40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3215: "Ark" and "Apocalypse"

There are four people on the other side.

Three of the footsteps, Li Yao just heard in Zhang Daniu’s community, were a middle-aged man with a beer belly, a young woman pushing a stroller, and the man who held Zhang Daniu, suspected of mastering hypnotism or saying " The brawny of "puppetry".

Especially this brawny man, who was limping on the way because he was nailed through the soles of his feet by Li Yao, was very characteristic and would never admit his mistakes.

But the footsteps of the fourth person are not among the mysterious figures in the community.

And he is precisely the most dangerous one.

The sound of this person's footsteps seemed to be fast and slow, from left to right, and each step seemed to randomly choose a landing point, giving people a vague and unpredictable feeling.

Li Yao imagined that if he was a gunman in ambush and wanted to attack this person, it would be difficult to target him.

With only the sound of footsteps, Li Yao could feel that this new mysterious figure is more difficult than the other three people combined.

Li Yao tensed every muscle in his body in an instant, but he indulged for a moment and then completely relaxed. He also stopped the rhythm of the internal organs and cells, and disguised himself as a cold corpse again.

He had only one of the four opponents, and he was severely injured, hungry, and his energy was almost exhausted. In this case, there was a conflict and the chance of winning was not great.

What's more, Li Yao is very curious about what these people are doing here-this is the morgue. In theory, he is already a corpse. These people don't necessarily want to whip the corpse to vent their anger?

So, is it possible for him to get some information from these people's conversations?

No one will guard a corpse, right?

Li Yao decided to take a gamble.

The moment the heartbeat stopped completely, the door of the morgue was opened silently, and four unidentified guys walked in.

The dangerous person who had never appeared before, seemed to be a lady, with a faint perfume scent around her body, passed into Li Yao's nostrils, scratching his nasal mucosa and brain cells, making him want to sneeze.

Li Yao was not sure whether this was the other party’s tentative method to forcibly contain all his physical activities. Fortunately, he was reborn in the raging flames, and he had mastered every organ of the body to a level of exquisiteness. With a move of his mind, it was all right. Expanding organs such as pupils six times can also completely cut off the "vitality" of an organ.


The zipper of the body bag was unzipped, and Li Yao could feel that the other three could not help covering their mouths and noses, whether they were smoked by the scorched smell or frightened by his burnt forehead, only new danger appeared. The woman leaned her head to observe, then gestured for the body bag to be pulled up.

"Who is he?"

This dangerous woman with a strange fragrance floating on her body stretched out her slender fingers, tapped Li Yao's metal bed without hesitation, frowning and asked.

"I don't know, Ms. Misty."

The brawny man who had held Zhang Daniu a moment ago reverently said, "At six o'clock in the evening, we were looking for a target in the'Qingyuan Community' according to your instructions. This guy appeared quietly and knocked down the five of us in one breath, and After robbing the target, after analysis, his speed and agility have exceeded the limits of normal humans, and he should be an'awakened'.

"In the beginning, we thought he was a person of Apocalypse. The strange thing is that he robbed the target, and after jumping down from the rear window on the third floor, he fought fiercely with the three awakened persons of Apocalypse, and he should have suffered heavy losses. To kill one of them, forcing the other to perform a secret technique that extremely consumes life force before killing him.

"This obviously cannot be the infighting of Apocalypse. Therefore, he is neither the awakener of our Ark nor the awakened of Apocalypse. Then, who is he and why should he intervene in this matter? Crucially, what is his secret relationship with the target?"

Li Yao was slightly startled when he heard this.

The two groups of people who dare to hide behind Zhang Daniu's house are not a group.

The first time I saw a middle-aged man with a beer belly, a young woman pushing a stroller, and a strong man who is good at hypnotism, they all mean "Ark Foundation" superpowers-of course they are not called "superpowers" "So clichéd, but calling himself "Awakened", really cool enough.

And when he rescued Zhang Daniu from them and was about to run to the back of the house, he encountered the brawny bald man, the crow girl, and the blond-white-haired magician who belonged to another superpower group "Apocalypse."

If the murderer of the T3 game show shooting did not lie, it belongs to the "Apocalypse", and the two "Apocalypse organizations" are the same thing, have you made a mistake? The "Apocalypse" is the evil superpower that wants to kill you. Organization, and "Ark" is good, at least you want to protect Zhang Daniu?

Li Yao was not in a hurry to make judgments, and patiently listened to several "Awakeners" from the "Ark Foundation".

"I've been to the scene, Tongtou, you are not to blame for this."

