"The last three kilometers from the battlefield!"

The original dull sound of explosions became deafening, and wave after wave of heat and shock waves made the psionic floater seem to be bumping in the stormy sea.

The cultivator conducts a final inspection of the magic weapon, and Li Yao and the instructors who are good at controlling crystal armor at the school come to the airborne platform at the stern of the floater.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Dozens of light **** shot out from the stern of the floating ship, and then burst out more intense light, like a shining lightsaber, piercing into the black mist!

The black mist is like a strange creature composed of thousands of mosquitoes, creeping towards Li Yao.

Li Yao felt like he was in the inner organs of a giant monster beast, extremely depressed.


The profound bone battle armor issued an alarm, the concentration of demon energy here was very high, it would corrode the crystal armor and the human body, causing serious damage.

Li Yao snorted coldly, and the whole body exploded, forming a thin protective layer of aura on the surface of the armor, pushing away the demon mist.

Then the psionic energy spun wildly and swiftly!

Taking advantage of Jingnao's connection to Lingwang, he quickly downloaded mission information.

The whole series of images of all the buildings on the ground and underground in the west area of ​​Honglian City, the three-dimensional structure diagram of the translucent state, and the structure diagram and psychic movement diagram of the Taiyi Thunder Magnet.

A large amount of information was downloaded to Jing Brain, and through the transmission of spiritual thoughts, it was quickly swallowed, digested and absorbed by him.

"Puff puff!"

In the demon mist, the ground tens of meters below suddenly shot out three pale green liquids, piercing Li Yao's chest.

This is the demon clan on the ground, sensing the wave of psychic energy in the sky, sending out an air attack.

Li Yao's speed did not drop, even the strength of the psychic shield did not increase, the profound bone battle armor ejected a brilliant flame, intertwined in an instant, forming a beautiful light net.

But he turned dozens of times in an instant, and dangerously avoided three corrosive acid.

Li Yao's eyes flashed, and his crystal eyes instantly analyzed the opponent's location based on the trajectory of the three acid shots.

With his right hand stretched out, five fingers spread out, a hexagonal prismatic spar in the palm of his palm suddenly shined, a white light shot out, turned into a sharp arrow, and whizzed away.

The psychic energy that blasted this light arrow did not come from the reactor cauldron.

It was Li Yao who compressed his own aura to the extreme, and through the increase and acceleration of the magic talisman in the spar, he broke through the super fast speed of more than three times the speed of sound, and blasted the aura crit!

It looks like a white beam of light with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl, but the aura in the center has been compressed to the thickness of the needle tip, and the light that faints around is caused by the high-speed vibration and friction of the floating particles in the air.

The surging spiritual energy is compressed to the thickness of the needle tip, and then ejected at three times the speed of sound, its power can be imagined.

This is the strength of the peak cultivator during the Qi Refining Period!

There was a violent explosion in the monster mist, and there seemed to be a heart-piercing scream.

However, Li Yao didn't care about checking the results, as if slapped a fly to death, continued to concentrate, and swept forward.

The more you advance toward the city, the stronger the anti-aircraft firepower you encounter.

The monster beast was originally a killing machine concocted for war.

In the 30,000-year conquest, civil war and elimination of the Monster Beast Empire, the instinct of killing has been evolved to the extreme.

The body organs of many monsters are themselves a powerful weapon.

It can even swallow the spar directly, releasing powerful electric currents, flames, acid, venom, shock waves and mental attacks.

The sky above the Red Lotus City seemed to hold a hot cauldron, and any target flying in the air, whether it was a monster or a cultivator, would be devastatingly attacked.

Li Yao had to lower his height, leaping forward in the urban area full of tall buildings, and gradually approaching his destination.

"Hold on!"

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and his feet stepped on, an abandoned building was instantly blasted out of a large hole spreading over three floors.


The West District of Red Lotus City.

This was originally a densely populated commercial area, but now it has become a ruin.

Are there ruined walls, pitted streets and burning shuttle cars everywhere? Of course, there are long-drained blood stains, composed of black silhouettes.

In front of a collapsed building, there is a semi-underground barricade with a solid defensive array and two fixed flying sword positions.

Red Lotus City is one of the northernmost towns in the Federation. At the beginning of its establishment, the possibility of street fighting was taken into consideration, and it was constructed in a semi-militarized mode.

Such barricades are hidden everywhere in the city. They are usually hidden underground. Once the beast tide rushes into the city, it can rise to the ground and form a line of defense.

A spar chariot equipped with a Taiyi Thunder magnetic cannon was attacked by a monster clan during its march, and fled here in a panic. Together with the soldiers stationed in the barricade, it was struggling to support it with the defensive talisman formation.

What they faced was a tide of monsters.

The scene before the soldiers' eyes was like the most terrifying nightmare.

A two-headed giant python with the thickness of a bucket, its head seemed to be stuck between humans and snakes, showing an extremely weird expression.

