40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3092: Inheritance or trap?

"There is such a thing!"

Li Yao was really incomprehensible, putting on a stunned expression, "Doesn’t it mean that whether you can climb to the top of the Tongtian Pagoda is completely random, it is by luck, or by... the original ancestor-made by the black wall? Happy?

"For example, if a civilization is more beautiful and vigorous, this civilization can pass through the VIP channel to reach the top of the Tongtian Pagoda, while a civilization with a deer-headed rat-eye, which is described as wretched, will be trapped alive and dead on it. Among the hundreds of levels? This, this, although I believe that human civilization is definitely the most beautiful one among hundreds of civilizations, and my own image and demeanor are definitely qualified to take the VIP channel, but this is too unreasonable. Got it!"

"You're right, but whether you walk through the'VIP channel' or not, the end is the same. Even if those seemingly lucky civilizations can reach the top of the Tongtian Tower with surprises and dangers, they still have nothing to face the final problem. Spared."

The Moonwatcher said, "According to our expert research in Pangu civilization, the Tongtian Pagoda contains at least hundreds of different levels, that is, there are hundreds of fragmented worlds similar to'Thunder Valley','Overweight Sea' and'Big Snow Mountain'. , And the appearance frequency and order of these fragmented worlds are constantly changing and completely random. It is very likely that the order of entering the Tongtian Tower this time is Thunder Valley-Overweight Sea-Daxue Mountain, and the order will be completely reversed next time. Or they could not find the traces of these levels at all, and replaced them with other more dangerous fragmented worlds.

"Our strong people have also tried to attack the outer wall of the Tongtian Tower with force, but no matter how powerful the magical powers are, it can’t lose a single bit of it. It’s like the outer wall of the Tongtian Tower is wrapped with extremely advanced energy-absorbing materials, which can attack it. All the energy of destruction is absorbed, and it seems that between the molecular gaps that make up its outer wall materials, there are gaps that directly lead to the four-dimensional space. All the energy we emit is sucked into the four-dimensional space. No matter how we attack, the Tongtian Pagoda will always be indifferent. move.

"There are also some experts and scholars who try to follow the outer wall of the Tongtian Tower all the way to the miniature sea of ​​stars on the top of the Tongtian Tower, but after reaching a certain height, they will be attacked by magnetic field disturbances and abnormal spiritual ripples, not only the magic weapons are all scrapped. , The brain and souls were severely affected, and they fell from the sky one after another. According to the survivors, the closer they got to the top of the Tongtian Tower, the taller and taller the Tongtian Tower seemed, and the miniature sea of ​​stars also appeared to be more and more vast. The depth is always within reach, but you never want to reach it. It feels like taking a one-meter-long line and intercepting half of it every day, and it will never be done.

"Then, a primitive, wild and incomparably majestic voice will emerge from the depths of their souls, admonishing them to stop advancing, and only honestly climbing from the inside of the Tongtian Tower is the only way. This kind of opportunistic method, Will be judged as a'test failure' and bring disaster to the entire civilization.

"There is no way. In the face of such majestic and incredible power, our experts and adventurers can only be honest and crack it from the inside.

"In thousands of years, we have finally cracked nearly a hundred of the hundreds of fragmented worlds. In these fragmented worlds, we have discovered the corpses of many ancient civilization testers, including the notes and suicide notes left by them. ——Almost all civilizations have information storage magic weapons similar to "Jade Slips". From these fragmented and mottled information, we can barely spy on the weirdness and unreasonableness of the "ultimate test".

"The so-called'ultimate test' is not a test of hard indicators such as wisdom, courage, combat effectiveness, or deduction ability. It also seems to have nothing to do with'good' and'evil' in the traditional sense. Among the 100 ancient civilizations, there are both full of goodwill. Advocating peace and communication, and voluntarily destroying all their weapons for the continuation of civilization, there are also "sages" who have grown up in the most extreme environments, advocating the survival of the weak, the survival of the fittest, and the extreme coldness of the "Sura", both fighting in the civil war. All morals and order fell apart. After the collapse of the main civilization, there were only some timid, insignificant, and despicable adventurers, as well as the noble people who were highly united and extremely passionate. Every individual was willing to sacrifice for civilization. Good, evil, timid, brave, despicable, noble, collectivist, extreme ego, swarm form, fundamentalist'big carbon-based', advocates getting rid of flesh and blood, and the soul is implanted in metal Xiazi's "Mechanical Ascenders"...in all aspects, various roads, and various options, but in the face of the "ultimate test", they all failed and failed to win the favor of the original ancestors.

