40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 872: Skull Island

Chaos-free City gathers fierce monsters from various tribes of the blood demon world, with different habits, so the entire city is divided into seven or eight blocks with different environments. The monster beast convoy has passed through the jungle, swamp, and ice fields all the way. And desert areas, some areas are separated by towering mountains and waterfalls, and some areas are forcibly shielded by artificial arrays. I heard that at the end of the peninsula, there is a huge undersea city. , Is dedicated to the life of the Hai nationality.

I saw millions of different kinds of monsters living in the same city in an orderly manner. Some of the more ostentatious monsters even disdain to ride a Dapeng or Eagle Falcon, but instead drive a shuttle from the Tianyuan Realm. , Even Li Yao was dizzy and surprised.

Suddenly, the land travel whale let out a long hissing, and in the air vents above its head, light green air currents soared into the sky, and the bulging air sacs all over the body were obviously dried up, lowering the height and slowing down the speed.

In front is a huge square carved out of black rock, which is the center of Chaozhou City.

Jin Xinyue's lips moved slightly, and the sound was transmitted into her ears: "We are about to arrive at the'Four Pillars Square' in Wuluan City. According to the usual practice, all the black blood and chaotic blood monster races captured will first be concentrated in the Four Pillars Square for screening."

"Among them, those who are docile and well-behaved, with weak physique, can be made into servants and maids; those with ordinary physiques can be made into slave laborers for mining and caring for demonized plants; those with strong physiques can be made into slave soldiers who charge into battle; but if they are particularly strong , With violent personality, that is the unstable factor in slaves, and will be sent to the arena to become a gladiator."

"The biggest arena in Wuluocheng is called'Skull Island'. Among all the arena in the Blood Demon Realm, it ranks among the best. Our goal is there!"

"Before, in order to trade information, I have been to Wuluocheng several times, and I also went to Skull Island to watch the battle of gladiators. It was indeed a wonderful and thrilling game."

"Once, I saw a black blood demon clan, who was torn off by a demon beast with most of his left arm and heart. Seeing that he could not survive, he was thrown into the'Thousands' by the staff on Skull Island. Dispose of it in the corpse Yuan."

"Thousand Corpse Abyss is a huge natural cave in the depths of Skull Island. There are countless ferocious monsters at the bottom of the cave. Once the corpse falls, it will be swallowed by the monster immediately. There is no bones left, and there is no reason to survive."

"This black-blooded demon race uses a special fighting technique,'Bairou Kill', which has a great appetite for me and even gave me some inspiration, so I am very impressed with him and will never admit his mistakes."

"He is obviously dead, but in the'Blood Blade Rebellion', I accidentally met this black blood monster clan again."

"Although his appearance has changed, and his fighting style is different from the past, I still have a very familiar feeling. Sure enough, after a try, he really displayed the'Hundred Routines' in the critical moment. It's exactly the same as before!"

"Now, I can be sure that he is the gladiator who should have died on Skull Island!"

"But now, he has changed, becoming a member of Chaos Blade, and a small boss, stronger than before!"

"I was very surprised, did not mobilize my men, alone, very secretly grabbed this black blood monster race, trying to pry his mouth open."

"His mouth is very hard and he hardly reveals much valuable information, but there is indeed a shallow laceration scar at the junction of his left arm and shoulder blade, and the whole left arm seems to be reattached afterwards. "

"His heart is also extremely weird, and at the same time presents the heart characteristics of two different monster races."

"I'm pretty sure. At first, he was a black blood monster clan, how could he show the characteristics of two monster clan at the same time?"

"It is this incident that made me more and more suspicious of the Blade of Chaos. I went after it secretly. Branches were growing. By chance, I discovered the special attitude of the ancestor Youquan towards the Blade of Chaos. , In the end it became like this."

"From the words of the Black Blood Demon Race and the evidence I have, it is very likely that'Skull Island' is an important stronghold of Chaos Blade. The boss of Skull Island,'Wechiba', has a big problem. !"

"On the surface, Skull Island is a cruel arena. In fact, it is very likely to be a ‘training camp’ for sending elite fighters to the Blade of Chaos!"

"However, whether this is the case or not, we have to rely on our ancestors to conduct in-depth investigations and even'chat' with Yuchiba in person.

Along the way, Jin Xinyue has explained the whole plan several times, but she is still afraid that this unpredictable old monster will not be wronged, and she repeats again without hesitation: "Of course the younger generation knows that with the ancestor's means, it is completely You can run rampant in Chaos City and find Yuchiba directly."

"However, Yuchiba is very cautious. He will bring a large number of bodyguards when entering and exiting, and he rarely appears alone."

"If his Skull Island is really a training camp for Chaos Blade, and he dares to do it under the nose of the Fire Ant King, his courage and strategy are also extremely high."

