40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3087: Lopsided

A picture appeared in Li Yao's mind.

One after another, strangely shaped and majestic Star Sea battleships, a large number of warriors, wise men, researchers and academic authorities of Pangu civilization and their families were transported around the entrance of the Primordial Relics.

Before leaving the starship and entering the ancient ruins, they all signed a contract and made a solemn oath—from now on, isolated from the world, using all their lives and souls to explore the mysteries of the ancient times, until they are completely Only on the day when he solves the mystery of Taikoo and overthrows the "black wall" that binds the entire civilization can he return to his hometown.

In fact, the first group of experts and scholars knew very well that the depth, mystery, and complexity of the ancient relics were so profound that they would not be able to achieve their goals by exhausting their lives.

At most, they cast their corpses into new steps, so that their children and grandchildren can step on their shoulders and climb step by step to reach their final destination.

Even so, they have no regrets, abandoning everything they have in the mundane world, and escaped into this isolated area called the "Xiangong".

"The so-called "Xian" in "Xiangong" naturally refers to the original ancestor, that is, the creator of the black wall, but over time, the clansmen outside have misunderstood and thought it was what we called ourselves."

The Moonwatcher sighed slightly, showing sadness that was extremely incompatible with the immature face, and continued, "It's no wonder that I didn't know until a long time later that the life in the fairy palace is so different from the life in the core area of ​​Pangu civilization. After thousands of years of fermentation, the civilizations on both sides developed completely in two different directions, almost becoming two very different races and two civilizations.

"In the fairy palace, although the environment is ever-changing, there are dangerous and unpredictable deadly traps everywhere, but the residents here are mostly experts and scholars and their descendants. Everyone’s hearts are relatively pure, and they are carrying the same mission. There are too many intrigues, and the social order is very simple, like a paradise.

"However, outside the fairy palace, the core area of ​​the Pangu civilization was affected by the failure of the Great Expedition and the existence of the'Hongchao' and the'primordial ancestor'. Various rumors and alarmist talks were corroded by the society. It is very turbulent and people are extremely anxious. Almost everyone is worried about the issue of'doomsday' all day long. In addition to the limited resources, a lot of resources have to be sent to the'Xiangong' for us to analyze the ancient civilization and the original ancestors. As a result, social development has almost stagnated, and civil strife and struggles keep coming and going all year round.

"In order to suppress the turbulent situation and let all the people get rid of the fear of'doomsday', many people from the highest authorities have come up with methods of'emotional sealing, mind control', but, as I just said, their Emotional sealing and mind control are going astray, which will only further castrate the will and creativity of the people, and will naturally provoke a larger-scale resistance.

"However, after all, Pangu civilization has been developed for nearly a million years, and it is a well-deserved hegemon of the Pangu universe. It is deeply rooted to the extreme. It will take a long time for the disease to develop to the bone marrow. It will take a whole thousand years before that. , The relationship between the fairy palace and the outside world is still barely stable-the outside world provides a steady stream of resources to the fairy palace, including a large number of spars and treasures of heaven and earth, as well as the best talents from the outside world. Constantly discovering and analyzing the secret treasures in the ancient ruins, and after figuring out the principles, a large number of new technologies and magic treasure replicas were obtained and exported to the outside world, maintaining the last vitality of Pangu civilization.

"Although we have not yet figured out the purpose of the original ancestors and the technology they used, the 100 ancient civilizations that have fallen down here are not much different from ours. Innumerable scholars and adventurers burned their souls, sacrificed their lives, and worked day and night. After working hard, there are still great gains.

"The first millennium after the establishment of the'Xiangong' passed calmly. It was not only the golden years of the fairy palace, but also the last glory of the Pangu civilization outside.

"That was the age of my parents and grandparents, and I was born in the second millennium of the discovery of the ancient relics of the Pangu civilization.

"In the second millennium, there have been more and more contradictions between the fairy palace and the outside world, the atmosphere has become more and more tense, and the situation has become more and more unpredictable, like a cloud of black and black haze, shrouded in the heads of both sides.

"First of all, in the great excavations of the past thousand years, we have found all the easy-to-analyze technologies and easy-to-replicate magic weapons in the fairy palace. The next thing that lies in front of us is very hard to gnaw.

"Since you are also a craftsman, you should also have a certain understanding of materials science, psionics, aerodynamics, and other fields. Knowing the problems in the frontier academic fields is not a step-by-step process. It is a matter of course. You can get it with the amount of resources invested. In many cases, the proof of a formula and the discovery of a law require not only the flash of a certain genius, but also the mysterious and mysterious luck.

