40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 970: Spore Project!

Li Yao thoughtfully: "That's why the old ancestor Youquan will try his best to explore the tomb of the Chaos God. He wants to get some new enlightenment from the tomb of the Chaos God to make the monster virus stronger and more perfect!"

"Since what he has researched is the sixth-generation monster virus, that is to say, he has studied five generations before, but these five generations have various defects and cannot be used in actual combat."

"That's why he will set up this game, he will not hesitate to tear his face with you, he must find the tomb of the Chaos God and get all the inheritance inside!"

"Once the inheritance in the tomb of the chaotic gods is analyzed, he may be able to develop the seventh, eighth or even the ultimate version of the demon **** virus, a virus that is not afraid of freezing and burning, and is extremely spreadable, concealed and destructive. A demon-god virus that has reached a perfect balance!"

The Fire Ant King slowly let out a sulky breath: "My guess is the same, he almost succeeded, but he calculated everything, but didn't count your existence. As a result, stealing chickens didn't eclipse the rice, not only did not analyze it. Everything in the tomb of the chaos gods, on the contrary, our own lair has been turned upside down by us, and the most important secrets have been discovered by us!"

Han Tuhu said, "Then what's the problem now?"

"The'You Mansion' in the Arctic Yinfeng Sea is the most important research center for the ancestors of Youquan. It has been severely damaged by us, and it is estimated that it will not be possible to resume research in one or two years.

"Old Ancestor Youquan cannot have a second such high-level research center, and it is impossible to find a second ‘Flying Tiger Group’ or ‘Blood Lion Brigade’ for him to experiment."

"So, no matter what conspiracy he has, he is completely bankrupt, and he can create some chaos at best now, and it's nothing more than a whirlwind!"

The Fire Ant King smiled reluctantly, and said, "If it really is that simple, it would be fine."

"My big brother is really ten times more terrifying than I originally thought."

"He knew the identity of the leader of my Chaos Blade decades ago, but he has tolerated it to this day, and even secretly manipulated me so that every step I took was in accordance with his will."

"Do you think that his plan would be completely destroyed as simple as this, so there is no backup plan?"

"The research and development of a virus is like cultivation. It does not have enough funds and time to be successful. Many times it is a matter of luck. If luck comes, you can break through in one and a half years. Bad luck. It is a common occurrence that a large amount of resources and elites have been put in painstaking research for decades, and no progress can be made."

"For the ancestor Youquan, even if everything goes well, he really unearthed a large amount of inheritance from the tomb of the chaos gods, is it certain that he can upgrade the sixth-generation monster virus to the seventh-generation in a short period of time?"

"Impossible, no expert dared to make such a package ticket."

"Assuming that the study of the demon **** virus can't make a breakthrough in ten years, can the old ancestor Youquan wait another ten years?"

"It's me, you, any ambitious conspirator, will you wait?"

"Absolutely not!"

"He will definitely come up with a plan that uses the existing sixth-generation monster virus as the core to overcome the shortcomings to the greatest extent and allow the virus to spread the most efficiently!"

"Now,'You Mansion' has been severely damaged, and more importantly, its existence is no longer a secret. With the caution of the ancestors of Youquan,'You Mansion' will definitely be completely abandoned and a backup plan will be initiated!"

"And this backup plan is the topic we are going to discuss today, just resolved from the memory unit... Spore Project!"

The three of Li Yao slowly chewed on the name. The four words "Spore Project" may be preconceived. The words "Spore Project" are born with a chilling taste.

Behind the fire ant king, the light and shadow changed, and rows of brand-new information and data emerged, including the morphology of several mutant cells and pictures of reorganized gene chains.

He pointed to the line of data and said: "When analyzing the memory unit, we occasionally saw a code named'spore'. At first we didn't understand what it was, whether it was a medicine, a cell or A brand new creature?"

"Until this morning, our experts finally parsed out a shattered file from the deepest part of the memory unit, about a top-secret transportation plan, and the goods being transported were ‘spores’."

"Until now, we finally know that the code-named ‘spore’ is not a cell, nor a monster, but a human being, a person with a monster virus stored in his body."

Li Yao frowned: "Storage?"

Fire Ant King said: "You can understand the'spores' as carriers of the demon virus. The demon virus is lurking in their bodies and does not show any symptoms or reactions. They are in a dormant state, making them look like ordinary people. , It is extremely difficult to be detected."

"Obviously, when the Demon God Virus'wake up' and'erupt', it all depends on the ancestor Youquan."

The corners of Li Yao's eyes twitched: "Can I understand the'spore' as a'gene bomb' that can walk on its own."

The fire ant king nodded: "Yes."

There was silence.

Suo Chaolong's forehead oozes cold sweat: "How many spores are there, and where are they now?"

