40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3199: can not explain

At this moment is the darkest time before dawn, and the sky and the earth are rippling with vagueness, the whole world seems to be swallowed by monsters, falling into the rancid intestines, and only a lone lamp at the supper stall against the intense darkness.

The Dream Traveler should be sleeping, and Li Yao is not allowed to call someone so early, will it be unpleasant.

However, if you think about it carefully, from the emotional analysis revealed in the words of Dream Traveler, he should also be very lonely and very eager to communicate with friends who have similar experiences.

Li Yao couldn't wait, so he turned his mind and dialed directly.

A melancholy and deep ring back tone echoed for half a minute, and no one answered. Maybe the other party turned the phone into silent mode before going to bed?

When Li Yao waited for more than ten minutes and wanted to call the past again, the light hung on the supper stall went out.

The sky in the east faintly bloomed with a few hideous blood, while in the sky in the west there were still strange stars flickering. Under Li Yao’s feet, the earth began to tremble, as if it had changed from a hard solid to a thin semi-fluid. A mysterious and terrifying force is about to emerge from the ground.

The owner and his wife of the supper stall and the diners around Li Yao shook.


Li Yao, the boss and the diners looked at each other, but didn't react for a while.

Jiangnan City is located in the eastern coastal area. It is not on the plate tectonic belt. There have been few serious earthquakes in history. In the past 30 to 50 years, I have not even seen the shadow of an earthquake.

Therefore, until the shaking of the earth became more and more serious, the pots and pans of the late-night snack stalls collided with each other, and the "ding-ding-dang-dong" noises made everyone suddenly startled.

The owner and his wife yelled, and hurriedly pushed the midnight snack stall to the middle of the road, avoiding the tall buildings on both sides. Other than that, they seemed to have nothing to do, each of them shrank their heads and opened their mouths wide. , Looking at hundreds of windows at the same time making a "wow, wow" vibration.

For a while, the lights were on in almost all the windows of high-rise buildings, and there were sound of jumping and jumping, and people with disheveled clothes and sleepy eyes poked their heads out of the windows-fortunately, the intensity of the earthquake was not too great. High, people’s minds are still sober, no one has done the silly thing of jumping directly from the third or fifth floor, but many people ran down the corridor panting and gathered in the middle of the road and the square, a little confused Looking at the sky gradually clearing.

The earthquake subsided and lasted for three to five minutes.

No, to be more precise, it is not an earthquake, but a "seismic". The epicenter should be extremely far away from Jiangnan City. Such a tremor is unlikely to cause any substantial losses.

Now that the dawn has come, the people with false alarms are reluctant to go back to sleep like this. They gather in twos and threes to discuss and guess where a serious earthquake has occurred. There are also some healthy young men who are smiling and staring at the hastily thrown. When I came out, the girls who didn't even wear shoes looked at them, and there was no tension at all.

Li Yao felt a chill of fear for no reason.

The prophecies of the Dream Traveler are being fulfilled one by one, first with the deaths of the creators of the fantasy world, followed by various natural disasters such as earthquakes.

Li Yao stared at the mobile phone’s news bulletin webpage, refreshing it time and time again, and sure enough, after ten minutes, a piece of latest news came out:

"In the early hours of this morning, an earthquake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale occurred in the western Pacific Ocean. The epicenter is very close to Edo Bay. It has caused serious chaos in the eastern part of the archipelago. According to the tsunami warning issued by the Fuso Meteorological Department, there is also a tsunami at least 15 meters high. The islands have been attacked one after another. Sources pointed out that this earthquake may become the biggest crisis Fusang has encountered since World War II. It is not even ruled out that this is just a precursor to a series of strong earthquakes!"

Because it was news that just happened, the news is very brief.

But Li Yao knew that the shorter the news, the bigger the truth.

The thing is clear-Fusang Archipelago is a series of islands in the Pacific Ocean, but Jiangnan City stands on a solid continental shelf. The earthquake that occurred in the eastern part of the archipelago even felt tremors thousands of miles away in Jiangnan City. Such an earthquake , Is it really only level 9.2?

News websites have their own workflow, and they cannot respond so quickly to the earthquake. However, many people in Fusang have been circulated on social media. The short videos sent back can be seen through the shaking pictures. The top super metropolis is immersed in flames and smoke, and the harsh sirens are louder and louder. It really seems to be returning to the bombing of the Second World War. There are all kinds of true and false gossips all over the sky. Feiwu said that at least half of the dozens of nuclear power plants in the eastern part of the archipelago had serious nuclear leakage accidents, and the radiation index even exceeded Chernobyl that year. The situation has been completely out of control.

Li Yao cursed secretly, there was a feeling that the storm was overwhelming in a moment when the storm was still calm just now.

"not good!"

He suddenly shuddered deeply, and ran desperately to the community where Zhang Daniu lived.

"If, if what Dream Traveler said is true, isn't Zhang Daniel very dangerous?"

