40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3101: The birth of the spirit of all things!

Whether trilobite, nautilus, or armor fish, they are all out-and-out marine overlords.

Both trilobites and nautilus have a hard carapace and a relatively "large and uncompromising" body shape. In an era when most marine paleontologies were not much larger than plankton, they were the most terrifying killing machines.

Not to mention the armored fish, in addition to a hard carapace, it also has fast mobility, can rampage and sweep away all prey.

But Li Yao did not hesitate to rule out these three seemingly attractive evolution options.

Because he knew very well that no matter how powerful the trilobite, nautilus, and armor fish looked, they were eventually eliminated in a long time.

Too large size means that their survival needs to consume more energy, it is bound to spend most of their time on hunting, digestion and absorption.

And the too hard carapace, on the one hand, blocked their ability to mutate further, on the other hand, it made them indulge in an illusory sense of security, and lost the need for evolution.

A life without a sense of crisis and aggressiveness is destined to be a life without a future. It will never ignite the fire of evolution, and will only become a fossil after hundreds of millions of years.

Therefore, Li Yao eliminated all the top predators, but chose an unremarkable little whitebait as the carrier of his consciousness.

Said to be small whitebait, but their average size is no more than half a centimeter, just like a strip of silver worms.

This little whitebait has almost no hunting ability. Instead, it is the best food for top predators such as nautilus, trilobite, and carapace. When top predators are patrolling around them, they have nothing to resist. Power can only be slaughtered by others.

But they have one of the biggest advantages, that is, unparalleled reproduction ability and survivability.

Their life cycle is extremely short, and they mate and reproduce almost every second in their short life. They have evolved preliminary male and female sexes. Each time a female fish sprays, it can shoot out thousands of dust particles. Like the seeds of life, as long as they absorb the heat energy close to the sea surface, they have a chance to survive.

And their unique digestive system can convert almost everything into energy, from plankton on the sea, to the carrion of top predators, from the primitive fungus blanket on the seabed, or seaweed and anemone, they It can even attach to the body of ancient jellyfish and form a harmonious and orderly symbiosis with the jellyfish, relying on the residue of the jellyfish digested food to survive.

At the beginning of life, quantity is a key indicator far more important than quality.

Li Yao devotes himself to this group of little silver fishes, and with a single mind, he has carefully chosen those mutation directions that can increase the number of the group.

He refused to expand the size of the small whitebait, ruled out the possibility of covering the surface of the small whitebait with a strong carapace. Of course, he did not hesitate to obliterate the appearance of sharper teeth, which seem to be extremely aggressive, but in fact it is self-defeating. The mutation of extinction has given the little whitebait more powerful digestion, absorption and reproduction capabilities, and of course the subtle perception of the planet's magnetic field, as well as more powerful voyage capabilities.

In this way, in just a brief moment or billions of years of evolution, the whitebait and its different variants have gradually spread to the entire ocean. From the dark and cold North Pole to the sunny equator, all the seas are shining with the whitebait. Light and shadow.

During this period, the trilobite was covered by the sediment on the seabed, and the nautilus became empty. The armor fish that once ruled the roost is evolving more and more solid carapace, sharper teeth, and larger and larger After his size, he was gradually dragged down by his heavy "armor, shield, and weapon", unable to keep up with the agility and speed of the new generation of marine life, and was eventually swallowed by his own desperate appetite, becoming an evolutionary loser.

The new ocean overlord appeared.

They may be sharks that are streamlined, faster, and more agile.

Or an octopus that can freely change the skin color and body shape, grows eight tentacles that are both rigid and soft, and can even increase the speed with the help of water jets.

Even various jellyfish that have evolved to be highly toxic.

The vast majority of ocean overlords regard the small whitebait as one of the main dishes in their recipes.

There is a whale covered with star spots that can swallow several tons of small whitebait in one breath. For this reason, a set of organs used to filter seawater and absorb the small whitebait has been specially evolved.

But no matter how aggressively they kill, they will not be able to reduce the overall number of small whitebait, on the contrary, make the small whitebait the basis of the entire food chain, the key to the survival of countless species.

Li Yao faintly felt that the time was ripe.

To march, march, you must march to the land regardless of everything!

Although the ocean is vast, except for places close to the continental shelf and submarine volcanoes, the resources are not as rich as people think, but rather barren-like a desert full of distilled water.

