40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 393: Prehistoric power!

The appearance of this giant mountain beast is between creatures and rocks. The black shell is full of jagged rocks, and the carapace between the rocks is covered with criss-crossing gullies. Flowing hot red venom, at first glance it looks like magma in a crack in the ground.

What's more terrifying is that on both sides of the mountain behemoth's back, there are more than a dozen huge black sarcomas, which are inhaled and sprayed out thousands of degrees of red venom from time to time, like a dozen volcanoes erupting at once.

Within a hundred meters of a radius, black smoke was lingering, and the pungent sulphur breath rushed in, turning the surrounding area into a hot hell.

This giant mountain beast is called a volcano beast!

In nature, it is impossible to grow such a terrifying monster.

This is a master of the demon race, selecting dozens of powerful demon beasts, through tens of thousands of years of hybridization, mutation, and alienation, slowly concocted biochemical beasts!

Because the vitality is stimulated to the extreme, the burning is too fast, the volcanic beast has a lifespan of only two to three years at most, and the brain is shrinking, so muddled, it is impossible to evolve into a powerful monster race by itself, it is just a killing weapon that destroys the world!

The original intention of the Human Race to create the Monster Beast 40,000 years ago is just that.

The irony is that this almost perfect biochemical weapon is actually made successfully in the hands of the Yaozu.


The volcano beasts roared earth-shaking, and dozens of venom sacs behind them sprayed magma venom together. For a while, the fire rained like a goddess and scattered flowers, and the ground was full of flames with teeth and claws, making the sound of "sizzling", adding to the battlefield of Shura. A hint of irritability and tyranny.

The Iron God is tyrannical, with his bare hands, facing an opponent that is hundreds of times bigger than him.

A ray of Li Yao's soul is tightly entwined with Yan Ba's memory, as if the two are one, not only can breathe the hot and foul air, feel the sting of the flames on the skin, and the spiritual energy is in every blood vessel and meridian. In the mighty, endless flow.

More able to appreciate the mood, thoughts and overwhelming fighting spirit of the Iron God Yanba at that time.

Li Yao discovered that the Iron God Yanba was actually wandering beyond the sky in the face of this behemoth that covered the sky and the sun!

The iron god’s tyrannical thoughts penetrated into the deepest part of his brain, as if he had returned to the origin of life, and even crossed the origin, inspiring his father’s and ancestors. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors and the ancestors of the ancestors left him and gave them all. The power of human blood.

Human beings were not created out of thin air, let alone the creation of gods and demons.

From the original single-celled organisms, to trilobites and nautilus, to dragon-toothed sharks and emperor crocodiles, to various dinosaurs, to saber-toothed tigers, mammoths, and oriental apes...

It was precisely on the road of evolution, breaking through the limits time and time again, and fighting the earth-shaking environmental changes. Even the catastrophe and the simultaneous attack of tens of thousands of meteorites failed to completely destroy these creatures. After hundreds of millions of years, Finally, the strongest fighting race in the sea of ​​stars was born, humans!

Dragon tooth shark, emperor crocodile, hydra, tyrannosaurus, phantom sea dragon... these have appeared in the evolutionary history of life. The singular overlord of the eight wilderness and Liuhe are the ancestors of mankind!

However, as human beings evolve, they have blazed a brand new path, developed their brains, burned psychic energy, and used all kinds of magic weapons, gradually shrinking in size and weakening in strength, and no longer rely on brute force to fight.

But this does not mean that the blood that has been handed down from the ancient times will be cut off.

The terrifying power that roars the world and does not fear the catastrophe is still hidden in the deepest part of every cell of the human body, passed from generation to generation, and will never be extinct.

The so-called "original warrior" is to stimulate the primitive memory in the deepest part of the cell, and put oneself in a "return to ancestor state". With the human body, it can blast out the wild giants comparable to Tyrannosaurus rex, emperor crocodile, hydra and dragon tooth shark. The raw power of the beast!


Li Yao didn't know whether it was him or the iron **** Yanba. From his slender neck, he issued a wild roar that was more violent than a volcanic beast!

In front of Li Yao's eyes, the light and shadow intertwined, as if time was going backwards, back tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years!

The high-rise building collapsed, and the vicissitudes of life shifted. He felt as if he was in a sultry and humid ancient land. The first thing that caught his eye was a huge ancient ape that was more than ten meters high and covered with golden hair bursting open like a glaring King Kong.

Standing on a rock, the ancient ape Zhuo roared at the dim waning moon, shaking his fists fiercely into the sky from time to time.

With every fist thrown, a cloud of golden glow hits the sky hundreds of meters high, stirring the air, breaking the clouds, and the thunder and wind violently resounded through the earth.

And the earth around him was covered with ice, and there were corpses and ruins everywhere.

This is the ancestor of mankind, after surviving a catastrophe, issued a new challenge to heaven.

Then, time continued to pass, and the golden-haired ancient ape became a giant Tyrannosaurus rex with blood-colored bone spurs growing on top of it thirty or forty meters long, like a crown of thorns.

This Tyrannosaurus rex, as well as its thousands of compatriots, was in a valley with blood-red small eyes, staring at the sky.

In the sky, countless meteorites roared, and the raging flames burned the sky full of holes.

This is a second-level catastrophe, and it is also the first mother planet of mankind, one of the worst catastrophes encountered in the history of life evolution.

Once the meteorite blasts down directly, enough to destroy the entire surface of the parent star, all living creatures will be killed.


