40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3154: Forced link

"Li Yao, kill him!"

"Li Yao, hold on!"

"Li Yao, now all hope is pinned on you, but you are... distracted!"

All the strong clenched their fists, their eyes rounded, and they wished to pull their souls out of their bodies and project them into the ball of light to help Li Yao.

Although they are divided into different positions and camps, they usually have different views on Li Yao. However, at a critical moment, they have to admit that Li Yao is the last line of defense for these self-proclaimed strong guys. An enemy that even Li Yao could not defeat by all his best, then no one would be able to defeat it.

In the past countless times, Li Yao has defeated an enemy that is ten times stronger than him with his...ingenious method and extremely distinctive personal style. This time, should it be the same?

The core of the super body is carried in Gu Wuxin's body. As long as Gu Wuxin is eliminated, the overwhelming foam-the sea of ​​cells will also freeze and wither. This is what is happening.

They can only look forward to it, helpless, uneasy, and almost desperately looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, the enemy they faced this time was fundamentally different from all previous enemies.

Seeing that the black spots are about to join together, the large sea of ​​cells is completely exhausted and withered, and even many tentacles that stretch straight to the sky are broken, like broken genetic chains, but in the area of ​​the black spots. When it was about to break through the critical point, its diffusion rate gradually slowed down, and finally stopped completely.

In the huge ball of light ignited by Li Yao with his life and soul, weird blue lights appeared, gradually forming a crystal clear shell, and even slightly contracting inward.

Experienced cultivators know that this is a sign of a sudden collapse and contraction of a large magnetic field with a high-energy response, which means that Li Yao's oil well is dead and it is unsustainable.

"Li Yao!"

Ding Lingdang let out a heartbreaking cry, and actually wanted to rush to Gu Wuxin at all costs with a small crystal armor, but was thrown over by several cultivators from the Federation, and dragged her down.

Long Yangjun controlled the fragmented "Tianjing" and knelt on one knee, trying to raise his incomplete arms to gather new shock waves, but after several attempts, he finally used the elbows, shoulders and waist of the giant soldiers. Both exploded huge fireballs, completely paralyzed and ended.

Boss Bai, Yan Liren, Boxing King, Li Jialing, Li Linghai...Everyone's attempts failed. They could only watch the "shell" covering the light ball peeling off and shattering.

Within the annihilation of the magnetic field, Li Yao's blazing Soul Fire had become so thin that it was illusory.

The only thing that can prove that he just released the terrifying destructive power is the circular crater burnt to the smooth like a mirror on the ground. The surface of the crater blooms with colorful patterns, showing the characteristics of glazing and crystallization.

And above the crater...

Gu Wuxin was indeed hit hard.

His skin and outer layer of flesh and blood were all burned out, and his whole body was not charred, but showed a colorful and crystal-clear texture like a crater, as if the whole person had been sent into a refining furnace and spent nearly 10,000. The high temperature burned for seven to seven forty-nine days.

Even the laceration that Li Yao cut from top to bottom just now has not been able to fully recover. From the sky to the tip of the nose, from the tip of the nose to the chest, from the chest to the waist and hip, there is a shocking scar, the scar is deeply sunken. Going down, as if his body is still divided into two halves, just relying on hundreds of granulation shoots to connect together.

Gu Wuxin in this form has completely stripped away the characteristics of "Nuwa" or "human beings", and is more like gods and demons from different universes.

Although Gu Wuxin did not deliberately release the aura of ruining the world, the hearts of many human powers still kept sinking.

Because the sharp claws of Gu Wuxin's right arm, which is tens of meters long, are firmly clamped by Li Yao and his giant soldier "Sun Catastrophe"!

Gu Wuxin's strength was so great that his five claws were deeply embedded in the head of "Sun Catastrophe", and most of the sensor chips were crushed.

The head of the giant soldier concentrates 50% of the whole body’s perceptual magic weapons. Although the head burst is not fatal, its combat effectiveness is at least 30% lower. Many giant soldiers would rather sacrifice an arm than expose their head to the enemy’s Within the range of firepower strikes.

However, the "sun catastrophe" at this moment is like a paralysis of the whole body, the limbs and waist and hips are all loose and sagging, and suspicious liquid is flowing from the joints and the ultra-high compression reaction furnace, and there is no response to the enemy's ravages.

"Li Yao!"

Ding Lingdang, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing...The hearts of all the strong are also torn by Gu Wuxin's sharp claws.

