40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 946: Prison break frenzy!

Before the last word was spoken, So Chaolong bit his tongue, because the whole land shook up and down violently, as if a wild beast hit the island violently on the bottom of the sea, causing the island to jump up first. After more than ten meters, he fell down again!

In an instant, everyone had weightlessness, and even some people's buttocks volleyed by ten or twenty centimeters.

"Boom! Click!"

In the depths of the island, there was a loud noise, even though it was separated by a thick rock formation, it seemed to detonate a spar bomb on everyone's cochlea!

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Dozens of huge bronze pillars suddenly fell to the ground, and the ground next to them collapsed in a large area. Clusters of bright lightning spewed out from the cave, like a fountain, like magma, like a seedling of lightning, which grew in an instant. Become a towering tree!

The collapse continued to expand, and dozens of collapses gathered together, forming a large hole nearly one kilometer in diameter, which severely eroded a corner of the prison camp.

Within this range, all the frost thorns, high-voltage power grids, large bronze pillars and surrounding demonized plants disappeared!

Looking down from the side of the big hole, you can clearly see the beehive-like section of the prisoner camp. A large number of prisoners were originally held underground, and they had not had time to escape from the ground through the narrow exit. At this moment, they were bathed in the biting cold wind. Against the gloomy sky, everyone was stunned, like stiff penguins!

At the bottom of the big hole, it was supposed to be the center of the big formation, the spar warehouse, and the area where a Youfu army squadron and dozens of biochemical beasts were stationed, but under the violent electric current, it turned into a black hole of death. !

The carrying capacity of the teleportation array is limited. This Youfu Army squadron is all assembled and prepared to be teleported to the ground in squads, but it was too late to make a scream, and it was completely torn apart by the flood dragons condensed by billions of arcs , The bones and meat were swallowed up!

Suo Chaolong, Han Tuhu, and Yuchiba stared at each other, their lips trembled for a long time, and there was a lump of ice in their throats, and they couldn't utter a word.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

The huge bronze pillars standing on the ground skewed to the ground also lost the ability to spray arcs, and the electromagnetic restraint magic weapons in mid-air smashed down one after another like hail.

All the captives' electromagnetic shackles lost their magnetism, and their hands and feet were easily separated!

Suo Chaolong and Han Tuhu looked at each other, their noses met, and the two shivered and hurriedly pushed each other away.

Suo Chaolong moved his hands and feet openly, his eyes changed from shock to confusion, from confusion to joy, from joy to madness!

"The Great Chaos and Chaos God has manifested. It is the Great God of Chaos who has come to save us!"

Yuchiba's tears rolled with excitement, leaving crystal ice beads on his rough big face.

Many devout Chaos believers even worshipped in the direction of Dadong.

"Worship a ghost now!"

Suo Chaolong slapped fiercely, and pierced the ground with a "snap" of saliva. He hammered twice on his chest, and the muscles of his arms and chest swelled like a blow, and he yelled strangely, " All the prohibitions have been invalidated, and the road to outside the prison camp has been opened, but don't rush to escape, everyone first go to meet all the brothers underground, and find the enemy's arsenal by the way!"

"The formed enemies will soon be killed from the southern part of the isolated island. Before they arrive, they must obtain enough weapons to form a stable formation!"

"Hold this for a while, we will definitely be able to escape!"

"Brothers, go!"

The captain of the blood lion brigade, the silver-blooded demon clan Suo Chaolong roars!

"Brothers, go!"

The owner of Skull Island, the fifth elder of Chaos Blade, Wei Chiba roars!

"Brothers, go!"

The leader of the Flying Tiger battle group, the colonel of the Federal Army, and the strong pill formation Han Tuhu roared!


In the surveillance picture, like hungry marching ants, swallowing the entire captive camp, the Youfu Surveillance Center fell into a weird silence.

The expressions on Lu Wuxin, Hei Ba, and Wuxi's faces were as if a cone of ice had been inserted from the Tianling Gai, frighteningly cold.

"what happened?"

Every bump on Lu Wuxin's face seemed to burst with angry magma.

"It seems, it seems that the'Du Tian Xun Lei Fu Demon Array' was accidentally overloaded, detonating a large number of thunder and lightning spars just added yesterday, triggering a big explosion at the bottom of the field! Prohibition, complete failure!"

The white-robed demon clan who was in charge of controlling the "Dutian Thunder and Demons Array" stumbled and said, with an expression of being trapped in a swamp, completely swallowed by despair.

"Zi! Zizi!"

In the control center, lights flickered, and ripples appeared on countless light curtains. Even the frequency of biochemical brain twitches was much higher than normal, and even a few small biochemical brains burst directly!

