40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 922: Too one, Bayan straight!

"This is the most important memory segment of'Chaos' during his lifetime. Before he died, he compressed the floating light and glimpses of his life with the height of his spiritual thoughts and stored it in the hidden star box. When later generations unearthed it, he will be able to see it. His'last words'."

This method of preserving spiritual thoughts is somewhat similar to the impact of Ou Yezi’s memory fragments. Li Yao has already experienced an impact. At this moment, his brain is greatly developed. Naturally, there is no hindrance, and he quickly integrates into the memory of 40,000 years ago. In the illusion.

"Bayanzhi, you know you are guilty!"

Suddenly, a roar like thunder rolled down from above, shaking the hall with a trembling, and there were echoes, "You can convict you can convict you can convict you can convict you!"

Li Yao saw that the hall was crowded with towering crowns and high-ranking monks, surrounded by radiant high-ranking monks. His faces were full of anger, and he pointed to the middle-aged brawny man in the middle who was dressed in simple clothes and had a curly face. , Poking and cursing.

This brawny brawny man named "Bayanzhi" is incompatible with the magnificent, fascinating hall. He is dressed in black armor and has animal leather boots on his feet. His face is full of smoke and fire, and his black armor is stained with stains. , Maybe it is a low-level deacon who handles specific affairs under the same door.

"Bayanzhi, you, as the manager of the'Vast Ranch', you should have done your best to raise the spirit beasts, why this time the general altar patrol went down, but you saw that many spirit beasts in the vast pasture have become strange in shape and have a ferocious personality. Not subject to domestication? The mortals living in the vast pastures have also undergone terrible changes, becoming ugly in appearance, like monsters like demons!"

"In Too One, there are many rumors that you are in collusion with the evil sect of the cult and are doing a frenzied and unforgivable act!"

"Bayanzhi, what the truth is, don't hesitate to recruit!"

The questioner was above the hall, a nine-foot-tall monk with a golden helmet and golden armor, towering like a golden tower. This person's skin was also golden, as if blending in with the armor, holding an octagonal multi-edge to fight the gods. The whip, Jinmang huffed to a length of seven or eight feet, almost piercing the dome of the hall.

Behind this golden giant spirit god, a huge gossip was suspended in the air, and an old man with vicissitudes of life, thin, white hair, eyes closed, sat cross-legged.

"Head, law enforcement elder! There is no Yanzhi! Everything that Yanzhi does is for Taiyi, and all the living beings under Taiyi!"

The brawny and brawny Bayan was straight, pulling his neck and yelling.

The golden giant spirit **** yelled coldly: "Yes or not, you have your own head and the elders to judge, you only have to tell the truth!"

At this time, Li Yao's perspective gradually fell to the ground and merged into Bayanzhi's body, observing the entire virtual realm through Bayanzhi's eyes.

Seen from this angle, there are glaring, gritted faces all around.

The golden giant spirit **** above the main hall and the head of the gossip are more like two towering mountains, high above the sky, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

Li Yao's heart moved, and it seemed that this "Bayan Zhi" was the master of the virtual realm, that is, the "chaos" in the future.

Bayan said straightforwardly: "Since a year ago, the spirit beasts in our vast pastures have often undergone some strange and strange changes. As the head of the pasture, the disciple naturally has to find out the root cause. In a cave on the edge of the ranch, a strange black spring was found."

"Many spirit beasts drank the water of the black spring, and they became extremely excited, causing all kinds of mutations."

"And the few mortals who followed me to explore, after drinking the spring water, weird changes also took place, growing horns and scales."

The golden giant spirit **** stared: "In that case, why didn't you report to the general altar at that time?"

Bayan said with a bitter face: "The law enforcement elder knows that the vast pasture is located on the most remote vast star under the gate of Taiyi, and is more than a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the main altar?"

"In recent years, our Taiyi has been fighting Xuan Yuezong, Dragon King Sect and other evil demons outside. The teleportation formations between various worlds have been interfered and intermittent. The vast pastures controlled by the disciples have become isolated islands from time to time."

"After detecting Heiquan, the disciple originally wanted to report to it through the teleportation formation, but encountered a large-scale attack by the Xuan Yuezong and Longwangjiao coalition forces. Hao Miao Xing was also one of their targets. The disciple was suffering on the isolated island. Suspension of hardship and burnout, this matter will be delayed."

"After half a year, we have been losing contact with the general altar, relying on the strenuous support from above and below the ranch, and repelling dozens of attacks by Xuan Yuezong and Dragon King Sect."

"And those mortals after mutation, apart from growing some weird scales and horns, which are a bit ugly, their actions and thinking are no different from ordinary people, they also recognize their relatives and friends, and they also know that they are law-abiding and respectful of their ancestors. "

"Their strength has increased several times. They are not afraid of miasma and poisonous mist. Even the beancake, alfalfa, and straw for spirit beasts can be used to satisfy their hunger. They are extremely useful in wars, and the disciples have nothing to do with it. they."

