40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3376: Han Te Chuan (Forty) The painstaking effort of the boxing champion

Teresa put on the magic pocket after all.

Also changed to a short skirt of Princess Axia.

She returned to the girls with infinite shyness.

Because of this incident, the sisters of the harem regiment looked at her very differently, how to put it, the atmosphere seemed to be more...harmonious.

Many sisters took her little hand, dragged her aside, secretly imparting experience.

Including the therapist Elf Vera in the regiment, all told Teresa with a serious face that it is best not to be too tired these days, and to pay more attention to hygiene, otherwise it is very likely to get sick.

"These days, the demons in your body are fighting with the sacred powers. People are particularly fragile. If you get sick, it is not cured by ordinary holy light and blessings. It may become a chronic disease. It is a disease unique to our women... ."

These words, Princess Axia was embarrassed to say to Teresa just now.

But the wizard Vera, as a therapist, has to say.

She told Teresa that because of long-term adventures outside, she could not often expose and purify Feng Modou, or she often slept in the cold grass and mud, and it was impossible to pay too much attention to environmental hygiene. In short, in the harem. Many sisters have this kind of disease. What kind of chronic inflammation is considered to be mild, and the severe is more nasty, and it breaks up and can't sleep at night, so I won't go into details.

In short, Teresa is still young, so we must pay attention to this aspect.

Teresa nodded and said yes, her heart moved, but she said: "Sister Vera, these diseases must be caused by the environment? Could it be Lord Black Jack..."

Teresa comes from an era of highly advanced medicine, and has a deep understanding of bacteria and viruses.

She knew very well that it was like a huge harem group like Black Jack with dozens of people, and it was a miracle that it was a miracle that it was a miracle that Black Jack had to spend the whole day twirling flowers and grass outside, like a male dog.

Elf Vera didn't understand, and said suspiciously: "This is because we are not good, we don't pay attention to hygiene, and the sacred power in our body is not strong enough to withstand the attack of the devil. What does it have to do with Lord Blackjack?"

Teresa was speechless.

The level of civilization in the wizarding world has degraded to a stage where the virus is unknown.

These girls treat Black Jack as a god, and they can't even think of it. The majestic hero in their minds is the source of the virus.

Teresa said to her heart that fortunately, Princess Axia was useless in the harem and was inconspicuous. Black Jack hadn't favored Princess Axia for a long, long time.

Teresa made up her mind that she couldn't control the past, but since she appeared, even if she saved her life, she would never let Black Jack touch Princess Axia's finger again.

She must take Princess Axia out of the fire pit, out of the sea of ​​suffering, and take her back to her own world, so that she can taste the best seal magic pocket and live a normal girl life.

No, not only Princess Asha, but also Natasha, Elf Vera, Dragon Girl Hera, Catwoman Kerr... all these tortured but unaware girls, she will all be saved!

"Black Jack..."

Teresa's hatred of Jack Thunder reached its extreme.

Perhaps it is not Black Jack that she hates, but her past self.

In the past, although I knew that viruses could spread diseases or something, I rarely thought of such things when I had fun with my female partner.

Everyone was married, and each took what he needed. When she woke up, she turned around and left. She couldn't remember to ask about the physical condition of the female partner.

Sometimes when a female partner is uncomfortable, for example, er, when cursed by the devil, or when she is sick, she curls her lips at most, turns her head and finds the next female partner. Ever brought a glass of warm water for someone else?

"I'm such a... asshole!"

Teresa murmured in her heart, extremely upset.

Fortunately, neither he nor his female partner should have any infectious diseases.

In this regard, I have to thank...

"At that time, the boxing champion disinfected me, which made me feel painful. I thought he was looking at me upset and tortured me deliberately."

Teresa remembered something in the past, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed, "Could it be that the boxing champion is really good for me, and sincerely wants to help me with health and safety issues?

"I, for so many years, have been wrongly blaming the Lord Boxing Master and betrayed his painstaking efforts?

"Yeah, Master Boxer was so good to me, and later he taught me magic wholeheartedly, and he taught me magic, and we have no contradiction at all. Why is he torturing me for no reason?

"I, I really save the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

"Thinking about Master Boxing, it’s really good. He disinfected me wholeheartedly, taught me powerful magic, and helped me take care of Liuli when I was far away from home. To be honest, although Mr. Yao is great, after all, it’s too much. It's trivial. If the boxing master is a human being, he would be more worthy of the six words'real man, good man' than Yao Lao. What a pity, what a pity!"

Recalling the boxing king's meticulous but full of warmth, Teresa sighed secretly, regretting not to the beginning.

She swears that if she is given another chance to return to the Pangu universe as she is, and reunite with her deceased, she will definitely change her mind and be a new person. She will forget all the Yingying and Yanyan, and will concentrate on Liuli. Hello, don't let Liuli suffer anymore.

"Liu Li, during this period of time, you will have a good time with Master Boxing. He will definitely help me withstand the mad bees and butterflies who covet you. It won’t be long before you can see a brand new me standing next to you. In front of him, hehehehe!"

Teresa waved a small pink fist in her heart.

Black Jack appeared at this moment.

Brought an amazing news.

They must leave. This is an emergency operation. They will soon follow an elite squad of the Six Nations Allied Forces to find the "Crimson Palace" together!

Jack Thunder is worthy of being the best man on the Emerald Continent.

It's not exactly a beast dominated by the lower body.

He perfectly completed the mission of "Conquering Queen Medusa" on the bed, and reached a stronger alliance with the Medusa clan, and also took all the plans of the Six Nations Allied Forces.

According to the "revelation" received by the Turing elders, there are two roads leading to the Crimson Palace.

The first one is hidden in the depths of Qianmen Mountain, in a special teleportation formation that has been sealed for a long time.

As long as you activate this teleportation array with Primordial Magic, you can directly reach the Crimson Palace.

This is also the biggest reason for the fierce battle between the Allied Forces of the Six Nations and the Prison Exterminator in Qianmen Mountain.

But now the two sides are in a tug-of-war, wanting to withstand the gunfire of the Prison Exterminator and directly open the Primordial Teleportation Array in Qianmen Mountain, the probability is about zero.

They could only take another path that was more tortuous and dangerous, and walked around in the dark space enclosed by the collapse of the Blood War Demon Realm.

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