40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3118: Crazy dog ​​out of the cage

After ten thousand years of development, under the nourishment of abundant psionic energy, the Yuanshi clan has already possessed a small but powerful psionic mining fleet, and even has several warships with strong attack and defense powers, which are deeply loved by Void Hunters. They can also move away from the waving range of the Void Hunter's tentacles if they trust them, and even through the study of Void Hunter's neurons, they have a limited grasp of the technology of Xinghai Jump.

The Yuanshi clan made preparations in advance. Most of the clan members arm themselves with spar armor and psychic shields. The starship has also been strengthened and modified, hiding far away from the Void Hunter.

The explosion of the Void Hunter destroyed about 10% of the Yuanshi Clan’s strength, but it also brought new hope. After the explosion, three huge stumps of limbs regained their vitality. Under the careful care of the Yuanshi Clan, slow Slowly growing into a new generation of Void Hunters, unlike the old Void Hunters, they did not occasionally encounter the "little bugs" of the Yuanshi Clan in their prime of life, but entangled with the Yuanshi Clan as soon as they were "born." Taking the existence and care of the Yuanshi clan as a matter of course, let alone the ambition and threat of the Yuanshi clan.

In this way, Yuanshi Civilization, which originally inhabited a Void Hunter, had three more obedient "mounts", and its strength suddenly tripled. They even slowly domesticated the Void Hunter, using technology and industrial methods to stimulate the Void Hunter. The growth of the haunting beast turned into an incomparably terrifying man-made monster.

In this way, the Yuanshi clan completed the transformation from "parasite" to "dominant" and took the first step to conquer the universe!

A similar rise is happening at the same time in countless "holes of heaven and blessings" in various fertile worlds in the middle of the universe.

The Void Hunter is a never-ending traveler in the universe. In the past ten thousand years, the Void Hunter with the Yuanshi clan on his body has traveled through countless heavens and blessings, and has also dealt with thousands of starry alien races and even lower civilizations. A large number of Yuanshi clan has spread to all parts of the universe.

The vast majority of Starry Sky Alien Races are similar to Void Hunters, possessing unparalleled fighting power and incredible magical powers, but they have not evolved superior wisdom and profound ambitions. Their IQs will not exceed those of seven or eight-year-old children. Disposal is not so much "trading as a slave", but rather "a child has discovered a novel toy and can't wait to show it off and share it among his friends."

The Void Hunter left a ship of Yuanshi Clan in various caves and blessed places in exchange for some other precious resources or strange gadgets, and then set off with satisfaction.

And these Yuanshi clan who stayed in each hole of heaven and blessed land are like their compatriots still parasitizing on Void Hunters, lurking minions, hiding ambitions, and struggling for survival.

They are faced with all kinds of creatures that are as powerful as gods and demons, but also weird as nightmare. If they are careless, they will be crushed and swallowed by the other party, and the other party does not even have any maliciousness, just like they crushed an ant, just The unintentional act of yawning.

And they must search their intestines, rack their brains to please these masters of the blessed world, and demonstrate the value of their existence, in order to get the leftovers that leaked from the fingers of the masters, survive, live desperately, and endure all inhumans. Live on the pain!

On a planet with an extremely thin atmosphere and full of hard rocks, there is a kind of starry alien called "hill cancer". This creature has a hard as iron shell and almost stagnant time perception. They can directly Absorbing the metal elements and geothermal energy in the underground veins, it is self-sufficient in this way, and their huge body shape and too hard carapace make them the most defensive existence in the universe, even the void hunter can't digest them The exoskeleton, there is no need to develop wisdom and civilization.

They have no malice towards the Yuanshi Clan, and it is even difficult to understand the concept of "killing", but they really like toss their bodies and create the shaking of the earth and mountains. Every time there is a shock, there will be countless Yuanshi Clan living in it falling into the abyss. , Was squeezed to death by the gap between its carapace.

In the long symbiotic relationship, the Yuanshi clan learned to help the "hill cancer" clean their breathing holes blocked by the fungus blanket, and also learned to engrave gorgeous patterns on the surface of their carapace to please this dull and stupid behemoth. After discovering that the hill cancer is particularly sensitive to sound, a special profession called "singer" even appeared. Like the "dream maker" in the Void Hunter, it specializes in calming and anesthetizing the spirit of the giant gods-if these giants really have God’s words.

In order to survive, such compromises and grievances are only a minimum.

In other caves and blessed places, carbon-based intelligent life is not presented in the form of animals, but in the form of plants. The Yuanshi clan who accidentally drifted there even had to let the roots of plants grow into their bodies, their own blood vessels and even the five internal organs. The six fu-organs are all merged together, turning oneself into the dominant "vehicle"!

