40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3415: Han Te Chuan (Eighty One), the big man, when it is broken, it is broken!

Jade looked at Hante's hand.

There was a silver-white ripple in the corner of his eyes, as if even it, an artificial intelligence, felt pain for Hante.

"Allow me to remind you--"

Jade said stubbornly, "Just injecting the'witch gene' into the body cannot gain power. It must be fully activated to show the dominant traits of the gene in order to release the inheritance of the Jadeite captain for hundreds of generations, but If you do this, you will remain in the state of'Theresa' for a long time. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am sure."

Hante was so distressed that he almost cried, and the blue veins on the back of his hand gradually calmed down, from a strong grasp to an affectionate rubbing.

He up and down his hands, heartbroken.

"Do you know the consequences of doing this, or do you decide to become a...real man in the face of Teresa?"

Jade tilted his head and thought for a long time, but was still unable to interpret the logic. He could only say thoughtfully, "Humans are indeed a very interesting carbon-based intelligent creature. In many cases, I simply don’t know what you are. Is it really wise, or is it a foolish ape with good luck against the sky."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Hante's eyes are red and his voice is hoarse, "Give me the'Witch Gene' and activate it fully-before I regret it!"

"No problem, but you must understand that even if you activate the witch gene, you cannot digest all the captain's inheritance instantly. The probability of defeating Black Jack in a short time is still very small. Let me calculate, it has fallen to 0.5%. It's down."

Jade reminded me tirelessly, "Are you sure, you really want to do this kind of gambling with no chance of winning?"

"If the fate of mankind can be defined by cold data, what is the meaning of our existence?"

Hante gritted his teeth, every muscle in his body trembled with anger and shame, "I don't care what the winning rate is, I only know that I should do it!"

"So, what is my mission?"

Jade said, "My mission is to rebuild the Jade and the entire fleet. I can't just watch you embark on an adventure that has no chance of winning, leading to the annihilation of our entire army."

"It won't be annihilated, we can make a deal."

Hante looked at the jade, with blue veins on his forehead showing, "As long as you give me and activate the witch gene, in exchange, I will tell you the coordinates of the Pangu universe.

"I think, you are so smart, as long as you have the coordinates, you can drive the escape capsule to the Pangu universe without me, right?

"You can set the escape pod to a state where it can be launched at any time, and wait for me and Blackjack to show off. If I fail, you will—"

"If it's a'male and female' duel..."

Jade interjected, "You have lost the moment you injected the witch gene, right?"


Hante took a deep breath and once again forcibly resisted the urge to strangle the artificial intelligence, "Then you can run away, go to the Pangu universe alone to find my friends, and tell them all about me, uh, wait, about my change. Needless to say about Cheng Teresa, let's just say that I was killed in a vigorous battle as Hante, and they would definitely avenge me.

"Let me think about it, you can go to Master Boxer first. It is artificial intelligence just like you, and it is a very loyal, honest, reliable, and trustworthy artificial intelligence. It will definitely help you!"

"When you think that an artificial intelligence is loyal, honest, trustworthy," you have been deceived." Jade whispered.

"What did you say?" Hante was in a state of high tension and excitement, and did not hear clearly.

"It's nothing."

Jade thought for a while, "Your proposal is acceptable."

"Come on then."

Hante gritted his teeth, his face twisted, cold sweat pooled into a waterfall on his forehead, "Be sharp, give me a good time!"

"it is good……"

Jade muttered, "But, are you sure you don’t need to give you two more minutes? According to my precise calculations, Princess Axia can hold on for a few more minutes. I can give you two to three minutes and let you make one... …Quick goodbye, you know, you may not see it for a long time, a long time, a long time."

Hante hesitated.

But the heroic figure of Princess Axia fighting to the end urged him like a silent horn.

"Forget it."

Hante closed his eyes and reluctantly said, "I usually start in half an hour. Two or three minutes will not help at all. It will also kill my hard-won resolution. Stop talking nonsense, while it is still ignorant. I didn't realize what was going on, and before I broke out and wounded people, come on, do it!"

"Okay." Jade sighed softly and turned into a silver-white flower again, covering Chaohante.

The muscles in the corners of Hante's eyes could not help but tremble, and the hot heroic tears flowed on his face. He tried his best to control his body, firmly nailed to the ground like a warrior standing on the ground, never taking a step back.

"From the Federation to the Empire, for the bright future of human civilization, countless martyrs threw their heads and blood, shattered their bones and even their souls and souls without fear. I just sacrificed something not much bigger than the cecum. What does it matter?"

Hante hypnotized himself, condensing a crystal clear, indestructible Taoist heart, "Being a man, the most important thing is the atmosphere, don't care about it like an old lady, if you can't bear this thing, it's a **** thing. Man?

"Furthermore, the nature of this matter is different from that of the crazy madmen in the ancient practice notes who wield swords in order to practice domineering magic power...then, there is a fundamental difference. After all, after swiping a sword, you must cut off your children and grandchildren. But I’m different, I can still have my own offspring!

"After returning to the Pangu Universe, Liuli is not easy to explain. Hey, Liuli is a naive and infatuated girl. She must have silently loved me for a long time, but because of brother and sister love, she still dare not confess to me? What if I If she really became like Teresa forever, she could only cut her love with Huijian, hoping that she would not be sad for too long, and that she would find a good home soon.

"Enough, don’t think about it, come on, I am going to be the man of Xinghai Cannon King, no matter how difficult the challenge, the painful torture, and the bleak fate, I can’t stop me from setting foot on myself. Come on!"

Hante let out a hysterical growl.

Then it was tightly wrapped by the silver-white flowers and turned into a huge cocoon again.

Before long, ripples appeared on the surface of the cocoon, and even bubbles appeared. When each bubble burst, a scorching steam would be emitted.

It seems that the fierce beast with its strength multiplied by a hundredfold will be released soon.

"Is this... power?"

In the depths of the silver-white cocoon that was about to burst, a clear and melodious female voice rang out, "Black Jack, you would never think that in order to obtain this power, what a painful price people paid...

"Wait, huh, huh, it hurts, why the devil in my body is still harassing, still so sore and sore, this has all changed!

"Ahhhhh! Hate! Hate! Hate! Blackjack! I don't care! I don't care! I don't care! All this is your fault! Your fault! Your fault! Today! !"

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