40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 944: Rat in a cage


A Youfu army was about to bend down to drag Suo Chaolong's legs, but he turned around and strangled him, locking his neck deadly.

The Youfu Army struggled desperately, but Han Tuhu quietly walked around behind him, his sharp claws piercing the back of his head.

The **** claw blade was pierced from the mouth of the Youfu Army. No matter how hard his body was strengthened by the demon pill, it would be of no avail. He was killed on the spot!

Suo Chaolong and Han Tuhu looked at each other, did not speak much, their hands were running like wind, and all the armor and weapons of the Youfu Army were stripped off while breathing!

Their strength was originally better than the Youfu Army, and they had magic weapons in their bodies, adding a bit of power, roaring, and rushing to the two wings.

"Control the gate, don't let the gate close!"

Most of the other prisoners also jumped up from the ground, showing fierce light in their eyes and howling wildly. No matter the Federation Army or the monster race, they all have blood vessels, prominent bones, and a series of fierce and evil psychic energy fluctuates through the body. After coming out, he viciously rushed to the dazed Youfu Army.

These prisoners have gone through dozens of frenzied modulations, their bodies have undergone extraordinary changes, and they have been used to seeing their closest comrades die in pain and torment every day. Knowing such an outcome, one day it will be their turn.

They had already regarded themselves as dead, and they had adopted a style of fighting for their lives and killing together. Even if they couldn't escape, they would ask for a happy break!

The Youfu Army was lonely and lonely. After killing a few prisoners, it was quickly swallowed and torn apart by the crowd, and the weapon was taken away!

In the depths of the captive camp below the ground, it seemed that an astonishing change had taken place, with waves of fierce beasts roaring like cages.

Suddenly, a dark tide rushed out from the ground!

More captives!

The Federation Army and the demon clan captives are mixed together, and there are even the Chaos Blade warriors who have just been captured. They have different appearances, different bloodlines, and control forces of different natures, but they have the same goal.

Get out!

Or, dying vigorously!

For a time, the alarm bell was loud, and an unknown demon light was shining above the prison camp, the frost thorns grew wildly, and the thorny thorns danced frantically.

In the empty corners around, several hidden teleportation formations were highlighted, and a large number of heavily armed Youfu Army was teleported here!

These Youfu Army, similar to what Li Yao had seen in the "Weapons Proving Grounds", they all wear reinforced collars around their necks. Inside are stored four or five different colors of potions, swords and firearms in their hands. , Is also a combination of magic weapon and demon weapon, half metal, half flesh and blood!


One hundred and eight huge bronze pillars once again released a strong electric arc, intertwined into a blue net, firmly locking every prisoner wearing a conductive shackle!

However, the captives who had completely torn out their camouflage did not fall to the ground as usual, and the arc had no effect on them.

Some of the prisoners even swallowed the arc with big mouths, showing a satisfied expression, seeming to be able to directly convert the arc into psionic energy!


This frantic current, like a raging flood, slammed into the newly-appearing Youfu Army!

Most of the captives were unarmed, but they had an absolute advantage in number. Three or four captives surrounded a Youfu army. Their teeth, claws, tails, and horns were inhumanly modulated, making them full of natural weapons!

The two leaders, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, are one left and the other right, and they cooperate with each other in a tacit understanding, like comrades in arms who have been fighting side by side for decades, forming the arrow of the torrent.

Even the enhanced elite of Youfu Army are not their opponents.

Li Yao watched with enthusiasm.

Now, there is hope!

He did not hesitate to launch a miniature crystal bomb!


South of the island, in the core control room of Youfu.

This control room integrates the most advanced magic weapons and weapons of the blood demon world and the celestial world. The crystal brain and the biochemical brain are mixed together. The light curtain and the neurocurrent imaging system excited by the biochemical brain are used together. From hundreds of different angles, Accurately captured the whole picture of this big escape.

Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba and Maelstrom, the three Youfu commanders, looked at the huge light curtain with ease.

"Teacher Lu is really an unknown prophet. I didn't expect these guys to really hide their strength." Maelstrom said with a smile.

"of course."

Lu Wuxin lay down on the seat comfortably, put his legs on the table, and said triumphantly, "I am absolutely confident in my transformation. I can survive my dozens of modulations and survive. How are these guys? Possibly, only the slightest strength that is usually presented?"

"It's just that they are too dishonest. No matter how we test, we are not willing to use our best. Even if we use our best, the "potential" in the deepest part of the body cannot be tested."

"It's better to deliberately slack management, secretly release a few news, let them think that there is an opportunity to come to a vigorous'big prison escape', look, how spectacular, how bloody, how powerful, fully stimulated all the potential. , Haha, hahahaha!"

