40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3145: When Super Body Meets Yuan Shi

When Gu Wuxin said this, he paused for a while, then his facial muscles twitched unconsciously, and his expression became extremely weird.

A smile is not a smile, a cry is not a cry, each muscle fiber twists in a different direction, as if there are one hundred, one thousand, and ten thousand faces covering his face at the same time, making a Thousands of different expressions.

"Soon, my seniors realized that the'superbody technology' far exceeded the scope of Pangu's large-scale telepathy. It was not only as simple as the skyrocketing wisdom, but also involved brand-new social and civilization construction concepts, and even It is a brand new life form, and a higher level relationship between life and the universe!"

Gu Wuxin’s voice seemed to be emitted from 10,000 mouths and 10,000 brains at the same time. It set off a stormy echo in Li Yao’s mind, "We are independent individuals, and we have bred a small, full of A new life of hope, letting go of ourselves, and completely immersed in it, we can perceive each other's thinking about the ancient relics and our civilization, countless ideas and roads are perfectly integrated together, the estrangement, doubts and all the negative emotions we once had All vanishes, we are silent in the purest, clear and bright happiness. Even when a certain expert and scholar passes away, his wisdom, his memory, his emotions and thinking patterns have not disappeared, but in the form of information , Continue to exist in the'superbody'.

"From this perspective, you can think that after linking into the superbody, the individual acquires the'immortal body'. Even if your physical body decays, your soul will still shine in the brain of others, eternal and immortal!

"Of course, of course, as I said, we are not controlled by the superbody of the main civilization outside the Pangu universe. Even if we form our own superbody, we still retain our independent will and ability to think. It is not ready to fully open the Pangu universe and let the main civilization drive straight into it.

"What's more, our super body was still very weak at the time. It only absorbed a small number of experts and scholars who were particularly open-minded. Most people in the fairy palace were extremely extreme'free will fundamentalists' and were The inferiority of carbon-based intelligent life is entangled, it is impossible to understand, let alone agree with everything we do.

"However, as you know, with the passage of time, the chronic diseases of the Pangu civilization have become more and more obvious. Various contradictions and disasters have erupted. Small-scale conflicts, famines and even massacres have emerged one after another. In the end, they have evolved into Full-scale civil war between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes.

"Although we are in a fairy palace isolated from the world, we are still very concerned about the situation of the entire Pangu universe-there is our home and homeland. It is precisely to save civilization that we choose to live in this deadly deserted ancient world. Burning lives in the tomb, dedicating everything.

"It's a pity that no matter how hard we try to analyze and copy a large number of Swire technologies, they are continuously transmitted to our civilization. It is a drop in the bucket. It cannot prevent the full degradation and collapse of civilization. We can only watch our dearly love. Civilization, embarking on the path of destruction that a whole hundred pioneer civilizations have traveled.

"Neither the archaic relics nor the inheritance of the Yuanshi clan can save our civilization. All self-righteous, bright, and kind roads are nothing more than treating symptoms and not curing the root cause, delaying time, only the'universe super-information unity' Body-super body' is the ultimate answer to save our civilization!

"The civil war that destroyed the heavens and the earth made us fully understand this. If the destruction of Pangu civilization is inevitable, then let us use the'super body' to plant brand new seeds, so that our civilization will usher in the raging flames. The rebirth of Pangu will also bring eternal light and peace to the Pangu universe!"

Having said this, Gu Wuxin was almost moved by his sincerity and enthusiasm, with a self-intoxicated expression on his face.

The four monsters around him, and even the big faces that appeared in the sea of ​​foam, showed exactly the same expressions as him. They made their scalp numb and got goose bumps.

"Nicely said!"

Li Yao bit his scalp and said, "What is the eradication of war, violence and oppression, what is eternal light and peace? After all, did you not use violence to destroy all those who do not agree with you?"

"This is the'necessary evil'. Peace cannot bring peace. Only violence can bring peace. Have you never used violence on the road to implement justice?"

Gu Wuxin said indifferently, "At the moment of the destruction of the earth, the first generation of'superbody' was created by the cry and soul resonance of hundreds of millions of human civilizations. Then he made up his mind not to let this tragedy happen again. To create a new era without war and violence, without darkness and evil, only peace, kindness, happiness, justice, and light in the entire dark and cold universe.

