40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 948: Can't crack!

For the Fire Ant King, the next half a minute is really the most tormented 30 seconds of his life. After seeing the silent killing screen of mica silk, these deadly weapons are by his side at a speed of five times the speed of sound. The rapid cutting, sputtering hot metal chips, really made him feel hairy.

The Fire Ant King couldn't think that one day, his life would be in the hands of a Yuanying monk in such a way, he would still be such a young Yuanying!

Even more frightening is the expression of this strong Yuan Ying. Although his mouth is cursing and sweat is steaming on his forehead, there is a smile in the depths of his eyes of different colors, and the corners of his mouth are tilted up unconsciously. Excitement is permeated through the pores, and occasionally he licks the corners of his mouth, not as if he is dismantling one of the most terrible magic weapons, but as if he is facing a delicious meal and is feasting on it.

As the dismantling progressed, his expression became richer and richer, sometimes frowning, sometimes gloomy, sometimes excited, and sometimes furious.

The fire ant king is not afraid of death. The feeling of being pulled back and forth on the death line is really too tormented!

After half a minute, Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and the speed of all mica filaments eased down.


The Fire Ant King held his throat, trying not to make his voice too anxious.

"not at all."

Li Yao was very appreciative and said, "Jiang Shaoyang really deserves to be the premier craftsman in the Federation. He even hid the'Winter Lei Zhen Electric Talisman' under the golden ring three stacks of talisman and created a small trap. The acuity of'Electric Talisman' has increased more than ten times. Just now I just sensed the slight vibration of my mica silk manipulation, and the talisman array was triggered, and it almost detonated within half a second!"

"Fortunately, I temporarily built a new psychic circuit for the'Winter Thunder Shock and Electric Talisman', making it mistakenly believe that the excitation signal has been transmitted to the main control chip, and it did not detonate."

"Wonderful, really wonderful. Jiang Shaoyang's layout and micro-carving techniques have reached the pinnacle. It is estimated that many master craftsmen of the Star Federation, when cracking the'poisonous bone piercing lock', they are all ' Die' in this trap, hahahaha!"

Fire Ant King: "...this fellow Taoist, there are still two minutes and forty-two seconds!"

Li Yao nodded, touched his chin, and muttered: "This is difficult. Jiang Shaoyang has placed more than one "Winter Thunder Earthquake Talisman" in the depths of the "Poisonous Scorpion Bone Piercing Heart Lock". Ten locations, and nine of them use a synchronous tandem structure, just like twenty alarm bells hung on a rope. As long as you touch the rope lightly, the alarm bells will sound at the same time!"

"My extreme hand speed can crack three'Winter Thunder Shocking Talisman' at the same time. Twenty places are beyond the limit of any refiner!"

Li Yao looked at the crystal clear magic weapon components, quietly tranced.

The tens of thousands of magical components behind him still resemble life-bearing giants of sand, constantly condensing, collapsing, condensing, and collapsing again.

Time passed by, and after a full minute, Li Yao was still in a daze and did not start a new crack.

Fire Ant King watched the numbers on the light curtain beating, his eyes almost got into the light curtain!

Li Yao finally stretched out his hand again, pressing virtually on the top of the "poisonous scorpion piercing the heart lock", his eyes narrowed slightly, and his psychic energy was immersed silently and silently.

The Fire Ant King held his breath, lest his gasping sound would disturb Li Yao.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao kept this posture motionless all the time, and didn't mean to start deciphering at all.

Behind him, countless magical artifacts gathered together again and grew tenaciously. This time they persisted for dozens of seconds, like a tower of sand. The structure became more and more complex and more sophisticated, turning into an intricate and weird look. Magic weapon.

However, just as the fire ant king's hope surged into his throat, this magic weapon collapsed with a crash!

At this moment, it is still half a minute before the "venomous scorpion piercing heart lock" detonates!

"I can't do it."

Li Yao finally opened his eyes, the expression in his eyes is hard to describe with pen and ink, half frustrated, half excited, said, "Jiang Shaoyang's design is impeccable, this is a magic weapon that can never be violently cracked!"

"Unexpectedly, in just ten years, his strength has risen to this level. I really hope that one day I can compete with him face to face again, with the same material, the same topic, and the same magic weapon!"

Fire Ant King: "..."

Behind Li Yao, most of the magic weapon components bounced away, and only hundreds of the simplest magic weapon components remained sparsely suspended in mid-air. They collided with each other and bitten together to form a relatively simple structure. The appearance is extremely ugly, like a magic weapon of scrap copper and rotten iron.

One of the magic weapon components dragged out a long crystal line, and under the control of Li Yao's divine mind, it was connected to a slot of the miniature crystal brain.