Hei Ba stared at the light curtain, and his voice was a little grim: "Unexpectedly, even the high-voltage electric arc would not knock them down!"

"Natural selection is competitive, and the fittest can survive if they adapt to the environment. If they don't adapt to the environment, they can only die!"

Lu Wuxin licked his lips, chuckled and said, "The death rate in the prison camp is very high. Now these guys have survived among tens of thousands of prisoners. Those who can't hold the high-voltage arc are the weak. They are already dead, they are the strongest!"

"After my modulation, their cells have strong learning ability and adaptability. Perhaps at the beginning, they really can't handle the high-voltage arc, but they get an electric shock every three to five. Slowly, the cell tolerance gradually increases. ."

"It can be said that this is also a kind of cultivation, a special cultivation!"

The black bully snorted and said: "That's why, no wonder Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, the two restless guys, will start a fight every two days. It turns out to be to cultivate their ability to resist electric shock!"

"Not only that, I'm afraid they are also using the melee when they are together, exchanging news, discussing the escape plan, and understanding each other's combat mode, so that they can better cooperate in the'future' side-by-side combat."

Uzumaki smiled and said, "The captives will escape, I expected; the captives are not afraid of electric shocks, I also expected it; but Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, two dangerous figures, will actually let go of their deep hatred and stir up together. This is really beyond me. Surprise!"

Lu Wuxin's eyes flashed with crazy light, and he murmured: "Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, but my two most perfect'works'!"

"Han Tuhu comes from a family of soldiers in the Star Federation. His ancestors have been fighting for 500 years. Through his generation, he commanded the Federation's most elite rapid reaction force, the Flying Tigers. He is the best in the Star Federation. Soldiers!"

"Suo Chaolong is the nobleman of the lion slaughter country. His blood lion brigade was also slain in the blood sea of ​​the corpse mountain. It is the most powerful fighter representative of the blood demon world!"

"The two of them are by no means rash men with well-developed limbs and simple minds. With the addition of repeated modulations, they have greatly developed their brains. Their wisdom has been greatly improved compared with the "Battle of Dawn", and they will naturally follow Environment and conditions, make the best choice!"

"It can be said that the two of them are the most perfect ultimate fighters in my mind!"

Lu Wuxin couldn't wait to rub his hands: "Great, great. If we finally formulate an army, it can have the same combat power, initiative and wisdom as theirs, who else is our opponent?"

"Yes, even Youfu Army, it seems that they are not their opponents." Hei Ba said sourly.

Lu Wuxin smiled and said slowly: "Be safe, don’t be impatient, didn’t I say it a long time ago, through this big riot, to finally test the performance and combat parameters of this batch of test bodies, by the way, you can also test our research and development. What's wrong with the new weapon."

"After getting detailed data to ensure stability and safety, you can strengthen the Youfu Army in the same way, so that you all become the strongest fighters!"

"Lao Tzu is the strongest." Hei Ba gritted his teeth and said softly.

"Forget it, why bother to be angry with some white mice in the cage?" The whirlpool's wings flapped gently, fanning out the blurred phosphor powder, and sprinkled it on the black bully.

"How is the data collection?"

Lu Wuxin turned his head and asked a white-robed demon race.

"All the actual combat parameters of all test bodies have been collected. The comprehensive combat performance of each test body has been improved by an average of 77% compared with the conventional test. In addition, 155 new changes that we have not discovered before have been discovered, and 87 A new supernatural power."

The White-robed Demon Race wears two biochemical chips, and countless data are leaping quickly on his retina.

"It's almost there. A large number of prisoners and the Youfu Army have died. They are the most valuable assets in Youfu. You can't just waste it. Switch the'Dutian Thunder and Devil Array' to the strong magnetic field mode and end the test!"

Lu Wuxin waved his tentacle.


The tentacles of the divine mind on the forehead of the white robe demon race trembles slightly, and then cooperates with the rapid operation of the hands on the light curtain, I can see the electric arc entangled on the 108 large bronze pillars in the monitoring screen, suddenly dimmed Go down, as if to disappear!

"what happened?"

In the northern part of the isolated island, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, who were fighting **** in the captive camp, didn't know that they had fallen into a sad test at the beginning.

They only felt that the arc hitting the body was suddenly weak, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Seeing the dim arc on the huge bronze pillar, I was overjoyed for a while.

"That **** prohibition has exhausted its psionic energy!"

"Rush, rush, rush out!"

Countless prisoners yelled excitedly, "Aoao", their blood boiled, and the momentum was like a rainbow, and they rushed to the frost thorns desperately.

However, the next second--

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