40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3225: Violent drag racing

If it weren't for Li Yao to brake and make a sharp turn in time, this heavy-duty off-road vehicle would definitely hit the roof of Li Yao's car, maybe both cars would crash into burning scrap iron.

But now, the sudden beast of steel fell to the front of Li Yao at a distance of a few millimeters, and turned into an exploding fireball with a "boom".

Li Yao’s pupils seemed to be ignited by a fireball, and he operated like a cramp in his hands and feet. The engine, brake pads, and tires screamed one after another. The off-road vehicle spun at a high speed like a top, hitting the fireball in front of him directly. Return to normal direction and speed.


Zhang Daniu's face turned pale again, as if his heart was vomiting.

The flame in Li Yao's eyes did not go out, because dozens of fast-moving cars appeared on the viaduct in the rearview mirror, just like dozens of steel beasts!

Some cars rushed up towards them straight from behind, and some cars started "dive" from the high ground like an off-road vehicle just now.

In rainy days, the road is slippery, the lights are dim, the visibility on the elevated bridge is extremely low, and the road conditions are extremely poor. Most drivers do not have the driving skills of Li Yao. They often drove and the tires slipped and the direction was out of control. In the middle of the game, it turned into a rising fireball for a while, but there were also more than a dozen cars firmly biting Li Yao, getting closer and closer, and even trying to hit Li Yao's off-road vehicle from the rear and flanks.

"Bang! Bang!"

In the gust of wind and rain, such an impact is tantamount to suicide, a crazy tactic of burning jade and stone.

Rao Li Yao awakened his superb driving skills, surrounded by these crazy drivers, he couldn't help being shocked in a cold sweat.

At this time, a two-seater sports car was driving side by side with him. Li Yao looked through the car window and saw that the driver was a middle-aged man with bright clothes, no messy hair, and gold-rimmed glasses—what? It doesn't look like a death-defying team member.

However, seeing the other party's absent eyes and the Bluetooth headset hanging around his ear, Li Yao immediately understood.

Those who dare to love these pursuers are still puppets manipulated by others, and they have long lost their reason, so they are like crazy and devil, and they regard death as home.


The tires of the two sports cars screamed. Regardless of their weight and size, they still slammed into Li Yao's off-road vehicle. Li Yao couldn't avoid it. The two cars scratched severely and wiped out a hideous hideousness. After all, the two-seater sports car is not the opponent of the multi-purpose off-road vehicle. Li Yao knocked and fell into the ground under the guardrail, with a drop of more than ten or twenty meters on the ground.

But as a result, Li Yao's speed inevitably slowed down, and he was about to be overtaken by the remaining dozen cars.

"It seems, there seems to be something wrong!"

Zhang Daniu shouted, "You can't finish this section of the elevated walkway!"

Li Yao was startled slightly, narrowed his eyes, and looked around carefully.

Speaking of the surroundings, in fact, the lighting system on the viaduct has long been damaged by storms and lightning and thunder. They can't see anything except that the high beams can shine through the rain screen to tens of meters ahead.

Surrounded by darkness in all directions, the viaduct sometimes stretches straight in the darkness, leading to the unknown, and sometimes twists and turns, like twisted knots, with countless branches and ramps. It is a labyrinth of endless loops.

At this time, a street sign flashed over the two of them, and it happened to be struck by a bolt of lightning, allowing them to clearly see the content on the street sign.

This is the intersection of "Renmin Road" and "Haichao Road".

The problem is that Renmin Road and Haichao Road are not far from the Central Business District. They can be reached within three to five minutes at most, and they drove the elevated highway for at least twenty to thirty minutes in the rainstorm-dozens of miles should have been rushed out. .

How come back to the vicinity of the Central Business District?

Li Yao twitched his mouth, Zhang Daniu swallowed his saliva, and the two thought of three words at the same time: "A ghost hit the wall!"

"can you drive?"

Li Yao asked suddenly.


Zhang Daniu was taken aback and stammered, "I, I do have a driver's license, but I haven't touched a car in years. I, I don't own a car, I'm a ‘my native’..."

"You come to drive!"

Li Yao could not refuse, "If this section of the road is really an endless loop of ghosts hitting the wall, then after the intersection of Renmin Road and Haichao Road, there should be a straight road for several kilometers ahead. You can slow down a bit, it's very simple. of!"

"What, I, I won't, I can't!"

Zhang Daniu was at a loss, "I haven't touched a real steering wheel in a long time, I am not an old driver in this area!"

But Li Yao had already unbuttoned his seat belt and pulled Zhang Daniu over.

The multifunctional off-road vehicle suddenly twisted and snaked on the elevated rail. Several times, it wiped the guardrail next to it, wiping out a flurry of sparks.


Zhang Daniu screamed.

