40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 904: Occult blood and hidden feelings!


The thunderous shouts echoed in the empty temple, like the echo of the empty valley, "Youquanyouquanyouquanyouquan!"

A red meteor rose up from the ground and hovered around several intruders. The intruders slammed into the distance like a harrier with a broken line, bursting out a series of screams.

The flame-shrouded figure stopped abruptly in front of the abnormal zerg, the flame faded, revealing the angry face of the Fire Ant King.

The two tentacles on the top of his head all swelled to the limit, turning into a dark purple, entangled with blood vessels, and his body shape was expanded a round than before. The carapace that was originally tightly attached to his body was turned up. , It is like the stabilizer that unfolds before the supersonic war shuttle takes off.

However, Li Yao always felt that his anger was a little bit fierce.

Because, opposite him, standing in the void is one of the twelve demon emperors of the Pantheon Palace, the master behind the scenes of Youquan Country, one of the "big four" of the blood demon world, the ancestor of Youquan!

For all the important figures in the blood demon world, Li Yao once asked Jin Xinyue to draw vivid portraits, but no matter how Jin Xinyue described it, he could not describe the true aura of this peerless powerhouse.

Even with the images transmitted through the Xiaolong, Li Yao could still feel the pressure of the mountain whistling and tsunami from the ancestor Youquan, as if the ancestor Youquan was standing behind him, breathing quietly.

"One of the four giants of the Blood Demon Realm, really well-deserved reputation!"

"His strength has definitely reached the high-level demon emperor rank, and even surpasses the high-level demon emperor!"

Li Yao's heart shuddered and he was fully on guard. This was an enemy of the same level as Xiao Xuance, and even more powerful than Xiao Xuance!

Fire ant king and Youquan ancestor are brothers of the same father and mother. Apart from the main hue of the carapace, they are red and green, and they look very similar.

But when they are side by side, it gives people a weird feeling, like...

The fire ant king is just a "larva" that is still growing.

The ancestor of Youquan is the real "mature body"!

The Fire Ant King and Youquan Patriarch, the masters of the two demon emperor series, faced each other coldly.

The invisible air pressure collided with each other, making a "squeaking" air current, like 10,000 pressure cookers screaming at the same time.

The huge temple was in the middle of the sky, and the air flow swirled, making the figures of the two demon emperors a little distorted.


The fire ant king twisted his face, gritted his teeth, "How could you find this place!"

Old Ancestor Youquan smiled slightly. His voice was more gentle and gentle than that of the Fire Ant King, and he did not swiftly and quickly: "I have studied the Tomb of Chaos God for decades, and naturally understand its general location. Although I don't know the specific coordinates, As long as you closely monitor the movement of Chaos City and firmly lock your whereabouts, you can follow the vine and find here!"

The fire ant king's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had understood everything instantly, and blood was almost dripping from the ends of the two antennae.

His voice became extremely hoarse: "You suspected me a long time ago?"

"No, I never doubted you."

Old Ancestor Youquan shook his head and said calmly, "From the very beginning, I was quite sure that an organization as large as Chaos Blade could not be established by ordinary people, and my dear brother Fire Ant King was definitely not that kind of care. Brotherly affection will give up the entire Youquan Country type."

"Since you are willing to give up fighting for the control of Youquan Country with me, there must be something more attractive to you, and the vigorous development of Chaos City and the rapid rise of Chaos Blade are just too coincidental, especially in the blood. In Blade Rebellion, the several insurgents headed by them all have inextricably linked relationships with Wuluocheng. Isn’t the answer obvious?"

The Fire Ant King took a deep breath: "Why haven't you stopped me?"

"Why stop you?"

Old Ancestor Youquan smiled and said, "What you are doing is also what I want to do. Explore the source of the monster race and discover the secret of chaos!"

"However, as the master of Youquan Country, one of the Twelve Demon Emperors, I cannot do many things personally. Even if I do, I will leave many clues and provoke other Demon Emperors, especially the other three giants. Doubts."

"Since my dear brother is willing to take the initiative to do all this, why don't I just wait and see? Sure enough, what you did is better than I thought. Not only did you lay the foundation of the city without chaos, but you also really learned from the incompleteness. In the data, found and opened the Chaos God Tomb!"

The Fire Ant King murmured: "So, you leaked all the information in Bonesha City to me on purpose?"

Old Ancestor Youquan said lightly: "You have some fragments of the tomb of the Chaos Gods, and I also have some fragments of the tombs of the Chaos Gods. Since I can't get your fragments, I might as well give you this one. , Next, you will naturally do your best to complete everything without my effort."

"Although there were some small things in the process, but the ending is still happy for everyone, isn't it?"

