40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3282: No. 1 outside

Today begins the extravaganza.

The style may be different from the main story, please understand and prepare for it.

As mentioned earlier, Fanwai is sorted by timeline. The first one is about "Original Earth" hundreds of millions of years ago, after the nuclear war and before the meteorite strikes, the story of someone named "Yesterday Reappears".

It's relatively long, I hope you like it.

If you have a friend who is willing to create your own story under the framework of "Creating the Four Universes", you can fill in some details. Please let yourself go and play freely. If you want, Lao Niu can also send it out and share it with everyone.

Well, no nonsense, we start a new journey.


Hundreds of millions of years ago, the original earth, the end era.


The war changed almost everything.

But it can't change the people who started the war.


The city is like a rotting corpse, the ruined walls are like its broken skeleton, the broken roads are twisted blood vessels and nerves, and the dead walking corpses are maggots parasitic on the corpses of the city.

The boy felt that the rusty iron chain was deeply embedded in his ankle, and the blood was flowing backwards under the head and feet, and he could barely feel the presence of his feet.

But the brain is extremely swollen, and the bloodshot eyeballs burst open.

Looking out through the criss-crossed bloodstains, the sun struggled hard in the thick nuclear cloud, flooding with the colorful dim spots of rotting corpses, and the tall buildings in the city that had not completely collapsed, forming the skyline of teeth and claws, made him another Once I understood why this city was called "Tombstone Town".

Cities are tombs, and they are the undead living in the tombs, or according to the people of the earth, they are "devil races".

The line of sight kept falling, and the distorted but uncollapsed buildings had long been piled up with armor to form a fortress, and deformed faces emerged from the black shooting holes, watching with interest the people slaughtering him.

Further down, there is a cold gleaming spear, which is filled with various heads and corpses-including the most common two-headed cows and mutant wild boars, as well as sky-footed snakes and fear chickens, etc. Expensive "delicious delicacies".

Even the boy saw a hand hung on an iron hook, placed in the middle like a moon held by various meat stars.

It was a black and black hand that didn't seem to have much meat, and it couldn't attract much appetite.

But hands are hands after all. People in Tombstone Town and Blood Wasteland believe that there is a special energy in Fragrant Meat, which can help them resist radiation, strengthen their strength, and bring good luck.

Therefore, this is the most demanding thing in the meat market, and even very few fragrant meat can be delivered to the meat market, and it is usually divided up by zombies, mobs, or "devil races" on the spot.

The boy's hands were white and tender, like tofu or steamed buns, and even like the hands of an underground person. This is good luck or bad luck given by God.

To avoid trouble, he usually protects his hands tightly with dirty bandages and gloves.

But now, these hands were exposed to countless greedy and dirty gazes, and even caused a burst of drooling and swallowing.

The boy felt sick, he wanted to vomit, but unfortunately, he had been beaten so that he could not vomit anything.

The boy's gaze continued to fall. This time, he saw a butcher who was as strong as a mountain of meat, grinning a meat cleaver with a smile, a knife was sharpened, and a half-meter-long tongue was put out to try his sharpness.

When the butcher noticed that the boy was looking at him, the smile on his face grew stronger, and he even blinked at the boy and made a grimace.

The boy retched again, his eyes falling all the way to the ground.

Tombstone Town or any town in this world, the ground will always be like this, sticky and rancid, as if a thick layer of humus is piled up, suspicious of waste water and stains everywhere, and occasionally when the sun tears open nuclear clouds and dust, such as When magma pours onto the ground, it will immediately ignite the earth, and a patch of poisonous mist will rise. Once exposed to poisonous mist, even soldiers or gangsters who have undergone genetic modification will be dizzy, lose their functions and even die on the spot.

However, mice and cockroaches continue to survive in this rotten world, like a fish in water, multiplying in large numbers, and there are faint signs of replacing humans.

The boy saw a fat and big mouse burrow out of the slimy, black gutter, and crawled towards a piece of ground meat that "inadvertently" fell on the ground.

It is very vigilant, knowing that the surrounding giants are more cruel and cunning than it is. He hesitated for a long time to make sure that no one noticed it, and then it rushed toward the minced meat like lightning.

Then, with a "swish", a fishing line controlled by a spring, thin as a hair, entangled one of its legs, threw it high in the air, and was rolled and flicked by the butcher with his tongue. With a "pop", it hit the chopping board.

The butcher sharpened all the butcher knives, and just used the beast to test the knives. A white light was swayed between his seemingly awkward hands. He peeled off the fat and big mouse and hung it. On an iron hook, the mouse was not dead yet clean, his tail twitched, and his dim eyes met the boy.

"Poor beast."

The boy thought to himself, "Where can there be any good things'unintentionally falling' in this world?"

Immediately, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Because of what happened to him, isn't it exactly the same as this skinning mouse?

As an appetizer before the main meal, the skinned mouse was quickly bought for the price of five scrapped mobile phones. Rat meat is one of the few fresh meats that the demons can eat this year, not to mention that it is lively. Peeling, the price is indeed not high. The customer was holding the fresh meat with a smile, chewing on the spot, making a "click, click" sound, and aroused a burst of saliva and swallowing.

