40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 837: Twelve Ancient Demon

Blood demon world, hundred barren mountains, dead leaves village.

Even by the standards of the Blood Demon Realm, the Baihuang Mountain area is the most desolate and barren remote country among the three major continents of the Blood Demon Star.

The villagers living in this barren mountain village had to come out and work hard before it dawned.

The morning sun has just bloomed in the cols of the Baihuang Mountain, with blurred red awns and magnificent purple flames blooming, and the village of Dead Leaves is already full of cows, mooing dogs, and loud voices.

The Zerg began to loosen the soil and gather honey, the tauren worked in the dry and cracked fields, and the hunting team led by the tiger and werewolf also set out to try their luck in the depths of the hundred barren mountains, hoping to hit one or two fat prey.

"Brother, get up, get up in the sun!"

At the east end of Dead Leaf Village, in an exceptionally dilapidated small tree house, a young girl vigorously shook a sleeping bag made of vines.

The girl is petite, with golden eyes, a lot of feline characteristics between her mouth and nose, and two fluffy cat ears.

The arms are smooth and hairless, no different from humans, but the palms and soles of the feet give birth to feline pads and sharp claws.

The girl was dressed very cool, her chest and waist were simply wrapped with animal skins twice, and a belt decorated with many bones hung on her waist. On the right side was hung a statue made of hollow leg bones of giant monster beasts. Into the bone tube.

After shaking for a long time, the sleeping sac did not respond. The cat-eared girl murmured a few words, took out a sharp bone needle from the bone tube, fumbled to the core of the vine sleeping sac, and stabbed it fiercely.

The vine sleeping pouch made a "hissing" cry, like a mimosa suddenly spreading away, and countless vines retracted into the wall of the tree house.

A sleepy youth fell from the vine sleeping bag, and Mu sat on the ground blankly, winking with a confused one-eyed eye.

The young man called the "brother" by the cat-eared girl looks very different from the girl. He retains most of the human characteristics, except for the strong monster on his body, only the left side canine teeth are oddly long and stubborn. Out of the lips, it was like a dagger with cold light.

The young man seemed to be seriously injured, his left eye and the whole left arm were wrapped in a dirty bandage, and a faint smell of medicine came from the bandage.

His left arm was obviously smaller than his right arm for a round, as if completely withered, hanging lightly on his shoulders.

The cat-eared girl took out a full flower bud from the bone tube, squeezed a pinch of the powder into her palm, and blew it at the youth. With a "poof", slightly irritating pollen was flying all over the sky.

"Ahee! Ahee! Ahee!"

The young man sneezed three times in a row, and his amber-colored right eye, like a tiger and leopard, finally recovered a trace of clarity.

The cat-eared girl smiled and said, "Morning, big brother!"

The young man rubbed his nose and nodded.

"How, how, is there any better today than yesterday, have you recalled more things?"

The cat-eared girl blinked her big eyes and couldn't wait to ask, "Remember who you are and who I am?"

The young man grinned and said in a hoarse and weak voice: "My name is Lei Qi. I am a villager in Baihuangshan and Kuye Village. I was born and raised here since I was a child. I have never left Baihuangshan in a single step. I was once the best hunter in the village."

"You are my sister Lei Lan, and my younger brother Lei Chuang. The three of us depend on each other."

"Half a month ago, a huge meteorite fell into the Hundred Desolate Mountains, causing a forest fire. It was about to spread to Dead Leaf Village. All the demons in the village went up to the mountain to fight the fire. As a result, I fell into a sea of ​​flames and burned seriously. Falling down the cliff."

"When I was found by everyone, I was burned out of the form of a demon, and I also bumped my brain and lost my memory."

"After everyone rescued me, I will be raised for half a month before my body gradually recovers, and I can recall some past events a little bit."


The cat-eared girl Lei Lan cheered for joy, "My brother has finally opened up, and he is no longer as muddled as he has been in the past few days."

"Come on, brother, review everything I taught you these days, including our identities, our origins, you, do you remember?"

The young man tilted his head, pondered for a moment, nodded solemnly, and said with certainty: "Remember, we are a monster."

"We are a monster clan, what is that monster clan? Yesterday I read "The Story of Ancient Monsters" to my brother. Do you remember what it says on it?"

Lei Lan asked expectantly, her voice trembling.

The young man coughed lightly, and said unhurriedly: "It is said in "The Story of Ancient Monsters" that our demons are all creations of Yuanshi Tianzun."

"A long, long time ago, so long that even the universe was not born, we and the creator of the entire universe were suspended in an endless void."

"That is the spirit of Yuanshi, also called Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Yuanshi Tianzun has been floating in the void for hundreds of millions of years. Suddenly on a whim, an immeasurable explosion occurred in the endless void. In an instant, all the stars and the sea were born in the explosion."

