40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 781: The vanishing starship

The Dragon King's Battle Armor of Bai Xinghe is one of the most distinctive crystal armors in the entire Flying Star Realm, especially the Dragon's Prosthetic Armor left over from the Xinghai Empire era, and it is the only one that has no semicolon.

At this time, hundreds of super crystal brains were overloaded to calculate, and all the information on the dragon king's armors collected in the past were all mobilized for careful comparison.

Ten minutes later, it was concluded that the similarity between these dragon-shaped psychic prostheses and the components of the Dragon King’s battle armor reached more than 95%!

At the same time, the preliminary calculation of the speed, strength and actual combat ability of this mysterious master also yielded results.

"Long Feihu is a high-level cultivator of the Alchemy Stage, he has dominated the Heavenly Sword Arena for decades, and his actual combat ability is extremely strong, but he was defeated by this mysterious master with one move!"

"Outside each star torch, there is a powerful defensive talisman array, which can at least withstand the full blow of the spar battleship’s main gun, or the strongest offensive of the Jindan strong, and it will be blasted by this person in an instant. Fragmented!"

"The combat power displayed by this person in just one minute has definitely reached the Yuan Ying level!"

Suddenly, more and more videos, materials and data jumped in front of everyone.

Especially the main perspective shot through Long Feihu's crystal eyes.

Long Feihu has a long experience, knowing that he is not an opponent, so he simply allows his head to follow the opponent's motion trajectory as much as possible, controlling the crystal eyes, and shooting a picture that is 2.1 seconds long and stable.

In addition to capturing visible light, crystal eyes can also capture and analyze invisible light that is invisible to the naked eye.

Some advanced crystal eyes are equipped with highly targeted special rune arrays, which are specially used to capture the various radiation released during the circulation of psychic energy.

Through the analysis of radiation, we can roughly see the trajectory of the opponent's psychic energy.

On Long Feihu's crystal armor, there is such a crystal eye.

"The psychic operation mode of this mysterious master is 75% similar to Bai Xinghe's "Ba Hai Jue", and is basically determined to be the same set of exercises."

"And "Ba Hai Jue" is Bai Xinghe's unique magical power. It is said that it was inherited from the Star Thief Supreme Dignity Heart Sword five hundred years ago. Bai Xinghe has never passed it on to anyone, even his chief true disciple Bai Wutiao , I have never learned "Ba Hai Jue"!"

A series of weird conclusions immersed the command center in a strange silence.

Five years ago, the Great Fire on the Spider's Nest, the cultivation world also collected a lot of information, knowing that Bai Xinghe and the immortal cultivator were fighting for power and profit, tore their skin, and had been killed long ago.

At this moment, Bai Xinghe, which had disappeared for five years, reappeared in front of the world?

"I recommend--"

Xiao Xuance didn't make a sound for a long time, Si Kou Lie's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice, "Whether this person is Bai Xinghe or not, at least he has the strength of the Nascent Infant grade, and he must not let it go!"

"A quick response team should be set up for this mysterious strong man to collect his information, lock his location, conduct targeted exercises, and formulate several capture and killing plans!"

"This person suddenly appears, there must be a plan, we prepare early so that we will not be caught off guard!"

Xiao Xuance frowned slightly and quickly stabilized his expression. The flashing eyes just now became extremely calm and nodded: "Leader Si Kou is right. A Nascent Soul who does not know his identity and purpose, always It's very scary, and indeed we should deploy control and calculations as soon as possible, so that he will not become a variable in our final battle! As for the member of the quick response team..."

Before Xiao Xuance spoke, Si Kou Lie first said: "The opponent is a strong Yuanying, and of course we have to join Yuanying. In addition, all schools and factions have tuned their talents, especially good at tracking, positioning, monitoring, and reconnaissance. Master of testing!"

Si Koulie's proposal was reasonable and reasonable. Xiao Xuance had no reason to refute, and immediately said readily: "Okay!"


Three hours later, Spider's Nest Star, Nest Capital, the headquarters of the Storm and Rain Star Pirates Group.

The wind and rain paced back and forth anxiously, coughing lightly from time to time, and the slightly arched waist became more constricted.

Since he killed Bai Xinghe five years ago and became the nominal ruler of the Spider's Nest star, this new generation of star thief king has never been so anxious.

In front of the heavy wind and rain, the air above a light curtain was suddenly distorted, like a curl of green smoke rising.

After a while, the green smoke condensed into a misty figure.

The wind and rain lifted his spirits and stepped forward to salute: "Lian King!"

The lotus king was expressionless, as if wearing a botched human skin mask, he asked, "Five years ago, did you really kill Bai Xinghe?"

The appearance of the mysterious Nascent Infant also made the Star Pirates puzzled. Feng Yuzhong has repeatedly watched the battle video a long time ago. He had known that King Lotus would ask this question, and nodded: "It should be killed, from After we escaped from the underground battle fort, we repeatedly studied the video at that time. Bai Xinghe was hit by me and the black king at the same time, and even more than half of his heart was exploded. The internal organs were almost burnt to ashes. There is absolutely no reason to survive."

King Lotus said coldly: "But you didn't find the corpse."

"There is no way."

The wind and rain said helplessly, "The entire underground battle fort is filled with water, and it is blocked by a lot of rocks and silt. Excavating a corpse inside is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack."

