40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 968: Li Yao is powerful!

"How many times have you said it, don't call me'Chief Instructor'!"

With a calm face, Li Yao walked step by step to the middle of the ugly big man. With every step he took, the ground under his feet was undulating like the ground, and the strong men on both sides separated like the ground torn in an earthquake.

Li Yao frowned, "Our Skyfire Organization is just a non-governmental book club, and the History Lovers Association. Everyone is a scholar. If you are tired of studying and get together to engage in physical exercises, where is the chief instructor?"

"I just do physical training for everyone in my free time. You can call me the ‘head coach’!"

"However, although we are all scholars, when we study history, it is inevitable that we will occasionally go out and excavate some of them. Many of the relics that have remained in the past 40,000 years are heavily organized and very dangerous."

"And one day, I also hope to take the elite of you to discover the real Pangu relics in the prehistoric era!"

"So, maintaining a strong physique is also very important to us scholars!"

"I have been in retreat for the past three days, and I hope everyone will follow my requirements and practice like a mad dog!"

Li Yao hooked his finger, and at the equipment area on the side of the training field, a crystal magnetic ball flew over his fingertips and spun around.

Li Yao swept around and said lightly, "All three teams, Rage Flame, Frenzy, and IP, let's play together. Three minutes, no matter which one of you can touch the ball, I lose and let you go. One night off!"


"You all know very well that the most powerful magical power of the Fire Ant King is to concoct ant monsters, right?"

"Three days ago, I gave him a batch of purple-ringed sword ants to help make it. It is said that it can be made into a'super purple-ringed sword ant' that is ten times more toxic than the purple-ringed sword ants in the past. If people can touch this ball, you can taste the taste of Super Purple Ring Sword Ant Overlord! Are there any questions?"

A strong man raised his hand: "Head coach, can you use weapons?"

Li Yao smiled: "You can use the Taiyi Thunder Magneto, three minutes, from this second!"


The crystal magnetic ball was spinning quickly at Li Yao's fingertips, he put his left hand behind his back, and walked leisurely among hundreds of vicious men.

These stubborn and brawny men who would make people have nightmares at the first glance, are all sweating profusely at the moment, and have a nightmare!

Damn it, just the ordinary version of the purple-ringed sword ant, these days they tortured them to the death, even the skin has taken off three layers, and the "super purple-ringed sword ant overlord"?

Many people had a deep cold war.

More people gritted their teeth, showed a fierce look, and whispered to themselves. Although they are certainly not the head coach's opponents, there are hundreds of people gathered together, hundreds of them against each other, so you can't even touch the sides of the ball, right?


Looking at each other, after a second of silence, someone shouted in the crowd. Members of the three tactical teams of Fury, Frenzy, and Induced Polarization, their stature soared, roaring like thunder, psychic energy and demonic energy resonating, flying swords and The sharp claws crossed, and they rushed towards Li Yao!

"Hundreds of pairs, can't you still touch the crystal magnetic ball!"

"As long as one person can touch the crystal magnetic ball, don't swarm them! Keep the wave offensive and make the most of your military advantage!"

"The Fury Team, compress the head coach's space for activities, and use your body to block the bullet holes when necessary!"

"The IP Squad, a long-range attack, consumes his physical energy!"

"Frenzy Squad, fight him close, fight for your life, grab the crystal ball!"

After being trained by two first-class tactical experts Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, these Skyfire fighters madly absorbed the classic battles of Tianyuan and Blood Demon, and quickly developed the most targeted tactics, with three layers inside and three layers outside. , Surrounded by waves of Li Yao, really like an endless frenzy, rushing towards Li Yao!


"Block the bullet holes? Try it!"

Li Yao was excited, the demon energy that came out of the pores, under the interference of psychic energy fluctuations, suddenly formed a circle of magnificent demon patterns all over his body, and his body suddenly split, turning into nine streams of light. Sprinting in nine directions respectively, like nine exploding meteors, the nine skyfire fighters were blasted out fiercely, and dozens of fighters were smashed.

The reaction of these Skyfire fighters is also extremely fast. After the formation appeared loose for a moment, it quickly stabilized and contracted again, like a big lock, trying to lock Li Yao firmly! ,

"Yes, come again!"

Li Yao licked the corners of his mouth with leisurely feelings, the crystal magnetic ball seemed to be firmly stuck to his fingers, his left hand turned into a cloud of gray mist, swallowing all the attacks launched by a dozen Skyfire fighters.


A Skyfire warrior with a height of more than three meters and covered in thick skin like a rhino was kicked out by Li Yao with a whip. While still in the air, there was a shocking deep purple blood stain on the thick skin, and the blood seemed to burst. Come!


A skyfire warrior pressed his temples with both hands, almost poking his fingers into his brain, spurring a powerful spiritual mind, and driving a flying sword to stab Li Yao at more than five times the speed of sound, but was stretched out With his left hand, there was more than ten meters away from the flying sword, he held it in the air and held it in a stalemate for a moment. With five fingers and one button, the flying sword suddenly burst!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

After the explosion, the flying sword fragments turned into dozens of streamers, spinning at a high speed for a moment, and exploding violently, piercing a dozen Skyfire fighters like a bullet, completely destroying their defenses!

