40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 386: Destroyer List

"Did you succeed?"

Li Yao was sweating profusely, his cheeks were bulging, his eyes were staring, and he stared at this watch-shaped magic weapon, his heart beating faster.

Nervous, excited!

This is the first time he has repaired the magic weapon from the Xinghai Empire era. If it succeeds, it means that he has taken a big step forward on the road of refining tools.

Although the magic weapon looks perfect and the psionic flow is also very smooth, whether the repair is in good condition depends on the condition after the excitation.

Li Yao held his breath and took out a red crystal the size of a grain of rice. As soon as he approached the watch-shaped magic weapon, a small hexagonal hole was opened behind the magic weapon, three metal wires protruded out, and he couldn't wait to swallow the red crystal in.

The red crystal is a piece of crystalline marrow.

Regardless of the small size of this watch-shaped magic weapon, it consumes astronomical amounts of psychic energy when driven. Ordinary spars and crystal element boxes cannot be activated at all. Only crystal marrow can satisfy its consumption.


After inhaling the crystal marrow, there was a gentle tremor inside the watch-shaped magic weapon. All the magic weapon components seemed to have been given life by Li Yao, resonating, and the surface also glowed with the bright stream of the night sky.

"There is a door!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up and he carefully put the magic weapon on his forehead. The surface was precisely aligned with the spiritual root position. However, the watch strap could automatically adjust the length and fit around his head comfortably without any feeling of coldness. It seems to be fused with flesh and blood.

Li Yaoning calmly, a ray of spiritual thought poured into the magic weapon.

From the depths of the magic weapon, he immediately reported hundreds of information streams. First, he scanned his brain to confirm his identity as a human race, and then judged that he was using it for the first time, and then sent a detailed explanation and application. law.

This magic weapon has a very weird name, called "Till Thousand Monsters", and it was a cultivation magic weapon used in the army during the Xinghai Empire era.

However, not all soldiers are qualified to use this "Ten Thousand Demon Slaying" to cultivate.

This is a magic weapon dedicated to the cultivation of several very special units in the imperial army, as well as the ordinary troops with outstanding combat effectiveness, extremely strong combat effectiveness, and extremely strong souls.

Those who are eligible to use the "Ten Thousand Demon Slaying" are all elites in the Imperial Army!

Because of this "ten thousand monsters trying to kill", the danger of cultivation is extremely high, and only strong people with strong spirits and strong souls can use it to cultivate.

Ordinary soldiers use it rashly, and there may be a danger of losing their lives!

Li Yao checked carefully, the cultivation intensity of "Ten Thousand Demon Tillage" was divided into one hundred levels in total, with one level being the weakest and one hundred being the strongest.

However, many of the core components were missing. Li Yao didn't completely repair it. He could only turn it on to level 37, and several levels were missing in the middle. There were only twenty-nine levels he could use for cultivation.

"Speaking so mysteriously, then first adjust the cultivation intensity to the first level, let's give it a try!"

"Ten Thousand Demons" directly projected dozens of mysterious and complex translucent operation pictures in Li Yao's brain, and the method of application was somewhat different from the magic weapon of the Star Federation.

However, Li Yao had long been given a magic weapon "Fierce Dragon" from the Xinghai Empire era. The operating system of "Fierce Dragon" is a hundred times more complicated than this "Thousand Monsters".

Therefore, after a little research, he figured out how to use the "Ten Thousand Demon Slaying", adjusted the first level with the lowest difficulty, and completely inspired the magic weapon!


Li Yao only felt that a beam of milky white light shot out from his forehead, which condensed into a translucent three-dimensional phantom not far away.

After a while, the phantom condensed, as if a demon race with a thin body, pale green skin, and a pointed mouth monkey gill, stood expressionlessly three meters away.

"Is it an illusion?"

Before Li Yao could react, the sharp-mouthed monster clan suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth, grinned, revealing his yellowish-brown fangs, his figure turned into a stream of light, and a "swish" flashed past Li Yao.

Sharp! Fast! Unstoppable!

Li Yao was taken aback. First, he felt numb and unbearable in his throat, and the chill was very uncomfortable. Then he heard a sound of "chipping and chuckle". After a few seconds, he realized that his neck arteries were cut open, and blood was shot. Out of the sound.

With a touch, the hand is bright red.

Li Yao was shocked. Until this moment, severe pain swept through his body, and a black whirlpool appeared in front of him, engulfing his soul in it.

He repeatedly told himself that this was just an illusion, but it took a full ten seconds to break free from the illusion of death. He touched it with his hand, but he really touched a drop of blood from his neck.

This is not an illusion, but a response of the body after the brain cells are strongly stimulated.

Some mental warfare masters, under hypnosis, can make people mistakenly think that the back of their hand was cut by a knife. As a result, scars really appeared on the back of the hand without anyone touching it.

This is a world in which the spirit can change the material world.

No wonder only the strongest with the most determined minds can use the "Thousand Demons to Kill" to practice.

If you change to an ordinary soldier with a weak soul, you are afraid that you will be killed once in the illusion. In the real world, your brain will die and you will become an idiot!

Li Yao took a deep breath and calmed down, but after a glimpse of green.

The green-skinned mysterious monster race hadn't disappeared, but looked at him with a grinning face from the left back, once again turned into a green streamer, and came straight to his neck.

The corner of Li Yao's eyes jumped wildly, and his pupils suddenly shrank into two pinpoints. There was no time to defend, but his hands ignited a violent purple fire, and he slammed into the chest of the green monster race!


Li Yao's neck artery was cut open again.

The chest of the green monster race was also smashed by Li Yao's use of purple electricity and blue claws.

