40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3239: immortal

"Destroy his body!"

Ms. Gray Haze was the first to react and screamed at Li Yao and Sparta.

Sparta took a sip, and fiercely fired his plasma gun at the hunter's split corpse. The plasma instantly turned the corpse into a piece of coke, which shattered into black powder in the storm.

But it was still a step slower.

In other words, plasma has no effect on what overflows from the corpse-it is something that is both like mist and flame, arching and arching in the air as if it has life, reminding Li Yao thousands of times. The worm tide composed of thousands of flying insects, the small worm tide made a "squeak" scream, flowed into the distant carriage at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared.

After a while, I heard screams, fights, and collisions from the carriage. After a while, the door of the carriage was opened. A middle-aged man in the uniform of a train inspector crawled out like a spider with both hands and feet. He stood firmly on the roof of the roaring wind.

This is a very typical Oriental man with yellow skin and black hair.

It can also be seen from the wrinkles on his face and premature gray hair that he should have dedicated his life diligently on this railway line. He has long since become an obscure part of railways and trains. The world of abilities has nothing to do with it.

But at this moment, in his deeply sunken eyes, there was a cloud of mist and flame-like venom surging, and the corners of his mouth gradually evoked a gentle and ruthless smile, that expression, and the just dead "Hunter" "Hugo Smith withdrew.

"Student Li Yao, it seems that I have to raise my evaluation of you again."

This local conductor, who was born and raised in the East, and perhaps never traveled abroad in his entire life, spoke his mother **** very blunt tone, with the same tone as the hunter just now, "In just one week, from ignorant ordinary people Become an awakened person, and then change from a first-enlightened person to a deep-enlightened person, and then from a deep-enlightened person to the current final-enlightened person, or... you have transcended the realm of the final-enlightened person and become more powerful and dangerous s things?

"However, no matter how powerful you have awakened, or the words, on the earth, no, in front of the will of the universe, your resistance is still stupid and futile. Get back to the right path if you get lost!"


Li Yao swallowed hard, and cast his solemn gaze on Ms. Gray Mist, trying to get more information about the hunter from her.

Couldn't this guy be beaten to death?

Every time he kills him, his... "soul" can turn into a black mist, invade other people's bodies, and be reborn using other people's bodies as a carrier?

This is too exaggerated!

Ms. Gray Mist's complexion also became particularly ugly, and she shook her head to Li Yao slightly to signal Li Yao, she didn't know that the hunter still had such an ability.

In the Ark Foundation’s database, there are only three pieces of information about the hunter’s superpowers. The first is that he can change the frequency of his brain waves and use various wireless communication tools to launch them in the form of special electromagnetic waves. This method activates ordinary People’s past lives remember and control them and become his puppets; the second is that he has a physical fitness that exceeds the limit, is proficient in various fighting and shooting techniques, and the combat effectiveness is absolutely top-notch; the third is that he can create extreme The special force field makes people in the force field feel the heartbeat slows down, inhibits oxygen supply and brain cell activity, produces an illusion similar to'time slowdown', and slows down the enemy's movements.

These three abilities alone have made the Hunter one of the most powerful enemies in the Apocalypse Organization that has caused the Ark Foundation to have the most headache. Therefore, the hunter will lead the team to carry out the task of containing the author of "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension". Not surprisingly.

But even Ms. Gray Mist did not expect that the hunter had a fourth ability-"Immortal Body"!

How to fight such a battle?

The reborn hunter smiled, and a silent whistle sounded from his mouth.

Suddenly, more carriages were pulled apart, and many escorts, mechanics and conductors on the freight train crawled out staggeringly.

Almost all of their ears are wrapped with headphones, or they use one hand to stick the phone to their ears, with a muddy and cruel smile on their faces, and their eyes are unspeakably deep and sluggish, obviously the same as a few days ago. Like "Zhao Kai", he became a hunter's puppet.

They struggled to climb up to the roof of the car.

The escalator outside the train is very wet and slippery. Many people have just awakened their memories of past lives, and their bodies and consciousness have not been fully coordinated. Some people don’t have earphones and have to use one hand to hold the phone against their face. People are constantly slipping under their feet, falling under a railway bridge with a drop of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters, or hitting themselves between the rocks, or disappearing without a trace in the surging torrent-normal people see this I am afraid that even the liver and gallbladder will explode, but the puppets manipulated by the hunters have long lost the concept of fear, and they still climb up, even if half of them fall into the abyss, there will always be the other half towards Li Yao and the others in various ways Leap forward in the carriage.

"Boom! Click!"