More importantly, the heavy pressure of sea water makes it difficult for the "flame" as a natural catalyst of civilization to exist, let alone smelt metals and develop civilization.

Most of the ancestors of carbon-based smart life were born in the ocean, but they also had to experience the "thrilling leap" from the ocean to the land. Otherwise, it would be difficult to develop a mature and efficient civilization.

Although the universe is vast and there are no wonders, among the billions of living beings, there is no shortage of "communist tribes" born in rivers, lakes and seas, like jellyfish, intelligent creatures, but after all, they are very few of the very few, and even the communist tribe itself is also With the help of the Pangu tribe and other prehistoric races, it truly evolved into the starry sky age.

Under Li Yao's command, from the sea to the land, a mighty, magnificent, and thrilling "landing war" began.

This is not an overnight war, nor a war for the gains and losses of a city, but a war that spans hundreds of millions of years for the rise or death of a civilization.

At first, the small silver fish that was accidentally washed up on the beach by the waves, or jumped onto the beach in a panic to escape the top predators, failed unexpectedly.

However, Li Yao has enough patience and a clear evolutionary direction. He firmly grasped the most useful possibilities among the billions of mutation possibilities, endowed some small silver fish with the ability to breathe in the air, and rely on strong and powerful fish. Fins, the ability to advance, bounce and dig on the beach.

These little whitebait even learned to use their fins to dig holes in the beach, burrow in the whole, keep themselves moist, wait for the next high tide, and thus have the ability to freely come and go in the ocean and land-like some kind of ancient Creatures are like mudskippers.

The path of evolution is destined to be lonely and dangerous.

The little whitebait jumping on the land encountered hundreds of times more difficulties and dangers than they were in the warm and comfortable hometown and the ocean.

But in order to solve these dangers, in other words, in the cruel survival competition, more genes that are not adapted to change have been eliminated, but generation after generation of small whitebaits have been given stronger survivability.

The scales and fins faded, and more powerful limbs and tails grew. Their skin was attached with mucus that cuts off the air. Finally, the first row of sharp teeth grew in their mouths, which evolved from fish to amphibians.

The little whitebait breathed dry air for the first time, saw a volcanic eruption, smoked mountains and rivers, and saw a lush virgin forest.

The subsequent evolutionary road is like embarking on the fast lane, the vicissitudes of life, the star is moving, everything has accelerated a hundred times faster.

The times are changing, the environment is changing, and all creatures are changing like a wind-up.

Li Yao refused to allow the species he controlled to change in the direction of giant crustaceans, because he knew that although giant insects and arthropods were indeed the overlords on land at a certain stage in ancient times, with the mutation of plants, the air The oxygen content in the worms continues to decrease, and the size of giant insects and arthropods will be forced to shrink and withdraw from the competition arena of top predators.

He also vetoed the direction of becoming a "swarm civilization" similar to bees. Although the wisdom of the swarm may indeed produce a powerful civilization, it does not conform to Li Yao's ideas.

Similarly, he denied the path of huge reptiles without even thinking about it. When the dinosaurs trampled the ground, slaughtered and roared, he would rather keep shrinking the size of his dominating creatures and scurry between bushes and caves.

Mammals, only mammals are the only correct evolutionary direction. Li Yao firmly believes in this, and silently bears the price that he has to pay for the time being.

Sure enough, the expected meteorite rain hits one after another, the mountains and rivers changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, countless plants withered and annihilated, and more new plants changed the atmospheric environment in completely different ways. "The dinosaurs either fell under the raging flames raised by the meteor shower, or died from the drastic changes in the composition of the air, or were unable to digest new plants. They could only watch a lush greenery, starving to death.

This is a new era, this is the stage for mammals!

Up to this moment, Li Yao’s early choices and hard-working determination have received generous rewards. Those seemingly useless genes have shown colorful mutations, making him the leader in the new biological explosion. The first one to successfully evolve a large enough brain, enough brain synapses, and a flesh and blood body that has achieved a perfect balance in strength, agility and energy consumption, and also unlocked including "walking upright and freeing hands." "And "using flames to make tools", including "epoch-making" capabilities.

Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and all kinds of seemingly powerful jackals, tigers and leopards fell under the attack of stone axes and spears. Li Yao’s tribe raged across the land and expanded farther away. When this tribe first learned to set fire to mountains, When expelling and burning fierce beasts, the blazing fire symbolizes the true overlord and the spirit of all things that will eventually rule the universe, finally born!

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