40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3253: Super strategic fraud!


Zhang Daniu's eyes were straight, and he kept asking, "What do you mean, what do you mean!"

"It's not interesting. I just want to explain how unique you are, how critical you are, and how important you are to the entire earth and the entire universe!"

The Red Pole Star broke his fingers and said, "I didn't know why those people on the battlefield of the universe should choose Teacher Niu to act as the'intermediary', but afterwards, after reviewing and thinking carefully, this choice is absolutely perfect. Really absolutely!

"First of all, as I just said, the writing style, overall structure control ability and character description ability of this'intermediary' must not be too strong, because the stories that happened in the Xiu Si universe are too rich and wonderful. It’s so thrilling and soul-stirring. Just find a writer above a level to write it. If you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to write a masterpiece that is popular and crazy by thousands of young people, and then pass it ten, pass it a hundred, you can’t use it. How long will it be on the popular lists of major search engines, the Apocalypse Organization and the Will of the Earth will monitor everything the first time, and arrest or obliterate the writer in advance-what is the point of this? Instead, it is to the enemy Send important information!

"Therefore, the people on the battlefield of the universe selected carefully and deliberated, and finally selected you, a person who has the ability to write such a magnificent and wonderful theme, not so wonderful, not so well-known, and very, uh, very low-key. What a writer!"

"Me, I still don't understand."

Zhang Daniu looked at the Red Pole Star and then at Li Yao, "Then am I really strong or not?"

"Having strength, of course, has strength. After all, not every writer can write such a subject as it is now!"

Red Pole Star said, "Especially your writing style, muddy, long-winded, nonsense, it is clear that a very small detail has to be explained over and over again, and the theory has been explained several times, and it has to be spread out again and again. Come over and explain. I know my writing is not good, but I like to lay out a few idioms in one breath, pretending that my rhetoric is very gorgeous-don't look at me like this, I sincerely praise you, this is the embodiment of your strength , This shows that you have the ability to create a large amount of redundant information. This is a very remarkable thing. It is relying on the massive amount of redundant data to conceal the truly critical information, so that both the Apocalypse Organization and the Will of the Earth are in front of your novels. And back, I couldn't find the shiny gold hidden in the dog...the soil for the first time!"

"I think this person is quite annoying."

Zhang Daniu was silent for a while, then turned to Li Yao and said, "More annoying than you."


Li Yao touched his nose, "It's kind of."

"Don’t do this, I’m telling the truth, maybe I should represent all the heroic spirits on the earth who are unwilling to surrender, and even the people who are fighting in the entire universe, to express my heartfelt gratitude to you-although your works are from a literary point of view Say, what, is it right, but from the perspective of strategic fraud, it has inestimable value!"

The Red Pole Star said, "Perhaps long, long ago, in the heyday of the will of the earth, it possessed unimaginable computing power and data retrieval capabilities, and could monitor all the information released by six billion heroes at the same time, but it has been eroded over time. , Especially the severe damage caused by the Battle of the Vultures. Its computing power, data retrieval ability and reality distortion ability have all dropped drastically. It is impossible to monitor and change all the information on the earth as it wishes, especially now that it is facing a big deal. The fierce attack on the cosmic battlefield, the force that can be injected into the interior is even more stretched, which makes it impossible to monitor every fantasy work and artistic creation in every corner of the earth in real time, nor can it scan every minute and every second. Knowing the mental state and emotional fluctuations of every hero, it can only selectively monitor and monitor people who are suspected of being'observers' and'jailbreakers'!

"Understood, Teacher Niu, you use your strength to build a solid'strategic fraud wall' with the first four to five hundred chapters of "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation"!

"A long time ago, when you started writing this novel, the Apocalypse Organization and the Will of the Earth must have scanned you, but you successfully lied to them. The redundant information you output must have made them dizzy. , Make them treat your work as one of countless monolithic, boring, and one-hundred chapters of the same type of work after reading a chapter. There must be some sort of screening system, and the logical judgment program has been carefully calculated. , And concluded that it’s not worth putting more computing power and monitoring resources on you and your works, but more attention should be paid to "Blood and Sand", "The Colonel Hunter" and "Starring World", which are truly imaginative And original works—this is the opportunity, the loophole, and the key to this earth-shattering information war!

