40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3244: Own order

The Ghost Cat was originally a petite, exquisite, smart-looking girl, but now she looks like a fanatic who has entered a magic cave. Her upside-down face is full of confused flames. Seeing Li Yao and Ms. Gray Mist come in, she stares straight. Looking at the two people, they laughed wildly.

"The final judgment is coming. No one can escape the judgment of reincarnation. No matter how you struggle, you are only mistaken and mistaken. Give up, repent, and redeem!"

She squinted her eyes, indulged in the so-called redemption, completely trapped in the infinite loop of self logic, unable to break free.

Beside her, there was a diminutive man who was described as a wretched man. His appearance was ordinary, but he had a pair of extremely large hands. His fingers were almost twice as long as ordinary people, and even more. The knuckle bones give the feeling of two big spiders growing on the wrist.

When he gently placed his hands on both temples of the ghost cat, the palm of his hand was like an iron hat, completely enclosing the ghost cat's head.

This man whispered a native language from Nanyang, and a series of weird tattoos appeared on his arms first, and then a series of worm-like things protruded under the tattoo, as if the tattoo had life, and it was strange on both arms. dance.

With such a weird picture, Li Yao felt waves of ripples coming from his palms, which were somewhat similar to brain waves, continuously pouring into the ghost cat's mind.

The ghost cat's eyes turned white in an instant, and the whole person trembled violently, shaking the iron chain "crashing".

The man seemed to have read a lot of information from the ghost cat's brain, and made a contented grunt, suddenly trance, and suddenly "smart" expression, which was somewhat similar to the earlier ghost cat.

While performing the operation, he stared at Li Yao, half-cold and half-hot, like two small knives. To dig out all the deepest secrets in Li Yao's heart.

"They are torturing the ghost cat."

Li Yao pondered, "But why do you do this in front of me, to frighten me?"

Li Yao's eyes rolled twice, and suddenly he sensed dozens of powerful auras hidden in the shadows around the warehouse. With the help of dim lights, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo could see some fully armed awakened persons, standing or sitting. , Rubbing the dagger, fiddling with the firearm, staring at him involuntarily, showing a posture of high alertness.

Li Yao was stunned for a moment, and was furious.

"and many more--"

He said solemnly, "Are you torturing her or testing me?"

The Nanyang eccentric with living tattoos on both arms finally completed the spell, the corners of his mouth split to the base of his ears, and while smiling, he shook his head at Ms. Gray Mist.

When Pu Shan's big hands left the ghost cat's head, the undercover woman's eyes had turned dead gray, drooping down like a dead fish.

"Sorry, he is called'brainworm' and he is a mind reader in the organization."

Ms. Gray Mist explained expressionlessly, "You know, since she was sent to the Ark Foundation by the Apocalypse Organization to work as an undercover agent, she must have received special training. Ordinary torture methods will not work for her at all. However, "brainworm" 'Having the ability to swallow brainwaves is just the nemesis of the awakened ghost cat, which has exceptionally developed brainwaves.

"If you are really an undercover agent sent by the Apocalypse organization, and you met with the ghost cat before, and it was just a good show together, then when you see you walk in, the ghost cat’s brain waves will be subtle anyway. Changes will definitely be caught by the'brainworm'.

"But now, it seems that the ghost cat has no special reaction to you. You did not know each other before-this can be regarded as a partial proof of your innocence and has accumulated more trust for you."

"My patience is limited!"

Li Yao roared, "Ms. Zhang Jiashu, a patient of the'Mind Space', is considered the first test; playing fortunes with hunters between the speeding train, floods, and mudslides is the second test; now you are jealous and sent to the ghost. The screening in front of the cat is considered the third test. What do you want, isn't it enough?"

"Do you think it's enough?"

Ms. Gray Mist asked, "Thinking in another way, if you are the leader of a secret organization like the Ark Foundation, and you encounter someone who somehow awakens super powers, you may even rise to the sky and become a'transcendental person'. The mysterious figure in the central government, how many tests do you think it takes to thoroughly prove his innocence, allow him to enter the organization's most secret lair, and get close to the organization's vital leaders-especially at such a critical moment?"

Ms. Gray Mist said, gestured towards the depths of the warehouse, and immediately there were two burly men pushing an iron chair similar to a dental operating bed, along the two tracks on the ground, and pushed it in front of Li Yao. .

"Four times."

