40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 940: Are you still a person?

The Xiaolong did not infiltrate the captive camp rashly, but circled the northern part of the isolated island. The northern peninsula spanned more than seven or eight kilometers. Even the exposed part of the captive camp was two or three kilometers away. Big.

Outside the captive camp, a triple barrier was set up.

The first is the extremely cold-resistant frost thorns, like countless ice cones entangled together to form a high wall of more than 20 meters. For every prisoner who dares to approach, a few thorns will appear like the head of a poisonous snake. Shaking.

Behind the frost thorns is the high-voltage power grid, with dark blue arcs flowing on the thick crystal filaments, and occasionally two arcs collide with each other, and dazzling electric sparks will explode.

Behind the high-voltage power grid are clusters of weird demonized plants. At first glance, they look like some kind of giant monster organs. They are three or four stories high and light blue all over. The translucent tumor is expanded, contracted, and re-expanded like a heart. The huge petals above are like blood basins that split into seven or eight petals. The spikes at the edges of the petals are like fangs, and the stamens are deep, spewing. A faint blue icy mist came out, converging into a faint icy cloud in the air.

Strange demonized plants were planted around the captive camp for a long time, reaching a depth of several hundred meters. The ice mist shrouded the entire captive camp for a long time.

According to Li Yao's experience, this should be some kind of demonized plant with the ability to attack air.

Frost thorns, high-voltage power grids, and this kind of frosty anti-aircraft demonization plant, even if it penetrates the triple obstacles, it is still a wind and anger outside, and the ghostly ice sea, even within thousands of miles. There is no point, it is indeed inevitable!

However, these are not the strongest prohibitions in the captive camp!

Between the frost thorns and the high-voltage power grid, every tens of meters stood a huge bronze pillar, like hundreds of giants in heavy armor, staring coldly at all the prisoners.

All the bronze pillars are engraved with mysterious and complex, antique runes.

A move in Li Yao's heart, judging from the brushwork and engraving methods of these spirit patterns, they are all ancient amulets 40,000 years ago.

"One hundred and eight huge pillars formed an ancient formation. Yes, this should be the ancient formation established by Bayanzhi’s "Chaotic Monster Race" 40,000 years ago to imprison certain fierce monsters. , Even... the place of the'Taiyi Demon Race'!"

Li Yao's spirit was lifted, and the ancient magic weapons that formed the ancient formation were naturally ancient magic weapons, and the most classic ancient spirit patterns were used.

Analyzing ancient spirit patterns, disassembling ancient magic weapons, and cracking ancient large formations are all his professions!

It seems that this ancient large formation is the center of the captive camp. If this is the case, if this large formation is destroyed, it is very likely that all the prisoners will be rescued!

Li Yao drove the Xiaolong, thoroughly scanning the spiritual patterns on the 108 large bronze pillars, and then flew carefully into the prison camp.

All the captives, regardless of the human race or the demon race, on their necks, wrists, and ankles, in addition to the weights for cultivation, they were also imprisoned with silver-white shackles. Each shackle was surrounded by shiny pieces. The spar was surrounded by mysterious and complicated spirit patterns.

Although these shackles are newly refined modern magic weapons, the spirit patterns on them also carry the characteristics of the ancient repair era, and they are in the same system as the spirit patterns on the huge bronze pillars.

"It seems that these shackles are used in conjunction with one hundred and eight huge bronze pillars. Judging from the direction of the spirit runes, they are some kind of magic weapon that can generate super strong electric arcs. I don't know if there are other mysteries. Up."

Li Yao was about to observe carefully when there was a commotion in front of him.

It turned out that it was the demon captive who was too involved in cultivation, splashing a few pieces of broken ice, and hitting the human captive's side, just hitting the forehead of a human captive.

The distance between the monster race and the human race was originally very deep. These prisoners were more like a deep hatred. A small spark immediately triggered a fire in the prairie fire. The two sides jumped up, across the invisible'boundary river'. 'He glared and cursed.

Suddenly, a sturdy man appeared in both camps!

The strange thing is that the leader who walked out of the Federal Army camp had blue-faced fangs, black all over, with unusually long arms, hanging down to the ankles, covered with black scales, and a bone tail like a meteor hammer was dragged behind him.

At first glance, it looks uglier than Yasha.

On his head, there was a field cap of the Union Army buttoned upright. Although the cap was full of holes, it was meticulously stitched by him and washed very stiffly.

In the center of the military cap is inlaid with a federal army medal, which is a red five-star, and there are two silver dragons coiled around it.

In the Yaozu camp, the one who walked out with his head held high was a middle-aged heroic man who was eight feet tall and wide-mouthed. Except for the slightly protruding lower jaw and two canine teeth sticking out of his lips, Li Yao could not see that he was a little bit. Yaozu characteristics.

"Are these two guys in the wrong camp?"

Li Yao scratched his head.

"Suo Chaolong!"

Coming out of the human captives, the "Yasha" wearing a Federal Army field hat roared, "What the **** do you mean? I haven't beaten enough last week. The big teeth that I had knocked out have grown again, yes. I don’t want to be beaten by Lao Tzu again!"