Li Yao didn’t care about hiding his figure, and hurried through the streets like an arrow from the string. “Although the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean is unlikely to cause any damage to Jiangnan City,'some kind of force' used the earthquake. Yu Wei, killing one or two people is more than enough!"

Li Yao ran into the old community just now.

At this time, many people have gathered on the road of the community-elderly people sleep lightly, and once they are awakened, it is difficult to fall asleep again. They simply gather to discuss the matter just now and prepare to exercise early.

Under the eyes of everyone, Li Yao naturally could no longer use the gecko climbing wall skills, so he could only honestly walk up the corridor to the fifth floor. Time was tight and the door was locked. Li Yao simply roared, "bang", and kicked. Opened the door of Daniel's house.


Zhang Daniu was still tapping the keyboard frantically, making a series of continuous crashing sounds. The earthquake just now did not affect him at all. His eyes went from deep sunken to violent, completely red with bloodshot eyes.


A row of bookshelves on his left, piled with thick and heavy hardcover books and encyclopedic dictionaries, has been slanted by the earthquake, as the author exerted his strength and exaggerated the carriage return action. The angle of inclination became more and more obvious, like a crumbling cliff that would collapse on him at any time.

Many of these hardcover books and encyclopedic dictionaries are printed on coated paper. The edges and corners are sharp and solid to the extreme. They are no different from bricks. If they hit a person's head, they may be able to smash them.

"Brother Niu!"

Li Yao yelled violently and rushed over.

The moment he rushed over, "Wow!" The bookshelf, together with the encyclopedia dictionary and hardcover books on it, collapsed, and the sharp edges and corners of the book went straight to the author's temple.


Zhang Daniu suddenly struck a spirit, was awakened by Li Yao's violent drink, and turned his head back in a daze.


Li Yao was too late to resist or hug, so he jumped up, kicked and kicked the author directly into the corner, and suffered the consequences of the collapse of the bookshelf on his own behalf.


Li Yao and Zhang Daniu screamed at the same time.

When Li Yao easily crawled out of the mess of books, the first thing was not to check his injuries, but to see Zhang Daniu in the corner.

Fortunately, he regained his strength in time. Apart from kicking the author with black eyes and swollen nose, he should, as if, didn't hurt his brain.

Zhang Daniu was finally sober.

But he was even more confused than when he was sleepwalking. He stared at Li Yao dumbfounded for a long time, his expression gradually changed from confused to pain, rubbing his hands, head and buttocks vigorously.

"This, what's the situation?"

Zhang Daniu held his head and grinned, "My head hurts, I remember, it seems to be drunk..."


Li Yao crawled out of the pile of books, leaned in front of the author, and nodded, "Brother Niu, you are drunk. You have a headache after a hangover. It's normal."

"Then why is my hand so painful?"

Zhang Daniu looked at his ten fingers that were swollen into carrots, and found that the nails were a little cracked, and said in disbelief, "Me, what did I do?"

"You may not believe it."

Li Yaodao, "You have been writing while sleepwalking."

"Really, I'm sleepwalking again?"

It seems that this is not the first time that Zhang Daniu did "writing in a dream". He didn't doubt it, but touched his **** and said, "Oh, my whole body hurts all over the body, it hurts, especially Butt, **** hurts so badly, it’s not right, if you drink, you can still get to the butt!"


Li Yao thought for a while, "Brother Niu, you have been sleepwalking and writing since 11 or 12 in the middle of the night. For five or six hours, you have stuck on the chair without moving. The blood circulation is not smooth, and there is a little backache including Discomfort in the hips is normal and reasonable."

"is it?"

Zhang Daniu grabbed two more butts and agreed with this statement, but he stared at Li Yao for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

"You are... Oh, you are Li Yao, the brother of the'Little Rabbit in the Stars', we drank together last night, but, hey, but I remember you left last night? I think Think, you sent me home, you left, and you closed the door very hard. I have the impression that you must have gone!"

Zhang Daniu stretched out his hand to touch the phone, "What time is it, why are you here?"

"It's half past five in the morning, Brother Niu, you don't know, something has happened-an earthquake!"

Li Yao said, "There has just been a 9.2-magnitude earthquake in the Western Pacific. We all feel the earthquake in Jiangnan City. I am worried that something will happen to you. Come and have a look. No, it's just in time!"


Zhang Daniu's eyes widened, and the whole person became sober. "Because of the earthquake in the Pacific Ocean, you drove dozens of miles from school to me at five o'clock in the morning to remind me to be careful...you, you How did you get in?"

"This one--"

Li Yao didn't know how to answer.

The two looked at each other, wide-eyed, and small-eyed. Suddenly, Zhang Daniu's muscles all tightened, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Wait, you did go back to school last night, even if you didn't go back to school, anyway, if you sent me home, will you leave?"

Zhang Daniu asked with a trembling voice.


How else can Li Yao answer?

"Then, since you sent me home, if you leave—"

Zhang Daniu asked, "How did you know that I was sleepwalking in the middle of the night and woke up to write a novel?"

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