40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3099: Take the lead!

The melee form of the Speedmaster suit suddenly decomposed, and the sharp blades that were originally fixed in the guide rails turned into dazzling streams of light and roared out, just like a gleaming rain, turning into thousands of stern arcs, one by one. Angle, attacked towards Longlianzi.

The successful solar catastrophe of "slimming" also restored the original 30-meter-high, golden orthopedic shape.

The sudden reduction in size caused the dragon lotus seed's dimension to be slashed, and it passed dangerously and dangerously, and it was the advantage of the sun catastrophe to accelerate the ultra-short distance to the fullest.

Before the dragon lotus seed could react, Li Yao took advantage of the cover of thousands of streams of light, and flashed past the bottom of the dragon lotus seed in a few turns.

That's right, facing the most powerful people from the predecessors, Li Yao once again displayed himself to smash the stars, cross the universe, and be proud of the fame stunt that once made countless powerful competitors bend down, and escaped!


Long Lian Zi's vision was dyed into a silvery white by the thousands of fragments that had been smashed by the Speedmaster suit.

There was also a momentary break and stagnation in her logical thinking level.

Just now, Li Yao's burning fighting spirit had almost condensed into a fierce beast that swallowed heaven and earth, which made her really think that the strongest man was going to perform the strongest tricks and fight her to the death.

And the gorgeous sound and light effects of the Speedmaster suit splitting and bursting are also very similar to the earth-shattering, endless super nirvana.

I didn't expect it to be like this.


Long Lianzi was stunned, and Li Yao had already slipped under her tail, or "under the crotch".

Only one step away from the Black Star Gate.

However, half a step away from him, Miezhongdao rushed out.

This powerful Pangu tribe inspired the racial talent of mental attacks to the extreme and incisively and vividly. The black sarcoma with the shoulders larger than the head actually highlights the thick blood vessels like earthworms, and the spiritual ripples released from them are almost like It was the flood that broke the bank, the mud overflowed, and the overwhelming tsunami swallowed everything.

A piece of information, a picture, and a roar, turned into a scourge, and rushed into Li Yao's mind.

That is the Pangu tribe, as the leader of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, in order to defend civilization, they will not hesitate to give everything and even destroy everything!

"In order to protect civilization, we sacrificed everything, even castrated our own emotions, suppressed the over-inflated self-will, and turned the flesh and blood of intelligent life into a war machine like steel and iron, and condensed a disc of scattered individuals into The cells of the entire civilization-I who have such a determination, how can I allow you, a small human being, to encroach on the treasures of the original ancestors!"

The spiritual ripples that extinguished the masses turned into roars, and set off a huge wave in Li Yao's mind.

Despite the protection of giant soldiers, Xiao Hei, crystal armor and mustard seed battle clothes, Li Yao's seven orifices still faintly seep with pale golden blood.

"It seems brave, but cowardly, it seems absolutely sane, but it is absolutely crazy. It seems to protect the last hope of civilization, but in fact it will only bring your own civilization to infinite despair-this is what your Pangu people do. Thing!"

Li Yao's eyes sprayed out golden flames of war, without flinching, it was also an unstoppable spiritual ripple, tit-for-tat, and retaliated fiercely, "Look at you now that people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, monsters. The virus only destroyed your flesh and blood, but long before the virus raged, your Pangu tribe had castrated and distorted your most noble soul and cut off the evolutionary path of Pangu civilization!

"Our human civilization would rather stand to live, never kneel to die, rather be a tombstone that cannot be burnt or crushed in the flames of destruction, nor is it a tombstone in the eternal darkness that drifts with the flow and is in panic. Dust, never, never, never!

"This is my decision, a decision that a coward like you will never understand!"

In the roar, the solar catastrophe drove the speed to the limit. Within half a second, the super-high-speed friction between the giant soldier and the air changed the armor from golden to crimson.

On the spiritual battlefield where "the louder the roar, the stronger the fighting power", Li Yao has never been afraid of anyone, even if the opponent is a Pangu tribe with a special brain structure and spiritual talent.

The spirit ripples of the two sides condensed into a wave visible to the naked eye in the air, like thousands of horses, galloping and sprinting, and violently collided together.

The corners of Li Yao's eyes, ear canal and nasal cavity were filled with blood, so that everything he saw and heard became blurred.

The deformed sarcoma on Miezhongdao's shoulder also shrank sharply, and even the blood vessels of the thickness of the earthworm burst out, and blood shot out like an arrow.

Both sides were shocked by each other's indomitable fighting spirit, and Mie Zhong Dao was obviously more shocked than Li Yao.

