40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 899: Frenzied experiment

The shell of the black stone pillars slowly opened to all sides, and each stone pillar could accommodate seven or eight strong monsters. For the sake of safety, the exploration team transported a large number of biochemical beast storage tanks through the stone pillars and transported them to the lower space. .

The stone pillar moved silently in the faint blue light for nearly half a minute before reaching the second floor of the Chaos God Tomb.

The environment on this floor is completely different from the temple above. Except for the huge space in the middle that looks like a square, the surrounding walls are covered with dense corridors. At first glance, it looks like you are in a huge honeycomb. internal.

There were also countless corpses scattered on the ground. Everyone was not surprised. After confirming that there were no miasma and poison in the corpses, they used some fluorescent natural paint to mark the surroundings. Then, they began to explore the surroundings.

Li Yao saw that Yuchiba led a few core players to place **** of sarcoma-like **** in every corner of the central square.

It is said that this is a very wonderful demon weapon, which can collect the weak biological current floating in the air, and after it is amplified, it will appear in the form of light and shadow.

If the bioelectric current in the air is strong enough, it may be possible to see the scene 40,000 years ago.

"Bo! Bo!"

All the spheres were placed, connected together by synthetic nerves, and at the same time they made a soft sound. The top of the spheres blossomed like flowers, and several tentacles that looked like flower stamens trembling appeared.

Li Yao felt that in all the "flower stamens", weird mysterious lights were ignited one after another, spreading around like a tide, and quickly filling the entire square, immersing all around in a light blue ocean.

After a while, the light and shadow flickered, and there really appeared clusters of phantoms.

However, it may be that the place is too empty, most of the biological current has already escaped, and the phantoms are extremely blurry. You can only see groups of phantoms running and chasing fast, colliding with each other from time to time, entangled in the ground, but you can't see the details.

In a short while, the light and shadow dispersed, but a mighty army was formed, like a silent statue, spread all over the square.

"It seems that an army of Chaos was once assembled here, or that is, this is the place where an army of Chaos was created."

Chu Zhengqing and other researchers used the phantom as a clue to explore the surroundings and found new bones.

Many skeletons still have a faint metallic luster on the surface, and their shapes are extremely strange. It is conceivable that their master must have tyrannical strength during his lifetime.

After collecting a large amount of information on the square, the crowd split up and explored the surrounding corridors.

At the end of the tunnel, there were research rooms. Perhaps it was a sudden incident. The doors of most research rooms were too late to be closed, and even the defensive array was too late to open, or it was simply destroyed. It was convenient for them to enter directly.

Each research room covers an extremely large area and has a complete ventilation system and defense system, but Li Yao can tell at a glance that the psychic energy of the defense system is exhausted.

"Someone was here once, stimulating the defensive talisman formation to the apex and resisting something." Li Yao secretly said.

There were also a large number of magic weapons and training equipment scattered on the ground. Many magic weapons were never seen before by Li Yao in Ou Yezi's dream.

In the center of the research room stands a huge stone platform with densely engraved spiritual patterns on it, condensed into a human form, and there are iron ropes and iron rings for binding around it. It seems that someone can be firmly fixed. On the stone platform.


Another demon weapon that amplifies the biological current was placed in the center of the stone platform and activated!

Perhaps the space here is relatively small, and the biological currents are relatively easy to stagnate. Perhaps it is the incredible practice on this stone platform that has condensed a large amount of biological currents. Here, the images they capture are much clearer.

There are a total of six clear human figures, all wearing silver shining fully enclosed robes, and even the face is covered with a strange bronze mask. There is a layer of faint streamer floating on the surface of the mask, which should be able to filter the air and Sterilization effect.

"It seems that the ancients are not as ignorant as we think, at least here, there is already a certain concept of sterilization." Li Yao thought to himself.

These six human figures are lying on a stone platform that looks like an operating table and an altar. On the stone platform is a naked human being fixed.

I don't know if it is because of the effect of the medicine or the secret method of calming souls.

The biological current is extremely unstable, and the illusion in front of Li Yao is also changing rapidly. In a short time, the illusion dissipated. The human who once lay on the stone platform was floating in the air, his long hair rooted up, dancing wildly like a poisonous snake. , Facing a statue of a floating talisman array to practice.

The people wearing silver-white robes and bronze masks surrounded him, bowing their heads to record something.

Li Yao noticed that among these robed strangers, there were both humans and monsters. They seemed to ignore the differences between them and observe and study them very seriously.

