40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3143: Super body era


Li Yao thought for a long time before he understood what Gu Wuxin meant.

Indeed, in the human civilization that Li Yao lived in, both the Star Federation and the real human empire have entered the age of informationization. Almost everyone is connected with the Internet with their brains, regardless of work, study or life. Inseparable from the Internet, even a "spiritual race" like Lu Qingchen was born, trying to connect everyone to the virtual space through the Internet, giving birth to a new form of civilization.

Not to mention, "Fuxi", the mastermind of the Covenant Alliance, is a certain sense of crystal brain and spirit net becoming refined. Like Xiaoming, Wenwen, and the champion of boxing, it is a new generation of information life.

So, is Gu Wuxin's so-called "super body" the same as the informatization concept of Lu Qingchen, Fuxi, Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and the champion of boxing?

Li Yao didn't think it was. Gu Wuxin and his superbody had already touched a deeper realm of information life than Lu Qingchen, Fuxi, Xiaoming, Wenwen, and boxing champion. Perhaps that is the essence of life.

"You have to admit that humans-or all carbon-based intelligent life, are animals of information. Since our oldest ancestors, bacteria and viruses born in the primitive ocean, they are there to replicate, transmit and The existence of weaving information, devouring information, constantly devouring more information, outputting information, and transmitting information to larger groups of people and farther areas are all our instincts and the meaning of our existence."

Gu Wuxin continued, “In the ancient times when the technological level was backward, the individuals of carbon-based intelligent life had to seal themselves and lead a life of monotonous, boring, boring, lack of information interaction, but this does not mean that they like this, it is just Their instinct to absorb and transmit information has been suppressed.

"Once the technical means are mature and the social environment permits, the carbon-based smart life will immediately transform itself and the entire world in the direction of informatization, post-informatization, and hyperinformatization, and connect all individuals closely with various forms of networks. Together.

"They are hungry for information, and they are constantly devouring information that is meaningless to them, ranging from changes in the universe and national events, to celebrity scandals and social news in neighboring towns, to short and trivial trivia among the parents around them— —In fact, what does this information have to do with their lives, and what impact can it have on them? But they just want to know and don't hesitate to consume their precious lives.

"Similarly, they keep uploading their information to the Internet, regardless of what no one cares about what they eat, what they wear, how they feel or what problems they encounter in life and work — no one cares about this. They also know that no one cares about this, but they just can’t control the impulse engraved in the deepest part of the gene, like a non-stop high-power radio, continuously releasing information, information, information, and using this information, Reconstruct a self in the network and virtual world, a better, more exciting, and more'real' self.

"This is what happened to every individual in the early days of Pangu civilization entering the information society.

"Of course, because the Pangu tribe itself has the ability of large-scale telepathy, and passed this ability to other races in the Pangu Civilization Alliance, so we build a network and the way of information exchange may be different from yours.

"But I believe that the essence is the same. There must be more and more'Internet addicts' and'information races' in your civilization. Your society is also slowly moving towards informatization, networking and even virtualization. Development direction, right?

"You don't need to answer, I have already sensed the answer from your brain waves.

"In fact, what is the difference between reality and illusion, and what is the difference between me and others?

"Just now I said that once I link into the superbody, I can live in the brains of hundreds of millions of people, and hundreds of millions of people can also flood into my brain to share wisdom, emotions and memories. You seem to be very wary and disgusted, but Think about it carefully, it's not as exaggerated as you think.

"I don’t know if there is something similar in your civilization... In the words of the earth, there are novels, games, and movies, I think there are, then, when you indulge in a beautiful novel, In the wonderful movies and exciting games, don’t you also put yourself into the role of the hero in novels, movies and games, and experience another life? As technology continues to upgrade, the online world gradually has all the beauty of the real world, and After a hundred-fold improvement, who would refuse to spend a more brilliant, beautiful and rich life in the online world? After all, compared to our exploding wisdom and desires, how weak are our brains and bodies , How lonely and boring the real world we live in!