On the training ground, the sky was full of dust, and the ghosts were crying and howling, as if a group of tigers and lions were fighting against a Tyrannosaurus rex!

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and while squeezing the flying sword in the air, his right index finger was still spinning against the crystal magnetic ball, but his tail finger flicked slightly, and a wave of air popped out, turning into a howling wind seven or eight meters away. blade.

With a "bang", the fangs war knife in the hands of a Skyfire warrior was decapitated!

The skyfire warrior looked at the half of the war knife in his hand, with a smooth cross-section like a mirror. He was stunned. Before he could react, he was hit by the second compressed air bomb, and his face was peach blossoms. After a dozen or so volleys, he fell on his back !


Every cell in Li Yao seemed to have just taken a hot bath, and after drinking an iced drink, he was enjoying a massage comfortably. "The switching between psychic energy and demonic energy has become more and more smooth, allowing me to perform for a long time High-intensity fighting, the cooling time of various supernatural powers has been greatly shortened."

"The advanced development of the second brain has increased my efficiency in calculating the battlefield situation by at least 34.1%. When faced with intricate battlefield battles, I have more tactical choices!"

"If I were to face the Taixu warrior group commanded by Xiao Xuance again, maybe I could kill thousands of Taixu warriors by myself!"

One minute... Two minutes... Two minutes and ten seconds...

Over time, hundreds of Skyfire fighters lay on the ground.

Li Yao's psychic energy and demonic energy quickly flowed away, his forehead oozes the first drop of sweat, and his breathing becomes rapid.

Li Yao calmly recorded the speed of his psychic energy consumption and cell burning in the melee, and he remembered the changes in his internal organs every second.

He was already very satisfied with the speed at which his combat effectiveness was declining.

After all, he is a man or not a god. These Skyfire fighters have the strength above the foundation building. Among them, most of them have reached the pill formation level, and they have developed a variety of weird magical abilities, which can be confronted by any Nascent Soul or Demon Emperor It's not easy to get up.

Li Yao was very satisfied.

From these skyfire fighters, he seemed to see what the new Union Army would look like in the future war against the real human empire.


Finally, Li Yao was pushed to the limit.

After the opponent’s fingers, tail and even hair and other weird organs passed by the crystal magnetic ball dangerously and dangerously, the ten soldiers who watched silently stood up suddenly, waiting for two minutes and fifty seconds. Like ten poisoned sharp blades, finally out of the sheath!

Ten of them are recognized as the strongest among all Skyfire fighters!

Seven of them locked Li Yao's eyes, ribs, lower abdomen, crotch, knees, etc., and even a lizard warrior with a scaly body and mimicry powers, lying directly on the ground, ready to attack his feet. .

The other three fighters pounced on the crystal magnetic ball from three different directions.

They are determined to win!


Reluctantly, Li Yao could only bounce the crystal magnetic ball high into the sky and free his right hand to fight against these ten strongest men!

Unexpectedly, at the moment when the crystal magnetic ball was released, two streamers bounced high from the "unconscious" soldiers on the ground, and shot towards the crystal magnetic ball flying into the sky!

At the same time, the ten fighters who pounced on Li Yao also changed their directions in an instant, pounced on Li Yao's head, cutting off the connection between him and the Crystal Magnetic Ball!

"Head coach, you got the trick!"

At this moment, all the soldiers showed ecstatic expressions.

Regardless of the human race or the demon race, many warriors want to hug each other and cry.

Not only did they get a night’s rest, but more importantly, they finally defeated the terrifyingly powerful vulture Li Yao!

"Boom! Boom!"

Just when the two streamers were about to touch the crystal magnetic ball, two thunderous muffled noises suddenly appeared in the air.

The crystal magnetic ball was first exploded by an ultra-miniature spar bomb, and then ejected to a higher sky again, avoiding the flying of two Skyfire fighters.

The second explosion blasted the crystal magnetic ball to pieces, and was instantly swallowed by the crimson flame, leaving no scum.


All the Skyfire fighters looked at the sky dumbfounded. After a long period of stunned, they were half-furious, while facing Li Yao with a depressed and hideous face.

"This, isn't this fraudulent?"

Finally, a Skyfire soldier plucked up the courage to ask.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Li Yao spread his hands, "I installed a miniature spar bomb on it from the very beginning, and placed it in front of you. I gave you three full minutes. No one noticed it. Blame me?"

"Remember, Super Purple Ring Sword Ant Overlord, get ready!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, and in the eyes of all Skyfire fighters, the smile was as hideous as possible.

At this moment, Han Tuhu quickly swept over from outside the training ground.

"A major breakthrough has been made in the analysis of the memory unit of the biochemical mastermind of Youfu!"

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