I am afraid, it is also for advertising, telling everyone that "the fragrant meat is in stock" will sell the live skinned mice at such a cheap price, right?

"Boss, it's time to cut the fragrant meat!

"Quickly, I can't wait for the fuck!

"Such a good fragrant meat, how much money is worth, let's talk, how to sell it?"

The boy heard the howls of the demons one after another.

I saw a piece of rotting, swollen, or full of blisters, or three or five eyes, full of radiation, genetic mutations, and cruel and greedy faces, like monsters like demons.

The boy was picked up by the butcher and fell onto the chopping board where the skinning mouse had just been skinned.

The butcher stretched out his tongue, licked his face, sprayed a hot stream of stomach acid at him, smiled and said, "Don't move, it doesn't hurt, my uncle is very good at hand, make sure to keep the blood clean."

The boy didn't move.

Did not cry either.

Like everyone in this era, his tears drained the moment he was born, and he had forgotten the taste of crying a long time ago.

The butcher patted his face with a sharp butcher knife and patted his chest again, yelling to the impatient customers: "Come on, come on, good fragrant meat, first-class fragrant meat, take a look This face, look at these hands, there are no horns, no blisters, no rot, no cysts, no traces of mutation, and the best fragrant meat that is more delicious than the underground people!

"The fragrant meat rolls around, and the gods can’t stand steady. This kind of good fragrant meat eats one piece. As long as one piece, it can cure all diseases. Even the third-level radiation area can be entered and exited at will. Come, bid, fragrant meat, white Tender and delicious meat!"

The boy saw that more and more people gathered in the meat market, and about half of the demons in Tombstone Town crowded over, and the saliva converged into a strong acid ocean.

The turbid light from those turbid eyes made him more frightened than the sharp butcher knife. He closed his eyes unconvincingly and asked his brother for help.

"Brother, save me."

Said the boy.

"Don't be afraid, deer, don't be afraid."

The brother said, "You tell this butcher, you will never run-you are so small, there are so many people here, and the water is blocked, you will definitely not be able to run away, so can he loosen the chains on your feet? This way, the bloodletting is faster, the blood will not stay in the soles of the feet, and it is more delicious, you call him "Uncle", he can sell his feet at a higher price, he will definitely agree.

"Then, you heard clearly. Brother won't say these words a second time. Then, brother will kill everyone in the meat market. He can buy you five to ten minutes. You immediately find a military rucksack. Do you see the bald man in camouflage over there? Just use his rucksack to fill the meat market with meat, and then take the third shotgun with flowered hair on the right and the fifth pistol with three eyes. Remember don’t forget the bullet, run left and go to the “Old John’s Car Shop” to get a modified car suitable for long-distance running in the desert. The day before yesterday, the “Nigga Gang” happened to have a very good one. The remodeling there should be changed today. I hope it’s still unlucky. All this must be completed in ten minutes, no, seven minutes, otherwise half of the people in Tombstone Town will catch up. Do you understand?"


The boy nodded silently in his heart and stammered, "But, but I can't drive, what should I do?"

"It's okay, it's very simple, haven't we seen it with Old John several times, I should be able to."

My brother said, "But...Killing all the people here will consume too much of me...I might...In short, I will start at the beginning, but you must learn, and you must learn quickly. You have to rely on you to walk the road!"


The boy was taken aback and felt helpless. He was even more scared than being **** and sent to the cutting board. "Brother, what are you talking about? We were together when we were born. Don’t leave me, I No one can do it alone!"

"You can do it. In fact, you can always do it. Your potential is far stronger than mine, but you haven't discovered it yet."

The brother said, "Anyway, don't worry about so much. Please ask this butcher for mercy first. Ask him to let go of your feet. Remember, your tone is pitiful and helpless. Now, your pity is our greatest weapon."

The boy swallowed hard and looked at the butcher pitifully.

At this moment, the butcher had already raised the butcher knife high, not knowing whether he was showing off his knife skills or he was really about to cut the butcher knife off.

The boy's brain was blank, his throat seemed to be blocked by frozen blood, he couldn't even say a word.

"Say, say it!"

Said the brother.

"Fragrant meat, the best fragrant meat, you can't be bullied, and the price is fair!"

Said the butcher.

"Hurry up, do it, drag and drop, what do you do? Chips, bullets, gasoline, engines, body armor, sniper rifles and even armored vehicles, what the **** you want, you can afford it!"

Said customers who are neither ghosts nor ghosts.

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho! Hehehehehehe! Hahahahahaha!"

Winding around the town of Tombstone, raging across the entire wasteland, mixed with radioactive dust and rancid smells.


The boy stammered and had a hoarse voice. Amid the hysterical howling of many customers, he couldn't hear what he was saying.

However, another sharp and sharp voice, like a snake, was a hundred times louder than him, like a scoop of ice water poured on the hot meat market.

The boy saw a very damp hand and gently caught the butcher's knife that was about to drop, as if he had caught the butcher's offspring bag, making the butcher's face extremely ugly.

Unsightly, even scary.

Then, the boy heard the owner of the wet hand, with a wetter voice, lazily said: "This is my sheep, who said I'm going to sell it?"

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