A string of lightning flashed the sky and the earth pale, and Li Yao felt as if he was surrounded by hundreds of soulless puppets. The situation was extremely critical.


Ms. Gray Mist lowered her voice and said, "We will cover you, you take the ghost cat and Zhang Daniu away!"

Li Yao didn't say a word, took a deep breath, took a pause with his feet, and rushed towards the hunter again regardless of the tears on his ribs and shoulders.

When the person was still in mid-air, one of his five fingers, the lightsaber that had fallen next to it, was sucked into his palm again, and an increasingly angry red glow appeared. The volley turned into a nearly perfect arc-shaped fan, which almost blocked all the hunters’ retreat. .

The hunter’s ability to regenerate seems to be limited. At least his soul has just eroded this body. It is impossible to turn this old and frail body without physical training and fighting skills into hardened steel in just half a minute. The battle body, even though he has superb fighting consciousness, his nerves and muscles can't keep up. Facing Li Yao's lightsaber, he was still half a beat slow.

At this moment, two puppets controlled by hunters rushed towards Li Yao desperately.

One of the puppets didn't calculate the distance and footing point, and slid out of the car wall next to Li Yao, slammed into a signal equipment box next to the railway, and fell apart on the spot with a terrible appearance.

Before the other puppet slipped down, he grabbed Li Yao by the ankle and tried to drag Li Yao out of the car.

Li Yao struggling to kick the puppet away, staggered, and barely managed to maintain his balance, but the sword light in his hand was a bit scattered, making the hunter a dangerous escape.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Not far away, Sparta roared again, and plasma sprayed around like a rain of meteors, sending many puppets flying out one after another. However, this fantasy weapon still has to follow the objective laws of limited energy, and continues to fire for three minutes. , I can clearly feel that the plasma shot out of the gun's chamber has become much dim, while the muzzle has turned into a hot crimson, raindrops hit it, making a harsh "chicking" sound, obviously it won't last long.

And the hunter's subordinates are obviously more than this kind of puppets as consumables.

A tall awakened man was burned by Spartan’s plasma gun and his rain-proof cloak revealed a shiny scale. In the light of lightning, every scale exudes bronze and steel. Mixed gloss.


While Sparta opened fire and swept the surrounding puppets, this scaly monster rushed towards Sparta, his claws drawn three shining electric lights in the void, and suddenly grabbed Spartan's hand. The plasma gun that was ready to fire was cut into four sections. The energy in the plasma gun was out of control, and a dazzling ball of lightning exploded in an instant, enveloping Sparta and the weird person who looked like a human-shaped lizard.

Although one Awakened on both sides was injured, Li Yao knew that the number of people on his side was not dominant, and Spartan was their most important long-range heavy firepower. He was specifically responsible for cleaning the enemy’s numerous puppet minions and losing him. With the support of firepower, the situation will only get worse.

Li Yao was about to rush to the rescue, but the right hand holding the lightsaber was firmly grasped by the hunter.

After all, he was also seriously injured, blood was flowing under his shoulders and ribs, his physical energy was exhausted, and his reaction was naturally slow.

And the hunter took advantage of the confrontation of just a few minutes, quickly adapting and transforming this weak body, so close, Li Yao could even hear his surging blood and "cracking" muscles and periosteum. Growing sound.

In the pale lightning, Li Yao saw the hunter's grinning smile.

Without blinking Li Yao's eyes, his right hand was loosened, and the lightsaber shot out, relying on the magical powers of the prince in the air, and flew towards his left hand.

But at this moment, a stern starlight appeared in the void, and the sound of breaking the wind piercing the eardrum was heard. The lightsaber was still in mid-air, and it was smashed.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked in the direction from which the stars came, and saw an awakened person of the Apocalypse organization kneeling on one knee, holding a weird, shiny hunting bow firmly in his hand.

It seems that this is the hunter deliberately using himself as a bait to lure Li Yao to once again use the magical powers of the "King Kongwu", and destroy it when the lightsaber is released.

Li Yao's frosty face did not show any surprise.

——In the face of an opponent like "Hunter", the same move cannot work twice. How could he not understand such a simple truth?

The hunter used himself as the bait to destroy Li Yao's lightsaber. Why didn't Li Yao use the lightsaber as the bait to lure the hunter to open the empty door and end the battle cleanly?

When the attention of both parties was focused on the lightsaber in mid-air, Li Yaokong's empty left hand was already close to the hunter's abdomen without knowing it.

In the palm of the hand, the flaming butterfly resurfaced, diving into the depths of the hunter's internal organs and dancing lightly.

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