40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3274: Parallel universe

Li Yao did not expect that the silver-white giant's speed would instantly increase tenfold, not to mention that it could tear the wound into an overwhelming mouth of blood. It was too late to escape, and the entire world was swallowed by the silver huge wave. The "super giant soldiers" fell into the bottomless gap in the silver-white giant's body together.

Li Yao felt like he was falling continuously in an endless abyss. There was no place to focus on all around him, and he couldn't perceive the existence of the body and the super giant soldier.

The surrounding area gradually changed from chaos and darkness to small spots of light, and then the stars of fine sand poured down like a waterfall, as if he had passed through the body of a silver-white giant and returned to the vast universe.

However, this is not an ordinary universe.

The stars here are too dense.

You must know that in the "real" universe, the distance between stars is actually very far away. Even if the violent light and heat are transmitted tens of millions of light-years, they will become extremely dim, so sailing in the sea of ​​stars, It's like ants passing through a sealed and dark box. At most, the box will occasionally be pierced with a few pinholes, and a few faint rays of light will penetrate. That's it.

But the stars here are too dense, too bright or even too dazzling, as if they have attracted all the stars of the heavens and the world to Li Yao's head, or... hundreds of millions of universes, overlapping each other.

"here it is--"

Li Yao's heart shuddered, and he instantly understood, "It's the inside of'Hong Chao'!"

I want to go deep behind the enemy line and give Hong Chao a "central blossom". Now people really open all restrictions and let him drive straight in. However, the scene inside Hong Chao is far beyond his expectation. The information and data hidden behind the stars are deeply intoxicated, but completely unresolvable.

Li Yao could only let the waves of the flood, push himself forward slowly, the stars are the densest, like a place where hundreds of millions of suns explode at the same time.

For a moment, endless energy poured into his soul, making him feel completely irresistible, and the soul will be wiped out in ashes.

However, after gradually adapting to the indescribable light of the ink, he could "see" or "feel" that, on the glorious sea of ​​fire, there were countless azure planets, each azure blue. The planets of all have their own small and exquisite galaxies as "protective shields", and a touch of golden light is still looming on the outside of each protective shield. I don't know if it is a kind of protection or a kind of seal.


When Li Yao's consciousness extended, the information of these blue planets poured into the depths of his soul like a tide, and he could clearly see the roughly similar topography and landforms of each blue planet, mountains, seas and dotted lines. Towns, and the masses of beings living in them, the life forms that claim to be the "spirit of all things" smile, joy, anger, sorrow, horror and sorrow.

Countless earths, countless human emotions, wills, and imaginations-as the foundation of intelligent life, they are all transformed into some kind of pure and powerful force, sucked out, and continuously sent into the glorious sea of ​​fire.

Li Yao felt very familiar with such a scene, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

By the way, it is the man behind Shengmeng, the super artificial intelligence "Fuxi"!

Fuxi once opened up countless "humanity laboratories" in the virtual world, dedicated to collecting big data and supporting its ideal country.

Hong Chao’s actions are similar to each other. No, it should be said to be more "advanced", because most of Fuxi’s "humanity laboratories" are virtual, while Hong Chao uses real planets, or Said it has the ability to create a real three-dimensional earth in the universe, to harvest what it needs!

No... the more you observe, the more terrifying Li Yao is. Everything that Hong Chao presents in the depths is beyond his comprehensible range. This place is like a collection of countless "parallel worlds" and countless "parallel earths". , Dancing on the sea of ​​infinite brilliance.

"Is this the truth of Samsara Prison?

"Every time the cycle of time ends, when it is about to restart, the old'Earth' is not completely destroyed, but is all digitized and informatized, imported into the depths of the flood, and transformed into a'parallel earth'.

"That's like, after the computer system has been running for a period of time and has produced a large amount of data changes and calculation results, all the data is copied and saved, transferred to another storage space, and then restarted.

"Therefore, how many reincarnations have occurred, and how many'parallel earths' have been born. Hong Chao not only controls the emotions and imaginations of all the heroic spirits on this earth'now', but also controls countless'parallel earths'. Come on, the power of countless heroes!"

These thoughts, like a series of sparks, burst out in the depths of Li Yao's consciousness.

