40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 942: Bombs, more bombs!

One hour later, the Xiaolong successfully traversed numerous obstacles and returned to the biochemical beast warehouse located on the 26th floor of the "You Mansion" underground.

Until this moment, Li Yao finally got out of the ultra-corrosive stomach of the Thunder Python.

He didn't forget that he left some small "souvenirs" in the Thunder Python's throat.

If the Youfu Army wanted to use this Thunder Python to fight, the result would be very touching.

The Xiaolong hovered over the biochemical war beast warehouse and located a total of nine monitoring biochemical eyes. After Li Yao calculated all the angles, he waited with breath for half a minute before using the magnetic magic weapon to cooperate with the Xiaolong. Unscrew the **** of the cover plate inch by inch, and got out.

He looked like a ghost. Before the biochemical eyes turned around again, he quickly dashed down the biochemical beast storage tank, curled up in the narrow gap between the two storage tanks, and panted quietly.

The whole body's bones and muscles have contracted to the limit, not much bigger than a cat, leaving enough space for the arm to move. The ten fingers oscillate at a high frequency at a speed of more than 5,000 times per second. In a moment, a faint sound is heard. Burning breath.

It was the smell of the fingers rubbing against the air at high speed, and the skin was slightly scorched.

This is Li Yao's warm-up.

"The warm-up is complete, start preparing!"

Li Yao blinked, a golden glow in the depths of his eyes.

With his strength reaching the ultimate golden core, even without a light curtain, he can project all his thoughts on the retina, forming a phantom image, just like hundreds of light curtains appearing around him.

On the illusory light curtain, the above-ground and underground structure diagrams of the entire island, the 47 imaginary structure diagrams of the "Poisonous Scorpion Bone Piercing Heart Lock", and the structure diagrams of more than 300 tools he plans to modify and combine. , Everything is available.

All the structural diagrams are jumping and changing rapidly on the retina. Li Yao cut the calculation power into three parts and launched three different calculations, analyses and combinations at the same time.

One-third of the computing power, began to integrate the three-dimensional topographic map of "Youfu", using the method of "war chess deduction" to simulate all the situations that may be encountered after the action tomorrow.

Li Yao assumed that "five thousand Youfu army, Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom three masters of the Demon Emperor series" is the enemy's standard combat strength, and on this basis, the difficulty has been increased by 30%, and various calculations Under the circumstances, their own plans and countermeasures.

One-third of the computing power, in-depth recollection of Jiang Shaoyang's refining style of "Eclipse" ten years ago, as well as the traditional refining style of the Department of Deep Sea University.

Although Jiang Shaoyang is not what it used to be, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, many of the habits and techniques of refining tools that he has cultivated since childhood are deeply ingrained and at most concealed, but they cannot be completely erased.

Li Yao is now the ultimate golden core master and master craftsman, but some of his small habits can't change the traces cultivated in the magic treasure tomb.

What Li Yao has to do is to look for familiar styles that have been concealed by Jiang Shaoyang.

Then, think of a countermeasure!

"There is always a feeling that the current Jiang Shaoyang is somewhat similar to my refining style."

"So, if it's me, what should I do if I want to refine a magic weapon to confine the Yuan Ying and the Demon Emperor?"

In Li Yao's mind, brand-new design drawings quickly appeared. The pale gold lines seemed to have life, endlessly extending, constantly splitting, bending, crossing, and colliding.

The last one-third of the computing power is used with both hands to fine-tune the Xiaolong.

Xiaolong is a training ship of the Xinghai Empire era, and its purpose is to train warship captains.

Theoretically speaking, what kind of tactical maneuvers can be made by a true multi-functional expedition ship, and Xiaolong can also make the same maneuvers.

Even including the main gun salvo!

However, because the Xiaolong is too small, the spar and "ammunition" it can carry are extremely limited, and its "main gun" is not very lethal. A salvo is equivalent to at most a gas refining period. The ordinary attack of the monk.

It might as well strengthen the Momentum of Xiaolong drastically, and directly control the sprint of Xiaolong, piercing back and forth like a flying sword.

Therefore, when Li Yao was still in the Flying Star Realm, he undertook a comprehensive transformation of the Xiaolong.

Like the Spark, the chicken-rib main gun was dismantled and converted into a small mysterious light drill bit, which also strengthened its stealth and reconnaissance abilities.

Xuanguang drill bit, since it can drill through the hardest crystal ore, naturally it can also drill a hole in a person's head or heart!

What Li Yao has to do now is to modify the other secondary gun under the Xiaolong hull into a "Xuanguang Pen" that can continuously emit low-level Xuanguang.

Through Shenmin remote sensing, Xiaolong can be manipulated to carry out "remote magic engraving operations."

In addition, the finger-sized hull of the Xiaolong can also carry ten miniature directional spar bombs refined by Li Yao from the marrow. These bombs may not be too powerful, but if they are installed in a critical position, But it can interfere with the operation of an entire large-scale magic weapon system to a great extent.

