40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 839: Lord of the Demon Star

Although Li Yao didn't know much about Yaozu, he still had some basic common sense.

If the monster race is divided vertically by level, it is divided into four levels: holy blood, silver blood, bronze blood, and black blood.

The Holy Blood Demon Race is the former royal family in the 30,000-year monster dynasty. It has mysterious powers. According to legend, it can even communicate with the gods, temporarily inspiring the powerful magical powers of the ancient monsters.

However, in the age of the Xinghai Empire, the Holy Blood Demon Race had been smashed by the emperor, almost extinct.

Today, 10,000 years later, even if there is still the Holy Blood Demon Race, they are rare in existence.

The Silver-Blood Demon Race is the ruling class, and now most of the Demon Country and Demon City in the Blood Demon Realm are controlled by the Silver-Blood Demon Race.

On the Skeleton Dragon Star, Li Yao once killed the lion slaughter’s son "Wang Ji", and that was a silver-blooded monster clan.

The Bronze Blood Demon Race is the warrior class, and the Black Blood Demon Race is the lowest level farmers, miners and producers.

The higher the level of the monster clan, the more human characteristics at birth. Only through continuous cultivation can the monster clan master the ability to "transform" and make itself more and more human.

In this small mountain village in the depths of the Hundred Desolate Mountains, the villagers could neither be a noble blood-blooded monster clan, nor could they be a powerful person with a deep cultivation base, but Li Yao discovered strong human characteristics in them. .

Some villagers are almost the same as humans except for long horns on their heads, long tails on their buttocks, or skins growing between their fingers.

No wonder he can be mixed among these villagers just by disguising it a little!

In addition, there is one more thing that is extremely strange.

In addition to the vertical division of the Yaozu, there is also a horizontal division by ethnicity.

Even if it is not counted as many subdivision races, in general, there are feather tribe, sea tribe, zerg tribe, claw tribe, horn tribe... all sorts of strange and varied.

Generally speaking, the monster races of different races live in groups.

The tiger demon and the tiger demon live in the same village, and the rabbit demon and the rabbit demon live in the same village. They have different living habits and living environments. Isn't it messy to live together?

Unless it is those big cities with dense "monster mouths", there will be a scene of mixed fish and dragons, and a hundred demons cohabiting together.

However, this remote mountain village with only 30 or 50 households is mixed with more than a dozen different monster races. Perhaps the snake monster and the rabbit monster live next to each other, and the tiger monster and the bull monster live in harmony. It is really strange. and also!

"Chaos" was Li Yao's first impression of this village.

This is not only the case in the village, but even more so in the family.

Li Yao found that in many families, the appearance of a demon clan is also different. It is not only the difference in the degree of demonization, but also the characteristics of multiple races in some demon clan.

Perhaps the head of a tiger demon will grow out of the bull demon's unique collision horns, and the bull demon's teeth will become as sharp as the tiger demon.

This phenomenon made Li Yao frown, and he couldn't help wondering how messy the relationship was with the previous generation of these monster races.

But that's not right!

No matter how ignorant Li Yao is, the truth of "reproductive isolation" is still known.

Even if there is a tiger demon and a bull demon who really do firewood and fire, and their "organs" really have a certain "function", it is absolutely impossible to give birth to offspring with the characteristics of the tiger demon and the bull demon.

"Strange, strange!"

"The so-called monster race was formed by the human race from spirit beasts 40,000 years ago. If this is the case, their essence should still be spirit beasts, right?"

"There shouldn't be any offspring between different types of spirit beasts!"

"Well, the tiger demon and the bull demon are both mammalian spirit beasts. Perhaps under the catalysis of the'monster virus', reproductive isolation can be broken-I will bear it for the time being."

"But yesterday, I clearly saw that there was a beautiful snake with bunny ears in the village!"

"This thing is unreasonable!"

Li Yao pulled his hair hard, and for the first time he had a slight doubt about the history he had heard since he was a child.

In the past few days, the cat-eared girl Lei Lan, in order to "awaken" the memory of his "brother", read a lot of stories from "The Story of the Ancient Monsters" to him.

"The Legend of the Ancient Monsters" is a very popular classic among the monsters. Anyway, Li Yao found that the old monsters in the village like to squat on the roots of the wall when he is fine, basking in the bright red sun, and explain "The Legend of the Ancient Monsters" to the little monsters. ".

In Li Yao's view, "The Story of Ancient Monsters" is equivalent to a collection of myths and stories and a basic textbook. It is estimated that it was compiled by the high-level demons to educate the people.

In "The Legend of the Ancient Monsters", the myths and legends about the origins of the monsters and humans are nothing special.

Myths, of course, are all written in this way. They rant and recognize their ancestors, write as much exaggeration as they are, and write as large as the cowhide, and write as much justice as you are here.

It’s not always necessary for the Monster Race to admit that it is an evil weapon created by the Human Race, right?

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, Pangu tribe, Nuwa tribe, etc., it is also normal.