In this way, in countless caves and blessings, the Yuanshi clan used countless humiliation and painful ways to please the masters who looked like gods and demons.

Generally speaking, the masters are very satisfied with the performance of this "little bug" brought by the Void Hunter, and did not realize what is wrong with the exponential growth and expansion of the Yuanshi clan. They think that the Yuanshi clan is a very Interesting and docile little life, other than like to tinker with some metal gadgets, there is no problem.

Only some low-level civilizations are vaguely aware of the dangers of the Yuanshi clan.

It is that some individuals are relatively weak, relying on individuals to survive on their own, and have to be entangled with the same kind to develop social relationships and even civilized carbon-based intelligent life.

Their appearance is very similar to the "monsters and ghosts" in the human concept.

As a low-level civilization, the wise men among them can vaguely perceive the potential and threat of the "higher civilization" of the Yuanshi clan.

Although the Yuanshi clan who was brought to them by the Void Hunters were just shaggy, haggard, shivering, funny looking hairless monkeys, these low-level civilization wise men can still learn from "eyebrow monkeys". Deep in his eyes, I saw the blazing fireworks.

The wise men of the lower civilizations rushed to inform them, shouting loudly, asking people to be wary of the coming of demons, and prophesy such as "The door of endless **** has been opened, and the demons from the blue planet are about to come and destroy the heavens and the world".

It’s a pity that in the early days of the chaos, the carbon-based intelligent life in the middle of the universe was far from monolithic. Life forms that grew freely under abundant psychic energy lacked the channels and necessary for communication, especially individuals. Between the weak low-level civilization and the super giant spirit beast with strong individual strength, there is more vigilance and hostility than trust and goodwill.

For the Yuanshi clan, the Void Hunter is a "starry alien race", for these lower civilizations, the Void Hunter is also a "starry alien race", at best they are relatively familiar and occasionally appearing starry alien races.

To make matters worse, within these lower civilizations, the phenomenon of "the strong will remain strong and the weak will remain weak" caused by psionic energy has intensified social contradictions and stifled the development of technology and systems, making them complacent and difficult to move. Suspicious and vigilant to each other, falling into the endless "all-to-all" war, is like a replica of the large ancient sacred world.

Civilization is in such a vortex of struggle, all individuals focus on their immediate interests, and will never unite together to consider the overall interests of civilization.

When the Yuanshi clan scattered in these lower civilizations showed amazing wisdom and complicated strategies, they were immediately shocked by the powerful men of the lower civilizations as heavenly beings, and they used the Yuanshi clan to fight against their old enemies. During this period, even There was a scene where the "mercenaries" and "slave soldiers" on both sides were Yuanshi clan, which was ridiculous and extremely dangerous.

The old wise men wailed in grief and angrily on the top of the mountain, the Yuanshi clan used advanced psionic weapons to kill each other on the battlefield, and the powerhouses of the starry sky aliens laughed in the wine pond and meat forest. Deafening waves came from the depths of the cosmic sea, and thunder bursts out of the atmosphere of every habitable planet. It was the Yuanshi clan’s ambition to dormant for 10,000 years and endure 10,000 years. It is a higher civilization to the lower. The roar of civilization and stupid beasts, war broke out, for the glory of Yuanshi clan!

"One hundred thousand years ago, after eating up all the large animals in the area, including the most brutal beasts, our ancestors left Africa. It took them about 80,000 years to spread to every continent of the earth and became extinct. 90% of beasts, this is the only mass extinction in the history of the earth that is not caused by natural disasters. Our race is more efficient in killing than meteorite attacks, volcanic eruptions, super earthquakes, and long ice ages and other natural disasters. "

The voice faintly said, "The mammoth weighs more than ten tons and has a thick layer of hair and fat. The length of the tusks of a male elephant can exceed three meters, which is much longer than the height of an adult man. It is a long ice age. The overlord.

"The saber-toothed tiger has sharp dagger-like teeth and extremely concealed predation ability. In order to counter our threats, some subspecies have even evolved tooth forms that specialize in gnawing the human brain. The powerful bite force can easily crush a complete skull. .

"Whales are the most massive and cumbersome animals. Their scope of survival does not even overlap with ours. They are in the vast ocean far away from the crowd.

"So what? So what? So what? Is there any reason to prevent our extinction?

"The so-called civilization is one million times savage. When civilization and savage encounter, no matter how great the difference in individual strength is, there is no suspense in the end, no matter the Void Hunter, the Hill Cancer or other starry alien races, it doesn’t matter. How much psychic energy they control or say'wasted', in our eyes, they are nothing but large mammoths, saber-toothed tigers and blue whales. One hundred thousand years ago, we walked out of Africa. Today, we conquer the universe!

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