"After four to five hundred chapters of strategic fraud, people on the battlefield of the universe can finally project truly important information into your mind continuously, and then release it with your hands. Even at this time, your Your creative style and your own strength still play an important role. You use barren writing to cover up the wonderful brain holes. You use routine upgrades to fight monsters and show the limelight to drown countless twists and turns of bizarre conspiracies. You use pale and weak The character description concealed the dazzling brilliance of the star-sea heroes to the greatest extent, turning them from fireflies in the night to dust in the sun, and put them on a camouflage uniform with a thousand faces so that they could'follow the wind' Dive into the night', silently sneak into the target reader's brain and even the depths of the soul, with your own power, delay the time for the Apocalypse Organization and the will of the earth to discover the whole thing!

"Look at the time you spent writing this novel. You have written two thousand chapters for nearly two years, two full years, and the overview and main lines of the entire Xiu Si Universe have come out. Those Xinghai heroes and their Dao Xin It also surfaced that the struggle between the Pangu and Nuwa tribes, and even the many civilizations that surpassed the Pangu civilization...everything has been vaguely manifested. It can be said that 80% of the key information has been exported and diffused! However, the Apocalypse Organization and the Will of the Earth didn't realize that it was right until this time. It was a very serious omission, and even a fatal mistake, to attack you!

"It's too late. They discovered it was too late. The information has been output, the virus has spread, and cancer cells have swelled beyond the limit. All the preparations for the decisive battle have been completed. Even the will of the earth cannot change the final result. In the cycle of endless time, Only you can successfully lie to it, isn't it worth your pride?"


Zhang Daniu didn't know what expression to put on, his facial muscles squirmed for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm so **** proud of me!"

"As for our target readers, who are Ding Lingdang on the battlefield of the universe, who they want to awaken, naturally they are the heroic spirits with'Li Yao's soul fragments' embedded in the depths of their brains, or they are not inlaid with soul fragments, but their hearts are deep Chu also has people who never extinguished their blood and dreams."

Red Pole Star said, "These people don’t care that your language is tasteless, the characters are dry, the plot is old-fashioned, and they like to deliberately use a lot of idioms, repeating one sentence eight times, because they will surely feel that Ding Lingdang and others have hidden things. In the depths of the information flow, they will be deeply moved by the "hot blood", "soul" and "free will", they will resonate and enter a state similar to self-hypnosis. No matter how you write, they will stick to it. Read on and follow the story of Li Yao, the story of the Infinite Star Sea and the Infinite Universe. It is also their... their own story!"

"Yes, I am like this."

Li Yao thoughtfully, "Although I also think that Teacher Niu’s work, uh, I’m not saying that it’s poorly written, that is, it’s not good enough to win a literary prize, but it’s indeed full of incredible magic. People refuse with their mouths, but their eyes and hands can't stop. The ghosts and gods will look at it chapter by chapter, as if, like stinky tofu, smelling and eating incense!"

"Because you have the'Soul of Li Yao' in your body, you have boiling blood, immortal dreams, yearning for freedom and the will to never yield to any power. You are the heroic spirit that "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension" is looking for, naturally Can resonate with this work."

Red Pole Star said, "It’s like we watch other people’s movies and tell other people’s stories. You will naturally be picky about the plot, mirroring, character modeling, etc., but if you are watching a family video taken by a loved one, record you Your own story, the happy moments of you and your family, do you still care about the lens, light and shadow, or plot? No, that is your life moment. Recording your laughter and unforgettable experience is completely yours Yes, you don't care about those details at all, do you?"

Li Yao suddenly realized and nodded again and again.

"Also, if you are a true art creator, those'observers' often have a very stubborn creative mind, have their own set of creative techniques and what they want to say, and their will is very firm. , The brain is fortified layer by layer, and I definitely want to tell my own story, it is impossible to accept the projection of external information flow at will."

Red Pole Star continued, "And Mr. Niu has no such problem at all. In a sense, his brain is very...clean, his soul is very friendly, his thinking is relatively simple, and when external information interferes, he immediately I accepted it happily, and I didn't even doubt why I wrote such a work.

"What's more, Teacher Niu lives by himself, right, there are usually no friends and no girlfriends, right? It's also unknown on the Internet and no one knows it, right, that means no matter what weird phenomenon happens when you write, No one cares about it, right, such a comprehensive personal condition, you may not be able to find one after hundreds of rebirths, it is too suitable to perform the task of'information transmission and strategic fraud'!"

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