This group of scrap copper and rotten iron trembled violently, as if it would fall apart at any time.

The fire ant king was panting like an ox, sweating profusely.

In front of Li Yao, a dozen light curtains were once again inspired, and each light curtain was covered with shining control runes.

For a moment!

His hands turned into ten streams of light, and a dozen light curtains were completely penetrated and torn apart!

Nineteen seconds, eighteen seconds, seventeen seconds...

The numbers on the countdown light curtain still jumped slowly, and the Fire Ant King was almost desperate.

Li Yao's hand speed was getting faster and faster, and at first there was only a faint burnt smell, and then ten streams of light were covered with ray of red light, and the sparks lingered beside the streamer, as if countless. Red fireflies are flying all over the sky!

The Fire Ant King was shocked. He knew that this was a sign that his hands were soaring to the limit, his hands were rubbing against the air, and he was ignited by the air!

It is as if the ten fingers of this young Yuanying have turned into ten meteorites protruding into the atmosphere, burning in the high-speed friction with the atmosphere!

"Crackling, crackling!"

On all light curtains, crimson red ripples appeared, and spiritual patterns and data were distorted.

The Fire Ant King was even more stunned. This young Nascent Soul's hand speed had increased to such an extent that even the spirit wave that formed the light curtain was disturbed!

Nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds!

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

The Youfu Army leather trench coat on Li Yao's upper body, starting from the sleeves, to the shoulder blades, to the chest, the pieces were torn apart and turned into scraps!

The windbreaker couldn't stand Li Yao's long-term ultra-high-speed operation, and the fibers were aging, torn, and shattered!

Six seconds, five seconds, four seconds!

Even the battle suit that he wears next to his body, can stretch to tens of meters in length, has ultra-high strength and defensive power, can't bear it, as if being cut by an invisible sound knife, cutting out a series of long and narrow gaps!

The last three seconds!

The ten streamers violently condensed together and turned into ten fingers again, but they glowed with a translucent orange-red light, like ten red-hot steel bars!

Two seconds!

Li Yao gently bit his lip and opened a brand new light curtain like a dragonfly.

Fire Ant King discovered that this is a control interface of some kind of magic weapon.

One second!

The fire ant king's heartbeat suddenly rose to its limit, and he thought of many things in an instant.

The brilliance of the Great Chaos God, the conspiracy of Youquan ancestors, the fate of countless low-level monster brothers, his own negligence and stupidity, and this inexplicable young infant who did not know where he came from, and his hard work. A chaotic city built up.

It doesn't matter if you die, but what about the future without chaos?

What is the future of Chaos Blade? What is the ultimate plan of the Ancestor Youquan? What is his so-called "third life form", the **** race, which is superior to the human race and the monster race...

The Fire Ant King was stunned suddenly.

Uh, this second is too long.

Looking closely, the number on the light curtain is firmly stuck on the "1", as if being dragged by an invisible iron rope, it can't jump to the "0"!

"Successful? Did you really crack the'Poisonous Scorpion Eroding Heart Lock'?" The Fire Ant King muttered to himself, feeling complicated.

He was uncertain whether he was alive or dead.

Perhaps, this is just the illusion created by the last ray of remnant soul?

"No, I said that Jiang Shaoyang's work is perfect and it is absolutely impossible to brute force it."

Li Yao sighed softly, blowing out a small flame on his index finger, "Perhaps, give me three days and three nights, I can think hard, fight this magic weapon, and crack it out with violence. "

"But in just five minutes, absolutely impossible!"

Fire Ant King frowned: "Then what do you..."

"I didn't brute force this magic weapon, just re-refining a controller."

Li Yao shook his wrist, connected to the group of scrap copper and rotten iron miniature crystal brains, "The controller and the scorpion piercing heart lock were reconnected, and they switched back to the remote control mode. The countdown naturally stopped."

Fire Ant King was stunned: "Re-refining a controller? How is it possible!"

"Of course it is possible."

Li Yao explained patiently, “everything will never leave its origins. No matter how remotely controlled it is, it will transmit a specific frequency and a specific nature of psychic energy to a certain receiving chip of the "venomous scorpion piercing heart lock", then I What needs to be done is actually very simple. It is to use the method of psionic penetration to figure out the overall psionic framework of this magic weapon, redraw all the structural diagrams in the brain, and follow the vines to find the receiving chip."

"After finding the chip, based on each spiritual pattern on the chip, calculate the nature of the spiritual wave it receives, and at what frequency it will oscillate."

"Obviously, as long as you master the nature and oscillation frequency of this spiritual wave, you will know the structure of the controller. The next step is the simplest step. I only need to save a controller by myself, and then engrave a few transmitter chips with mica wire. Come out, simulate exactly the same Lingbo, and you're done!"

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