Because Li Yao had long expected the intensity of the spiritual ripples of the Pangu tribe's strongest person, but Miezhong Dao couldn't think of this little human being. The guy who was crawling in front of Longlianzi just now looked a little shameless and wretched. The existence of, can unexpectedly become so powerful, crazy, and decisive in a short moment!


It's too late to say, it's fast, just when the masses were slightly surprised, Li Yao had already soared the super giant soldier to the limit, regardless of three or seven or twenty, the whole thing hit the opponent.

The arc-shaped shock shield that almost enveloped half of the body shook to its limit, as if a hundred shield machines were digging at the same time, coupled with the terrifying speed and quality of the solar catastrophe itself, it is the most powerful of the Pangu tribe like Mie Zhong Dao, Can not withstand such a fierce impact.

The shield of the catastrophe of the sun turned into dust, and even the arm carrying the shield was almost torn apart. In return, the Way of Extinguishing the Masses was thrown out like a broken line kite, gaining half a second of critical time for Li Yao.

Li Yao calculated everything to the right degree, and Mie Zhongdao was hit by him and flew to the place where the dragon lotus seed was. With the help of this impact, he changed direction again and hit the black starry sky straight.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The power units of the sun catastrophe exploded one after another, soaring out the last crazy sprint.

The giant soldier groaned, and every magic weapon unit was trembling, shaking and screaming, and it would be completely decomposed in minutes.

Now, even if the gods and demons make their moves at the same time, it is impossible to prevent Li Yao from coming into close contact with the Black Star Gate.

There is nothing else in Li Yao's vision and brain, only the black star gate that is condensed with billions of stars in front of him, which looks like a miniature universe.

Miezhongdao and Long Lianzi seemed to roar in shock and anger behind him, blasting one after another devastating death light and ripples toward the "Sun Catastrophe". Even though protected by several layers of armor, Li Yao felt like he was There was a hot pain in his spine, as if his spine had been interrupted by the opponent, and his limbs were out of control and paralyzed.

However, it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as you can be the first to enter and successfully pass the "ultimate test", it doesn't matter.

Just before the catastrophe of the sun was about to disintegrate in the air and Li Yao himself disappeared, he finally smashed into the black cube full of stars.

This is a desperate gamble.

If this black star gate is not what he guessed, it resembles the nature of the teleportation array, but is a truly indestructible black boulder, or if it needs any special degree before entering the black star gate, then there is no need to destroy the Dao and the dragon lotus seed. Attacking, with such an exaggerated speed of his own, would completely smash the catastrophe of the sun and himself into pieces.

——This is also the biggest reason why Miezhongdao, Longlianzi and Gu Wuxin fought fiercely just now, but no one wants to rush into the black star gate.

After all, a whole hundred corpses of ancient civilizations are in front of them, and the strongest people of Pangu civilization still have a trace of "fear" about the test of the ancient civilizations.

Li Yao cannot say that he is not afraid at all.

But in his body, it was filled with countless powers far beyond fear.

It is these powers, the people who gave him power, who have supported him all the way to the present, and will definitely support him to continue to walk to a hopeful tomorrow-he firmly believes in this.

"Come on, no matter what kind of test, no matter what kind of inheritance or trap, I am ready. We humans will never back down, come on!"

Li Yao let go of his flesh and blood, heart and soul, and completely plunged into the embrace of the Black Star Gate.


The moment the giant soldier collided with the black star gate, there was no deafening collision or explosion, but a sound similar to a meteorite falling into the sea.

It was as if Li Yao was driving the catastrophe of the sun and really fell into a "sea of ​​stars" in the literal sense.

Miezhongdao, the roar and attack of the dragon lotus seed all turned into vague waves, and were thrown out of the clouds. The snowy mountains and the magma sea also disappeared, and replaced by a very bright "darkness" full of stars. .

His giant soldier, his crystal armor and even his body gradually became crystal clear, and then disappeared, leaving only the consciousness falling, falling, and falling all the way to the bottomless immemorial.

Along the way, countless shining stars swirled around him, turning into a vivid and cruel picture scroll.

In a daze, Li Yao saw that countless war machines larger than the "Starry Sky Cavalry" had fallen into a huge avalanche, and were frozen into huge icy lumps by the wind of almost zero degrees.

There is another kind of orange-red energy field surrounding the body, which seems to burn forever, and is more dazzling than the Zhurong race. It is struggling in the "overweight sea", trying to surface again and again, but never expects to go to the depths of the sea. The exploration eventually ran out of all energy and was swallowed by the sea.

There is also a kind of carbon-based intelligent life that is crystal clear and grows countless fluorescent tentacles, like giant jellyfish. It has evolved into a semi-energy form of carbon-based intelligent life, but is lost in the "Thunder Valley", and is finally entangled by electric arcs, melted one after another, and disappeared into smoke.

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