40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 920: Dead Sea Storm!

Ten seconds is enough for a master of Demon Emperor rank to do a lot of things!

"Those who stand against me die!" Since the fusion of the bloodline clan and part of his consciousness and turned into a scarlet heart demon, his fighting style has become more and more radical, cruel, and tyrannical.

Above the underground temple, the red streamer split into dozens of swift red lines, whizzing towards the Youfu army in all directions, and instantly penetrated the chests of seven or eight Youfu army, and then gathered together again, breaking through upward!

In order to transport more relics from the tomb of the Chaos God, the holes above the underground temple were opened up, reaching tens of meters in diameter, and it was from them that Li Yao soared into the sky!


On top of his head, an ugly sandworm opened its mouth wide, with extremely corrosive saliva flowing continuously.

"Cell annihilation cannon, bombardment!"

In Li Yao's left arm, countless cells quickly rubbed, burned, agitated, and were completely annihilated. The energy exchanged was condensed through the crystals in the palm of the palm, and suddenly shot out, directly penetrating the sandworms.

A series of explosions completely annihilated the internal organs of the sandworm, leaving only an empty shell!

Li Yao flew directly from the sandworm to the ground!

Said to be the ground, it is still on the seabed of swallowing stars, and above it is a temporary crystal barrier to resist the lake.

At this moment, it was the dark night when the sea level of Swallowing Stars was high, and they were soaked in the lake water which was hundreds of meters deep.

News of someone fleeing had already been sent here, and there were noisy shouts everywhere, and countless Youfu troops flew towards Li Yao.

In Li Yao’s eyes, they all turned into a group of most basic data. The tactical control ability of more than a month of hard training on Skull Island has reached the limit. Every time Li Yao moves, intersperses and shoots, all of them have passed at least Hundreds of brain tests ensure that every step can involve the opponent's formation to the utmost extent, tear the fatal gap, and then——

Escape crazy!

For the Youfu Army, this "destroyed" enemy really made them extremely difficult. Except for the few Youfu Army in front of the enemy who were in front of the enemy, the others discovered that their long-range attacks were all caused by their comrades in arms. Keep it tight.

If you want to rush forward to fight with the enemy, and be blocked and squeezed by your own people with the same idea, everyone unexpectedly squeezes to the side, swaying on the other side's left wing, while the other side's right side is inexplicably empty. No one!

Li Yao smiled slightly and sent out dozens of jamming bombs containing flashes and stun talisman arrays again. Before the poison needle and acid rain shot, he gave a long roar and shot towards the crystal dome.

The five fingers of his left hand were crossed, and a dazzling light swelled rapidly in the palm of his palm, as if he was holding a sun fiercely!

"not good!"

The Youfu Army, who realized what he was going to do, were all horrified, and their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

Want to stop, but it's too late!


The small sun in Li Yao's palm burst suddenly, turning into seventeen or eight golden streamers, which shot across the crystal dome.

This crystal barrier, which is specially used for seabed operations and waterproofing, is in the shape of a circular arc and has a strong resistance to pressure, which can withstand the huge pressure from the outside to the inside.

But for the blasting force from the inside to the outside, it is somewhat inadequate.

With a few explosions, seventeen or eight large holes suddenly appeared on the crystal dome. Under the impetus of the super pressure, the star-swallowing sea water turned into seventeen or eight water dragons, rushing in viciously!

Li Yao gritted his teeth, the roots of the blood vessels on his arms and legs burst out, withstood the impact of one of the water dragons, squeezed out of the crystal dome, and rushed into the sea of ​​swallowing stars!


With a light press on his chest, a huge airbag immediately bounced out of his back, helping him gain strong buoyancy in the extremely dense star-swallowing sea!

"Xiao Hei, come out!"

In the star-swallowing sea that contains heavy metals, Li Yao is not worried about leaving traces of psychic energy fluctuations. Even if he is really detected, the use of magic weapons by the monsters is commonplace.

The Black Wing Sword leaped out of the Universe Ring, like a dog that was suffocated at home, and screamed with joy and grievance. It circled Li Yao three times and spread out black in the lake. Psionic wings.

In the lake, there were waves of powerful ripples, as if the black wings had expanded to hundreds of meters in length.

Li Yao seemed to have returned to his youth ten years ago, grabbing the hilt of the Black Wing Sword tightly, making a whistle, and driving in the dark water of the lake-the wind is driving!

Old Ancestor Youquan was only ten seconds slower than him.

It was these ten seconds, but within the crystal barrier, it was reduced to the water country Zeguo.

There are still a lot of important relics in the tomb of the Chaos God. Naturally, the ancestors of Youquan cannot allow it to be completely swallowed by the Sea of ​​Swallowing Stars.

In desperation, he could only order the Youfu Army to immediately repair the crystal barrier, and at the same time ordered a monster warship anchored in the Star-Swallowing Sea to lift off immediately to expand the monitoring range.

