40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 897: The massacre 40,000 years ago!

Dozens of experts from the Blade of Chaos began to analyze the Throne of Bone.

Li Yao faintly sensed that dozens of invisible rays were shot from the eyeball-like organs of several experts, trying to penetrate the outer shell of the Bone Throne, go deep into it, and spy on the structure of the "God".

Even Li Yao himself couldn't help but let out a thought, trying to invade it through the gap in the armor, but it was in vain.

The armor worn on the outside of the "God" is in a desolate and simple form. Even Li Yao exhausted all the ancient armor refining methods used in the Hundred Refining Sects 40,000 years ago, but did not find a similar structure.

The purpose of this throne is even more confusing. There are only a few buttons on the operation panel opposite to the face of the "God". It can be inferred that it is definitely not the main operation mode with hands, and it is more likely to be Directly manipulate with divine mind.

An expert solemnly said: "We Blade of Chaos firmly believe that the Great Chaos God came into being 40,000 years ago, and discovered the prehistoric era and the inheritance of the Pangu tribe, and created our modern monster race."

"The'god' in this bone throne is most likely...Pangu!"

This inference was approved by most experts, and it also aroused a gentle gasp.

Many Chaos Blade combatants on the periphery couldn't help but worship the Bone Throne.

The huge temple is in a solemn and strange aura.

Chu Zhengqing said: "This kind of speculation has a certain truth. If we regard the Pangu tribe as a tribe or civilization that spanned three thousand worlds hundreds of millions of years ago, it was in the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago. At the end of the period, a certain person or organization called "Chaos" discovered a relic of the Pangu tribe. From this relic, they found a lot of valuable inheritance, and based on this inheritance, they established a place. A huge base."

"And this bone throne, it is very likely that the only well-preserved Pangu tribe in that ruin was regarded as a'god' by Chaos, and it was placed here for worship and sacrifice."

Many experts nodded one after another. This statement is quite reasonable.

At this moment, an exclamation came from the southeast of the temple.

But it was another team that found new corpses.

Soon, countless corpse fragments were found in all directions of the hall.

Scanning through the mysterious light, hundreds of accumulations of corpses appeared on the retina of every expert in the form of translucent light and shadow.

Li Yao also received this information.

The vast majority of the corpses were from the monster race with a height of between one and five to three meters. After 40,000 years of erosion, only tired bones and hollow carapace remained.

Many corpses were strangled together, and the bones were broken and crushed with extremely violent methods, as if they were going through a great battle.

Judging from the structure of certain corpses, the skull of one corpse even bites the cervical vertebra of another corpse, it seems like they are biting and gnawing at each other.

Beside the corpse, there were many flying swords and war knives scattered around, most of which were abruptly broken.

"Amazing combat power."

Li Yao discovered that a dozen flying swords were inserted in one of the corpses less than two meters tall. However, this corpse threw the other corpse down and completely shredded the opponent's shoulder blades. Two skulls were attached. The fit was extremely close, the fangs of the first corpse even pierced the skull of the second corpse.

Li Yao imagined the scene 40,000 years ago.

I'm afraid that the owner of the first corpse was pierced by more than a dozen flying swords in a row, and his internal organs were completely destroyed, but he...or "it" still maintains an amazing combat effectiveness. The claws abruptly smashed the target's shoulder blades, and then put his head on the opponent's head.

It is gnawing at the other person's face.

It was a slaughter like a nightmare.


After quickly scanning the surfaces of hundreds of corpses, Li Yao suddenly discovered something weird.

Among the strangely-shaped corpses of the monster race, there are even some human corpses.

Although there are only tired bones left, Li Yao is very sure that from the shape and structure of the bones, it is a standard human race!

Some dry bones emit bronze, light blue and dark golden light, which is a sign of long-term psychic infiltration of bones.

In other words, the masters of these withered bones are some successful cultivators!

At the same time, the experts of Chaos Blade also discovered the corpses of these cultivators.

"what happened?"

"It was a group of cultivators who attacked the tomb of the chaos god, that's why it caused such a tragic massacre scene?"

"It's not like it. According to our research, when the Chaos rises, the power of the cultivator is already very weak, and it is unlikely to take the initiative to attack the base of Chaos."

"What's more, such a brutal method is simply a crazy madman, and it is not very similar to the combat style of ancient cultivators."