"Historical trends are mighty. Those who follow will prosper and those who oppose will die. Do you understand? This is the inevitable trend of civilization evolution. It is not shifted by the will of a certain'hero' or'demon'-first of all All kinds of large and fixed terminals build a basic network; then the terminal becomes miniaturized, mobile and wearable, so that the network covers the entire civilization; then the terminal is further miniaturized and can be implanted under the skin, which will become the life of all people Artificial organs to be worn down; gradually, the boundary between flesh and blood and network terminals is becoming more and more blurred. With the development of biotechnology and quantum technology, brain cells will become a set of biological crystal brains, and crystal brains will also It is reduced to the level of mustard seeds and cells, perfectly integrated into the flesh and blood, and will not be damaged or scrapped for lifetime use.

"At each stage of development, the efficiency of people's information interaction, including the amount of information they swallow and output per second, will be hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times higher than in the past! A person living in the early information age Ordinary people, the news information read through the network terminal in a day, may be more the same than that of his ancestors who lived in the dark and ignorant villages thousands of years ago, and he has been exposed to more news and information throughout his life, and he lives in the information age. In the later period, that is, the descendants of the "super-information age", the information swallowed in a second is billions of times as much. If such a beautiful hyper-information age really comes, they, all the brains Isn’t it a natural thing to connect together, share wisdom, emotion and memory, and form a “super body”?

"Of course, I believe you will definitely mention the old and old-fashioned question of how to maintain'free will.' This can't be blamed on you. This is a question that carbon-based intelligent life will inevitably ask under the constraints of stereotyped thinking. When my ancestors decided to build a small hyperinformation network to link into our own superbody, they also considered this question repeatedly.

"Don't worry, even if you are connected to the super body, you can still maintain your own small, futile, and ridiculous independence. If you want, you can completely close your super information exchange protocol, cut off the connection with others, and move away. On the edge of the super body-there is no compulsive order to prohibit this, but very few people will do this kind of thing."


Li Yao couldn't help asking.


Gu Wuxin raised his eyebrows, as if his brain waves with strong sarcasm were still not enough to express his surprise, "Isn't this obvious and self-evident? Humans-carbon-based intelligent life are animals of information, information It is our mission and meaning. No one can return to the low information interaction state of the order of 100,000 or even the order of 10,000 after getting used to the hyperinformation interaction of the order of hundreds of thousands.

"Imagine a person who is used to indulging in the online world day and night, wears several information terminals with him, has countless accounts in countless forums, and has experienced countless kinds of life in countless novels, games and movies. The man who is isolated from the world, the technology is backward, the dark and ignorant Middle Ages, there is no Internet, no newspapers, no books, and no 10,000 wonderful lives. He faces the monotonous sky and the barren land, and With the high mountains surrounding the village, the only entertainment throughout the year is to infuse yourself drunk with inferior anesthetics-can he bear this kind of life? If it is you, cut off the Internet and live without entertainment, how long can you bear it?

"The truth is the same.

"For people living in the'Transphysical Era', they read 10,000 pieces of information every second, from the explosion of a supernova several million light years away to the experts and scholars of another world. A brand-new life form, to the fascinating scenery that explorers have just discovered on a certain planet... At the same time, they have to express their own views on these ten thousand pieces of information, generate their own feelings, and combine these views and feelings. Upload it to the superbody and share it with everyone-information to them is like air and water as indispensable things. Not to mention going back to the ancient times when there was no information interaction at all, it was going back to the early days of the information age. It is unthinkable to use various portable terminals to process only three or five pieces of information per minute. If this kind of tragedy happens, they will either have a nervous breakdown or be suffocated alive.

"So, you see, the act of separating yourself from the super body and maintaining ridiculous independence is tantamount to mental suicide.

"Furthermore, communication and isolation are both two-way. If you want to maintain the independence of spirit and thinking, it means that you can't spy on and share the wisdom, emotions and memories of others. You will become a lonely outside of the main civilization. Souls, wilds, and ghosts, after all, humans are social animals. It is against nature to do so, and there is no benefit at all!"

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