40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 961: Operation Cancer! (Fourth!)

Han Tuhu was silent, and he could tell from the blinking eyes that he was mobilizing all his brain cells and calculating quickly.


After a full five minutes, a white mist appeared on his forehead, nodded, and calmly said, "You are right. It is impossible to conquer the blood demon world in a short time, so there is nothing left. The only choice."

"You persuaded me, Major Li, that I can temporarily cooperate with the monster clan as I did on Youfu Island."

"Of course, the premise is that the Yaozu is also willing to cooperate with us, although I don't have much hope for this."

Li Yao was agitated. In any case, the hard first step was finally taken! He said sincerely, "Thank you, Colonel Han, I thought--"

Li Yao didn't know how to express his messy emotions.

"I thought I would be annoyed to denounce you as a traitor to the Federation, or even... a ‘traitor’ of a foreigner from Litong?" Han Tuhu asked.

Li Yao scratched his hair and nodded: "Almost."

Han Tuhu smiled: "I haven't thought about it this way. However, if we make this choice, I am afraid that many people in the Federation will reprimand us like this? It doesn't matter, I can be raptured with a'super federation hero'. Perhaps the greatest glory of a Union soldier!"

Li Yao said: "I believe that one day, everyone will understand us."

Han Tuhu laughed again and said lightly: "I want to tell you a story, Major Li. It was just when the'Battle of Dawn' broke out."

"The Battle of Dawn was the first large-scale strategic offensive of the Blood Demon Realm against the Tianyuan Realm. Unlike previous outbreaks of beast tides, all the regular troops of the Blood Demon Realm were dispatched this time, and almost all the main forces and lions of the Youquan Kingdom were involved. Most of the power of Tu Guo!"

"During the Battle of Dawn, the Federal Army has been suppressed and beaten. The strategy and tactics are messed up. They are exhausted and retreat steadily. They have lost the entire wilderness. Even Major Li’s alma mater, the Desert Camp, has been lost, and it has been beaten to the wilderness by the enemy. The demarcation point with the Central Plains, the closing of the giant blade, can be said to be the most humiliating battle in the past three hundred years."

"The whole Federation is panicked and full of failure."

"However, at the time, no one knew that half of the reason why the EFF was defeated so quickly was true, and the other half was also intentional. A top-secret plan was secretly brewing, codenamed the'Cancer Project'!"

"Yes, we did not have enough preparation for our first ultra-large-scale strategic offensive against the Blood Demon Realm, and we suffered heavy losses in the early stages of the war."

"However, after ten years of gathering, the Federation exhausted its national power and formed a total of sixteen full crystal armor battle groups. More than 70% of the warriors in the battle group are equipped with the'dark bone battle armor' designed by Major Li! The commandos and officers are also equipped with a variety of more advanced types of crystal armor!"

"With these sixteen full crystal armor battle groups, we are fully capable of blocking the Ten Thousand Demon Allied Forces on the northern front line of the Great Wilderness, and even driving them back to the blood demon world!"

"However, after studying and judging the entire battle, the General Staff Department made a very risky decision. It was ready to devote all the tricks and lure the enemy to deep, to eat the main force of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons with one bite, one soldier and one soldier. They fled back to the blood demon world!"

"Many cities and towns were voluntarily given up by us, and many strategic mistakes were also made on our own initiative, just to induce the Allied Forces of Demons to make wrong judgments about our strength and intentions!"

"Either the Federal Army or the Federal citizens paid an extremely heavy price, just to turn the Great Wilderness into the cemetery of the Allied Forces of Demons!"

"When the Allied Demon Army drove straight into the Great Wilderness, such as entering the land of no one, and finally reached the Great Blade Pass in the southern part of the Great Wilderness, their supply lines were getting longer and longer, and the powerful monster soldiers gradually showed fatigue. "

"And the twelve of the sixteen full crystal armor battle groups of the Federation are like two big tongs of a Cancer. They quietly circumscribed from the left and right wings to the rear of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance, trying to cut the gap between the enemy and the blood demon world. The connection will keep them in the Tianyuan Realm forever!"

"This plan can be called a dance on a razor. It is extremely risky and of course extremely confidential."

"In order to conceal the existence of this plan, and to explain why the All Crystal Armor Group did not appear in the Great Wilderness, the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense did a good show to let the Federal Army deliberately pretend to preserve its strength and base itself on it. Defensively, even panicked and hesitating, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense preached that the formation of the full crystal armor clan is not easy and cannot be easily consumed. On the surface, all sixteen full crystal armor clan groups were transferred back. The major cities in the hinterland of the Central Plains, especially near the capital, put on a posture that cannot be shrunk."

"My Flying Tiger battle group, one of the first battle groups in the Federation to fully change crystal armor, has also been transferred back to the capital."

"No one knows that the real Flying Tigers are maneuvering very secretly in the depths of the Great Wilderness, and the'crystal armor' that appears near the capital are all realistic models and three-dimensional illusions."

"This time the strategic deception was indeed very successful. The Ten Thousand Demons Alliance knew nothing about our true intentions. They thought that even harder they could break through the Great Blade Pass, and continued to bombard indiscriminately regardless of the difficulty of supply."