This is the Xiaolong, fully armed.


After eleven minutes and nine seconds, Li Yao finished thinking, with his hands like wind, he rolled up hundreds of components and quickly refitted them.

As soon as he moved his hands, he hadn't stopped for more than twenty hours.

After he planned to break into the Blood Demon Realm alone, he filled his ten Universe Rings with magic weapons and spars, but he didn't expect it to come in handy here.

It took him three hours to modify the Xiaolong, and another five hours to modify the tool to break the "Poisonous Scorpion Heart Piercing Lock".

The rest of the time, except for some necessary auxiliary magic weapons, was all used to assemble and transform the spar bomb, and almost all the semi-finished materials in the ten universe rings were consumed.

"I can't wait!"

Putting the last spar bomb back into the Universe Ring, Li Yao struggled to stretch out his first sluggish waist for a day and a night, biting open a bottle of medical potion with his teeth, swallowing half of it, and sprinkling the other half on the **** blood. On his hands, there was a sound of "chichi".

Perceiving the rapid growth of fresh flesh and blood, Li Yao felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, and his brain seemed to be filled with spar bombs, exploding in a series of "boom boom boom".

He was inexplicably excited when he thought of countless Youfu army being blown into the air by him, and his internal organs bloomed like fireworks.

Li Yao frowned slightly, his spiritual thoughts penetrated deep into his brain, staring at the **** heart demon: "You are still imperceptibly exerting an influence on me, right?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon blinked very innocently: "Then I stop?"

"Forget it."

Li Yao licked his lips, moisturized the scorched throat with **** saliva, let go of part of the soul restriction, let the power of the **** heart demon continue to moisturize the crimson left eye, "not use today. "


One hour, twenty-three minutes and fifty-seven seconds later.

According to the blood demon world's calendar, this day is 10:32:33 on the morning of March 7th.

In this second, Old Ancestor Youquan was in a secret room of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall headquarters, exchanging a secret agreement with Jin Tuyi, the new commander of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance.

When the two sides exchanged a drop of each other's heart and blood and issued the heart demon blood oath, their faces showed a meaningful smile.

"With the full support of Youquan Kingdom and Lion Tuguo, Operation Red Tide will surely be a great success, and it won't be long before the Tianyuan Realm belongs to us!"

In the voice of Jin Tuyi, commander of the Allied Demon Army, he couldn't help but become excited.

"Yes, Tianyuan Realm is destined to belong to us!"

Old Ancestor Youquan's sight passed over Jin Tuyi's shoulders, penetrated the thick walls, and shot towards the not-too-distant future.

In the same second, in the depths of the windy and icy sea of ​​100,000 kilometers north of them, surrounded by violent winds and whirlpools, to the south of an unremarkable ice and snow island, the Xiaolong once again flew out of the ground silently, towards the north of the island. Fly away.

The prison camp was the same as the day before. The fierce fighting did not leave too many scars on these strong, monster-like prisoners, but the boundaries between the two sides were more clear. Everyone killed the hard rocks without saying a word. The air pressure is so low that it will freeze the air into icy lumps.

Li Yao saw Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong two captive leaders at a glance. The two of them looked at each other fiercely through a "boundary river" like cockfighting. I can't let them shut up, spitting loudly to the side one after another.

Li Yao also thought about whether or not to contact Han Tuhu in advance so that the other party could make preparations early, but he gave up this idea after repeated consideration.

He didn’t understand Han Tuhu’s character. He looked at the other person’s reaction that day. After cruel experimentation, he was modified to look like a human and a ghost. He was also a little bit irritable, in case of emotional instability. What flaw is that bad.

Li Yao had no doubt that in places he couldn't see, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at these dangerous prisoners.

"It's Suo Chaolong's demon captive a bit embarrassed."

If possible, Li Yao also hopes to bring some of the demon captives. The reason is very simple. Since Suo Chaolong can control the elite "Blood Lion Brigade" in the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, he should also be a noble of the Lion Slaughter Kingdom. It is simply a living evidence that can testify to the conspiracy of Youquan ancestor.

However, Suo Chaolong is obviously very hostile to humans. As a silver-blooded noble, he has no good feelings for the black blood and chaotic blood monsters that led to the defeat of the "War of Dawn". It is an unpredictable time bomb, ghost Know what he would think.

"I can only act by chance!"

Li Yao drove the Xiaolong and plunged into the icy deep sea.

Yesterday he carefully surveyed the internal structure of the captive camp. The scale of the camp is huge enough to accommodate tens of thousands of captives and guards living in it. For so many people to survive in a sealed underground environment, ventilation and drainage facilities are definitely indispensable. .

Li Yao tried to invade the ventilation facilities, but found several ventilation openings, all with high-sensitivity talismanic doors, so he could only hit the drainage facilities.

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