40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 853: Bone Fire and Yayin


Li Yao took a handful of faint blue phosphorous powder with his right hand, and his index finger hooked inward, making an extremely weird gesture. Then his five fingers bloomed like a lotus, and a bunch of faint blue flames rose from the palm of his palm. , In the small cave, a blurry color is transformed, like a deep sea, which also sets off him even more mysterious.

Li Yao used a kind of gold-stone combat, a very old-fashioned tone, and said indifferently: "Before this bunch of bone fire is extinguished, give me some reasons not to kill you."

This igniting movement and the tone of speaking to him set off a great storm at the bottom of Jin Xinyue's heart.

As the princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom and the saint of the Pantheon Palace, Jin Xinyue has read many books since childhood, whether it is the sacred scriptures of the 30,000-year monster empire, or the various classics of the human race, even forty thousand. She has been involved in all the strange things of the ancient repair era.

Just now when Li Yao cast the fire, she felt that this strange gesture was both unfamiliar and familiar. When Li Yao spit out the word "bone fire", her pores suddenly shrank to the extreme, and she couldn't help but hit it again. Shivering.

Ignition in the void is not a difficult task for those who have a deep cultivation base or the monster race.

As long as you reach the base building or demon general level, you can mobilize your body's psychic energy, and through certain techniques and spells, you can generate a bunch of volatile spiritual fires and demon fires.

However, such spiritual fire and demon fire will release extremely strong psychic energy fluctuations, which are simply fireflies in the dark night, and they are extremely easy to be perceived by the enemy.

When taking risks and fighting, if you are in a dark environment and ignite easily, you will turn yourself into a target and seek your own death.

In the same way, even if you ignite a normal flame, it will continuously emit light and heat, not to mention the cultivator, even an ordinary animal can perceive it.

The so-called "bone fire" is to take some special beast bones and grind them into powder, mix them together, and release them through special techniques.

Certain components in bone meal can suppress the psychic energy fluctuations in the flame and conceal the existence of the flame.

In this way, people within the range of bone fire can clearly see everything around them.

But if you stand three to five meters away from the bone fire, you can't see a beam of flame burning even if you have wide eyes, and you can't even perceive the slightest fluctuation of psychic energy.

This is the weird place of bone fire!

However, stimulating bone fire is an ancient secret technique that has been lost 40,000 years ago. Whether it is the formula of bone meal, or the gestures and spells that inspire bone fire, it has long since disappeared in the long river of history.

Jin Xinyue only occasionally saw descriptions of bone fire in a secret record of the court of the Monster Beast Empire more than 30,000 years ago.

Even in that secret record, it is said that the bone fire had been lost "thousands of years ago."

"Bone fire! A bone fire that has been lost for at least 30,000 to 40,000 years!"

"Who is he? Why would he use such an ancient secret technique?"

"Moreover, his voice—"

The accent of the other party's speech is heavy, hard like a stone, and every word is curled up, which sounds like an archaic.

In Yaozu, there is a special name for this accent, which is called "Yayin".

This is the accent of the ancient cultivator era 40,000 years ago, and the ancient cultivators used this accent to speak.

When the monster race rose up and established the monster beast empire across the star sea, those powerful monster races naturally also used this tone.

However, after 40,000 years of changes, especially the demise of the Monster Beast Empire, and the establishment and collapse of the Xinghai Empire, the accents of both the Monster Race and the Human Race have undergone considerable changes, which are completely different from the ancient Yayin.

Nowadays, this kind of Yayin, which imitates the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago, is only used when the demon royal family is holding a ceremony.

As a member of the royal family, Jin Xinyue has of course also learned ancient Yayin, but she also has to admit that when the other party speaks, there is a taste of ancient and simple, fairy-style and bones. The Yayin spit out for three days. Not only is she far above her, she is even better than her Yayin teacher.

"A mysterious and powerful monster who is dormant in a remote mountain village!"

"It seems that he suddenly appeared in a weird forest fire half a month ago."

"He treats the ancient mystery of 40,000 years ago as a small technique for carving insects, and he put so many monster beast remains and fragments of ancient magical treasures 40,000 years ago at will, and it is still so standard, it is simply the original ancient elegant sound!"

"He, what is he—"

Jin Xinyue's thoughts turned, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in her mind, and she shivered suddenly, thinking of an impossible answer, almost screaming.

"Could it be that--"

Li Yao said nothing and looked at her coldly. The beating bone fire of the monster left a twisted shadow on his face, just like the elusive killing intent.

The bone fire in the palm, like a candle in the wind, wobbly. It shrank several times to the size of a soybean, and it was about to go out, but it trembled and shone again very stubbornly. Seeing Jin Xinyue, the tip of her heart trembled and her tongue was tingling. .

"Give it a go!"

Connecting a series of strange things of the other party, Jin Xinyue came up with an amazing answer.

She squinted her heart, her beautiful eyes flashed, and said quickly: "Senior, don't kill me, I'm very useful to senior!"

"My name is Jin Xinyue, and I am the eldest princess of the Golden Crow Kingdom. The Golden Crow Kingdom is the head of the four powerful nations in the blood demon world. I dominate the feather tribe of the world and dominate the entire sky!"

"My father, Jin Tuyi, is not only one of the twelve demon emperors in the Temple of All Demon, but also the commander of the Allied Forces of All Demon. The demon soldiers under his command are more than hundreds of millions!"