"But at the same time, all the federal citizens were deceived."

"Faced with the Federal Army's strategy of blindly being beaten passively, all federal citizens are angry!"

"During that time, the Federal Army became a target of public criticism. Countless angry people were cursing. For a whole decade, they were in the highest state of war. Military expenditures had doubled. Everyone was frugal, tightening their belts, and squeezing out every drop. With blood and sweat, a whole sixteen full crystal armor battle groups have been formed. They usually boast of being invincible in the world. Once there is a real battle, where is it?"

"Many celebrities have written articles in major media. Why is the situation on the Great Wilderness so critical? The All Crystal Armor Groups are still condensed in major cities in the Central Plains. When these crystal armours are being refined, are they equipped with power talisman formations? Can I only use my stomach as a fixed fort?"

"Many citizens send tortoise shells and soft dried shrimps to the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff, mocking us as turtles and soft-footed shrimps."

"Federal soldiers in uniform will be surrounded by angry citizens when they go to the street, asking them what battles they fought? Do they only care about the nobles in the capital and major cities, but don't take the federal citizens in the great desert. thing?",

"The most serious one was the students of the First and Second Military Academy, connecting students from the Ninth National Congress, and a large-scale demonstration broke out."

"At that time, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, Major General Zhang Siqian, executed the orders of his superiors. He said in the media that'the performance of the profound bone battle armor still has certain problems, and the sixteen full crystal armor battle groups do not have too strong field battles. Ability, in order to avoid unnecessary losses, it is more appropriate to adopt a strategy of sticking to the city'."

"As a result, Major General Zhang Siqian was called the'surrender faction.' One of his private homes was burned down by angry students."

"As for me, as the commander of the ‘Leisure Band’ stationed in the capital, I was naturally attacked. I have already laughed at countless titles such as ‘Traitor of the Federation’.”

"Oh, by the way, the'Leisure Battle Group' was the nickname given to us by the people at that time."

"Remember, that was half a month before the final action of the'Cancer Project'. I showed up in the capital once to participate in the National Day military parade."

"This is also a part of strategic deception. I will fly directly to the depths of the Great Wilderness that night, leading the Flying Tigers and becoming the first full crystal armored battle group to rush towards the enemy!"

"According to the plan, once the two'iron tongs' of the'Cancer' are closed together, my'Flying Tiger Group' will pierce the most fragile connection between the Allied Forces of All Demon and the Blood Demon Realm at a lightning speed. Ministry, cut the connection between the enemy and the homeland."

"It is conceivable that the enemy will do their best to open up the connection with the mainland, and the troops in the blood demon world will also rescue wildly."

"Flying Tigers will be under the most pressure, and it is very likely that the whole group will be wiped out. From me to every cook, we are all ready to sacrifice."

"At that time, my only son was attending school at the First Military Academy in the capital. The General Staff gave me a special approval for half an hour. After the military parade, I went to see him who was also participating in the military parade."

"Of course he doesn't know the'Cancer Project', let alone I am going to see him for the last time."

"As a result, do you know what he did after meeting me?"

Li Yao was deeply attracted and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

Han Tuhu seemed to be smiling: "As soon as that little **** saw me, he threw a handful of calcium tablets on me and said,'You have the face to participate in the military parade? Let's supplement calcium!' Leave without returning."

"From start to finish, I didn't have time to talk to him."

Li Yao was silent, and asked softly, "Project Cancer did not succeed?"

"of course not."

Han Tuhu smiled bitterly, "However, the problem is not on our side, but within the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance."

"According to our plan, as long as the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance continues to attack the Great Blade Pass for three days, the entire encirclement can be completely closed in only three days. Even if my Flying Tiger Clan is exhausted, I will never release the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance. A bug fled back to the blood demon world!"

"However, no one thought that the low-level monster race on the front line would be mutiny!"

"The mutiny of the low-level demon clan caused the frontline of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance to collapse. The main force of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance decisively dropped all the cannon fodder on the front line and escaped to the blood demon world at the fastest speed."

"This accident is completely beyond our calculations. We can only temporarily change our strategy from annihilation to defeat. That's why I chased Suo Chaolong's **** for thousands of kilometers, and chased him in the Dark and Extinct Realm. After catching up, in the end, it becomes what you see."

"Think about it, it's really ridiculous. We have carefully planned for more than half a year, made countless sacrifices, and undertook countless infamy. Seeing to succeed, we were defeated by the chaos within the enemy!"

"However, war is like this. No matter how well planned and perfect execution, it will not keep up with changes."

Li Yao sighed: "Now, your son must understand your difficulties and feel deeply guilty for everything he has done for him."

"You didn't understand what I meant by this story, Major Li."

Han Tuhu put the field cap upright on his head, smoothed out every wrinkle on the cap, and adjusted the red star medal to the most center. "What I want to say is, I don't care about that little bunny at all. Or anyone else’s understanding and guilt, even if they always despise me and hate me, it doesn’t matter."

"I don't need their understanding, I just hope they can—"



The fourth one appeared again, roar! ! !

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