40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3250: 50% Li Yao

Of course, these facilities will not be oil rigs. I am afraid that the Ark Foundation does not need and cannot rely on oil extraction to earn a "resistance fund." Many of the facilities surround the entire Ark Island, and most of the facilities seem to be unfinished. Scaffolding is built around, and many workers are working on it, sparks of electric welding are shining everywhere, and the sound of steel percussions one after another.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and took a closer look. He found that most of the workers are unique in appearance-if they were not ribbed wings, they would have a tiger-backed waist, some parts of their limbs were deformed and swollen, and the casserole-big fist could be used directly as a hammer, without even relying on it. Any external force, suspended in the void, would be an awakened person if he wanted to.

Ms. Gray Mist confirmed Li Yao’s speculation. She told Li Yao that more than 10,000 Awakened people gathered on the entire Ark Island, which seemed to be a world of superpowers. These people themselves were equipped with dazzling spells and strangeness. Yes, and the law of gravity within the "space folds" is slightly different from the outside world. Coupled with the Red Pole Star's control over the entire sea area near the island, it is possible for workers to temporarily get rid of the shackles of gravity and improve the efficiency of work.

However, Ms. Gray Mist didn't know exactly what they were making. This is a secret that only the Red Pole Star has mastered. It is said to be the decisive weapon in the ultimate war.

Jixing slowly moved closer to the pier, and after rigorous search and testing again, it took a full day for Li Yao and Zhang Daniu to be allowed to go to the command room of the Red Pole Star.

It was a semi-underground, fortress-like building complex. The arc-shaped building roofs were like skulls scattered on the ground, exuding a gray luster. Ms. Gray Haze told Li Yao that the roofs of these buildings were all A thick lead shell was poured, mainly to prevent the Red Pole Star’s brain waves from spilling out and being sensed by the Apocalypse Organization and the will of the earth.

Be cautious to this degree, it is the reason why the Red Pole Star and the Earth's will have been circulated for dozens of times, and they have not been locked and eliminated.

The underground passage leading to the command room was blocked by a thick copper wall and iron wall like the gate of a vault. Li Yao stood in front of the door, feeling at least seven or eight different types of rays passing through his body. There was a dull mechanical sound, and a gap was slowly opened.

Ms. Gray Mist motioned for Li Yao and Zhang Daniu to go in alone. She could only follow here. After the two had some difficulty squeezing in, the door was immediately closed, leaving them in the darkness.

For a moment, Li Yao's heart felt a little nervous. He asked if everything was a scam. The so-called "Ark" and "Apocalypse" are basically the same thing. They are traps set by the will of the earth, just to kill them all at once?

However, a series of arrows quickly lit up on the ground in front of them, guiding them to go round and round, going deeper and deeper, and finally came to a fairly open underground space.

This space was shrouded in a cloud of light and mist, and the intense light stimulated Li Yao’s pupils, making him unable to open his eyes when he had just fumbled in the dark. A screen surrounded by four walls and ceilings.

Large and small screens display the disaster situation around the world at this moment, as well as various intricate numbers and reports. The astronomical information flow is surging with light and fog, and a lot of information directly floats in the air. Kind of here at least a feeling of decades beyond the times.

Except for the screen, the huge room was empty. There was only an ergonomic computer chair with its back facing the two of them. They could not see the person sitting in the chair, but saw him wearing a very funny helmet, as if It is also made of lead blocks.

"Chuck, Chuck, Chuck."

At this time, a strange sound came from the front of the computer chair, followed by "click, click, click", which became more and more weird.

"That is the leader of the Ark Foundation, the most dangerous prisonbreaker'Red Pole Star' in the past ten reincarnations?"

Li Yao and Zhang Daniu looked at each other, and both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Hearing the footsteps of the two people, the sound of "chipping" and "clicking" stopped abruptly, and the computer chair slowly turned around.

Li Yao and Zhang Daniu held their breaths and stared at the Prison Breaker leader in front of them.

However, the appearance and shape of the Red Pole Star surprised the two of them.

This gentleman has an oriental appearance, with a baby face that makes people unable to guess his age. His facial features are still correct, but there is a lingering smell of thief lingering between his eyebrows and eyes, which is the most eye-catching. It was the star-shaped birthmark on his left eye. Li Yao had never seen a birthmark with such a clear edge, such a regular shape, and such a red color, which really looked like a red star, imprinted on his face.

Think about it, the nickname "Red Pole Star" comes from this birthmark, right?

His face gave Li Yao a strange and familiar feeling. The same feeling appeared when I saw "Ms. Zhang Jiashu" a few days ago, but the feeling now is a hundred times stronger than it was then.