"Stay steady, relax, and drive slowly!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and yelled at Zhang Daniu's ears.

"I'm holding on!"

Zhang Daniu's tears were about to come down, "This thing is so exciting!"

"Very well, you drove very well, not like a normal ‘own clan’. That’s right, that’s right."

Li Yao was originally a dead horse as a living horse doctor. He didn't expect Zhang Daniu to be a little flustered at the beginning, but he entered the role within half a minute. Although he did not drive very well and fast, but in this ghost weather and ghost place, It is very good that the car can maintain the normal speed and stability the first time you get started.

But in this way, the chaser's car will be less than twenty or thirty meters away from them, and it's a matter of kicking the accelerator.

Li Yao took a deep breath, kicked the rear car window with one kick, and got out like a winged loach.

Fingers and toes turned into steel-like iron hooks, and they stuck to the roof of the car, no matter how wind, rain and thunder and lightning raged, they couldn't get rid of him.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Li Yao yelled in the car, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

When the pursuer tried to hit Li Yao's off-road vehicle again, Li Yao's arm swung into an arc, and the nail shot!


The nail hits the front wheel of the chaser's vehicle. At such a high speed, although it is not like the movie "spinning dozens of times in the air and turning into a big fireball", it is enough to make the vehicle lose control and smash into it. On the side of the road, the front of the car hit a mess with the engine and couldn't start anymore.

Seeing that the strategy worked, Li Yao acted as he did, shooting out the nails one by one, aiming at the opponent's tires.

With his vision and hand strength, even if he is disturbed by heavy rain and thunder, it is easy to shoot the pursuer’s tires, but he does not want to cause fatal damage to the puppets in the car, so he repeated calculations and carefully aimed. And let Zhang Daniu slow down the speed of the car again. Sure enough, more than a dozen cars either hit the guardrail or braked out of control, and no more tragedies of falling off the elevated or exploding in the sky.

In a short while, more than a dozen cars of the pursuers stopped.

Li Yao wiped the hot rain on his face, thinking that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief, thinking about how to escape the unpredictable "ghost hitting the wall".

"Li Yao! Li Yao!"

But at this time, Zhang Daniu screamed in the car.

Li Yao's heart was stunned. When he looked back, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo saw two dim lights shooting at them in the darkness ahead.

In a short while, the light outlined a darker outline in the dark, and it was a large container truck with twenty-four wheels!

The ghost knows where the other party got such a behemoth. This kind of container truck is usually not allowed to enter the city, but now it is roaring, running and flaring its teeth and claws on the elevated like a furious steel beast. Li Yao's off-road vehicle galloped over.

No, it's not just a container truck.

Just as Li Yao was on the roof of an off-road vehicle, there was also a person standing on the front of a large container truck, a man in a black suit and black sunglasses in the storm, thunder and lightning. The middle-aged man of the "government employee" in the movie.

He also seemed to find that Li Yao was observing him and leaned slightly, as if to salute Li Yao.


Zhang Daniu screamed from the driver's seat, "He is a'hunter'!"

Li Yao's heart sank suddenly.

The wind and rain were so heavy that he had to lie on the roof of the car, using one hand and feet to barely fix his body, but the "hunter" stood on the roof of his car casually and easily, no matter how bumpy and swaying. , The figure is not moving at all.

This physical control ability alone faintly surpassed Li Yao at this moment. No wonder facing the "ten Ark Foundation"'s "Ten Awakened Ones and Two Final Awakened Ones", they dare not hurriedly set up traps.

Looking at the truck's cab again, there is a fat, unshaven driver who does not look like an awakened person, and the earphones are indeed wrapped around his ears. Then, the matter is very obvious. The ability of the "hunter" One is to invade others' brains through radio waves, turn others into his puppets, and activate some of the memories of previous lives in the depths of others' brains to obtain terrifying killing skills!

But will this be the hunter's only ability?

Li Yao was pondering, the two cars were getting closer and closer.

Li Yao could clearly see the hunter’s increasingly mysterious smile, and saw him flicking his fingers. The driver in the cab immediately seemed to have received a mysterious command, pulling the steering wheel and violently pulling it, and he came ninety. A big turn.

Such a heavy rain, such a slippery road, such a heavy container truck, it is impossible to turn such a rapid ninety-degree turn. Sure enough, the large truck immediately turned over, and under the effect of inertia, the entire carriage went sideways. , Almost blocked the entire lane.

The carriage rubbed against the ground, while making a harsh noise, while bursting out dazzling sparks, like a steel grinder that crushed everything, swept towards Li Yao's off-road vehicle.

However, the hunter seemed to have no weight. He jumped up at the moment the truck rolled over. It was only now that he floated down, still standing on the overturned truck, staring coldly at Li Yao, who was close at hand!

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