"Even, there is an unpredictable civilization with profound wisdom. Its degree of development ranks first among a hundred ancient civilizations, far beyond Pangu civilization and human civilization. It is said to have solved all the mysteries left by the original ancestors and got it right. After every intricate choice, they performed flawlessly and impeccably, but after they solved the last problem perfectly, they were still judged as a'test failure' and were ruthlessly obliterated by the original ancestors.

"Therefore, many civilized testers left their last last words full of resentment and complaints. They screamed unwillingly and questioned the rationality and authenticity of the'ultimate test'. They suspected that this was not inherited at all. The test is just a cruel joke, a deadly trap, a'black hole' that attracts countless civilized moths to the fire.

"The ancient civilization with profound wisdom left very detailed last words before it was on the verge of destruction, and came to a terrifying conclusion. They believe that the so-called'primordial heritage' does not exist at all, or that the original ancestor does exist. Yes, but it’s not a well-meaning civilization at all. It’s not about sending its inheritance to future generations at all. On the contrary, this is a trap. The original ancestor was a malicious civilization. The purpose of setting up this trap is to stand on the sidelines and attract future generations. The new civilization actively transports its own brand new and ever-changing infinite possibilities into the body of the original ancestor, and becomes the freshest'nutrient' of the original ancestor.

"Do you understand this? The original ancestor is like a sleeping dragon. Perhaps a long time ago, he was seriously injured for some reason and had to hide in the depths of the Pangu universe, dormant and repair, but in order to repair his suffering Damaged function, it needs a lot of fresh flesh and blood and nutrients-and our civilizations, which are continuous, continuous, and self-rejecting, are like bunny rabbits and lambs who are ignorant and ignorant, jumping into the original ancestors. In the mouth.

"'Be wary, friends, there is no ancient secret treasure at all, we ourselves are the greatest secret treasure"-this is the last word of the civilization with superb wisdom, left to all the civilizations of future generations.

"Starting from this highly intelligent civilization, countless civilizations have used their own experiences to warn future civilizations not to move on, not to carry out the ultimate test, and not to become another sacrifice for the original ancestor's abnormal psychology and evil purposes.

"However, it is conceivable that at this point, no civilization will stop or even turn back.

"They are always full of self-confidence, thinking that they are different, they will be able to grasp the key that no one has discovered before, and get the favor and inheritance of the original ancestors.

"Then, just like their predecessors, they failed, screamed, and uttered the last whimper. Using their corpses, they condensed into sad tombstones.

"Including us, even if we know that the original ancestor was not a'kind and kind' ancestor, it is very likely that he was a ruthless, evil existence as terrifying as Hong Chao, do we have another choice, can we still go home? ?

"Impossible, our homeland no longer exists-at least for our Pangu civilization, and once our last survivor of Pangu civilization decides to make a desperate move, you explorers of human civilization, except for the "preferred tiger" Is there any other choice besides Mountain Walk?"

Li Yao was silent for a long time.

Lu Qingchen and the Scarlet Heart Demon were equally silent, releasing waves of thought after another.

"Yes, we have no choice."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said, "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, we prefer to travel to the mountains. Regardless of whether the original ancestor, the black wall maker, was kind or malicious, we must get its inheritance, whether it was given to us on its own initiative or we acted personally. There is no choice to snatch!

"not to mention--

"Since even the civilization with the most profound wisdom and the most powerful combat effectiveness has failed, perhaps the criterion of the'ultimate test' is really not superficial things such as wisdom, courage, and combat effectiveness, but whether a civilized individual is handsome enough in appearance!

"If this is the case, don't my opportunities tend to infinity?"

"...I admire your courage. Perhaps, in the face of the unpredictability and infinite mystery of the vast universe, only your existence filled with infinite courage all the time can be free from the risk of mental breakdown, every second They are full of confidence."

The Moonwatcher fiddled with his long tail and said, "Although I think your human lower limb structure is very deformed, and your appearance is not worth any comment from an aesthetic point of view, but who knows? From a genetic level Say, you are indeed the closest to the original ancestor, even 100% of the original ancestor gene copy. Therefore, the original ancestor has been waiting for hundreds of millions of years for the inheritor, maybe it is really you?"

"That's it!"

Li Yao lifted his spirits, clenched his fists, and said loudly, "Next, what should we do?"

The moon-watcher listened to the thunderous thunder above the ice valley and said: "The movement above seems to be gradually weakening."

Li Yao also pressed his ear to the ice wall, feeling the shock in the depths of Daxue Mountain, nodded and said: "Yes, the energy in the depths of Daxue Mountain almost erupts, the two energy of cold and heat neutralize and annihilate, the big avalanche and the magma The power of the explosion has passed its extreme value and is slowly declining."

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