40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3393: Han Te Chuan (57) cut off!

"Hong Chao? Devour the empire?"

Teresa was shocked and distraught.

She must find a way to escape and tell this amazing piece of information to everyone in the Emerald Continent and Pangu universe.

Maharaja Kuba laughed arrogantly, and there was a strange sense of incongruity with that extraordinarily feminine face.


At this moment, a deafening explosion sounded, and the location of Black Jack was immediately enveloped in flames and gunpowder smoke.

But it was the second batch of reinforcements from the Prison Exterminator, which was directly transmitted from Qianmen Mountain to the Crimson Palace, and brought a small Prison Exterminator cannon.

"My king!"

The loyal Prison destroyer demons rushed forward.


Maharaja Kuba didn't look at them, but in the direction where Black Jack should be torn apart, he spit out **** saliva contemptuously, "No matter what the flood or devouring the empire, my clan, I will never give in!"

"is it?

A ghostly voice appeared abruptly from behind Maharaja Kuba. Amid the squirming of thousands of tentacles, Black Jack revealed his tall, handsome, unrestrained figure and face full of manly charm.

It's a pity that the handsomer his face, the more terrifying his impression.

"Then...it's a pity." Black Jack said quietly.

Then he snapped his fingers, neither light nor heavy.

In an instant, the girls who were controlled by his tentacles and were about to **** dry, like puppets, all moved.

They looked like skeletons and withered, but their speed and strength were faster and stronger than the devil in the abyss. They stepped on stiff and weird steps, manipulated their rusty weapons, and performed a dance of death.

The demon of the Prison Exterminator was shocked. When he barely resisted the blackjack's harem, he was entangled and stabbed by tentacles. The witches among them became blackjack's prisoners. In a moment, they were transformed into the same terrifying "skeletons". Soldiers".

Seeing their pious and happy brilliance, as if paving the path of Black Jack's ambition with life, is the true meaning of existence.

With their sacrifices, Black Jack's aura became stronger and stronger, it was like a flaming tornado, hidden in his swelling body.


Maharaja Kuba took a deep breath, his armor squeaked, and he couldn't stand the violent force rolling between the muscles and bones, bursting from the inside to the outside.

Sure enough, as Teresa guessed, his "transformation" was not completed. Although the body hidden under the armor could see a few exquisite curves, it was quickly obscured by crazy swelling muscles.

It is not so much that he has become a "woman", it is better that he has become a female Primordial Beast.


Maharaja Kuba uttered an astonishing roar.

The whole crimson palace was filled with tumultuous air waves.

With every step taken, the sky broke and the earth burst, and the surrounding demon and Black Jack's harem all flew out.

"Chuck, Chuck, Chuck."

Black Jack's tentacles also expanded several times in an instant, like a weird-looking deep-sea squid. The tentacles waved, tearing the air, ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two powerhouses, like two monsters, collided fiercely.

Teresa hugged her head, not to mention how embarrassed she was.

The firepower of the two monster-level powerhouses is full, and she is not able to resist it. She has long been internally injured by the raging air wave, and she has to guard against the viper-like tentacles piercing her forehead.

If he was captured by Black Jack and reduced to his "woman", this was the most disgusting thing Teresa could think of in her life.

"How to do?

"I can't die, at least I can't die here. I must bring back the information-Hong Chao hasn't resolved it yet, so there is something more ruthless!

"Think about it, think about it quickly, if Yao Yao was here, what kind of insidious, cunning, despicable, frantic, and dehumanizing method would his old man use to escape his birth?

"Surrender, surrender to one of the two monsters, go to fight the other monster, and then the snipe and clam fight, will the fisherman benefit?

"But, watching these two monsters kill so happily, they look like a war of intestines, it is impossible to accept my surrender!"

Teresa had no idea at all.

Unexpectedly, a strong wind pounced behind him.

She rolled on the spot, naturally holding the knife in both hands, and twirled upwards, trying to break the enemy.

However, when she saw who the attacker was, the tip of the knife was messed up, and it almost wiped it off the opponent's cheek, without hurting the bone, leaving only a scarlet scar.

"Sister Axia!"

That's right, it is Princess Axia.

She was also entangled by the tentacles of Black Jack, lost herself, her face was numb with happiness, her eyes were hollow, and she became a puppet without a soul.

However, when Teresa exclaimed her name in exclamation, a faint ripple appeared like lightning in the depths of her empty eyes, struggling stubbornly.

She obviously hesitated.

The real will, and the commands passed by the tentacles, are in an arduous duel, it is as if her flesh and bones are in conflict. The flesh and blood want to go east, but the bones have to go west.

A "crackling" tearing sound came from her body, and there was a trace of real pain in the numb happiness on her face.

Seeing her appearance, Teresa was heartbroken, and even more furious.

"Sister Axia, I'll help you!"

The sword raised up high did not hesitate for a moment, and he changed the angle to draw a perfect arc without worrying about whether it would be discovered by Black Jack.

When the blade flashed down, countless runes appeared all around, rushing into the blade, turning this ordinary war knife into a crystal clear artifact.

This knife condensed all of Teresa's magical power and all of her anger and heartache. Even if the ancient gods and demons descended, she would cut them off.


Black Jack's tentacles were cut cleanly by Teresa, and a large group of pale golden liquid spewed from the fracture, like a viper struck by lightning, jumping fiercely.

Black Jack noticed the existence of Teresa, and his eyes were projected towards her with a little surprise. He didn't seem to understand why Teresa was not bewitched by him all the way, and persisted until now.

Teresa responded to Black Jack with a gesture not found on the Emerald Continent-two straight middle fingers.

Black Jack squinted. Although he didn't understand Teresa's meaning, he also understood her will not surrender.

With a cold snort, he was about to manipulate more tentacles to squirm towards Teresa, but the blood-covered Maharaja Kuba roared more and more violently, with countless bone spurs growing all over his body, he rushed towards him, and suddenly Fell to the ground.

The two monsters entangled again.

Princess Axia, who had lost control, fell backward softly.

Teresa hurriedly stepped forward, hugged her in her arms, stripped off all the broken tentacles, and then used her hot temperature to soothe her frozen body.

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