Although breaking through the dark fog, it also caused him to fall into even greater confusion-if it was true, Hong Chao's power was far beyond their imagination, and it was definitely not them, at least not his little cleverness to fight against.

However, Hong Chao did not use the power of countless "parallel earths" to attack them.

What exactly does this horrible quasi-god-level existence use such a huge amount of power for?

"Now, should you believe me?"

Behind Li Yao, a faint voice came, "This is not an illusion, but the countless'parallel earths' that exist in reality. With such a huge power, I don't care about the harassment of your little bug, you and those who resist. , Your noises and bites have no meaning to me at all."

Li Yao was shocked. When he looked back, he saw the ball of silver-white balloon-like **** hanging lightly behind his head.

The silver-white sphere has no facial features or expressions, but the arc-shaped mirror surface coldly reflects Li Yao's own funny expression.

"Nevertheless, your wisdom and courage, or despicableness and stupidity, have won me a touch..."

The silver-white ball continued to send messages to Li Yao, "Because of this touch of'moving', coupled with the vast sea of ​​energy you provided me, I can make your death understand, no, it shouldn't be said to be'death'. , But it should be said that it was reborn in the distant past."

Li Yao didn't know what kind of reaction he should make. He was completely lost in countless "parallel earths", and countless stars that overlap, interfere, split, and rebirth.

The information link between the silver-white sphere and him swelled instantly.

Huge data, like hundreds of millions of stars, flooded Li Yao's spirit like a flood, and in the simplest or even incorrect way, he painted an unbelievable or even unimaginable picture of the universe to Li Yao.

Everything must start with quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the movement of microscopic particles in the material world. It mainly studies the basic theories of atoms, molecules, condensed matter, and the structure and properties of atomic nuclei and elementary particles. It breaks through the category of classical physics and fundamentally Changed the human understanding of the structure of matter and its interaction.

Unlike classical mechanics, which is "intuitively verifiable", in the category of quantum mechanics, there are many things that are contrary to common sense or even unimaginable. For example, ordinary people's cognition of quantum mechanics is almost from the "Schrodinger's cat". The famous thought experiment began.

Li Yao now knows that "Schrödinger’s Cat" is not a ghost made by Hong Chao, but a thought experiment that actually appeared on the "origin earth" hundreds of millions of years ago, proposed by the famous Austrian physicist Schrödinger. Attempt to explain the micro-scale quantum superposition principle from the macro-scale.

This thought experiment is like this: Suppose there is a live cat in an ideal box and a small amount of radioactive material. After that, there is a 50% probability that the radioactive material will decay and release poisonous gas to kill the cat, and at the same time 50% The probability that the radioactive material will not decay and the cat will survive.

According to classical physics, one of these two results must occur in the box, and the outside observer can only know the result inside the box if it is opened.

In the quantum world, when the box is closed, the entire system always maintains an uncertain wave state, that is, the cat’s life and death are superimposed.

Whether the cat is dead or alive can only be determined after the box is opened, and when the external observer observes the matter in the form of particles.

This well-known thought experiment aims to demonstrate that quantum mechanics has an extraordinary knowledge and understanding of the world of microscopic particles, which turns micro-uncertainty into macro-uncertainty, and cats live and die against logical thinking.

Schrödinger’s cat itself is a hypothetical concept, and even Schrödinger himself puts out this experiment with a bit of sarcasm, but with the development of technology, people have realized the "Schrodinger Cat" in photons, atoms, and molecules. It’s even discovered that the Schrödinger’s cat state is also a quantum superposition state, which itself exists universally in life.

This has greatly shaken the originally stable, unique, and determined world of mankind.

Even the concept of "parallel universe" was derived from this.

The reason is very simple-because all microscopic particles are "unpredictable", they are in a state of quantum superposition that is neither life nor death, nor left nor right, and all matter on the macroscopic level includes the entire universe. , Are composed of countless microscopic particles. Then, theoretically, the macroscopic universe should also be "unpredictable" and be in a state of superposition of "everything is possible". If we cannot perceive this superposition and "superposition" "Uncertainty" can only be because there are countless parallel universes that are roughly similar but have subtle differences. We only live in one of them. "We don't know the true face of Mount Lu, but we are only in this mountain", that's all.

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