There was a dead silence in the communication channel. There was no sound of Li Yao. I don't know whether it was falling into the enemy's saturated mental bombardment, or the external communication of the giant soldiers was severely disturbed and suppressed.

"Do you feel it? This is the power of the super body."

Gu Wuxin continued to ravage the head of "Solar Catastrophe" unscrupulously, sending out a broadcast-like spiritual ripple to many human strong men, "In just a few thousand years, thousands of researchers and strong men in the fairy palace gathered together. With this kind of power, outside of the Pangu universe, how powerful is the true superbody, can you imagine, can you resist it?

"Give up, if I am not even an opponent, you are not qualified to be enemies of super civilization. I don't understand what you are still insisting on. It is meaningless and meaningless!

"Come on, join us, let us share all the power, wisdom and memory in the superbody, all the power I have just shown can be shared with you, we will be completely integrated, I am you, and you are I, with us like this, jointly create a new world without disputes, deception, and contradictions!"

"Shut up, you monster!"

Ding Lingdang took off the face mask of the crystal armor, revealing an extremely angry face, and sipped a **** saliva from the ancient Wuxin, "We will not join you in the death of any ghost super body!"

"Then, as you wish."

Gu Wuxin smiled slightly, and on the colorful face that looked like ceramics and crystals melted and then condensed, the smile was extremely strange, "However, it is not death, but rebirth."

The dozen-meter-long arm flicked twice in mid-air, slamming Li Yao and his "Solar Catastrophe" fiercely away, and colliding with the other dozen giant soldiers into a group of strange-shaped scraps of copper and rotten iron. Deafening loud noise.

At the same time, the sea of ​​cells, which was wilting and collapsing, has recovered ten times its vitality. From the depths of the bursting black spots, hundreds of shiny tentacles stretched out and slammed into nearly a hundred. Taiwan giant soldiers.

Most of the giant soldiers lost part or all of their mobility in the previous battle.

The overall frame and transmission structure of many giant soldiers are bursting to varying degrees, and even the connection between the upper and lower body is uncontrollable, which is equivalent to "half body failure" or "whole body paralysis", and cannot avoid the sudden tentacles.

And these tentacles, not so much the tentacles of the super giant octopus, are more of the nerve endings magnified hundreds of millions of times. Once entangled with a giant soldier, they immediately split and multiply crazily, and at a time, an intricate neural network. , It covered every piece of armor of the giant soldier, and even penetrated into the giant soldier along the gaps and wounds, easily penetrated the crystal armor and mustard combat uniform, and got in front of the rider.


Many powerhouses saw the "nerve bundles" like snakes and nematodes when they got into the spirit house, all of them were messed up.

These colorful, unusually bright "nerve bundles", while releasing paralytic and hallucinogenic bio-electric currents, while swimming towards the driver's nostrils, ear canals, corners of the eyes and mouth, they penetrate into the body of the strong like lightning.

Many strong men are struggling desperately, trying to drag these nasty bugs out of their bodies.

But with the invasion of the "nerve bundle", the astronomical flow of information was like a flash flood and a tsunami flooded into their minds. Everything that Li Yao had experienced just now was repeated in the minds of many powerful men.

Moreover, because it was "wireless transmission" just now, but now it is "wired transmission", the intensity of information bombing has increased more than ten times!

Even Long Yangjun, the most special body among the many powerful men, does not have a "earth" deep in his brain, let alone the mental power and spiritual defense like Li Yao.

In the face of Gu Wuxin's "invitation", they have no power to refuse.

All the strong roared in pain, and the roar gradually became dull and weak. They were like falling into a nightmare that could never escape. The fall in the endless abyss had just begun.

Whether willingly or not, almost all the human experts and the "moon-watchers" who survived the fairy palace researchers are all entangled, covered and corroded by the strange nerve bundles drilled out of the sea of ​​cells, and are connected to a super giant Neural network.

There are also more and more gray-brown cells, like a blanket of infinite division and proliferation, climbing up along the legs of the giant soldiers, and gradually devouring one giant soldier after another.

"Boom! Click!"

As if echoing the power of Gu Wuxin, thunderous thunder came from the sky that hasn't changed for hundreds of millions of years in the Archaic Relics, condensing large expanses of colorful clouds, dazzling lightning chasing and entwining each other, just like energy A morphological neural network, and when the neural network between the heavens and the earth gradually tore, it even tore a huge gap in the sky of the ancient relics, just to let the light of the "Rainbow Bridge" shoot out from the middle to the stars. Far away.

"at last--"

Gu Wuxin looked at the sky and said deeply, "The time has come."

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