The crown of thorns Tyrannosaurus rex, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and blasted out rounds of colorful **** of light, flew toward the meteorite, and blasted the huge meteorite to pieces.

Most of the meteorite fragments burned out in the atmosphere, and only a small part fell into the land and ocean.

Outside this valley, there are countless valleys, plains, and oceans. Countless dinosaurs are shooting light cannons against the sky, fighting hard to resist the catastrophe.

Even in the face of the catastrophe that destroys the planet, there is a **** battle to the last breath!

In the end, the second-level catastrophe, which was originally enough to completely interrupt the process of life, was bombarded by the then overlord, the dinosaurs, into a fifth-level catastrophe, which only caused changes in the earth's crust, cracks in the sky, climate warming, and crazy plant mutations.

The strong of the dinosaur clan died in battle, and the entire race gradually withered over millions of years.

But there are countless other creatures who stubbornly withstood the catastrophe and survived.

And this memory, including the powerful power of the dinosaurs, is also hidden in the deepest part of the cell and has been passed down to this day.

The picture turned again, and ancient memories continued to erupt, and a series of phantoms of ancient beasts such as the emperor crocodile, dragon tooth shark, and Hydra appeared in front of Li Yao's eyes.

All the shadows are shining in gold, releasing an unparalleled original breath!

Dozens of powerful phantoms all stood behind the iron **** Yan Ba, and in an instant, they turned into golden streamers, which were sucked into his body by his 36,000 pores.

In an instant, the eyes of the iron **** Yanba burst into light that could pierce the sun, and the ancient brute force in the deepest part of each cell was fully aroused, and his figure suddenly swelled from a small old man of less than 1.6 meters to a full body. A burly giant more than three meters tall, the gray-black skin is covered with wrinkles. At first glance, it looks like cast iron, but when you look closely, it looks like a tough dragon skin like a dinosaur and an emperor crocodile!

The human race, the descendant of the self-proclaimed dragon, the dinosaur family of the primordial kings that can even explode from heaven, is considered to be one of the earliest ancestors of mankind!

At this moment, the power of the Primordial Bloodline completely broke out on the powerful original warrior Yan Ba!

He squatted deeply with his legs, and suddenly took off. A huge crater with a diameter of more than 30 meters exploded on the hard ground. All the rocks were compressed to the extreme in an instant, and there was even a smooth glass surface at the bottom of the pit!


Yan Ba ​​rushed to the volcanic beast at a speed exceeding seven times the speed of sound!

Although the volcano beast is huge, its movements are not sluggish at all, and the giant palm that covers the sky and sun is slammed down!



In the training room, in the "silkworm chrysalis", Li Yao's body jumped abruptly, his chest made a "click", a ray of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes rolled frantically.

In the monitoring center, the number of light screens responsible for showing Li Yao's physical condition has increased to more than 300. Someone immediately noticed the abnormality and exclaimed:

"Astronaut No. 59, the connection with the battle memory is very smooth, entering the'deep connection' state, and the brain cells have begun to affect the body structure!"

"He seems to have experienced a heavy blow in his memory, his sternum burst, and his internal organs suffered serious internal injuries. In terms of the initial stage of foundation construction, the injury is too serious!"

"The medical team hurry up, inject the liquefied big return pill! Inject the liquefied dragon scale grass! Inject the liquefied nine-turn back to the soul pill! According to the physical condition, be ready to be forced to wake up at any time, and be ready to go crazy!

Strong imagination can change reality; strong imagination is reality.

This is a world where the spirit can change and determine the material.

Ancient cultivators, after obtaining a practice secret book, would often find a cave in the blessed land, retreat for more than ten or twenty years, sit cross-legged and practice with closed eyes.

As soon as he left the customs, his strength greatly increased, soaring into the sky.

It seems very unreasonable. Ordinary people keep a posture and do not move for a few days. Their body will be paralyzed. Not to mention the increase in strength, they can't even stand up.

Why can a cultivator who has been meditating for more than ten or twenty years be able to reborn and advance by leaps and bounds?

This is an example of mentally changing matter.

The cultivator seems to be motionless, but the activity of brain cells has increased to 500%, 1000% or even higher. With mental power constantly impacting the body, every cell is in an extremely active state, even more intense than during strenuous exercise.

Strenuous exercise, rest and breathing.

It takes decades to stimulate cells with mental power.

Coupled with the scouring of the aura in the hole of heaven and blessed land, it can naturally greatly increase the strength.

Li Yao is right now.

Although he was lying quietly in the "chrysalis", the activity of his brain cells has exceeded the state of many Jindan powerhouses during the fierce battle.

All the memory of Yan He's battle he read was regarded by his body as a real battle in progress.

His body is naturally not as strong as the old Yuan Ying boss, and he was seriously injured immediately after an impact.

However, Li Yao has a thick skin and thick flesh, and he practices the "Whale Swallowing Dafa", the basic practice of one hundred refining sects 40,000 years ago, every day.

His body is like a black hole, and any food and floating psionic particles close to him will be swallowed and absorbed mercilessly.

"The concentration of the recovery potion has dropped so fast. It took only half a minute to inject the Liquefied Great Huan Pill, and the concentration has dropped by 68%. Most of the potion has been absorbed by him!"

"After suffering such a serious injury, this guy's breathing and heartbeat are still very stable, and even the amplitude of his brain waves does not fluctuate too much, as if it is normal!"

"His body seems to be'hungry', hurry, and inject twice the dose of the liquefied elixir into it!"

"Hiss, the bones and meridians that just burst have started to recover!"

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

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