40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3386: Han Te Chuan (Fifty) Real Test

No one knows how to unlock the sealed crimson palace.

There was a dead silence in the darkness, and there were no hints or signs.

Teresa took Princess Axia's hand, and together with everyone, she spread out carefully to explore the depths of the cave.

She discovered that the materials that make up the cave are non-metal, non-wood, and even warm and soft to the touch.

These materials left folds in the cave, like solidified magma, giving rise to dark ripples.

In the Pangu universe, Teresa had never seen a similar substance.

Wait a minute, she once explored the "Fairy Palace" with Li Yao, where there is a gray foam, which seems to be similar to the material that composes the cave.

Teresa became curious, pondered for a moment, stretched out a finger, and gently poked towards the cave wall.

Sure enough, the cave wall was like rubber, full of elasticity, and her finger slowly poked in.

Just when the whole finger sank into the cave wall, a slight tingling suddenly came from the fingertips.

Teresa pulled her finger back and took a look, and a drop of scarlet blood penetrated from her fingertips-some kind of equipment hidden deep in the cave wall collected a drop of her blood.

Immediately afterwards, anomalies suddenly occurred.

Centering on the hole she just poked out, as if driven by blood, a series of "drip" and faint buzzing sounded in the depths of the cave wall, and the internal organs of a giant beast have been sealed for thousands of years. Waking up in the abyss, began to move and wriggle.

In the middle of the bleak folds, a colorful light flowed out, like a bunch of extremely gorgeous flowers, blooming in front of Teresa.

Those non-metal and non-wood materials, but full of elasticity, are like metal in a half-solidified and half-melted state, flowing slowly, condensing into kaleidoscopic, various forms.

Ripples and streamers formed flowers, and hundreds of optical fibers that looked like flower stamens drilled out of the hole in the center of the flower that Teresa poked out. As if possessing the nerves of life, they trembled gently and spread towards her.

Exclamations were heard one after another all around.

Teresa used her peripheral vision to see that other explorers were also blooming with colorful flowers, the stamens of the flowers slowly enveloping everyone.

"Liquid alloy, mustard machine!"

Teresa's thoughts turned, and she understood in an instant.

This cave, or the entire "Crimson Palace", is composed of an extremely subtle, mustard-level intelligent machine, condensed into the form of a liquid alloy.

Therefore, there is no need for fixed crystal brains, teleportation arrays, weapons, and command systems—no matter what equipment is needed, they can be made by mustard machines in an instant according to the situation at the time.

This idea just flashed through my mind.

The stamen-like optical fiber pierced her brain deeply.

A stream of shining, colorful rivers of light, from the depths of the Crimson Palace, are mighty and endless, pouring into Teresa's mind.


Teresa felt that her soul had experienced a big bang that went back in time. Then, the world around him collapsed suddenly, turning into billions of round water droplets, and reorganized into another completely different picture during the changes of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. .

This is a majestic and majestic palace.

In other words, it is the bridge of a super giant starship.

Countless handsome men and women over two meters tall are operating nervously on the bridge.

Unlike the master crystal brain used on the Star Sea battleship of the Pangu universe, on the bridge of this super giant starship, there are hardly any light screens and input and output devices in sight.

These nearly perfect human beings who are over two meters tall are shining with colorful lights all over their bodies. The strands of light form a beautiful tattoo, covering every inch of their skin, as if they want to do whatever they want, the nerves that can stretch freely, insert In the liquid metal around the bridge, nerve information is transmitted through the mustard machinery, so that the crew and the starship are perfectly integrated.

Even Teresa herself has become a tall, fit, honey-skinned female warrior, her exposed skin is also wrapped with strands of light that can exchange information instantly, and even her hair has become crystal clear and sparkling. Hui's material can be freely stretched, inserted into liquid metal, and landed on the entire network of the super-giant starship to interact with massive data.

"this is……"

Teresa lost her mind for a while, almost unable to tell who she was.

Fortunately, she had experienced a similar test in the "Xiangong".

It seems that the testing techniques of the Yuanshi civilization are in the same line. The so-called test of the Crimson Palace is to activate the genes and memories of the ancestors hidden in the body of the demons thousands of years ago, allowing them to experience the battles, exiles, and... .

However, she is not a demons, why would she be awakened to these ancient memories that do not belong to her?

By the way, it's the **** "amoeba" Eric. While she had just crossed into the magical world, she was still in the strong impact of ultra-long-distance jumping. When the whole person was weak and weak, she attacked her, and used those despicable and unbearable The means of recollection has transformed her beyond recognition.

Remember that time, Eric "Amoeba" injected a lot of weird things into her body, it should be that, so she has the blood of part of the demons, right?

This is not the time to think about this.

Teresa was attentive, adapting to her new role and new mission-she knew that this illusion or memory in front of her must be related to the test of the Crimson Palace.

Sure enough, just as she had just figured out the situation, a surging flow of information flooded into her mind along the neural network.

The entire super-giant battleship seemed to become transparent in front of her in an instant. She could clearly see the surrounding cabins, a series of data related to her post, and even let her consciousness follow the starship network all the way. From the outside of the starship, you can observe the super giant starship 360 degrees through the hundreds of millions of floating gun emplacements that accompanied the starship.

This starship should be the flagship of a certain exiled fleet of Yuanshi civilization.

Its scale far exceeds the size of ordinary satellites, even if compared to planets.

Compared with the so-called "planetary war castles" in the Pangu universe that simply hollowed out planets and refined them, this starship is like extracting the most precious substances from a dozen planets, and has undergone a reinvention. Re-refining.

At first glance, it looks like an absolutely perfect diamond crystal, but the surface is criss-crossed, shining with countless colorful rays of light. These rays are actually extremely special gravitational fields. In addition to controlling the surrounding floating forts, they also It can plunder nearby asteroids, meteorites and interstellar dust and incorporate them into the reactor of the starship, providing a steady stream of fuel for endless navigation in the vast universe.

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