"The Blade of Chaos is being severely hit right now. It is just when the rumors are raging, the ancestor rushed to the door, how could he recognize it?"

"More importantly, we don't know if there is the eyeliner of the Fire Ant King or even the ancestor Youquan beside Yuchiba. If you startled the grass and exposed the secrets of Skull Island and Yuchiba, it would not be worth the loss."

"So, I still have to ask the ancestors to feel wronged for some time, mix into Skull Island, and find a way to get close to Yuchiba."

"According to the practice of Skull Island, if there is a gladiator who can survive five battles on the island, he will be interviewed by Yuchiba, and then regain his freedom. He will be recommended to the high-level monster race by Yuchiba and become a killer, deadman or bodyguard. ."

"In the juniors, this may be the hidden child buried by Yuchiba. Since these assassins, dead men and bodyguards have mixed with the high-level monsters, they can naturally provide a steady stream of information for the Chaos Blade."

"The fight on Skull Island is very cruel. Generally, gladiators are extremely difficult to fight through five rounds. However, with the strength of the ancestor, it is a matter of hand. I believe that we will be able to contact Yuchiba soon and see what he sells in the gourd. It's medicine."

"As for the juniors, they are now in human form, although they can pretend to be the **** monster clan, but once they start their hands, they will show their stuff!"

"Therefore, juniors are absolutely not allowed to enter Skull Island. Just take advantage of this time to collect some latest information outside."

"The whole plan is like this, there is nothing wrong with the ancestor, right?"

Li Yao nodded slightly.

He wasn't a peerless fierce demon who was unruly and rebellious 40,000 years ago. This kind of stealthily disappearing and infiltrating behind enemy lines is his masterpiece, and naturally he doesn't mean the slightest grievance.

Along the way, Li Yao was also secretly observing the slave hunting team in Wuluocheng.

The members of the slave hunting team are all well-trained fierce monsters, and their strength has basically reached the level of monsters. They are proficient in fighting under various complex terrains, and can search out the monsters hiding in the cracks of the rocks.

Judging from the military system of the Star Federation, these slave hunting teams can be regarded as elite special forces.

Just the slave hunting team sent outside to perform ordinary tasks has such strength, how strong should the elite around Fire Ant King be?

What's more, the Fire Ant King himself is an intermediate demon king, and he is good at making hallucinations and berserk plants, so he will definitely make a lot of potions to inspire combat power for himself. What a terrifying power he can display on the battlefield, especially Unknown.

In Li Yao's calculations, if he stimulated the full power of the ultimate golden core, coupled with the increase in the battle armor of the Xuan Bone Dragon King, he would naturally not be afraid of the Fire Ant King.

However, without using True Essence Spiritual Power or Crystal Armor, he has only mastered the power of the wild for more than half a month, and it is very difficult to compete with the Fire Ant King.

It seems that two people with almost the same strength, one of whom is professionally trained in combat, the other is ignorant, relying only on blood and brute force, the two fight together, which wins and loses, you can see at a glance.


A large air current bursts out of the heads of all land whales, and the huge square is shrouded in a light haze. The tentacles of the land whales are slowly intertwined, forming a crawling straight through the ground. network.

"All down! Come down!"

All the warehouses were opened, and the slave hunting team waved electric whips and violently drove the prey. At a distance, there were rows of black armored guards and biochemical beasts taller than the buildings.

All the biochemical beasts were silent, but the strong suffocating aura released from the whole body was like four black walls, and the prey could not breathe.

On the backs of the biochemical beasts, on the spacious brocade seats, hundreds of silver-blooded monster races were sitting, pointing, talking and laughing.

They are all here to pick slaves.

Most of these black blood demon tribes and chaotic blood demon tribes are born and raised. They are used to being free and loose in the deserted mountains and ridges. They are suddenly caught and depressed for a few days and nights in the cramped warehouse. Frustrated to the extreme.

Just after being released, the scene immediately became a mess, cries, groans, howls and roars were intertwined, and the huge square seemed to turn into the sky.

Li Yao looked around with great interest. In the four corners of Blackstone Square, there are towering huge pillars. The pillars are engraved with lifelike patterns. One of them is some fairy bones, unpredictable monsters. The clan is receiving a divine light; the second is some monsters wearing gorgeous armors, and they are commanding thousands of troops to fight; the third is some monsters wearing simple leather armor, or no protection at all. Using a sword to chop and chop some dough-like enemies; the fourth root is the scene where countless monsters are mining and farming.

The four huge pillars exude gold, silver, bronze and black respectively.

Li Yao knew that the four pillars represented the holy blood demon tribe, the silver blood demon tribe, the bronze blood demon tribe, and the black blood demon tribe. They were the "four pillars" of the entire demon tribe.

As for the Blood Demon Race, there is no place in this system.

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