"They thought this way, and they did it in the same way. When they finally mastered the Xinghai navigation technology, rushed out of the solar system and even the Milky Way, and explored the entire universe all the way, they also encountered countless low-level civilizations and starry alien races, but they Rarely conflicts with these "aliens", but invites the aliens to join them and join the "super-body family".

"In the beginning, of course there were countless twists and turns and conflicts, but the people on the earth resolved them one by one with their unique patience and deep thinking.

"When the alien races in the starry sky entered the superbody, they instantly shared the development history of human civilization and life on earth, and shared the emotions, memories and ways of thinking of billions of people. At the same time, the people on earth also shared through the superbody. After the origins of the alien races in the starry sky, and the splendid and colorful things of the lower civilizations, they all realized the importance of'communication' and'fusion'. One plus one is always greater than two. Everyone is the descendant of the universe, even the vast universe. Part of it is the tiny cells in the universe. Why is it necessary to kill each other?

"From now on, the'super body' is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger in the universe, and its tentacles reach out to every sub-universe and every star field in all directions. There are thousands of races willingly. Linked into the super body, sharing everything that each other has.

"At this stage, the number of alien races and low-level civilizations linked to the superbody far exceeds the number of people on earth. It is no longer appropriate to call it'earth civilization' or'human civilization', let's call it... …'Super Body Civilization' right?

"In this way, the superbody civilization has truly achieved the'eternal peace' within a certain range. All races linked to the superbody, no matter whether they look like fangs and claws, hideous and ugly, and no matter how weak and cruel and cruel in history, Taking pleasure in killing and conquering, it doesn’t matter whether there has been blood and deep feud in the past, there are endless contradictions, all let go of everything, reborn, and become a part of the super body in a new form. There is no selfish desire, no hatred, and no violence. Without war, even after several generations of evolution, the boundaries of races no longer exist-what a perfect new civilization this is!

"It's a pity that the good times are not long. Although the universe is vast, it can't carry the infinite desires of certain ambitious races. When the super body civilization explores and invites more races in the universe in its own way to join peace and friendship. When they were equal in the big family, they finally encountered another vicious dark civilization-that is, their former'brother' on earth, Yuanshi Civilization!

"Superbody civilization and Yuanshi civilization are like mirror images.

"If super-body civilization symbolizes light, friendship and peace, then Yuanshi civilization represents darkness, hatred and conquest.

"Wherever the super body civilization goes, it stretches out harmonious and friendly tentacles in all directions, inviting all carbon-based intelligent life to join its own big family, there is absolutely no existence of discrimination, exploitation and oppression, even the most primitive aliens in the starry sky. As long as there is a slight burst of wisdom, you can get the'invitation code' linked to the super body, and be taught by the rest of the race in the super body completely selflessly.

"Wherever the Yuanshi civilization went, they willfully slaughtered the alien races in the starry sky with wisdom, without expression, exterminating all lower civilizations that could threaten them, destroying the homes of these civilizations, and enslaving the citizens of these civilizations, and they will be rich in various forms and expressions. The planet was forcibly transformed to an unrecognizable level, just to make them live comfortably.

"Even, after conquering most of the heavens and blessings in the universe and there are no more low-level civilizations and starry alien races for them to kill, they will pour the dark and evil desire to kill on their own kind, and it will erupt for a long time. A civil war that ruined the world.

"The civil war of Yuanshi civilization almost destroyed one-third of the heaven and blessings in the center of the universe, and destroyed the future of countless civilizations and intelligent lives, including themselves.

"They are simply the shame of human civilization in the past, and they are the most evil destroyers in the universe, the'cancer of the universe'!

"Even though they are so dark, evil, and cruel, after the first encounter between the supernatural civilization and the Yuanshi civilization by surprise, the supernatural civilization still has no plans to attack the Yuanshi civilization.

"The past of the ancient earth has long been annihilated in the smoke and dust of time. Transcendental civilization is a civilization that faces the future, is full of hope, and advocates peace. It does not care about the grievances of the past.

"What's more, in the long process of exploration and growth, super civilization has become accustomed to peace, friendship, selflessness, and sharing, and has long forgotten the methods of war, killing, and conquest.

"Superbody civilization still follows its usual attitude, sending out tentacles containing infinite information to Yuanshi civilization, inviting Yuanshi civilization to join its big family, hoping that Yuanshi civilization can learn the spirit of selfless sharing, and use this method to resolve the past. Gratitude and grievance, and change the nature of Yuanshi civilization.

"It's a pity, haha, Yuanshi Civilization has become accustomed to their own methods."

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