"If the senior is magnanimous and forgives the disrespectful sins of the younger generation, he will be the distinguished guest of our Golden Crow Nation, who can receive the help of the entire Golden Crow Nation!"

Li Yao smiled contemptuously, with no mood swings in his eyes.

"Sure enough, he didn't pay attention to the Golden Crow country at all!"

Jin Xinyue became more affirmed of her answer, and further tentatively asked, "Senior, do you know that she has already provoked an extremely troublesome enemy?"

"The zerg you killed just now is called Yuan Hao. It is one of the four great nations in the blood demon world, the prince of the Youquan Kingdom, and his master Youquan ancestor, who is also a top expert in the blood demon world, vicious and vicious. , Jai Xuan will be reported, and if Senior has formed a beam with him, he will definitely live forever with Senior!"


Li Yao nodded, "After talking, you should die."

Jin Xinyue observed her words and looks, and she could see that this mysterious demon clan really didn't pay attention to the wooing of one demon emperor and the threat of another demon emperor.

Judging from his appearance as if nothing had happened, he didn't even seem to be the first time he had killed an important person of Yuan Hao's level.

He said that he wanted to kill himself, not a threat, but a statement of a trivial fact!


Jin Xinyue is 90% sure, grasping the identity of the other party, making her last fight, raising her voice, "I am the saint of the Pantheon Temple. I am proficient in tens of thousands of years of history, and I have mastered countless demon cultivation secrets. Newly developed in the last tens of thousands of years!"

"There are still many secret methods, even if I haven't practiced them before, they can definitely be found in the Buddhist scriptures of our Golden Crow Kingdom and the Pantheon Hall!"

"I think that the reason why the seniors hid in the remote mountain village in secret is to understand the'modern society', right?"

"But, in such a small mountain village where news is blocked, there are only elementary body-building exercises at most, and there are no more advanced demon-cultivation secrets. Seniors are there. It's a waste of time!"

"Only I can help seniors integrate into the'modern' society as soon as possible!"

Jin Xinyue deliberately emphasized the word "modern".


Li Yao's eyes narrowed, and Youruo's real murderous aura came out of the bandage and condensed into a fierce whirlwind, crushing Jin Xinyue on the ground fiercely, unable to move.

"Are you forcing me to silence?"

Tears squeezed from the corner of Jin Xinyue's eyes, and she trembled: "Senior for your life! The juniors don't know anything, the juniors are just racking their brains, thinking about the value of the juniors to the seniors!"

"A peerless master like Senior, even if you really want to kill the junior, it will be the blessing of the junior's three-life cultivation, but even if it is death, it is better to wait for the junior to tell seniors everything that he knows, and then seniors will start. The juniors are considered dead right away!"

Li Yao stared at her for a long time, snorted coldly, and withdrew his murderous aura.

Jin Xinyue was sweating in cold sweat, panting, and struggling with her spirit: "Senior, the world is different now, the human race has risen again, the demon race is in a low ebb, and both the human race and the demon race have developed an incredible new practice in the past tens of thousands of years. The way, perhaps... is very different from the cultivation way that the predecessors are familiar with."

"Isn't the senior not interested in these cultivation methods at all?"

Li Yao remained silent, the cold bone fire contracted again, changing from a soybean to a needle tip, and finally shuddered and went out.

In the darkness, Jin Xinyue's heart was mentioned in her throat, and it froze into an ice lump again.

I was worried for a long time, but the other party did not start, but coldly said: "First, let’s talk about the trio of your tribes chasing and killing each other. I heard that the Blood Demon Realm is now fighting a full-scale war with a human world, the Heavenly Origin Realm. What demon emperor are you, There should also be a sense of intrigue. How can you make such a dead hand?"

Jin Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that her life was temporarily saved.

She swallowed hard, and said tremblingly: "Returning to senior, this incident is indeed far beyond the younger generation's expectations."

"Since the predecessors know about the war between the Blood Demon Realm and the Tianyuan Realm, I wonder if they have heard of the organization'Chaos Blade'?"

"Most half a year ago, the Blood Demon Realm's large-scale attack on the Tianyuan Realm failed in the'Battle of Dawn', and a large number of defeated soldiers returned to the Blood Demon Realm."

The Blade of Chaos took the opportunity to instigate the defeated army and launch a rebellion, known as the "Blood Blade Rebellion".

"When the momentum was at its peak, it once occupied the northern big city'Bone Sand City.' It was a city ruled by Youquan Kingdom."

"My father, Jin Tuyi, is the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, and he is responsible for killing the rebels and suppressing the riots."

"Junior also worked under his father, who was responsible for hunting down the leader of the Blade of Chaos, but found that the people of the Ancestor Youquan were also pursuing and killing the Blade of Chaos in secret."

"The Bone Sand City that was broken by the rebels is the territory of Youquan Country. The ancestors of Youquan hated the Chaos Blade. It is also normal. At first, the younger generation did not take it to heart, but gradually, they discovered that Youquan The ancestors are not chasing and killing indiscriminately, but staring at one of the chaos blades, and killing the opponent at all costs!"

"The junior dare not conceal the predecessors. My father and Youquan ancestor, the backstage of Youquan Country, are political opponents. The two sides have been fighting openly and secretly since decades ago, and the fight for the position of commander of the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Demons is almost torn. "

"After discovering the abnormality of the Youquan family, the younger generation went in-depth investigation, and finally found that the ancestor Youquan had a secret laboratory in Bonesha City, but it was breached in the Bloodblade Rebellion. Something was taken away by the Blade of Chaos."

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