40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3400: Han Te Chuan (65) New World

"In the New Age 3212, the Emerald continued to flee in a starry sea of ​​nothing, avoiding the deadly enemies that will appear at no time. At this time, the starship has lost 50% of its functions, and 99% of the crew had to enter the hibernation state. 1% of people are still struggling to stick to their posts."

Jade continued to say coldly, "It is not a sense of mission and honor that has prompted them to stay awake and persevere, but another extremely cruel fact-because of the dual lack of resources and energy, the aging hibernation warehouse has been in disrepair for a long time. Without repairs and maintenance, the failure rate has continued to increase. In the end, the failure rate that can lead to the direct death of hibernators, broken down to the year, has reached 1%.

"Every year, at least 1% of all hibernation warehouses will have a fatal failure, causing the hibernator to die unknowingly.

"In the next year, Death's sickle will appear randomly on the necks of the remaining one percent of hibernators.

"The probability of 1% may seem trivial, but with the magic of time, in the long voyage of thousands of years, it can be said that all hibernators are hardly spared.

"Entering the hibernation warehouse is to entrust their lives to the impermanent destiny. This is unacceptable for some crew members. They chose another way of life that they believed to be more dignified-never hibernating, just waking up. Spend a lifetime in a state of life, live and die on the starship, and thrive.

"Naturally, such a way of life can't talk about any dignity. They just spent a long and tormented life in a cold cage.

"Watching the hibernators die, and the sober ones don’t know when they will find a new place to live. The sober ones collapsed, small-scale riots broke out from time to time, and even extremists rushed into the bridge. Hijacking the Emerald rushed directly to the star, letting everything be burned, and putting an end to this nightmare.

"The Emerald has continued to sail for thousands of years in such a miserable situation. When the first ray of hope finally came to them, the starship had lost 70% of its functions, as well as most of its crew and energy. , The last time I ventured into the super fusion collection device repaired by the Star Flame Stream, it was reimbursed again after supporting the starship to continue its voyage for two thousand years, but this time, the starship’s condition was not enough to support them, looking for a new Star Flame Stream. Replenish energy.

"At the darkest moment on the verge of collapse, we finally discovered a fertile world of psychic energy."

As Jade said, in front of Princess Teresa and Axia, a splendid and colorful galaxy slowly appeared and unfolded slowly.

The dawn of hope shone on the faces of Jade, Teresa and Princess Asha at the same time.

"The Emerald is saved. Under the command of Captain High Dragon, we rushed towards the new world and named this world after the starship. Everyone can’t wait to get a precious breath in the new world, collect Sufficient resources to completely repair the starship, and then think of a way to start from scratch, re-developing the Yuanshi civilization to a state beyond its peak, and once again fight Hong Chao to the death."

Jade said quietly, "It's a pity that I realized after a long time that the Yuanshi Clan-human beings are a hundred times more complicated than artificial intelligence. I thought that'everyone' thought so, it was just wishful thinking. "

Teresa was startled slightly: "What do you mean?"

"As an artificial intelligence, mission is the only meaning of my existence. In order to complete the mission without compromise, all costs are worth paying, and we must try to work together until the battle becomes a single soldier, and even the last screw and the last string of data. until."

Feicui said, "But the Yuanshi clan-humans do not seem to be like this. The mission of humans can be changed anytime and anywhere. It can even be said that humans are creatures with no sense of mission. You can betray your mission as you like.

"That's right, Captain Gao Zunlong and some other bridge crew members still miss the mission of restoring the glory of the Yuanshi clan and fighting Hong Chao to the death. They want to build the new world into a war base and drain all the resources of the new world. Repair the Emerald, if possible, upgrade the Emerald to a more powerful "space cruiser", and then embark on a new journey.

"But most of the bridge crew members who are still sober, headed by First Officer Quick, opposed the captain's plan. They believed that the resources of the New World were extremely limited. Even if they were all drained, it would not be possible to increase the battle effectiveness of the Emerald. In front of Hong Chao swept by, there was no resistance at all. Therefore, it is better to abandon the disrepaired and almost scrapped Jade, and move all the crew to the new world.

"The two sides hold each other's words, and there is a fierce dispute. Captain High Dragon naturally has the highest level of authority, but Chief Quaker has more supporters. The dawn of the new world has just arrived, and an extremely dangerous storm is fast. Brewing."

Emerald’s eyes shoot out lasers to form a three-dimensional light curtain, which then spreads into a holographic image similar to the illusory realm. It seems that both Teresa and Princess Axia have returned to the bridge thousands of years ago and saw Gao Zunlong. Conflict between the captain and chief mate Quick and others.

The bridge crew members at that time were tall, handsome, giants like marble statues.

They were shining with colorful light all over, and they outlined the perfect to thrilling body shape.

However, their temperament is completely different.

Captain Gao Zunlong is like a green pine that can't be bent. Even if the branches are torn off by the storm, the bark is torn, and the heart of the tree is burned by thunder fire, it will still stand tall, unless he is uprooted and crushed completely into powder. , Otherwise there is absolutely no way to make him bend even half a point.

Chief Officer Quick, and some other members of the bridge team, had been crushed by endless despair in the long escape, with a tall and handsome skin empty, but his eyes lost the flame of jumping.

They lowered their heads, some of them were afraid to face the captain's sharp eyes.

The light all over his body was flashing rapidly, as if whispering, like a group of despicable hyenas, discussing conspiracies.

"what are you saying?"

When Teresa and Princess Axia heard, Captain High Dragon used an ancient and elegant voice, coldly said, "You don’t agree to thaw all the crew immediately and enter the new century to collect resources? I heard it right, don’t you let the crew We are all released from the hibernation warehouse, how can we have enough manpower to repair the Jade?"

The members of the bridge team looked at each other. Under the powerful aura of Captain High Dragon, almost out of breath, Chief Quaker reluctantly said: "Captain, although the new world is rich, it is not too large in scale. The Emerald will be completely repaired in time, and there is no way to support all our crew members, living on it for a long time, as you said, we will be like locusts, in a very short time, we will completely squeeze the world. Do it."

"so what?"

Captain Gao Zun Long raised his eyebrows high, and waved his hand indisputably, "As long as we can restore 80% of the Emerald’s combat effectiveness, we can add thousands or even 10,000 years of battery life, and continue to look for more, bigger, and more The rich world, it is worth paying the price of this small world!"


Let’s just say, a book friend asked Lao Niu if you have saved the manuscript. Why do you post it on time at ten o’clock every morning, and it’s so shameless if you don’t show the saved manuscripts to the brothers.

This, to explain, there is really no way to save the manuscript. Regardless of "Xiu Si" or "Ling Bi", I basically write it now, and it is not my style to hide and tuck!

Like now, in the case of "Xiu Si", basically get up in the morning, start the code after breakfast, code for an hour or two, about eight or nine o'clock, and then upload it at ten o'clock. Leave it for half an hour and an hour. On the one hand, you can check to see if there are any typos, or if you want to add two sentences. It is more convenient to modify. On the other hand, it is posted too early and there are fewer people. Many friends are sleeping, which is not conducive. Be seen by more readers.

After coding "Xiu Si", take a break, change the track of your mind, and then code "Ling Bi", um, painful and happy codeword life, basically arranged like this, thank you for your continued support!

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