Twenty minutes later, an abnormal movement was detected, and a faint black shadow came ashore from the southwest of the Star-Swallowing Sea, and hurried away westward.

"Hei Ba, gather the elite, chase me!"

The voice of Old Ancestor Youquan was like a steel knife scratching the bone marrow, chilling.

"To the southwest is the turbulent windy area of ​​Silver Dead Desert. From time to time, strong winds swept through the sky, turning gravel into the sky, turning it into a terrifying sandstorm!"

The scarred vortex said with difficulty.

"I can't take care of that much. That thing is very important to our plan, and the mysterious master must be caught!"

Old Ancestor Youquan said with an iron face.

Fifteen minutes later, a search team composed of two monster warships marched to the southwest of Silver Death Desert.

"If the target flees at full speed, it will definitely arouse a very strong demon energy, leaving clear traces; if you don't want to leave the demon energy, then the speed will definitely not rise!"

"Catch up, catch up!"

The speed and endurance of the monster battleship are not comparable to manpower. With the help of the advanced monster weapons on the monster battleship and the'monster trapping magic weapon' from the Star Federation, Youquan ancestors quickly locked on a clearly visible monster. Qi traces extend straight to the southwest.

"All the way to the west is the sea. If the opponent escapes into the sea, it will be difficult to pursue it anymore!"

Ancestor Youquan's expression changed, and the two monster battleships were all aroused to the limit. The power rooms at the rear were all inflated, and the high-pressure air jets gushing out almost made the sky burn!

Amidst the Silver Dead Desert, there was a monotonous and desolate desert along the way, a gleam of silver, with nowhere to hide. However, after chasing for three hours, the surrounding environment changed abruptly, resembling the sea, rough and turbid waves. Churning, making a earth-shaking roar!

Here is the free wind zone!

In the Silver Dead Desert, there are no mountains and valleys to block. The strong wind from the sea can land unscrupulously, sweeping hundreds of millions of tons of sand and dust, forming an ocean in the desert!

"Our monster battleship can withstand the thirteenth-level gale and rush over!"

Ancestor Youquan said without hesitation.

"Om! Om!"

On the surface of the two monster battleships, the layers of gray-white protective film like bone armor were all torn apart, revealing a giant organ composed of countless monster pills, like "eyes".

From these artificial organs, a wave of translucent demon energy spewed out, fusing with each other, forming a solid demon energy barrier outside the battleship!

The monster battleship rushed straight into the turbulent zone, and a series of sandstorms bombarded the ship's body, only making the "eyes" on the ship's body twinkling and shaking slightly.


When the two monster battleships reached the center of the free wind zone, they suddenly made dozens of loud noises from the ground.

Dozens of spar bombs shot into the air, blooming like bright fireworks.

These spar bombs were still far away from the monster battleship, and did not harm the monster battleship at all.

Ancestor Youquan's eyebrows wrinkled deeply.

From the beginning, the mysterious enemy's every move was greatly unexpected. It is impossible for him to carry out a meaningless attack. With the destructive power of these spar bombs, even if it explodes directly under the monster battleship, what can he do?

Why would he do this?

At this moment, the shaking range of the monster battleship was getting stronger and stronger, and the intensity of the storm outside suddenly increased a lot. Across the thick skeletal hull, the roar of the gale could be faintly heard.

"What's the matter, the wind has risen so much all of a sudden? The wind system psychic abilities are all disordered!"

"not good!"

"The spar bomb exploded by the opponent does not contain much destructive power at all, but it contains a lot of rune formations that can increase wind power!"

"As long as the wind direction and pressure are calculated, dozens of spar bombs that increase the wind can temporarily gather the power of the sandstorm and create an extremely terrifying storm zone!"

"How is it possible? Even if it is born in a strong wind, the feather clan, who is born with a high degree of integration with the wind system, cannot understand the characteristics of the storm to this degree!"

"How on earth did this monster do?"

"Get out!"

Accompanied by the roar of Youquan ancestor, the monster battleship was also hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer, and the bridge was severely slanted to the left.

Many crew members were caught off guard and shot out fiercely. They collided with their companions, leaving a mess on the bridge.

Three hundred meters in front of them, dozens of light gray tornadoes continuously sucked more gravel from the desert, becoming thicker and bigger, and the color changed from light gray to more terrifying. Dead black.

It was like giant snakes that swallowed the world, staring at them maliciously, with a deafening roar that made the solid ship's hull seem as thin as a cicada's wings.


The main gun of the monster battleship fired, and the head of a "giant snake" burst. The remaining half of the body was quickly torn apart and eaten by the other "giant snakes", but it made the remaining giant snakes stronger and hideous. .

On the flanks and rear of the monster battleship, more serpent-like tornadoes are gradually taking shape!

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