However, what surprised Li Yao the most was not his appearance, but his shape—the upper body was a T-shirt printed with coconut trees, beaches and blue sky and white clouds, and the lower body was loose and comfortable beach pants made of cotton and linen, with clips on the feet. Holding a pair of cheap flip flops, his left hand is holding a glass of tropical fruit juice that is almost finished, and his right is a pack of cucumber-flavored potato chips.

Seeing this, Li Yao understood that just now "chuckling" was the sound of him drinking juice through a straw, and "clicking" was the sound of him eating potato chips!

"No way?"

Li Yao asked himself in his heart, "This is the virtue of the leader of the resistance organization who has been fighting for countless reincarnations? Is something wrong?"

However, deep in his heart, there was a faint impulse, he suddenly wanted to drink juice and eat potato chips!

At the same time, Zhang Daniu said "Huh".

Li Yao woke up and immediately understood what Zhang Daniu meant. No wonder he looked so familiar with the other person's figure. This is not the look of the "star thief king" Boss Bai in the novel "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation"!

No, this floral T-shirt, beach pants, flip flops, tropical synthetic fruit juice dress, the early stage is indeed the classic style of the white boss alone, but the "cultivation Li Yao" in the novel looked hot and gave birth to " The idea of ​​"being like a man", shamelessly copied this figure in the later stage!

And now, this body shape appeared on the Red Pole Star again, and he was dressed like this...just right, completely consistent with his temperament, just like a character from a novel.

So, who is he, and who is he?

Li Yao was completely lost.

Li Yao, Red Pole Star, Zhang Daniu, the three of them stared at each other with big eyes. They looked at each other for a long time. The more they looked, the more familiar they became, the more they looked, the more awkward, and the more they looked, the more strange they couldn't tell.

In the end, it was the Red Pole Star that broke the silence.

"Would you like to drink juice?"

The leader of the Ark Foundation asked with a smile.

His voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded completely different from Li Yao and Zhang Daniu, but for some reason, Li Yao felt strangely familiar—like hearing his own voice from a tape recorder.

This is the end of the matter, no matter how strange things seem to need to be shocked, Li Yao and Zhang Daniu looked at each other and nodded.

Behind a few screens in the corner, there was a small refrigerator hidden unexpectedly. The Red Pole Star took out three cans of iced tropical fruit juice, threw two cans, unscrewed another one, took a sip and issued A comfortable sigh: "I'm bored on this island all day, I can't go anywhere, there is only so much left to enjoy, try it quickly, it tastes good."

Li Yao took a deep breath, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured half the bottle down in one breath.

How should I put it, the sour, sweet and icy feeling of cold has completely opened up his entire neural network, and he seems to have... he hasn't tasted such a taste for hundreds of years!

"Right, not bad, right?"

The Red Pole Star looked at them with a grin, and said, "How about, what do you want to ask, let's hurry up, I promise to know everything and say nothing."


Li Yao glanced at Zhang Daniu and actively asked the Red Pole Star, "Who is it and why we have not seen each other, but I feel that you are very familiar with it, as if we are twin brothers, or even myself. Like a mirror, our looks and voices are obviously so different. This, this is so weird!"

"good question."

Red Pole Star tilted his head and thought for a while, the look on his eyebrows was exactly the same as Li Yao, "If I said, my name is also'Li Yao', what do you think?"


Li Yao became more and more confused.

"The name is just a code name. There are more people with the same name and surname in the world. Among the six billion people, there are not tens of thousands of people called'Li Yao', and there are thousands of them, right?"

The Red Pole Star continued, "In order to distinguish between you and me, you should continue to call me'Red Pole Star'. What's more, even if it's really called'Li Yao', it doesn't explain any problems. I know, you are doubting yourself and the "Cultivation Four There is a mysterious connection in the novel "Wan Nian", and even the protagonist in the novel'Xiuzhen Li Yao' has traveled to the earth. Congratulations, your guess is very close to the truth, but you still cannot be said to be '100 "% Li Yao who cultivates true quality", not even "50% Li Yao who cultivates true quality"."

"50% cultivation Li Yao?"

Li Yao became more and more confused, "Yes, yes, no, what does percentage mean?"

"It's very simple. You have met Teacher Zhang Jiashu and took something from the depths of his soul, right?"

Red Pole Star smiled, "Mr. Zhang Jiashu obviously has some of the characteristics of'Cultivation Li Yao'. Although he is unwilling to admit it and resists with all his might, you and I know very well that some of the soul fragments of'Cultivation Li Yao' are embedded in him In the depths of his brain, what percentage do you think Teacher Zhang Jiashu is a'cultivation Li Yao'?"

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