"do not know."

The Fire Ant King shook his head and said, "It's a pity that most of this transportation plan has melted away, including the number of spores, identity information, and destination."

"Just from the experimental data in the past, the number of'spores' will not be less than one hundred. Before we arrived at the'you mansion', they were all transported out. As for where we go, what will happen in the end? Detonation', there is no record."

"Look,'You Mansion' is a secret weapon research and development center of Old Ancestor Youquan. There is only all the materials for refining weapons, but hundreds of weapons that have been refined and sent out, how to use them? , Of course it is impossible to leave clues here!"

Li Yao rubbed his face vigorously, making his cheeks hot, like his brain running at high speed: "So, although we destroyed the old ancestor Youquan’s ability to develop a new generation of demon-god viruses, he still has at least the upper hand. Hundreds of'gene bombs'? Once he confirms that it is impossible to develop a newer generation of monster viruses, he will start the'spore project' and detonate these'gene bombs' at a certain key point?"

The Fire Ant King’s voice was extremely cold: “It’s not'will', but'already'. It has been more than half a month since we escaped from the'You Mansion'. During this period of time, the'Spore Project' must have been activated long ago. !"

Suo Chaolong took a breath: "Although the sixth-generation monster virus is flawed, if it is placed on a specific target, it may also have an unexpected effect."

"For example, I think so. With the identity and status of the ancestor of Youquan, a conference where all the demon emperors of the blood demon world will gather together can be held. At that time, he only needs to disguise these'gene bombs' as his own guards or Servant, lie in ambush around the venue and detonate, you can wipe out all the Demon Kings, become your own slaves, and seize the highest power of the entire Blood Demon Realm in one fell swoop!"

"This is unlikely."

Han Tuhu shook his head repeatedly and calmly said, "The survival rate after being infected with the sixth-generation demon **** virus is not more than 5%. Even if dozens of demon emperors are gathered, no matter how lucky they are, only two or three will survive. The Demon Emperor will die."

"Once there is no support from dozens of demon emperors, what will the Blood Demon Realm use to fight against the Tianyuan Realm? The Ancestor Youquan is not stupid, of course he would not do such a stupid thing."

Suo Chaolong was taken aback and fell into deep thought: "It seems reasonable, then I can't guess it. Even if Ancestor Youquan really has hundreds of gene bombs in his hands, where are they going to be thrown? How could it be possible? All of the powerhouses in the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon were infected all at once..."

The information they have now is seriously inadequate, and it is almost impossible to derive the whole picture of the entire "Spore Project."

Li Yao immersed himself in the calculations for a moment, then gave up the futile efforts and changed the direction: "Actually, there is no need to have such a headache at all, thinking about so many things, the'Spore Project' will bring common ground to the two realms of Tian Yuan and the blood demon. The blood demon world is even the first to bear the brunt of the disaster! We only need to tell the Pan Demon Hall of the existence of this plan, and the Pan Demon Hall will naturally go to deal with the Ancestor Youquan, at least increase our vigilance!"

"Even if the Chaos God Tomb has been completely destroyed by the Ancestor Youquan, at least the'Youfu' in the Arctic Yinfeng Sea will never be erased, and the existence of the Fire Ant King and Suo Chaolong, the two of you, is even more the best. Personal evidence!"

"Speak up everything, including some of the key information we parsed out, that's fine!"

The Fire Ant King gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I have thought about this road, but it seems that it won't work."

Li Yao was stunned: "Why?"

The Fire Ant King sighed and pointed to the light curtain and said: "We have no strong evidence at all, linking the whole matter to the Ancestor Youquan."

"Didn't you notice that occasionally, in the lower left corner of some materials, there will be a small gene chain and the symbol of the sword. That is the emblem of our Chaos Blade."

Of course Li Yao noticed the battle emblem of the Blade of Chaos, but previously he thought it was put on by the expert of Blade of Chaos when analyzing the memory unit, wasn't it?

Fire Ant King said: "These signs are not put on now, but exist in the deepest part of the massive data from the beginning."

"Furthermore, when experimenting with prisoners such as Suo Chaolong and Han Tuhu, the Ancestor Youquan never appeared. Only we know the title of'Youfu Army'."

"In fact, if you think about it, you will know that even if the Ancestor Youquan really appears in front of Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong, it doesn't make any sense."

Li Yao pondered for a moment: "Planning and blaming?"


The Fire Ant King smiled bitterly, "Even if Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong really saw'Ancestor Youquan', how can we prove that Ancestor Youquan was not disguised by our'Chaos Blade' people? One page of the information is branded with Old Ancestor Youquan’s autograph. How can it prove that this is not some kind of botched frame?"

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