A dangerous woman named "Grey Mist" said, "The Awakened squad sent by Apocalypse includes monsters like'White Night'. According to the traces of the fierce battle, at first, White Night was only prepared to solve the battle with a conventional spell, but For some reason, perhaps due to the drastic changes in the battle, she had to consume a lot of life force, burn her own soul, and increase the power and accuracy of the magic circle by ten times, before she could kill this guy with difficulty!

"According to the analysis of the traces of the magic circle that'White Night' has not had time to completely remove, I estimate that she will not be able to call even the simplest magic for at least a week-this is the battle between'Ark' and'Apocalypse', a crucial week. !

"In other words, the strength of this guy makes'White Night' deeply jealous, thinking that it is worth it to pay the price of not being able to do it for a week at the critical moment.

"Such a fellow, you guys who have just awakened to the memory of one life, two lives, at most three lives, can't deal with it, and it's normal."

"This guy made'White Night' unable to do it for a whole week?"

The brawny man named "Bronze Head" secretly smacked his tongue, and the two companions behind him also murmured, very surprised by Li Yao's strength. It seems that in the circle of the Awakened, at least in the two big "Apocalypse" and "Ark" Within the organization, the blonde-white-haired female magician named "White Night" is also a fiercely known and ruthless character.

"Forget it, the identity of this person is not important."

Gray mist said, "The important thing is the whereabouts and safety of the target-as long as we can rescue the target, there is always a way to pry his mouth open, know the identity of this mysterious awakened person, and whether there is a third strand behind him. The forces, now the'White Night' cannot obtain magic, and the power of the awakened persons belonging to the'Apocalypse' in Jiangnan City has been weakened to the lowest point. It is our best, and perhaps the only opportunity, until the apocalyptic awakeners from all over the country come one after another. Things are in trouble!"


The brawny "Bronze Head" and two of his companions nodded their heads, hesitated for a moment, then he said again, "Ms. Gray Mist, I still don't quite understand the value of this Zhang Daniu. It is worth leaving the Ark for you to come to Jiangnan City in person. Directing this operation? Regardless of the performance, influence or quality of the work, he is too far from the goal we usually target-it doesn't seem worthwhile to waste so many resources of the Foundation for such an ordinary guy, right?"

"I don't know, it's not my job to calculate the value of a goal."

Grey fog said, "Perhaps, his works contain hidden secrets that can activate more ‘Awakened’? Didn’t I ask you to study "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension" first, what have you discovered?"

"Uh, at least I didn't."

Tongtou said, "I have read more than fifty chapters, and I have no feeling of being'awakened' at all."

"I read two hundred and twenty chapters."

The beer belly middle-aged man said, "I can guarantee that every plot has been seen in other books. There is absolutely no'unknown secret'. The author cannot be an'awakened', nor can he activate more. The awakened person, what he wrote has nothing to do with his past life memory, it is purely random and patchwork."

"I insisted on four or five hundred chapters, and saw the protagonist jump to the Flying Star Realm to participate in some refining competition, I really can't stand it anymore."

The young woman said, "It is estimated that the following millions of words are the same routine, infinitely looping. How can there be any unknown secrets or exciting things? Ms. Gray Mist, don't you have any special discoveries?"


Gray Mist said, "After reading the first chapter, I saw that the protagonist came from an abandoned garbage dump again, so I couldn't stand it anymore-you know how tense the situation is recently, and I can't waste a book like this. time."

"and so……"

Tongtou hesitated, "Could it be a mistake from above?"

"……will not."

Grey Mist was silent for a moment, and said, "The command comes directly from the'Red Pole Star.'"


The three Tongtou exclaimed at the same time, their voices trembling, "Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the order issued by the Red Pole Star himself, why, this guy is so important, it is worth the Red Pole Star to risk being organized by Apocalypse—— Is there even the risk of the entire world discovering, locking, and eradicating?"

"At the beginning, I also thought it was a mistake, but you should know that'Red Pole Stars' never make mistakes."

Gray Mist said, "And the weird thing that happened today in the'Qingyuan Community' has also verified the judgment of the'Red Pole Star' from the side. Think about it carefully, if the target really has no value at all, it cannot be activated if it is not an awakened person. For more awakened people, why did the Apocalypse organization send elite soldiers like "White Night" to deal with him in the future? Just find a "new awakened person" who has awakened the memory of one or two lives, disguised as a car accident or robbery, it will not be solved. Up?

"No, not only did the'White Night' come in person, and the'Apocalypse Organization' was uncharacteristically. It did not obliterate the target on the spot, but robbed the target. Why?"

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