"The sea of ​​stars just born suddenly boils like magma, and suddenly becomes cold like a sea of ​​ice. The planets collide with each other and tear fiercely, turning into a nebula with teeth and claws; and the nebula whirls rapidly, cooling and condensing, turning into an uneven planet."

"The universe is such a pot of boiling hot soup, chaotic, disorderly, without any laws at all."

"Yuanshitian respects law, order and calmness. It established the initial order for the chaotic universe, which is the ‘Dadao’. There are 3,000 avenues at the beginning, covering the most basic laws of the universe’s movement."

"The excitation of the Big Bang and the creation of the Three Thousand Dadao almost exhausted the energy of Yuanshi Tianzun, and Yuanshi Tianzun is about to enter his long sleep."

"He was not satisfied with this rough and chaotic world. Before he fell asleep, he used the last bit of psychic energy to create the first intelligent race in the universe, the Pangu tribe, and entrusted the Pangu tribe with an arduous mission. It is to manage this violent and chaotic universe."

"In the hundreds of millions of years after Yuanshi Tianzun fell into silence, the Pangu tribe opened up the world, governed the planets, consolidated the atmosphere, and sowed the seeds of life from the planet of origin to more planets, causing the fire of life to spread across countless worlds. The planet that was originally cold and deserted has become vibrant."

"During the long years of pioneering the world, because the environment of each world is different, while the Pangu tribe is transforming the planet, it also slowly evolves into twelve tribes, that is our ancestor, the original twelve ancient monster tribe. "

"On the hot planet with extremely high temperatures, volcanic eruptions everywhere, and magma, the Pangu tribe has evolved into a'Zhurong tribe' that can freely manipulate flames and even survive in magma."

"In a world where the entire planet is covered by the ocean, the Pangu tribe has evolved into a'communist tribe' that can manipulate undercurrents and waves, and can control many marine life."

"On an extremely desolate planet full of mountains, rivers and rocks, the Pangu tribe has evolved into an incomparably huge volume that can hibernate deep underground and absorb the trace resources in the rocks."

"On gaseous planets without land and sea, the Pangu tribe has evolved the'Tianwu tribe' that controls the wind and the'strong good tribe' that uses thunder as its energy source."

"Even in a world where resources are extremely poor and there is almost no energy source, the Pangu tribe has evolved a new tribe, the Kuafu tribe."

"The Kuafu tribe chases stars all day long, builds huge arrays outside the stars, and collects every ray of psychic energy emitted by the stars and uses them to build other worlds."

"This is a arduous project. When countless Kuafu tribes were absorbing the energy of stars, they were unfortunately swept away by violent prominences and solar storms, and wiped out. There were even Kuafu starships that could not withstand the high temperature of the star, lost power, and were The gravitational capture of the star falls into the center of the star."

"However, the next generation of Kuafu clan will still take over the mission of the ancestors and chase the stars."

"In the most powerful period, the Kuafu clan can even completely wrap a star with a large array to form a ‘Kuafu’s sphere,’ which can absorb every drop of the star’s psychic energy."

"In this way, with the unremitting efforts of the Kuafu tribe, Zhurong tribe, Gonggong tribe and all the ancient monster tribes, three thousand worlds have finally been opened up, which is full of vitality!"

"That was the first golden age of the entire universe, and we called it the'primal age'."

"However, in all things in the world, there is yin and yang; when there is birth, there is death; when there is righteousness, there are evil; when there is order, there is chaos."

"Yuanshi Tianzun represents the order, laws, laws, and avenues of the entire universe, but in the Big Bang, another ultimate existence representing chaos, disorder, and destruction was born."

"That is'Chaos'."

"Life represents hope, but life also breeds chaos and disorder. While the twelve ancient monster races opened up three thousand worlds and bred hundreds of millions of creatures, Chaos was slowly expanding its power in secret, eroding the hearts of creatures."

"Finally, the Pangu tribe, which is composed of twelve ancient monster tribes, and the race controlled by Chaos have launched an earth-shattering battle."

"During the Great War, the skies of countless planets were torn apart, the earth collapsed, and the atmosphere was fragmented."

"There are even many planets that are directly inhaled into the stars, turning into a tiny solar storm."

"After tens of thousands of years of great wars, the Pangu tribe finally defeated the Chaos tribes and completely sealed the chaos."

"However, the prehistoric war has exhausted the potential of all Pangu tribes and cut off their vitality. The fragmented planet cannot be recovered in a short time."

"In order to repair the fragmented three thousand worlds, the twelve ancient monster races merged all the essences together, giving birth to the thirteenth ancient monster race-Nuwa!"

"After the twelve ancient monster clan fell asleep, the Nuwa clan will carry out the'Sky Patching Plan' to repair the three thousand worlds!"

"In order to repair the damaged three thousand worlds as soon as possible, the Nuwa tribe has created a new race to act as an assistant, and that is the human race."

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