The cultivators floating in mid-air are quite strong. They broke through the speed of sound several times and burst the floating talisman array into pieces. Although the robed monsters can't see their expressions clearly, they are also very good from the gesture of nodding their heads. Is satisfied.

However, it didn't take long for the cultivator to scream and smash from mid-air, holding his head and rolling all over the floor.

Li Yao moved in his heart and looked around, and quickly found a workbench next to the research room.

Almost all the objects on the workbench are decayed, but Li Yao is very familiar with the structure and purpose of a pile of debris.

This is a wooden frame used to store jade slips in the ancient repair era.

Reached out and touched it, and as expected, he touched a jade slip from under the decayed shelf.

The jade slips placed here at will, of course, it is impossible to store any invaluable magical powers, and they have not been used for 40,000 years, and I don't know if they can still be driven.

Li Yao concealed the jade slip in his palm, and carefully rubbed the spiritual pattern on it with his thumb. This was the standard technique used by Bailianzong to clean the talisman formation.

After a while, sensing that the hard jade was slightly softer, as if it had become a piece of semi-solidified amber, Li Yao smiled from the bottom of his heart, deepening a ray of divine thought into it, and he read a lot of information fragments.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and integrated these fragments one by one, but it was an experiment log for a period of time.

From the analysis of these logs, what was carried out here turned out to be an incredible experiment!

"Too exaggerated? Transplant the spiritual root?"

The spiritual root is the foundation of the cultivator. Every cultivator must awaken the spiritual root before he can gain the ability to infuse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and in their future cultivation and fighting, the quality of the spiritual root is also extremely important. Meaning, for example, to release and absorb divine thoughts, it needs to be accomplished through spiritual roots, manipulating all kinds of magic weapons in the air, and even more so is the spiritual thread that is stimulated from spiritual roots.

Therefore, in the Xingyao Federation, since children were young, they have paid great attention to the training of spiritual root development.

All learning is centered on improving spiritual root development. There are a large number of potentiating medicines on the market, all for the purpose of improving spiritual root development.

Even so, the spiritual root development reaches 100%, awakening the spiritual root and becoming a cultivator is still a matter of extremely slim hope.

No matter how crazy most ordinary people practice, they will never be able to awaken their spiritual roots and control the power of calling the wind and calling the rain in their entire life.

This is true in the modern age with a complete theoretical system of cultivation and the support of various medicaments, and even more so in the ancient cultivation era 40,000 years ago.

Immortal roads are elusive, and it is harder to become a cultivator than to climb to the sky. If it were not for a coincidence, the general people would only dare to dream of becoming a supreme cultivator!

However, the research conducted here is to completely break the boundary between ordinary people and cultivators!

"The cultivator has spiritual roots. When the cultivator is old and weak and naturally falls, the spiritual root will also wither."

"However, the vast majority of cultivators are in **** fights all day long, and very few can die without disease."

"The vast majority of cultivators died in various fights in their prime. At that time, their spiritual roots were still at the most advanced level!"

"If, because of the fall of the cultivator, this spiritual root will also be annihilated, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"If the spiritual roots of these unfortunately fallen cultivators can be taken out and transplanted into the brains of strong fighters without spiritual roots, can these strong fighters reach the sky in one step and become cultivators?"

Li Yao synthesized all kinds of information in the experiment log, and finally analyzed it, which is such a crazy idea.

That's right, crazy, even his bold and tolerant craftsman can only use the word "crazy" to describe!

You know, Linggen, like Yuanying, is not a real organ. It does not mean that a cultivator's brain can be dissected and a ginseng-like "root system" can be unearthed.

The spiritual root is a mysterious and mysterious organ between flesh and blood and pure energy.

I can't even see it. How do I take it out? How do I transplant it?

What's more, even if the spiritual roots of a cultivator can really be taken out, how can ordinary people's brains bear it rashly?

Li Yao remembered the scene when Ou Yezi's massive memory fragments rushed into his brain for the first time.

This kind of crazy experiment, the biggest possibility is that the brain of that strong warrior was completely destroyed and burned into an idiot, right?

Judging from the results of the experiment log, this is indeed the case.

Countless experiments have all failed. Even if the "artificial cultivator" who transplants spiritual roots is really concocted, none of them can last three days.

The best result is that the spiritual roots automatically wither, and the warrior is beaten back to its original form. As for the worst result, it is horrible.


Three shifts in place!

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