"Everyone is happy?"

The fire ant king glanced around Youquan's ancestors, his expression became more and more ferocious, more and more crazy, and he said every word, "Youquan, it seems that I have completely fallen into your calculations. , But, don’t you wonder why I would join Chaos Blade, and even take decades to become the leader of Chaos Blade?"

Old Ancestor Youquan said: "Many silver-blooded monster races have joined Chaos Blade for power, strength, revenge, and all kinds of weird reasons. What's so strange?"

The Fire Ant King sneered: "If you think that I only joined or even used the Blade of Chaos to gain supreme power, that would be a big mistake!"

"I am a true believer in Chaos!"

"the reason is simple!"

The fire ant king's momentum suddenly burst, and the whole body was surrounded by gorgeous flames, accompanied by a burst of "chulachla", as if a restriction that sealed the body suddenly exploded, a long tail popped out behind him!

This extremely flexible tail, which is more than one meter long, is obviously not a characteristic of a Zerg race, but a characteristic of a certain horn race or claw race!

The Fire Ant King breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had broken free of all restraints, and chuckled softly: "Did you see it, a tail, a tail that does not belong to the Zerg!"

"This is not the result of me using genetic power to change, but when I was fifteen and a half years old, I took the initiative to awaken!"

"This tail means that I am not a pure silver-blooded monster, but a chaotic blooded monster with the characteristics of Zerg and Claw!"

"Haha, hahahaha, I was terrified at that time, and wanted to kill myself countless times."

"Until I looked up many ancient books, I realized that this kind of thing happened many times in history. Many of the pure silver blood and even the holy blood demon clan, in fact, in a certain generation of ancestors, the blood was contaminated long ago, but it is different. The demonic gene of this kind is always in a dormant state."

"If these alien genes have been sleeping all the time, they can maintain the illusion of a high-level monster race for the rest of their lives."

"Even so, those heterogeneous genes will still be passed on to their children and grandchildren through inheritance!"

"Hehe, if a hapless offspring, for some inexplicable reason, activates the sleeping heterogeneous gene, it will suddenly turn from the noble holy blood and silver blood to the cheapest chaotic blood!"

"In ancient books, there is a most appropriate name for these sad guys-the hidden blood monster race!"

"Yes, I am a Hidden Blood Monster Race. I was hit with a probability of one in ten thousand, awakening the heterogeneous gene, and changed from silver blood to chaotic blood!"

"This is the real reason why I gave up fighting with you back then, and founded Chaos City, becoming the leader of Chaos Blade!"

The Fire Ant King blinked, as if he had mastered the situation for the first time, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "And what does this mean?"

"Youquan, you are my eldest brother of the same father and mother, look at the form of the two of us, no one can deny this!"

"Since I am not a superior silver-blood demon clan at all, but the lowest and inaccessible chaotic-blood demon clan among the nobles, how about you?"

"You, the controller of Youquan Country, one of the four giants in the Blood Demon Realm, what are you?"

"Understand, maybe you don't show the characteristics of other monster races in your body, but in your bloodline, you are absolutely the same as me, hiding a foreign gene! I am a living evidence!"

"You, like me, are not silver blood, but chaotic blood!"

On the second floor underground, Li Yao was almost screamed by this shocking secret.

One of the four big giants in the blood demon world, the demon emperor Youquan ancestor who really has decision-making power in the hall of demon, turned out to be the cheapest blood demon clan?

This news is indeed shocking!

The Fire Ant King seemed to have a chance to win, and shouted at the warriors who had been strengthened by the demon pill in front of Ancestor Youquan: "Perhaps you are all loyal to Ancestor Youquan, and you don't even care if he is the Silver-blooded Demon Race, but he doesn't move. Your brains!"

"You have heard the greatest secret of Old Ancestor Youquan, will he still let you go out alive and publicize it?"

These soldiers strengthened by the demon pill, and the old ancestor Youquan himself, did not even tremble at all, and looked at him with an idiot look.

The Fire Ant King was stunned. After a while, his voice became sharp and sharp: "You already knew it!"

"You have known for a long time that you are not silver blood, but chaotic blood!"

"If this is the case, why do you want to be an enemy of me? Why do you want to destroy the Blade of Chaos! Why not join me in regaining what the blood chaos monster race should have!"

The Fire Ant King was completely messed up.

Old Ancestor Youquan Youyou said: "Yes, I have known my identity for a long time, so this time I brought it neither the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons, nor the troops of Youquan Country, but my own private soldiers. They are called'Youfu Army'."

"You don't need to waste your energy. I have separated you from the Youfu Army. You can't do it."

"As for the reason for destroying the Blade of Chaos——"

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