The Monster Race is essentially a kind of epigenetic civilization. Before them, the Human Race has created a splendid civilization. Even in the 30,000 years of the Monster Race's rule of the Xinghai, it is neither possible nor necessary for them to create a new one from scratch. A brand-new civilization system, but a large amount of everything from human civilization, no matter language, characters, surnames, social forms, national structures, etc., are all the same.

It is a matter of course to transform the human mythology into a monster race mythology.

Therefore, no matter how much the "Ancient Monsters" is said, it has not been able to shake Li Yao's heart.

But the same monster clan showed many characteristics of the monster clan, which really surprised him.

This is also the reason why he had already recovered three days ago, but he has not left the small mountain village for a long time.

He wanted to figure out the secret hidden behind the Yaozu.

What is the so-called "monster"?

In the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago, the human race once cultivated all spirit beasts into human forms and called them "monsters".

But in modern society 40,000 years later, the theory of evolution has prevailed, and humans have long recognized that they are also a kind of animal, evolved from apes.

In other words, human beings are also "spiritual beasts who cultivate human form."

Therefore, the definition of "monster" has changed again. It will not be natural evolution, but a race that is artificially modulated and forcibly catalyzed, called "monster."

But think about it carefully, isn't the cultivation of a cultivator also a kind of "artificial preparation and forced catalysis"?

When the original warrior cultivates to the extreme, it can stimulate the deepest potential of the cell, showing the characteristics of the prehistoric beast. The original warrior in the "preliminary form" looks even less human than many monsters!

"Perhaps, there is no essential difference between the Human Race and the Demon Race, right? Everything is just artificially defined."

"At the moment, the small heavenly calamity of the true human empire is imminent, and the war between the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm must be ended as soon as possible."

"But the blood demon world is strong and strong, and the demon clan's survivability is extremely strong. It is impossible for a full-scale war to be completed within three to five years."

"Even if the forces of the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing are assembled and the Blood Demon Star turns into a piece of scorched earth and completely occupy the surface, the remaining demon races can still smash into the ground and engage in protracted guerrilla warfare, war of attrition, and harassment warfare to contain our great power. Part of the power!"

"At that time, we who killed a thousand enemies and harmed ourselves eight hundred, what else should we use to fight against the real human empire?"

"What to do? How can we end this war in just a few years?"

"Perhaps, you can change your mind."

"I now have the power of the Bloodstripe Clan. I can perform new training on myself from the cellular and even genetic level, and even absorb the essence of monsters and monsters, embed it in my genetic chain, replenish my body, and refine Out of an unmatched'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body'!"

"With this ability, I may be able to cultivate the power of the monster race at an extremely fast speed without using the power of the cultivator, and in a very short period of time, I will become a strong player in the monster race, with a certain amount of power. Influence, even...the Lord of the Demon Star!"

"At that time, will I have the ability to manipulate the course of this war?"

At the corner of Li Yao's mouth, a cold smile appeared involuntarily, as if he hadn't even noticed it. His left arm, which was tightly entangled with bandages, and somewhat shrunken, quietly plumped up, as if a mysterious force was in his left arm. Breed, fill, swell!


Li Yao snorted coldly, and the soul ignited an electric light, like electricity like a sword, severely chopped off into the depths of his brain!

In the depths of the brain, a scream screamed, and a small blood-colored human figure was cut off by Li Yao’s divine soul electric sword, turned into two pools of blood, trembling and fused together, and once again condensed into a blood-colored human figure, just better than before. Shrink a round.

The blood-colored human form, although the sparrow is small, the five internal organs are complete, and the facial features are more vivid, just like Li Yao, grinning in pain, jumping wildly.

Li Yao's soul sneered: "It's only been two days since I've been honest, and I started to behave like a monster again, do you still want to confuse me in secret?"

"I said, if you confuse me once, I will kill you once, if you confuse me a hundred times, you will kill you a hundred times, and one day, you will be completely beheaded and killed!"

The little blood shadow in the deepest part of this brain area is Li Yao's heart demon after fusion of the bloodmark clan.

Half a month ago, on the Firefly, he fought fiercely with the bloodmarked tribe. Although he failed to completely refine the bloodmarked tribe in the end, he successfully expelled the bloodmarked tribe from his soul and condensed into such a heart. Demon, and sealed it in the left eye and left arm.

In this way, Li Yao's left eye and left arm became the cage of the Scarlet Heart Demon, and Li Yao could monitor its condition at any time, without worrying about it escaping and raging on the world.

It's just that the Bloodmarked Clan is attached to his inner demon, and the inner demon is invisible, invisible, elusive, and born with his negative emotions, and it is inexhaustible and endless.

In the first few days, as soon as Li Yao sensed that he gave birth to a demon, he would use the power of the soul to slay him.

However, this method of killing is a temporary solution, not the root cause. If you are a little careless, your mind will re-emerge, and your heart will be impetuous. The more you kill, the more you kill.

In the end, he could only pinch his nose to admit the existence of the inner demon, as long as it did not come out to cause trouble, he would temporarily let it go.

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