of radiance and golden light, he was teleported to the third fragmented world.

"What's the ghost here?"

Li Yao has been mentally prepared, knowing that the "test" in "Tongtian Tower" is definitely more difficult than one level.

However, the higher the difficulty, it also proved that he was closer to the secrets of Taikoo, and Li Yao was full of confidence in the next challenge.

However, this time the fragmented world, on the surface, does not seem to be as difficult as "Thunder Valley" and "Overweight Sea".

Li Yao appeared in a cave covered with frost. Apart from the extremely low temperature and the crystal clear cones of ice covering his head, there was nothing wrong with him.

However, it was said that it was a cave, except for the teleportation array under his feet, but the entrance of the cave was not found.

Of course, he can't follow the teleportation array and then return to the "overweight sea", he can only let out his spiritual thoughts and slowly fumble, and every side of the cave wall is smooth as a mirror.

Soon, Li Yao found a clue.

Around the cave, three sides are solid rock walls, and only one side is a freshly solidified ice wall.

It seems that this is the exit.

Taking advantage of no one to interfere with him, Li Yao took out a ring of heaven and earth, activated a large number of spare parts and ammunition fuel, and carried out an emergency repair for the "sun catastrophe" with supernatural powers in the air.

Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, even if the performance of the Titan Soldier is improved by 1%, it may be life-saving at the critical moment.

After finishing everything, he took out the electric battle axe and carefully melted and cut the ice wall leading to the outside world.

"call out!"

When he had just cut a hole in the ice wall, a cold wind mixed with qi gas blew in. Li Yao had never experienced such a weird wind, even if there were giant soldiers, Xiao Hei, crystal armor, and mustard seeds fighting. With the four-fold protection of the service, Li Yao still felt that the yin wind condensed directly on his bones into a scalpel, "swish swish" scratching his bones!

On the surface of "Sun Catastrophe", a thick layer of ice suddenly condensed, and even the pale golden flames of war froze for half of it.

The temperature in the cave dropped to minus Baidu in an instant, and the combat performance of the giant soldiers also showed a cliff-like situation.

"This is an extremely cold world, it's terrible!"

Li Yao wanted to spit, but his throat was also frozen.

Compared with extremely high temperatures, extremely low temperatures cause more damage to magic weapons and practitioners. No magic weapon can be used normally in the harsh environment close to absolute zero, and naturally there are no practitioners-no matter the soul, the god, or the cultivator. God, is willing to fight in such a cold hell.

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