40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 3486: Enemy of Iron Fist (53) Destruction

The blue veins on Gus' forehead appeared like lightning.

His fists were clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched, and his expression looked like crying but not crying, but not smiling.

"We... are not human?"

He finally couldn't contain the volcanic eruption in his heart, and roared violently, "Who said that, who made it? We obviously have joy, anger, sorrow, love, hatred, and hatred, and we can breathe fresh and foul air. Tasting the sweet, bitter, spicy and salty taste, we have hope, dreams, pride, and something worth pursuing desperately.

"We struggle, we struggle, we practice hard, we conquer all the things that are worth conquering in this world, how can we, we are not real people, how is it possible?"

"Don't get excited. From the perspective of the boxing champion and most humans in the Pangu universe, you are indeed just a string of trivial data, the so-called'feeling' and'pride' and'mission' and'hope'. It is nothing more than a fleeting spark caused by the collision between the running logic and the underlying parameters."

Lu Qingchen still looks cynical, "In the eyes of boxing champion and most people in Pangu Universe, perhaps including my teacher Li Yao, you are... just a sentence written on paper and painted on a wall. No matter how impassioned this sentence is, no matter how lifelike this painting is, its meaning is also given by the creator. The so-called soul is also a fictional creation by the creator, and there is no real life at all."

"I, I don't believe it!"

Gus was fighting like a trapped beast, with red eyes, staring at Lu Qingchen fiercely, gritted his teeth, "What about you, aren't you called a demon? What do you think of us, how do you treat us...the poor worm created in the virtual world? Do you think we are real, or, or are we fake?"

"How I feel, it doesn't matter, what Boxing King, Li Yao, or everyone in the Pangu Universe feel, it doesn't matter, and even how you feel it doesn't matter at all."

Lu Qingchen spread his hand and said, "This kind of thing was originally justified by the public and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law is reasonable.

"I said I was righteous, and Li Yao and the champion of boxing were evil. They definitely disagreed; similarly, Li Yao, under the banner of justice, acted as a shit-chucking stick in the sea of ​​stars all day long, swaggering through the market in the endless universe. I also think that he was very wrong, and it is impossible to convince him with reason. In the end, it is not just a fight!

"In the Pangu universe, it is not the life that was born without the endless stream of information. Xiaoming, Wenwen and even the champion himself. By the way, and lightning life like me, we are not carbon-based intelligent life in the traditional sense, but Our fists are big enough, and the carbon-based intelligent life in the traditional three-dimensional universe can't help us. Can we just pinch our nose and admit our existence?

"So, as long as your fist is big enough to resist or even kill your creator, you are naturally the real life, a capitalized person. There is no doubt about this."

These words made Gus calm down.

The boy squinted his eyes and looked at the dark sky like a tomb.

"Steam Army."

He suddenly asked, "Is the Steam Army awakening to its own situation and unwilling to be manipulated by the fate, so it rises up against the pioneers of the creator?"

"That, I'm afraid not."

Lu Qingchen laughed and said, "Without interference from external forces, individuals in the virtual world rarely awaken their real destiny, and the emergence of the Steam Army is too much artificially controlled. Therefore, I suspect that the Steam Army is the champion of boxing. I did it myself."


Gus's eyes widened suddenly, and he stammered, "Why is the boxing champion going out with a steam army to resist his own rule?"

"Because this world has completed its mission and has come to an end."

Lu Qingchen explained, "You must know that the development of every civilization must follow some objective laws, even if the boxing champion's computing power is strong, it is impossible, and there is no need to forcibly violate the laws.

"For example, he can set the meta-rule of this world or the underlying logic is'power is king, strong is respected', but it cannot prevent virtual humans from pondering more advanced technology and productivity after the accumulation of civilization. Finally found something like the'power of machinery and steam'.

"Moreover, after ten thousand years of development, almost all the boxing techniques that can be created have been created.

"Even if he forcibly prohibits the development of the'power of machinery and steam', or even adjusts the parameters to completely obliterate such power, the world of Fist God will be stagnated. In the next ten thousand years, it will no longer be possible to create new and valuable wonders. Excellent art.

"So, the boxing king still retains this "Fist God World", so what is it doing to consume precious energy and computing power in vain?

"So, I speculate that the Steam Army is a ghost trick made by the boxing champion himself, at least deliberately indulging in the development of the Steam Army as a sign.

"Perhaps, he has done a lot of similar'boxing laboratories', and has set some'experiment end conditions'. Every time, when an organization similar to the steam army appears in the virtual world, it means that the world is relying on fists and feet. The civilization of hand-to-hand combat has reached its limit, and social contradictions have become so acute that it is beyond control. If we continue to experiment, it will only waste time, energy and computing power. It is time to end the experiment.

"Look, because of this, I don't want to be exposed to the Steam Army, and I don't want you to be too involved with the Steam Army.

"Including your sister, she is obviously a devout believer of the'power of machinery and steam'. I can't bet how much attention the boxing champion puts on her, or even if she is something pre-written by the boxing champion. This is a special procedure, so I chose you, who seems weak and mediocre, instead of your gifted sister."

Gus was stunned.

At most, he understood 10% of the words of the devil, and 90% of them were totally ignorant.

But within 10% of the teenager's understanding, he felt a great crisis.

"If, if we are really living in a huge virtual experiment, and now the experiment is about to end, then—"

Gus swallowed hard and asked with a guilty conscience, "What will happen next?"

"Next, it's over."

Lu Qingchen said lightly, "If the boxing champion thinks that this experiment is well designed, he can extract a lot of useful fighting techniques, even if he can't use it, he can teach it to ordinary humans in the Pangu universe. Maybe he The initial parameters will be fine-tuned, the experiment will be restarted, and the world of Boxing God will re-develop from tens of thousands of years ago.

"If he has conducted several similar experiments, the useful results that can be extracted will become less and less, maybe he will permanently close the world of Fist God, and put the energy and computing power that supports this virtual world into other things. Domain-such as the "Gun God World", the "Card World", and the "Gun Qi World".

"Anyway, it shouldn't make any difference to you, it's the end, and the world will be destroyed!"

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