40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3389: Han Te Chuan (53) The true face of Kuba!

After the triple dark space, there are not many powerhouses capable of breaking into the Crimson Palace by the Allied Forces of the Six Races, including the two princes of the Black Shield Race and the Royal Orc Race, both of them are trapped in the dark space.

Among the remaining four leaders, Queen Medusa and Turing tribe elders are also auxiliary types. Only the two princes of the Strong Arm tribe and the Yan tribe still have the strength to fight.

Looking at each other, the two princes had no other choice but to bite the bullet and lead the strong under their command to rush up.

They used the "artifacts" they had just acquired to fight fiercely with the exterminators.

However, the Prison Clan had just opened the two Primordial arsenals a year ago, and they also obtained many "artifacts". They have a deeper understanding of the use of these magic weapons.

What's more, there is the deity of Maharaja Kuba.

It was a towering iron tower like a mountain. It was simply a slowly moving magic mountain. His whole body was nested in layers of armor, but the cracks in the carapace snarled out countless spikes, even his face. Be obscured by a scary mask.

A two-handed giant sword that is taller than a human seems to weigh thousands of kilograms. It cannot be swung with human power. However, it relies on the blessing of magic. It rotates like a hurricane. It only needs a little oily skin to be rubbed. There is no end to the dead.

Maharaja Kuba alone is enough to suppress the remnants of the Six Nations Allied Forces, including Black Jack and Teresa.

The strongmen of the Strong Arm and Yan tribe rushed in front of him in vain, as if the seemingly surging tide hit the rock on the shore, hit the bones, and rolled back, but couldn’t deal with the rock. Cause the slightest damage.


The Qianshou Maharaja of the Strong Arm tribe screamed. The mechanical arm containing hundreds of weapons and maintenance tools was torn apart by Maharaja Kuba, and was beaten fiercely by the giant sword on the chest, and the whole chest was shot. Almost collapsed, the whole person flew dozens of meters away like a kite with a broken line, and slammed into the liquid metal wall of the crimson palace, knocking out a shocking human-shaped pit.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The Red Lotus of the Yan clan opened his bow from left to right, hundreds of burning flames turned into the form of thousands of horses, almost reflecting the towering dome above everyone into a sea of ​​flames, he waved his hand and directed the burning army to rush towards Lord Kuba.

Maharaja Kuba raised his two-handed giant sword high, and slashed it down towards the Burning Legion, condensing a whirlwind army in the void.

The whirlwind and the flame armies collided in mid-air, and the shock wave blew all the demon people a somersault. The two armies died together. Only bunches of dim flames were left, spreading and swaying like a candle in the wind, very Quit quickly.

Maharaja Gulian was still in the recovery period when his magic was exhausted, but Maharaja Kuba rushed towards him like a magic mountain collapsed, sank his shoulders, and slammed him into the air, and went to accompany him with Maharaja Qianshou. .

Destroyed and unstoppable, Maharaja Kuba deserves to be the leader of the strongest fighting race in the blood battle demon world. Just standing in the middle of the battlefield with a long sword, he creates a kind of bravery and bravery.

"You idiots..."

Under the hideous demon mask, there was a cold and deep voice, and there was a hint of sarcasm, "Just because of you people, you also want to unlock the secret of the'Crimson Palace'?

"Tell you, even if your stupid tricks can really delay me for three days and three nights, so that you can think about it here and break your head, you will not be able to obtain the highest control authority of the Crimson Palace and unlock the full power of the blood war demon world!"

The six words "highest control authority" made Teresa who was watching the battle startled.

It seems that Maharaja Kuba knows something, at least knows more than other demons, about the true face of the blood war demon world-the super battleship Emerald!

"Only I am the destiny. The crimson palace and the real master of the blood war demon world, and the journey of our clan is far more than the blood war demon world or the emerald continent. There are endless beyond the demon world and the human world. The bright stars are waiting for us to conquer one by one!"

Maharaja Kuba’s voice contained a breathtaking and irresistible charm. He stretched out his hands towards the demons who had been hit hard by him, and said, "Although you are stupid and ignorant, but in our race’s journey Come on, it's useful after all, now, kneel down and surrender to me, don't force me to kill you!"

The remnants of the six races looked at each other and fell into entanglement.

In a **** battle against the devil, it is only natural for the strong to respect and the weak to submit to the strong.

In civil wars of the demons, they rarely fight until the last pawn. After the victory is determined, the weak will surrender to the strong.

After all, they still have the same dream, to conquer the Emerald Continent and to taste the taste of living in the sun.

What's more, the princes of the Black Shield tribe and the Royal Orc race are trapped in the dark space, life and death are uncertain, and the group of dragons has no head, and they do not know how to resist the power of the Kuba Majesty.

In the face of the eyes of many Prison Destroyers, every word of disagreement will lead to a stance of killing, and many Black Shield and Orcs demons are first shaken.

Although he hadn't knelt down and surrendered, he put down his weapon and gave up resistance.

Maharaja Kuba let out a cold snort behind the mask, and turned his head to Queen Medusa and the Turing Elder.

"Elder Turing, I don't understand."

Maharaja Kuba said coldly, "Why did you not give me the map of the Crimson Palace in the first place? In that case, the Blood War Demon Realm would save a lot of precious blood."

"Because you are not qualified to inherit the estate of the Scarlet Queen."

The brain of the Turing elder trembles slightly in the translucent artificial skull. He calmly said, "Forcibly opening the Crimson Palace and absorbing the power you can’t bear will only lead to you, the extermination of the prison clan and the entire blood war demon world. Destruction."

"I'm not qualified? Hahahaha, what a joke!"

Maharaja Kuba laughed wildly, "I am an undefeated strong man in the **** battle of the Devil for thousands of years. If even I am not qualified to inherit the inheritance of the Scarlet Queen, who is qualified! You, Queen Medusa, or these two defeated men? "

"You do not understand……"

The Turing elder sighed and was about to explain, at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

A bunch of black edges, as fast as lightning, pierced the hole on the left side of Maharaja Kuba's mask, trying to pierce his eye sockets fiercely!

Maharaja Kuba's head tilted slightly, and the black edge scratched the mask with a harsh noise, and lifted the mask away.

Everyone looked in surprise and found that it was Black Jack, using a Chaos Demon Crossbow, taking advantage of the situation, and sending a fatal blow to Lord Kuba.

Unfortunately, I still missed it.

Maharaja Kuba, who had lost his mask, had frantic long hair dancing wildly like black flames, his face was still hidden in the blazing black flames, but his voice was a bit more desolate and desolate.

"No, I understand."

Maharaja Kuba revealed a male and female face from the black flame.

There was a bitter and cruel smile on her face, "I understand what the price is to inherit the legacy of the Scarlet Queen, and I am willing to give everything for this power, for this power that is above the stars and stars. cost!"

Without the mask, his voice appeared sharper and gloomier.

Strands of burning black hair hung down, setting off this completely inconsistent face with a cruel and... glamorous face.

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