40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3359: Han Te Chuan (21) Artificial Monster

Princess Axia was taken aback, pursing her small mouth and thinking for a long time, and she understood Teresa's meaning.

"Huh", her face flushed.

"So how is it the same?"

Princess Axia argued, "Indigenous imitation will not be of any use, but our magic is really effective!"

"In the beginning, when the magic items left by the magic army have not been exhausted, the native imitation will occasionally work."

Teresa said, "Some simple magic items can be used by three-year-old children as long as they find the trick, but it does not mean that three-year-old children have truly mastered the mystery of magic.

"As the years go by, the magic power in the magic items is exhausted, and even the magic items themselves are worn and rusted. No matter how vividly the natives imitate, they will not be able to play a role.

"In the understanding of the natives, it is as if the gods and demons are gradually moving away from them, and the magic power that covers the entire island is exhausted.

"The same thing is not happening on the Emerald Continent. In the legend of the troubadour, the power of the gods and demons in the Primordial Era is always the strongest. Those ancient heroes seem to be able to defeat thousands of troops with one sword. , And with the passage of time, the current magic power is getting weaker and weaker, so that it has entered the'Age of Doom.' The priests of the glorious Vatican said that this is the world who has committed too many sins and must be in their Under the leadership, pray and make atonement more devoutly-Sister Axia, do you really believe this statement?"

"This..." Princess Axia was stunned, lost in trance and deep thought.

"The Glory Vatican is lying at all. Any sin, prayer and piety, and magic are all irrelevant."

Teresa said seriously, "Magic should be the purest, simplest, and most direct force in the world. The spell that activates magic is as simple as two words."

"All spells... only two words?" Princess Axia couldn't believe it.

"Yes, all the spells about magic are here."

Teresa snapped her fingers softly.

A magnificent cluster of flames appeared at the fingertips.

"Look, this is the first word, which represents the first state, the state of flame burning, which can be called ‘1’."

With that, Teresa blew out the flames at her fingertips.

"Now, the flame goes out and returns to nothingness. This is the second word, or the second state, which can be called '0'."

Teresa spread her hands, there was nothing in her hands, but it seemed to be rippling with kaleidoscopic waves.

"One life is two, two is three, three is all things, '0' and '1' are all magic languages, and the superposition and change of these two states can derive the entire world.

"It's just that if you are deceived by the intricate and extremely gorgeous appearance, indulge in simple and clumsy imitation, happen to activate a bunch of magic and cheer for joy, but you are afraid of the horror of gods and demons, and do not immerse yourself in the study of true magic principles, then It will never be possible to master magic, the mystery of '0' and '1'!"

Teresa carried her hands on her back and talked freely, her clothes and long hair were windless and automatic, really like a learned master.

The rebellious and shocking remarks should have aroused the suspicion and disgust of Princess Axia.

Perhaps, if it is spoken in any population, Princess Axia will sneer.

But it happened that Teresa...

Princess Axia didn't know whether she should believe Teresa's words.

She only knew that she was about to indulge in the breathtaking power in Teresa's beautiful eyes, as if she had been deceived.


Princess Axia thought and thought, but still found it incredible, "You mean, there are no gods or demons in the world, this, how is this possible, and what should I do?"

"If there is no, there will be no, what is'impossible', and what is'how to do'?"

Teresa smiled slightly and chanted lightly, "There is no **** in the sky, no devil under the ground, I am the god, I am the devil, order the stars and the sea to clear the way, I am coming!"


Princess Axia was almost fainting in Teresa’s arms, her eyes filled with inexplicable emotions, "Theresa, what is this, is it poetry? It’s strange, it sounds like the ten in the court. The four-line poem is very different, but it is full of strange power. I did not expect that you would still chant poetry!

"of course."

Teresa said, "As the sister of Xinghai Cannon King..., poetry is a compulsory course for me. If Sister Axia likes it, I will listen to you every day from now on. How is it, very imposing, more than Black Jack Be strong!"

As soon as Black Jack was mentioned, Princess Asha woke up from her dizzy state in an instant.

"What, Teresa, you are so strange, why do you want to compare with Black Jack all day, you are completely different, you can't compare at all!"

Princess Axia narrowed her eyes and looked into the distance, "Speaking of which, we have wasted too much time. We should go looking for Black Jack and the big army. If there is another group of swords, halberds and devil pigs, we will not be able to deal with them. ."

"Of course it can't be compared. Black Jack is just a short and small worm. How can it be compared with the Star Sea Cannon?"

Teresa murmured secretly in her heart, "Today, a little bit of personality charm, just an appetizer, will almost conquer you, hum, it seems that even this body can't stop the passionate masculine charm of others! Come on, Black Jack, dare to seduce my aunt...Bah, bah, dare to seduce my uncle, there is a price to pay!"

"Okay, we're going to find Black Jack now."

Teresa smiled at Princess Axia, suddenly remembering something, and ran towards the body of the sword halberd demon pig, "Sister Axia, come and help, cut some pork down, the **** battle demon world may not be able to find food."

After hunting monsters, slaughtering flesh and blood, collecting materials, and occasionally discovering precious magic crystals and beast cores, these are routine operations of bounty hunters and adventurers.

Especially when a lone army broke into a dangerous place like the Blood War Demon Realm, it was difficult to get supplies, let alone any prey.

However, when Teresa knelt on one knee in front of the corpse of the sword halberd devil pig, drew out the dagger, and wanted to cut, she found that the beast's burnt skull was uneven, as if there was something on it.

"What is this?" Princess Axia also found out.

The two probed together, and almost bumped their heads together, and found that the skull of the sword halberd demon pig was engraved with a square brand in the center, which was a bunch of stripes of different widths, like a certain Kind of... barcode.

"Could it be—"

Teresa blinked her eyes, rubbed the barcode on the skull of the sword and halberd devil pig, and carefully touched the muscles and bones of its whole body. "Isn't it natural, it's man-made?"

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