Several archaeologists surrounded the corpses, carefully extracting fragments of robes, armor, and magic treasures left over from the corpses.

These corpses all died 40,000 years ago. Although their flesh and blood had long been eaten away, the robes, armors, and magic weapons they carried were not completely eroded, leaving a small fragment of debris.

Li Yao stood on the periphery, watching with interest.

The magic weapons used by these corpses all have a strong ancient repair era style, which makes him feel a touch of kindness.


Soon, the preliminary analysis results of the fragments of the robe were released.

The cultivators and monsters who fell on the ground wore the same style of robes, and the magic weapons they used were basically the same standard.

Moreover, if it is said that the cultivator invaded, then the corpse of the cultivator and the corpse of the demon race should be torn together.

However, the fact is that the corpses of many cultivators are torn together with other cultivators, and the corpses of the demon race are also entangled with the corpses of the demon race.

Regardless of whether the attacker or the victim, the fragments of the robes extracted are very similar, the same material, the same style, and even the spiritual patterns on it are exactly the same.

It can be said that there is no foreign enemy invading, but cannibalism and death.

"What's going on?"

More than a thousand corpses have been collected from all over the temple, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The tragic massacre that took place 40,000 years ago has added a bit of mystery to this weird tomb of chaos.

All the researchers were unclear, and there was a lot of discussion.

At this moment, I only heard a "hum" sound. From the darkness in all directions, it seemed as if there were waves of sighs, as if a power that had been sleeping for forty thousand years was awakened, and the whole temple trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, above the temple, the soft light spilled like a waterfall, making them bathed in the milky sea of ​​light.

This warm sea of ​​light dispelled the darkness, and also made all explorers feel a little relieved.

Yuchiba took the brigade and strode forward.

"We have just activated the driving rune array of the Chaos God Tomb. It is incredible. This vast underground palace is actually driven by light energy!"

"The sky above the entire silver dead desert is cloudless, and the sun is fierce. The sunlight is absorbed by the gravel and transmitted to the Star-Swallowing Sea in a mysterious and mysterious way, and is stored by the heavy metal lake in the Star-Swallowing Sea!"

"The entire Star Swallowing Sea is a huge'light energy pool'. Through the rise and fall of the tide every day, energy is continuously released into the tomb of the Chaos God, so that this underground palace can function normally after 40,000 years. "

"The power of the Great Chaos God is really unfathomable and incredible!"

"Master Chu, what do you think of our current discovery?"

Chu Zhengqing said: "Time has passed too long. I am afraid that no one knows the real answer to what happened 40,000 years ago. We can only speculate based on the existing evidence."

"First of all, your Chaos Blade treats'Chaos' as a god, but in my opinion, Chaos is probably an organization, or even just a person, an ordinary person."

Chu Zhengqing paused, before waiting for other Chaos Blade members to attack, he said quickly, "However, whether it is a god, an organization, or a certain person, since such a large base has been established, it must be There are more subordinates."

"If it is an organization, it will naturally have members, even if it is really a god, it has a large number of believers, right?"

Yuchiba pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Chu Zhengqing continued: "We have found thousands of corpses, and each of them wears the same style of robe and holds the same style of magic weapon. Then, we judge that they are members of this chaotic organization, or chaotic. Believer, isn't it reasonable?"

Yuchi overbearing: "There is another possibility. They are all invaders. When they invaded the Chaos Tomb, they were killed by the Chaos God in some way!"

Chu Zhengqing shook his head and said, "Impossible. If it is an intruder, where are the believers in Chaos? What's more, after killing the invader, it is not strange to throw the corpse in the sacred place of worship? "

Yuchi said overbearingly: "However, among these corpses, there are many human corpses mixed in."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Chu Zhengqing's eyes: "So what? Who said that humans cannot be followers of Chaos? Even, who said that Chaos must be a monster? Perhaps Chaos himself is an ordinary person. What about humans?"


Not waiting for Yuchiba to get angry, many Chaos Blade experts all took the case.

Chu Zhengqing said lightly: "The facts are very clear. Before Chaos, there was no real monster. The mountain spirits and monsters in the ancient repair notes are very different from the modern monsters."

"You all said that Chaos created the Yaozu, so if you think about it carefully, of course Chaos can't be the Yaozu! How can there be a reason to create its own?"

"Hehe, if it's not a monster race, isn't it obvious what kind of existence the so-called'Chaos' is?"

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