"We have exhausted all our luck in the first millennium. In the second millennium, the technological difficulties before us are like mountains towering into the clouds one after another. Generations, hundreds of years of hard work.

"However, the clansmen outside can't wait so much time.

"In the last millennium, they have become accustomed to the'one-handed payment, one-handed delivery' mode of getting along. They have continuously invested a lot of resources in the fairy palace, and the fairy palace will deliver them a lot of advanced, Mature, very practical technology and magic weapons, so that they can use these things to temporarily reassure the anxious and restless people.

"But now, for a whole hundred years, we have not delivered too many valuable technologies and magic weapons to the outside world, and the outside world has to maintain a large amount of input of resources, which will inevitably cause the leaders of the outside world and those of the highest authority of the Pangu civilization. With dissatisfaction, many doubts arose.

"Alas, think about it now. When we were building the fairy palace and recruiting researchers and explorers, we made a very serious mistake-we absorbed the most cutting-edge experts, scholars and frontier researchers of the entire civilization into the fairy palace. In China, those who stay outside are all cutting-edge politicians and soldiers. Of course, there is an'academic committee' that acts as a bridge between the two parties, but the scholars who stay on this committee are all second-rate people.

"Experts, scholars, and politicians and soldiers have completely different ways of thinking. No matter how we explain to them the difficulties of research and the importance of maintaining continuous resource investment, they will turn a deaf ear to them and keep asking us to produce research results as soon as possible. Otherwise, It is necessary to reduce the investment in the fairy palace, and even send an inspection team to conduct a comprehensive liquidation of the work of the fairy palace for nearly a thousand years."

Speaking of this, the face of Mochizuki clearly showed a trace of disappointment and annoyance.

Li Yao felt a little disapproving in his heart.

Moonwatchers have stayed in the archaic ruins since they were young. It can be said that they are pure scholars who have grown up in the laboratory. Naturally, they don't know the complexity of the world and the sinister hearts of people.

However, Li Yao once dealt with the three major forces of the Federation, the Empire and the Holy League. His wife has been the Speaker of the Federation. He knows very well that in charge of a civilization is not as simple as playing a game called "Civilization". The thread, the interests of all parties, are crisscrossed, and it is more difficult to sort out than chaos.

I don’t know how much firewood is expensive. Mochizuki thinks that "a steady stream of resources" is a very light sentence, but it may cause an uproar in the outside world and even the struggle between the temples and the rivers and lakes, which requires tens of thousands of people to tighten their belts and even tighten their belts. Starved to death.

In particular, Li Yao knew that the great expedition to cross the black wall and march into the multiverse has consumed most of the resources and potential of Pangu civilization. It is a turning point for Pangu civilization from prosperity to decline. For thousands of years, the resources of Pangu civilization. It must be more and more scarce, coupled with the rumors of "the flood is approaching, the end is coming" that erodes the social order, public grievances are boiling, and the evil wind is everywhere. The highest authority's control on the other side must be greatly reduced.

In this situation, on the one hand, it is necessary to maintain social order and force the people to tighten their belts, and on the other hand, they have to continuously send a large amount of resources to the "Xiangong". The highest authority of the Pangu civilization must also be exhausted and have a headache.

If Xiangong can continue to produce research results, the highest authority can barely maintain such a "deal". When Xiangong cannot produce valuable research results for a hundred years, how can the highest authority persuade all the people to The belt of the trousers that has been tightened to the limit, how about tightening it again?

Experts and scholars from the Federation and the Empire have conducted certain investigations on the political system of the Pangu Civilization. For most of the time, the Pangu Civilization did not have an authoritarian ruler, and implemented a republic system negotiated by various tribes. No dictator can decide to open up the supply of resources to the fairy palace unconditionally, unprincipally, and unlimitedly. Any supply of resources must be subject to critical interrogation and censorship from institutions such as parliament.

On the other hand, in the fairy palace, there are many secret treasures, which may contain the power to destroy the sky and the earth. No civilization with a sound system can allow such power to be controlled by a small group of people, even those who watch the moon. I also said that after a thousand years of development, the scholars in the fairy palace and the outsiders have gradually moved away, and they have almost evolved into two civilizations. Then, when the fairy palace has been unable to produce valuable results for a whole hundred years, The clansmen outside are suspicious of them, so what is it strange that they want to enter the fairy palace and conduct a thorough investigation?

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