"Han Tuhu, don't be okay with troubles. Lao Tzu's people just accidentally splashed a little icy debris during cultivation. It was your people who spoke outrageously first!"

The captive leader of the monster race, the middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes smiled strangely, "Even such a small amount of icy crumbs beats you up and screams, it's a **** trash! No wonder I was beaten by Lao Tzu in the first place. Thousands of miles in a rush, all the way from the gloomy extremity to the Great Blade Pass!"


The "Han Tuhu" who looked like a Yasha laughed several times and took a sip. The saliva quickly froze in the air and fell to the ground. With a "slap", it was broken into powder, "A thousand miles? That's right, waiting for Lao Tzu's." When the Flying Tiger Group launched a counterattack, I didn’t know who threw his helmet and armor, and fled all the way north from the Great Blade Pass, and fled back to the Dark Territory in one breath!"

The monster leader "Suo Chaolong" protruded his eyes and shouted violently: "Those who threw their helmets and abandon their armor are just those lowly black blood and messy blood! Lao Tzu's blood lion brigade are all brave and noble. The silver blood was dragged down by those miscellaneous things and made a strategic retreat!"

"When you arrive at the Gloom and Die Realm, without the burden of those baggages, it's not that you have defeated some of your'three-legged cats' in one go!"


Han Tuhu’s eyes, eyebrows and nose were all squeezed together, “It’s a big breath, everyone just hurts both sides, and then they are all wrapped up in dumplings, caught in this ghost place in the ice and snow, and accept the test of life is better than death. Just yesterday, I died three more brothers, the three best brothers!"


Suo Chaolong also snorted with a spit, "Who the **** made your "three-legged cat group" bite so tightly, you want to die with Lao Tzu every minute! Lao Tzu's subordinates also died yesterday. Four died the day before yesterday!"

Han Tuhu sneered: "That is your own self-inflicted feeling. When you invaded the Tianyuan Realm, you, the'noble silver blood', I am afraid that you will fall to the present end, right?"

Suo Chao's dragon's eyes revealed a fierce light: "Finally, Lao Tzu is not an invasion, Lao Tzu is a recovery! Lao Tzu's ancestors, who lived in the Great Wilderness a thousand years ago, are the true Lord of the Great Wilderness!"

"Until today, above the Great Wilderness, there are still the remains of the Demon City of Lao Tzu's ancestors, don't you dare to deny it!"

"It was you despicable, insatiable Federal Army who invaded the great wilderness and destroyed our home! Most of the ancestors of Lao Tzu were killed by you. Only the 1% with the best luck passed the wormhole. Escaped to the blood demon world!"

"In terms of invasion, you Federation members are the real invaders. Lao Tzu is just trying to regain the homeland of our ancestors five hundred years ago!"

Han Tuhu said loudly: "Your ancestors lived in the Great Wilderness a thousand years ago, but the ancestors of our human race owned the entire star sea 40,000 years ago! As early as 40,000 years ago, there was human life in the Great Wilderness. Traces! There are countless unearthed cultural relics as evidence! How can this be counted?"

Suo Chaolong sneered and said: "Okay, even if you don't mention the events five hundred years ago, in the last ten years, the spar battleships of your Star Federation have been launched like dumplings, and the output of crystal armor is more than that of rabbits and cubs. , Military expenditures increase by 30% to 50% every year. Don’t tell me that you are *** peace-loving, just to defend your home and the country, and you never thought about invading the blood demon world!"

Suo Chaolong pointed to the medal in the center of Han Tuhu's military cap: "You got the'Secondary-Red Star Medal' of the Federal Army, right? According to the Federal Government's "Military Merit Law", those who have won the'Secondary Red Star Medal', Will be awarded 20 acres of Grade 5 land in the blood demon world."

"Hmph, "The Art of War" was formulated hundreds of years ago, and it has been revised dozens of times now, almost dividing all the plants and trees in our blood demon world!"

"I know that there are many cultivating sects in the Xingyao Federation, all of which are buying these'land of the future' from the veterans who have obtained military exploits. There are even special land bonds and stocks that are circulated in the market."

"Excuse me, if you don't plan to invade the blood demon world, how can this 20 acres of land be honored? If it's just an honor, those cultivating sects who are fed up must acquire the illusory ‘Future Land Development Rights’!"

"So, admit it, everyone is thinking about annexing each other, but the blood demon world is the first to be strong. This world is like this, the weak and the strong, the survival of the fittest, don't think that you humans are more just and kind than our demon race! "

Han Tuhu blushed, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't compare our great human civilization with your brutal and unscrupulous demonic civilization!"

Suo Chaolong "hehe" grinned weirdly, and pointed to his canine teeth that bared his jaw: "After I was tossed by those gangsters dozens of times, he still retains a little bit of the monster characteristics. As for you, where is there still a little bit? Human-like? Take a **** and take a picture of yourself as silly now, and you are also worthy to say something'great human civilization' without shame?"

"Hey, Han Tuhu, I have always been very curious, and I want to find an opportunity to ask you."

"Do you really think that you are still a person?"

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