In the communication channel, there were one after another exclaims, and there were serious interference and psychic instability in many key positions.

Lu Wuxin's face became more and more gloomy: "Statistics of the loss!"

The White Robe Demon Race said with a bitter face: "The Dutian Thunder and Demons Array is not only the center of the prohibition, but because it can stimulate high-voltage electromagnetism, it has also become the source of psychic energy for nearly half of the facilities in the Youfu."

"This explosion not only exploded most of the prison camps, and affected the Youfu Army of a squadron, but at the moment of the explosion, the ultra-high-intensity electromagnetic fluctuations also caused many of our magic weapons and demon weapons. Seriously, there is strong interference in both communication and monitoring screens. Even if you switch to standby energy now, it is expected to... it will take at least half an hour to return to normal!"

Lu Wuxin rubbed his face fiercely with his tentacles, and gritted his teeth and said: "It's a genius design. Most of the equipment's energy is concentrated in one place, huh?"

"No way, the Arctic Yinfeng Island is too remote, and it is very difficult to transport supplies here, and in such a cold weather, heat preservation is needed everywhere, and the consumption of spar is also very huge."

The White-robed Demon Race weakly defended, "Since the'Du Tian Xun Lei Fu Demon Array' can continuously generate a large amount of electromagnetic fluctuations, there is no reason to waste such precious energy..."

Lu Wuxin stared at him, his tentacles swelled one after another, turning red, like an angry cobra, looking like he wanted to strangle the white-robed demon race alive.

However, he finally calmed down after slowly exhaling a foul breath, waved to Hei Ba and Maelstrom and said, "At all costs, quickly suppress the riot of the test subject!"

"Including killing them all?" Hei Ba asked.

Lu Wuxin hesitated: "Many of them have been specially modulated, which is very important to our research. If possible, it is better to get alive."

Hei Ba and Maelstrom looked at each other, knowing that such an order was equivalent to binding a hand of the Youfu Army.

However, they also knew what this batch of test subjects meant to Old Ancestor Youquan's plan, and they nodded at the same time, turned and left.

"and many more!"

The moment they turned and left, Lu Wuxin shouted with a sullen face, "I will bring the'those things' and go with you!"


In the underground of Youfu, in the warehouse of biochemical beasts, the sirens were louder than ever.

Dozens of Youfu army rushed and activated the biochemical beasts and sent them to the ground through the teleportation array.

Above them, a faint red glow flashed past, so fast that neither they nor the disturbed monitoring biochemical eye could detect it.

Li Yao was racing through the winding corridor.

Every monitoring biochemical eye was spotted by Xiaolong during the reconnaissance the day before yesterday. He walked in a dance-like pace, avoiding the surveillance area, and quickly found his destination, a night lounge of the Youfu Army.

At this moment, there was no one inside, but there were several sets of Youfu Army's combat uniforms in the cupboard.

Half a minute later, a Youfu Army wearing a long black leather windbreaker and a pure black cold mask on his face got out of the lounge. After flashing a corner, he held his head up and walked towards the lifting platform. go with.

Although it is strange to wear strict cold masks indoors, considering that they are likely to rise to the ground to fight, it may not be suspicious to do so.


The door of the lifting platform opened gently, but there were three heavily armed Youfu Army inside.

The three Youfu Army soldiers were whispering and didn't care about Li Yao's appearance.

The control system of the lifting platform needs to scan the palm print before a new floor can be selected.

The destination of these three Youfu Army is the sixth underground floor.

If Li Yao hadn’t been scanned for palm prints, he could only go to the same floor with them. However, Li Yao didn’t know the situation of the sixth underground floor, and there was no suitable reason to go there. A little hesitation would be very likely to cause it. Their cross-examination.

Li Yao turned his back to them and gently placed his right hand on the scanning symbol array.


The scanning symbol array turned green!

Li Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and chose the floor where the Fire Ant King was detained.

After hearing the familiar voices, the three Youfu Army didn't even look at him again.

When he was in the biochemical beast warehouse, Li Yao had been thinking about how to go up.

The ventilation ducts are full of flying insects and spiders. Obviously, it is impossible to climb up. The lifting platform is the most convenient choice.

The key is that he wants to get a palm print of Youfu Army.

This is hard for him.

How to scan palm prints and forge palm prints is recorded in the "Story of the Wind and Rain", compiled by Feng Yu, a star thief strong in the flying star world.

Li Yao carefully scanned in the biochemical war beast warehouse, and extracted a relatively complete palm print about the size of his own palm. With his amazing hand speed and micro-carving technique, he extracted a creature that was refined on a piece of beast pleura. I copied the palm prints completely on the thin slices, and then fitted them to my palms, and I was really confused!

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