The green monster clan screamed, turned into thousands of streamers, and suddenly disappeared.

"It's kind of interesting!"

Li Yao, who had awakened from the illusion, touched his aching neck and licked his lips very excitedly.

He somewhat understood that this "ten thousand monsters attempt to kill" the cultivation method.

It is to repeatedly stimulate his brain cells to give birth to various powerful phantoms of the monster race in the illusion, which makes him in a state of high nervousness and concentration at all times, and stimulates the limit in the close to death contests. Improve yourself!


This time, two green monster races appeared in front of him, their hands clasped with cold shining poisoned bone blades.

It seems that this "Ten Thousand Demon Slaying" will automatically adjust the intensity of cultivation according to the cultivator's countermeasures.

"bring it on!"

Every brain cell of Li Yao was burning, and his eyes were so bright that he would spit out fire. Before the two green monster races attacked him, they rushed forward!

From the afternoon to the early morning of the next day, for more than a dozen hours, Li Yao was like a child who got a new toy, staying asleep and having fun.

From the first level to the seventh level, he was "killed" a total of 372 times, but he also killed 631 monsters.

From the simplest green-skinned monster clan at the beginning, after reaching the fifth level, enemies above the intermediate level monsters gradually appeared. He could not recognize many types of monster clan, but his strength was even more perverted. It is a powerful ancient demon that has been extinct thousands of years ago.

Li Yao's fighting skills have also been continuously improved in "death" and killing.

Cultivating crazily overnight is more effective than practicing for a month.

He originally wanted to practice for three days and three nights in one breath, but the appearance of Ding Lingdang disrupted his practice rhythm.

Ding Lingdang's eyes widened, looking at the messy refining room, he exclaimed in surprise:

"What kind of research are you doing, how can it be so messed up, wouldn't it be an explosion?"

Ding Lingdang strode over quickly and leaned on Li Yao's body for a closer examination. He didn't find any injuries, and he was relieved.

Li Yao smiled:

"I'm okay, what's the matter? The captain didn't say that everyone has entered the Secret Star too often in the past month or so. Right now people are tired and tired. So, is there a five-day holiday for the magnifying family, do they practice and adjust each? Why, is there a new situation?"

Ding Lingdang smiled "hehe", shook the miniature crystal brain on his wrist, and said:

"There is good news, or bad news, you are on the list, 2998 on the Star Destruction List!"


Li Yao was stunned and murmured and repeated, "I'm on the Star Destroyer List, number two thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight?"

In the Star Federation, aiming at the powerful enemies in the blood demon world, they have exhausted all means to collect information in the extreme, especially those powerful and powerful demon kings and masters. They are all recorded and compiled. The "Ferocious Demon List" lists the three thousand blood demon world's strongest demon clan who is the most threatening to the Star Federation, and lists astronomical rewards.

Being able to kill the big demon on the "Ferocious Demon List" is the supreme glory of the Tianyuan cultivator.

Similarly, in the blood demon world, there are also demon races who are specifically responsible for collecting and sorting out the intelligence of the Tianyuan world, and have discharged the 3,000 Tianyuan cultivators who are the most threatening to the blood demon world. This is the "Star Destruction List"!

It can be said that the three thousand strong monsters and three thousand Tianyuan monks ranked on the "Ferocious Demon List" and "Star Destruction List" may have an impact on the entire battle.

They are all well-deserved big shots in the two worlds!

A year ago, Li Yao only looked up to the three thousand Tianyuan monks on the Star Destruction List.

Unexpectedly, he would have the day to be on the star-destroying list!

Although it was only 2998th, it was not easy.

In terms of influence and importance to the Federation, the big sects of the top 500 in the Federation have 500 suzerains, plus many elders, all qualified to be on the Star Destroyer List.

In addition, the principals, experts and scholars of the "Ninth National Congress", as well as the generals of the major military districts of the military, and the elders who have been fighting for hundreds of years in the circle of cultivators...

There are very few places really reserved for newcomers!

Able to be on the star-destroying list before the age of thirty, and become the strongest thorn in the eyes of the monsters, even less!

"I didn't expect that you would rise so fast, even if I thought about it and practiced frantically, I couldn't make it to the Destroyer List, but you were one step ahead of me on the list!"

Ding Lingdang said with his hands on his hips a little bit unconvinced.

Li Yao grinned, knowing that the reason why he was able to be on the list is probably not only because of his outstanding performance in the Secret Stars in the past two months, but also because of his refining strength and profound bone battle armor.

In the past few months, although the Yaozu has not launched a large-scale offensive, the war on the front line in the northern part of the Great Desolation has not ceased.

As more and more troops are equipped with profound bone battle armors, the military's defense strength is getting higher and higher. Even in dangerous areas where the spar warships cannot reach, they dare to invest a large number of "crystal armor battle groups" and monsters close to their bodies. fight.

It can be said that the trouble that the profound bone battle armor brings to the monster race is no more than that of a Nascent Soul boss.

As the youngest participant in the Xuangu Project, Li Yao also possesses quite strong combat effectiveness. The most important thing is that he is so young and has unlimited potential. This is the primary reason why he is on the star destroyer list.

Being able to become one of the 3,000 cultivators who threatened the Blood Demon Realm the most in the eyes of the Demon Race, this also shows that the Blood Demon Realm's intelligence collection and sorting work is very effective, and the penetration of the Tianyuan Realm has reached a certain height.

"From this moment on, I am no longer a nameless man. I can already put down my weight on the scale of victory. Even if it is only one gram, I have the opportunity to influence the entire battle!"

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