Ms. Gray Haze stretched out four fingers towards Li Yao and said, "No matter how many tests you think it takes to prove the innocence of such a mysterious figure, anyway, the Red Pole Star believes that it takes a total of four tests before he can be 100% sure about you. I dare to put you in the real "Ark"."

"What does it mean?"

Li Yao looked at the iron chair, his face became particularly ugly, "How do you still want to test?"

"We hope to awaken your past life."

In the darkness, a black-haired man in a white coat and gold-wire glasses came slowly to Li Yao and smiled, "Introduce myself, I am a'dream traveler', classmate Li Yao and teacher Niu should Have seen a lot of my posts on the Internet and are even interested in me?"

Li Yao was slightly startled, and immediately understood that before welcoming him, they must have had contact with Zhang Daniu. He was a boneless guy, and he didn't need any threats and temptations at all to tell him everything.

"I am responsible for every word I publish on the Internet, and I guarantee that every word is true, even if it is not what happened, at least my true feelings."

Dream Traveler said, "However, what is not written in the posts on the Internet is that I have been on the'Ark' for the past month. I have accepted the initiation and tempering of the Red Pole Star, and my ability is higher than in the past. Can glimpse their past lives, and even guide more awakened people to explore and discover their past lives.

"Student Li Yao, there is no need to be so nervous. Don't treat this as a test. Try to treat it as a special practice, a journey to the depths of the soul. We are all very curious, including the Red Pole Star. You only awakened a part of the hazy memory fragments of past lives, and you have such a powerful combat power. If under my guidance, you can clearly recall all the memories of past lives, past lives, and even dozens of reincarnations and inherit all of them. Ability, how terrifying will you look?

"This is what I want to do.

"In fact, guiding the awakened to discover their past lives is a very exhausting matter for me. If you are such a monster between the'finally enlightened' and the'transcendental', I must It takes great risks to help you find your true self. However, Red Pole Star said that you and Teacher Niu are both indispensable pieces of the puzzle. For the sacred mission and true freedom, I... not regret!"

Dream Traveler narrowed his smile and stared at Li Yao very seriously.

Li Yao thought about it for a long time.

"What if I refuse?"

He silently observed the positions of all the awakened in the warehouse, even hiding in the deepest part of the darkness, without letting go of the faint zombie aura, and instantly formulated dozens of plans for breaking out of the siege in his mind, and he asked with alert. .

Ms. Gray Mist and Dream Traveler looked at each other, and they both laughed bitterly at the same time.

"Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think, there won't be any stupid things like'killing people'."

Ms. Gray Mist said, "The most important thing is that we can't kill you. Even if we cause severe damage to you, we will definitely have to pay a heavy price. Maybe the more than 30 elite players who ambush here will kill two-thirds. The war is imminent, and we can't afford such a loss-this is the result of the Red Pole Star's personal evaluation.

"So, even if you refuse to accept the last test, we are helpless, there is no need and there is no way to hurt your hair.

"It's just that, in this way, you can't go with us to find the'Ark' deep in the ocean, and it's impossible to see the deity of the Red Pole Star. We will part ways here, and we will leave you with plenty of supplies, armaments and The local currency, although the end has come, currency and everything has become useless waste paper, but I hope you understand that this is our limit."

Li Yao snorted coldly, without speaking.

Indeed, he can certainly irritate the distrust of the other party and refuse the repeated tests. Whether "Ark" or "Apocalypse" wants to keep him, I believe it will have to pay a terrible price.

But since he refused the test, the security of his identity is still in doubt, and it is reasonable that the other party is unwilling to take him deep into the ocean.

Li Yao hesitated, he didn't like the taste of being suspected and scrutinized.

"I'm not trying to convince you, Li Yao."

Dream Traveler spread his hands and said that he was not malicious, "It's just that, before leaving, the Red Pole Star has a very strange thing for me to tell you-"No matter how dissatisfied you are with so many tests and doubts, and how much wronged you are. And complaining about him, I still hope that you can stick to it, because as long as you fully awaken your past life memory and discover your true identity, you will know that all tests and doubts are necessary, even your own arrangements. Yes, blame yourself if you are to blame'."


The second monk Li Yaozhang couldn't figure it out, "'Blame me if you want to blame', I arranged so many doubts, screenings, and tests by myself? What the **** is going on!"

Although he was puzzled, but deep in his heart, he faintly believed this unreasonable "nonsense".

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