40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 927: Taiyi Yaozu's plan!

When Tai Yi's head smiled, every scale on his body seemed to glow, and his body was filled with new power. His voice was no longer as warm as water, but it was like nine days of thunder, irresistible.

"Don't understand, Yanzhi, everything is Taiyi's plan from beginning to end. For more than a hundred years, you have been led by Taiyi by the nose!"

"Everything you do is to lead the way for the king, to clear all obstacles for the One!"


Bayanzhi's face was pale, and every wound on his body opened like a baby's lips, but there was no extra drop of blood that could flow out. He growled, "Impossible, this is impossible!"

The head of Taiyi said: "More than a hundred years ago, our Taiyi first used Kunlun Divine Water to formulate Taiyi Demon Soldier. Originally, we wanted to use these demon soldiers to dominate the three thousand worlds, so that all the heavens and stars were enveloped in Tai One. Under the brilliance of the right way!"

"However, other sects soon used the prisoners or corpses of Taiyi Demon Soldiers to imitate different formulas of Kunlun Shenshui, and concoct a variety of demon soldiers, which made my Dao's plan slightly frustrated."

"More importantly, with the increasing number of demon soldiers in major factions, the problem of uncontrollability has gradually emerged. There are more and more demon soldiers riots in each major faction, and we are the first to bear the brunt. There have been dozens of demon soldiers. The situation of soldiers rebelling."

"If things go on like this, how should we control the three thousand worlds?"

"Hehe, at exactly this time, you raised the flag of rebellion and started a war against the entire cultivation world."

"We are too together, gathered all the cultivators above the Nascent Soul, repeatedly deduced and calculated carefully, and found that under the circumstances at that time, the fire of the rebellion could not be extinguished. Even if your Bayan was defeated, there would be a second and third one. A Bayan stood up straight!"

"It's better to take advantage of the trend than to be a car with a manly arm!"

"If, as a cultivator, Xinghai cannot be unified, what is the difference between being unified as a'monster'?"

"Over the past hundred years, your army has been on the front line, helping us wipe out countless hostile sects, and killed countless cultivators that we wanted to kill!"

"And the true strength of our too is to hide in the dark after pretending to be destroyed by you, continue to experiment and modulate!"

"We have collected different recipes of "Kunlun Shenshui" refined by countless sects, and tried them on mortals one by one. After decades of trial and error, we finally produced the most perfect "Kunlun Shenshui"!"

"Look at our new body, how perfect, how gorgeous, and how powerful!"

"This should be the real form of the monster race!"

"At the same time, the strength of our too has gradually penetrated into your demon army!"

"Three thousand worlds, after all, are too vast, and you are fighting on the front line again, how can you know what happened in a certain world on the other side of the sea of ​​stars?"

"Hehe, it doesn't hurt to tell you the truth, just as you are fighting desperately on the front line, the power of Taiyi has secretly controlled more than three hundred worlds!"

"The mud legs there, just washed their feet and went to the field, how do they know how to manage a state capital, a county? It's not on us!"

"Even your billions of demon army, from the logistics to the front line, is so infiltrated by us!"

"Oh, by the way, we shouldn't be called ‘Taiyi’ anymore. Now, we are the ‘Taiyi Monster Race’, the supreme royal family among the Monster Race!

In Bayan's straight throat, it seemed that dozens of spar bombs exploded at the same time, and he couldn't say a word.

The head of Taiyi praised: "Yanzhi, since more than a hundred years ago, I have always admired you very much. No matter what task is handed over to you, you will not hesitate to work hard, there are no complaints, and you have completed it properly, even ' For Wang Qianxue' such an arduous task, you have successfully completed it!"

"Now, the most powerful force in the realm of cultivation, the ‘Tianji Sect’, and most of the remnants of the cultivator, have all been wiped out by you."

"The demon army who is loyal to you also loses its strength and strength, and is vulnerable to a single blow."

"The Taiyi Demon Race came into being, took advantage of the trend to rise, and finally realized the dream of thousands of years, to unify the Galaxy! In the book of credit, I want to rewrite it for you, haha, hahahaha!"

Bayan's straight face changed from white to purple, and "Wow" he spit out a mouthful of blood: "You, you don't even want the Orthodoxy of Taiyi? As the head of Taiyi, you are willing to change from a cultivator to a monster race. ?"

"Don't you understand, cultivation, there is no future!"

Taiyi's head contemptuously said: "For thousands of years, three thousand worlds have been conquered endlessly. Comprehensions have been fighting against each other, killing three thousand worlds with exhaustion of spiritual energy, severing of spiritual veins, and exhaustion of spars!"

"Cultivation, what you cultivate is to vomit the aura of heaven and earth, if there is no aura, what else do you vomit?"

"Therefore, in the past thousand years, the cultivation of cultivators has become more and more difficult, and there are fewer and fewer mortals awakening their spiritual roots!"