"What's more, there are terrible alien beasts underground. In all likelihood, Bai Xinghe's corpse has been swallowed by the alien beast. "

King Lotus nodded and approved the answer from the wind and rain. He turned around and suddenly said, "One thing is very strange. After destroying the two star torches, this mysterious master suddenly stopped for 2.7 seconds, as if he couldn't pick up the two star torches. Get angry."

"On the battlefield, everything changes rapidly, for nearly three seconds, enough for many powerful people to lock him in, why would he do this?"

After the wind and rain, he didn't quite understand the meaning of King Lotus.

King Lotus continued: "In response to this matter, I have derived three possibilities. Now I will ask you to confirm whether there is a fourth possibility."

"First, this person is Bai Xinghe. Five years ago, he was severely injured by you and the Black King. He died without being stiff. He sneaked into the ground and found a lair to heal his wounds. Until this moment, he finally recovered, so he came out to take revenge."

Feng Yu shook his head severely and said: "It is absolutely impossible. The heart burst, the internal organs are burnt, the spine pieces are fragmented, and even the'Yuan Ying' is torn apart. Such a fatal and serious injury, even if it is not dead, cannot be recovered in just five years. ."

Without changing his face, King Lotus continued: "Secondly, this person is not Bai Xinghe, but a secret disciple of Bai Xinghe, or he has obtained the inheritance of Bai Xinghe inadvertently."

Feng Yu rethinked: "This possibility is relatively reasonable, but there are also many doubts. Bai Xinghe taught a disciple in the Yuan Ying period, and he has hidden it for decades? Then five years ago, when the fire broke out, he Why doesn't it appear?"

"If someone got the inheritance left by Bai Xinghe's death, and cultivated to the Yuan Ying level in just five years? It's even more absurd!"

King Lotus said: "Then there is only one last possibility left. Under the joint attack of you and the Black King, Bai Xinghe is indeed dead, but he has come back from the dead, resurrecting with the corpse!"

Feng Yuzhong's eyes lit up: "Seize the house?"

He slammed his fist, "Yes, yeah, if it is to seize the house, then it is reasonable. At that time, the Black King and I did not completely kill the Bai Xinghe. He fought for the last breath and escaped and found A suitable body, using the secret technique of seizing the house, and resurrecting the soul with the corpse!"

King Lotus asked: "Is there a fourth possibility?"

Feng Yu groaned heavily for a moment, shook his head and said: "No, absolutely not!"

"it is good!"

King Lotus immediately said, "Then we will use these three possibilities as a starting point and make a plan for this person!"

"First of all, it is necessary to determine whether this person is seriously injured Bai Xinghe, or a disciple of Bai Xinghe, or he has taken away someone else and revived with a corpse, how high is his cultivation level?"

After the wind and rain rolled his eyes, he said, "I understand the meaning of King Lotus. Even after five years of recuperation, Bai Xinghe, who was seriously injured, cannot return to his peak state."

"And if it's a disciple of Bai Xinghe, it shouldn't be possible to cultivate to the realm of Nascent Soul in just five years?"

"The principle of surviving the soul by borrowing a corpse is the same. It has just been taken for five years, and the soul is of the Yuan Ying level, but after all, it is impossible to cultivate as strong as in the past."

"So, this person's strength should not reach the real Nascent Infant rank, but to use some kind of secret technique to temporarily stimulate the Nascent Infant realm!"

King Lotus said: "Yes, this is why he suddenly stiffened for 2.7 seconds after a fierce battle."

"He's overdrawn, he's out of strength, or the soul and the flesh and blood have not yet fully matched, or he was inspired by the secret technique and was backlashed!"

"However, this point still needs to be confirmed by multiple parties, and you can't jump to conclusions!"

"In short, this person is a great variable, and the threat to us is greater than anyone in the cultivation world. The next step must be to concentrate a lot of resources on this person. First, confirm his true strength and plan for effective elimination. The plan; the second is to lock his position as soon as possible, at all costs, I want to know where he is hiding!"

"Lian King!"

Feng Yuzhong hesitated for a while, and told the truth, "Half an hour ago, I just received the news that the Purple Flame Star Pirates group had a ‘Spirit-class’ spar battleship missing."

In King Lotus's eyes, the lightning chain: "Gone? What do you mean?"

Feng Yuzhong explained: "This spar battleship has undergone a lot of transformations and joined the battlefield as a medical ship. Its mission is to restore the immortal cultivators who have been fighting excessively as soon as possible. If an important person is seriously injured, it can also be quickly carried. The ship returns to the spider's nest star."

"So, the speed of this ship is extremely fast."

"Moreover, in order to prevent being entangled by the cultivator, its star sky jumping system is in a state of being activated at any time. If you are surrounded by enemies, you can jump out."

"This medical ship has disappeared for two and a half hours. At first we thought it was exploded by a comprehensionist. However, as a result of sweeping the battlefield, we did not find any wreckage belonging to it. We scanned the rest of the spar ships. Judging from the battle situation, it has not been violently attacked by the enemy, and there is no possibility of a complete disintegration."

"However, it just disappeared mysteriously, as if for no reason, it jumped through the starry sky and escaped from the spider star field."

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