The beetle, which is bigger than the spar chariot, waved a giant sickle more than three meters long, and made a "whoop" wind.

From the barbed tortoise shell, a head over two meters long came out, covered with star spots, and there were two long tentacles growing on the head, which "cracked" and burst out a dazzling electric arc from time to time.

Even though Feijian strangled countless monsters, more monsters continued to flow in.

The defensive talisman trembling under their collision, like a dead leaf in the stormy waves, will be torn, swallowed, and annihilated at any time.


A psionic arrow blast gun made a loud noise, but the talisman array was activated too many times over a long period of time, the psychic energy was overloaded, the barrel was distorted and seriously damaged.

The veteran who manipulated this psychic arrow blaster took a sip, with red eyes, and reached out to fish, but it was empty.

"Out of ammunition!"

"Flying swords have all been launched too!"

"The strength of the defensive talisman is constantly decreasing, and it is predicted that it will not last for three minutes!"

One bad news after another, like sticks of dry wood, was thrown into the soldiers' burning eyes. The flames under their eyes became more and more prosperous, and their expressions gradually became crazy.

"Chainsaw sword, get ready!"

The veteran wiped the mud from his face and gritted his teeth.

The tide in front of him was split to both sides by an invisible force.

An aggressive figure swam over without any hurry, and even tens of meters away, the demon spirit swept in, like an invisible giant hand squeezing the defensive talisman formation.

The defensive talisman array made a "creak yeah" sound, and after the magic talisman after flashing suddenly, they went out silently.

The hearts of all soldiers sank into the bottomless abyss.

They are like being in an old and broken submarine, sinking to a depth of several kilometers, listening to the heavy pressure of the sea, slowly ravaging the shell of the submarine, like a urchin ravaging an egg.

"It's... the demon general."

Finally someone paled and said the answer in despair.

In the face of a large group of influential monsters, and even low-level monsters, they might be able to carry the chain saw sword to defend the last glory of the Federation Army.

But in the face of a demon general, any of their efforts is as meaningless as a mantis rushing to the spar chariot.

This demon general is like a mixture of humans and pythons, gradually turning into a human form covered with fine scales above the abdomen, but with six extremely slender limbs, in the misty demon mist, it looks like a spider with its teeth and claws.


The demon general spit out a dark purple light group the size of a jujube nucleus, slowly flying above the defensive talisman array, immediately burst out thousands of electric teeth, tearing the defensive talisman array to pieces!

Now, there is only fifty meters between the barricade and the animal tide, and—


A crystal armor, like a meteorite, fell between the barricade and the tide of beasts.

The surface of the dark gray armor is faintly flowing with a light golden shimmer. At first glance, it looks rough and wild. Only by careful observation can you discover the fine scales hidden in the deep layers of the armor. This crystal armor is always in a faint halo. Among.


A large amount of spiritual energy blasted out from the air channel of the crystal armor, and condensed on the top of the head into a vivid, pale golden eagle, which pierced the sky with a long roar, exuding an unparalleled aura.

"It's a cultivator!"

"Our cultivator is finally here!"

"What a strong aura, isn't that a Profound Bone Battle Armor? It doesn't mean that the Profound Bone Battle Armor is a special crystal armor for low-level cultivators? Why is his aura so powerful!"

The beast tide was stunned by the aura of the crystal armor, like a sea wave hitting a solid boulder on the seashore. After the wave hit the body to pieces, it retreated helplessly.

The demon general also narrowed his muddy eyes, the scales all over his body rustled, and his six arms trembled uncomfortably.

"Six-armed snake monster?"

Li Yao smiled in the profound bone battle armor.

In the battle of Qingze City two years ago, the hunting team formed by Li Yao and Zhao Tianchong once encountered a badly injured six-armed snake demon.

At that time, everyone tried their best, and finally used the power of ten thunder and fire explosions to barely kill the other party, and almost got themselves in.

At that time, the horror of the demon general deeply penetrated Li Yao's heart.

Even later, Li Yao never felt so terrible when he encountered the demon general again in the Thunder Mountain Range.

Two years later, I encountered the six-armed snake monster again, but it was completely different.

"What about the demon general? Die to me!"

Gorgeous flames spurted from the back of the profound bone battle armor, and more than fifty power runes were activated at the same time. Through subtle angle adjustments, the profound bone battle armor instantly blasted a speed higher than that of the super shuttle.

After redesigning, the wind-slashing war knife incorporating four crystal marrow materials was unsheathed, and the giant aura eagle in mid-air screamed, entangled on the blade, and turned into a sword light more than seven meters long.



Like a small thunderstorm, rolled up on the tip of a knife.

There is no conspiracy and trickery, it is purely the most brutal strength.

Before the six-armed Snake Demon had time to blink, Li Yao had already cut down his seven inches with a sharp knife!

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