"I still remember that when I first joined Taiyi four hundred years ago, even the dull brothers could get five spars for cultivation every month, plus the strong spiritual energy lingering in Taiyi mountain gate. The speed of practice is extremely fast, and within three or five years, you can improve to a small level!"

"However, after I became the head of Taiyi, several spiritual veins were successively depleted. Even disciples with outstanding talents can only be allocated two spars per month, ordinary sects with mediocre qualifications, three You can only get a broken crystal the size of a peanut by the moon, and the aura within the mountain gate is also thinner for a day!"

"Under this circumstance, ten years can improve to a small level, all are'geniuses'!"

"This is the legendary'Era of the End of Dharma'!"

"The Era of the End of Dharma is the end of the cultivator, no matter how outstanding your talents, no matter how transparent your character is, without aura and spar, it is in vain!"

"Poverty leads to change, change leads to continuity. In the era of the end of the law, there is only a dead end to continue to cultivate. You must find a new cultivation system to survive!"

"Three thousand worlds, tens of thousands of sects, which sect understands this truth first, and which sect can take the lead and become the master of Galaxy!"

"Hmph, now, we are the first to understand this truth!"

"Substituting the Kunlun Divine Water, transforming into a monster race, the monster race mainly cultivates the small universe in the body, stimulates the power in the depths of the body, and has much less demand for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth than the practitioners.

"Furthermore, the three thousand worlds have been completely smashed by the cultivators. In the new world with harsh environment and deep waters, the monster race has a greater advantage in survival!"

"Therefore, in the tens of thousands of years of the end of the Dharma era, the Yaozu is destined to be the master of the three thousand worlds!"

"Perhaps, after tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the aura in the Three Thousand World will gradually become stronger, the spar will condense again, and the Age of Domination will eventually pass."

"At that time, our descendants will naturally turn from demons to humans again, and re-inherit them, the one-way orthodoxy!"

Bayanzhi didn't expect Tai Yi's head to see so far away, not to mention that he had fallen into Tai Yi's layout as early as a hundred years ago, and his heart was like a knife twisted and faltered.

At this moment, the shouting and killing on the ground intensified, and another heavily armored demon army rushed out of the diagonal stab, and their armor chests were all engraved with two large characters:


Bayan shook his body and almost fell from mid-air, groaning in disbelief: "Xiao Changsheng, even you have betrayed!"

"It's not a rebellion, your right general Xiao Changsheng was originally a member of our Taiyi Demon Race!"

Tai Yi head said leisurely, "Yizhi, do you know what your biggest weakness is?"

"You are too naive, too naive, and too ignorant of people."

"You always like to divide people into two according to their races. In the past, you thought that cultivators were good and demons were bad. Later, you thought that cultivators were bad, and demons were born good. , Kind and just, so as long as the other party is a monster, you will trust unconditionally and support unprincipledly!"

"As the head of your past, for the sake of you for making such a great contribution, I am the last to enlighten you. People are not so divided!"

"In this world, there has never been a distinction between humans and demons, gods and demons, cultivators and demons!"

"These, there is no difference at all!"

"To divide, there are only two types-winners and losers!"

"Out of 10,000 people, there is only one winner. The remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine are all losers!"

"When I am a cultivator, I am a winner, and you and those ants are losers!"

"Now that I am a monster clan, I am still a winner, and you and those ants will be trampled under our feet again and become our servants, cannon fodder and slaves!"

"Even if one day, when the Doomsday Era passes, the monster race will revert back to the human race. Believe it or not, we are still winners. You will still be grass mustards, ants, and ash particles under our shoes!"

"Know yourself, what's wrong?"

"In this world, there are only a few resources. Out of 10,000 people, it is good to have enough food for one person. The rest are destined to go hungry!"

"But you want nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine out of ten thousand people to eat? This is not a foolish dream, so what is it?"

"You have had this dream for a whole hundred years. Now that you wake up from the dream, you are about to die, what else do you want to say?"

Bayan staggered straight, waving his hands wildly, as if he wanted to find a solid wall in the air. He panted with great difficulty, despair permeated every pore, and said with difficulty: "There is one thing, I never understand!"

"With Kunlun Shenshui, spirit beasts can also be made into monster beasts. Why didn't a large number of monster beasts be used to fight, but innocent ordinary people were harmed?"

The head of Taiyi smiled and said: "The spirit beast is too stupid after all, even if it is made into a monster beast, it is not easy to control."

"However, this is just a trivial reason."

"More importantly, spirit beasts are too expensive."

"It would take too much effort to raise a spirit beast. In a world where spirits are exhausted, it is extremely difficult to raise a spirit beast. Isn't it too wasteful to take the risk and make it into a beast?"

"Those untouchables are born with nature, everywhere like weeds, are they more cost-effective and more convenient than spirit beasts when they are used to make them?"

Bayan said with grief and indignation: "A good deal? In your eyes, what is the life of an ordinary person? Isn't it even a spirit beast?"

"of course."

Taiyi head said lightly, "How can ants and grass must be compared with fairy beasts?"

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