"Unexpectedly, after three months, the disciple discovered that there were more and more mutated mortals in the pasture. The disciple was surprised. After careful investigation, he found out that all the mortals on the vast star regarded the black spring as a'sacred spring'. If a mortal is seriously injured and the medicine is ineffective, he will drink the water of the black spring. Although it will become uglier, it will often survive and adapt to the harsher food and environment."

"The head and the elders don't know. During the months of fighting alone, Hao Miao Xing encountered pressure from both Xuan Yuezong and Longwang Sect. The casualties were very heavy, and the supplies were scarce to the extreme! Let the cultivators leave it alone. Mortals are extremely miserable. They have died of nine deaths on the battlefield, and their families are filthy and filial, and there are new graves everywhere!"

"A mortal who is loyal to Taiyi on the battlefield has fallen to the point of being seriously injured and dying. He just wants to ask for a black spring and live to take care of his family. How can a disciple refuse?"

"What's more, if such a heavy loss is not cured, the disciple will soon have no soldiers available, so how can you resist Xuan Yuezong and the Dragon King Sect?"

"The disciples were forced to develop that black spring on a large scale."

"In the beginning, the black spring was only given to the seriously wounded to drink, so as to save their lives. Later, many mortals ate a lot of straw, bark, and bodhi soil, and their abdominal distension was like a drum. Seeing that they were about to survive, the disciples had to kill the black spring. The spring was distributed to them for drinking, so that their internal organs were greatly strengthened, and they could barely survive by relying on bark, weeds and Bodhi soil. They lasted for a whole year, and finally they were supported by one of us to relieve the siege!"

"The head and the elders are clear lessons. Although the large number of mortals on the vast star are born ugly, they are still too one to rule the good people, too loyal to me, and they will never do evil or commit crimes!"

Bayan seems like a rough man, but this remark seems to be that he has practiced for a long time, stumbled and said it all the way, but it is also organized and well-founded.

The head of Tai Yi, who is based on the gossip, opened his eyes slightly, and his voice was as gentle as jade, like a clear spring in spring, slowly flowing into Bayanzhi’s heart: "Yanzhi, you are the one I grew up when I was young, and I know You have an upright nature and a kindhearted heart, and you will never do anything that exterminates humanity and is unforgivable! In this way, everything you do on the vast star is just a stopgap measure?"

"Returning to the head is not just a stopgap measure. The disciple thinks that that mysterious black fist can completely change Taiyi's future and even end this troubled world!"

Inspired by the head, Bayan straightened his chest, his eyes filled with tears, and said loudly.

There was a commotion on April and Monday, and many high-ranking monks sneered, and some even couldn't help but screamed: "A little 7th-level deacon, a husband who raises horses and cattle in a remote pasture, dare to speak out about the sect's major events? "

The head of Taiyi smiled gently and drizzle. With a gentle pressure with his hands, he calmed the commotion of the crowd, and asked gently: "Yanzhi, what do you think, but it's okay to say it."

Bayan nodded and said firmly: "Head, elders, today is chaotic, three thousand world wars are raging, all sects say that other sects are evil spirits, killing each other endlessly, causing devastation, devastation, countless lives. The world is torn apart!"

"We cultivators have vast supernatural powers and powerful bodies. In this chaotic world of war, we are also struggling and lingering. Those mortals who have no power to bind chickens are more like ant weeds, drifting in the storm. I don’t know when, there will be no burial place!"

"The disciple is on the vast grassland of the vast star, facing the vast galaxy, and has been thinking about a question."

"Xinghai is so vast, why do we cultivators want to kill each other!"

"The disciples pondered hard and were puzzled. It was not until they saw the spirit beasts fighting each other in the ranch that they suddenly realized."


"The resources in the Three Thousand Worlds are depleting day by day, but the remaining resources are not enough to support us, marching to the wider star sea!"

"We cultivators, like the spirit beasts that are raised, are like being trapped in a small pasture. We can fight for a stream that is about to dry up, or a small pasture! "

Taiyi's expression remained unchanged, and he asked indifferently: "As you said, how can you solve it?"

Bayan said in a loud voice: "The head of the world is a lesson, in fact, the resources in the three thousand worlds are not exhausted at all, and there are extremely rich resources waiting for us to collect!"

"Just say that near Haomiao Star, there are also Green Wolf Star and Canghuang Star, both of which contain a lot of resources to be collected. How rich are the mineral veins on it, why should we join the Xuanyue Sect and Xuanyuezong for a few small spiritual veins? Tianlong teaches **** battles?"

Taiyi said: "There are many natural resources, but the difficulty of mining is also extremely low. The blue wolf star is extremely low in temperature and cannot grow food. The native crops are rough and cannot be eaten by the miners; the yellow star is flooded. With the miasma and poisonous mist, no cultivator can survive there for a long time, let alone mortal miners!"

"If you collect resources there, if you collect one point, you will consume two points, which is not worth the gain!"

Bayan said excitedly: "It may have been so in the past, but with that mysterious'Black Spring', everything is not a problem!"

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